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1、英汉对照经典寓言故事A Clever Horse 聪明的马Once a lion saw a fine young horse and wanted to eat it. But the horse was very careful and he could not catch her. Then the lion had an idea. He told the animals that he was a good doctor and could do something for them. The horse was clever. She understood what the lio

2、n wanted to do.So one day when the lion was near the horse, she told him that there was something wrong with one of her feet and asked him to look it over.Of course, the lion was very glad to do so. Then the horse raised one of her legs from the ground. When the lion looked at her foot, she kicked h

3、im on the head. The lion fell to the ground. The horse laughed and ran away.译文有一次一头狮子看见一匹不错的年轻的马就想吃它。 但是这马非常小心, 所 以狮子抓不住她。于是狮子想出了个办法。 狮子告诉动物们说他是一个好的医生, 可以为它们做些事情。马非常聪明。她明白狮子想干什么。因此有一天,当狮子靠近马的时候, 马就告诉狮子说她的一只脚有点不舒服, 并且请狮子帮忙查看一下。当然,狮子非常乐意这么做。 于是马把她的一条腿从地上抬起来。 当狮子在 看她的脚的时候,她踢了狮子的头。狮子摔倒在地上。马大笑着跑开了。The Si

4、ck Lion 病狮A lion, no longer able, from the weakness of old age, to hunt for his prey, laid himself up in his den, and, breathing with great difficulty, and speaking with a low voice, gave out that he was very ill indeed. The report soon spread among the beasts, and there was great lamentation for th

5、e sick lion. One after the other came to see him; but, catching him thus alone, and in his own den, the lion made an easy prey of them, and grew fat upon his diet.The fox, suspecting the truth of the matter, came at length to make his visit of inquiry, and standing at some distance, asked his Majest

6、y how he did. Ah, my dearest friend, said the lion, is it you? Why do you stand so far from me? Come, sweet friend, and pour a word of consolation in the poor lions ear, who has but a short time to live.Bless you! Said the fox, but excuse me if I cannot stay; for, to tell the truth, I feel quite une

7、asy at the mark of the foot -steps that I see here, all printing towards your den, and none returning outwards.译文 一头狮子,因年老体弱,无法自行觅食,只好躺在洞穴里,它呼吸极度困难, 说话声音虚弱,一副病容。这消息很快在野兽中传开了,大家都为它哀叹不已。 它们一个接一个地来探望它; 谁知道这头狮子就这样待在自己的洞穴里, 轻而易 举地把探望者一个个捉住吃掉,靠这些食物变胖了。狐狸对这件事的真实性很怀疑, 最后也来看个究竟。 它站得远远的, 问万兽 之王是否安好。狮子道: “啊,我最

8、亲爱的朋友,是你吗?为什么站得离我那么 远?来,好朋友,在我这可怜的狮子耳边说句安慰的话吧,我没多少时间啦。 ”“我为你祈福!”狐狸说,“但请原谅,我不能久留。老实说,看到这里许多 有进没出的脚印,我感到十分不安。 ”The Farmers Donkey农夫的驴子One day a farmers donkey fell into an abandoned well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal

9、was too old and the well needed to be covered up anyway; so it just wasnt worth it for him to try to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They each grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. Realizing what was happening, the donkey at first cried

10、 and wailed horribly. Then, a few shovelfulls later, he quieted down completely. The farmer peered down into the well, and was astounded by what he saw. With every shovelfull of dirt that hit his back, the donkey would shake it off and take a step up on the new layer of dirt. As the farmers neighbor

11、s continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off, to the shock and astonishment of everyone.Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the w

12、ell is to stop wailing, and not let the dirt bury you, but to shake it off and take a step up. Each one of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.译文一天,一位农夫的驴掉进了一口枯井里。 这头驴凄惨地叫了几个小时, 与此 同时农夫努力地思考该如何处理

13、。 最后, 他认为这头驴太老了, 而且这口井无论 如何也该填上, 花力气把这头驴弄上来很不值得。 他找来所有的邻居帮忙。 他们 每个人都拿了一把铁锹, 开始往井里铲土。 驴意识到将要发生什么, 于是一开始 发出了痛苦的嚎叫声。 接着几锹土下去之后, 驴完全平静了下来。 农夫向井里望 去,他被眼前的景象惊呆了。 每当有一锹土落在驴背上的时候, 它就会把土抖掉, 踩在脚下。 当农夫的邻居们不断地把土扬到驴身上的时候, 它就会把土抖掉踩在 脚下。很快,驴脚下的土就和井口一样高了, 于是,它大摇大摆地从井里走出来, 惊呆了周围的每一个人。生活可能会把各种各样的土加在你的身上。 从井中走出的秘密就在于停

14、止悲 叹,不要让土把你掩埋,而是抖掉身上的土,向上走一步。生活中遇到的每一次 麻烦都是你向上攀登的台阶。 只要不停止奋斗, 不放弃, 即使最深的井你也可以 走出来!抖掉身上的土,向上走一步!The Lion and the Bull 狮子和公牛A hungry lion sat watching a fat bull feeding in a field.If only bulls didnt have horns, thought the lion greedily. Then I could soon finish him off. As it is he could toss me ov

15、er the moon.Then he had an idea. Sidling up to the bull he said in a friendly voice:I was just admiring you, Mr Bull. I hope you dont mind. What a handsome head you have. What big, strong shoulders. What powerful legs and hooves. If I may say so, though, I dont see why you put up with those horns. T

16、hey must have given you quite a headache and they do spoil your appearance you know.Do you think so? Said the bull. I never thought about it. But now you mentioned it they do rather get in the way. Did you say they spoil my appearance? Hmm.The lion slunk away and hid behind a tree to watch. The bull

17、 waited until he was out of sight, then began to hit his head violently against a rock. First one horn splintered, then the other until soon the bulls head was smooth and bare.Aha, cried the lion, leaping out with a snarl. Ive got you now. Thank you so much for getting rid of your horns. They were t

18、he only things that prevented me from attacking you before.Dont believe in flatterers.译文一头饥饿的狮子坐着看一头肥壮的公牛在地里吃草。“要是公牛没有角就好了, ”狮子馋涎欲滴地想, “那我就能很快把他吃掉。 可他长了角,能把我扔过月球去。 ”后来,他想了个主意。他侧着身子悄悄地走到公牛身旁,用友好的语气说:“我真羡慕你,公牛先生。希望你不要介意。你的头多么漂亮呀。你的肩多 么宽阔和结实呀。你的腿和蹄多么有力量呀。不过,如果我可以这样说的话,我 不明白你怎么受得了这两只角。 这两只角一定叫你十分头痛, 而且也

19、使你的外貌 受到损害,不是吗?”“你认为是这样吗?”公牛说。 “我从来没有想过这一点。不过,现在经你 这么一提,这两只角确实显得碍事。你说它们有损我的外貌吗?哞。 ”狮子溜走了,躲在树后面看着。 公牛等到狮子看不见了, 就开始把自己的脑 袋往石头上猛撞。 一只角先撞碎了, 接着另一只角也碎了, 公牛的头不久就变得 平整光秃了。“啊哈,”狮子大吼一声,跳出来咆哮着, “现在我可逮着你了。多谢你把两 只角都弄掉了。我先前没有攻击你,仅仅是这两只角妨碍了我啊。 ”不要听信奉承者的话。The Wise Poor Girl 聪明的穷女孩Once upon a time, in a small villa

20、ge lived a man who had a beautiful daughter. Although she had never been to school, she was so wise. One day, the father went to see the king. As the father stood before the king, he did not shiver with fear or stammer. His voice was clear and every word was well pronounced.Who taught you to speak s

21、o well?My daughter, Your Majesty! He replied.Who taught your daughter to be so wise?She learned her wisdom from Heaven. I am too poor to send her to school.Well, let me put her to a test. Give her these eggs and if she does not lay chickens from them, I will put you both in prison.The father returne

22、d and gave the eggs and told his daughter what the king said.These are boiled eggs, the girl exclaimed. Then she took a pot and, filling it with water, put it on the fire and boiled some beans. Father, put these beans into the ploughed field. The king would usually pass that way and when you see him

23、 coming, spread and sow the beans and cry out, Heaven grants that these boiled beans may grow into fine, healthy crops.When the king came along and heard the mans cry, he exclaimed, you silly man, do you expect boiled beans to take root?As much as I expect boiled eggs to hatch into chickens.The king

24、 realized that his daughter advised the man. She had indeed outwitted him so he gave her another test.Take this wooden bowl and tell your daughter that with it, she must empty the ocean.This message was passed on to his daughter. She, in turn, handed her father a big bunch of wool. Tell the king, wi

25、th it he must stop up the sources of all the rivers and lakes. Then I would empty the ocean.The king was pleased to hear her wise answer. He decided to make her his queen.She told her father to take a note for the king. Your Majesty, I am willing to marry you, but theres one condition you must agree

26、. If ever you want to get rid of me, that I be allowed to carry with me one thing I loved best.The king agreed and they were married.A year passed. The king grew tired of her and wanted a new wife. Tomorrow, O King, I will depart. According to your promise, I will take one thing I love above all els

27、e. Come and spend our last night together. I would like to make a toast to your good health and happiness. The queen mixed something secretly with the kings wine. He cheerfully drank the wine and wished her well too. The wine made the king drowsy and he soon fell asleep. The king slept soundly all t

28、hrough the night. When he woke up in the morning, he rubbed his eyes in great surprise.Where am I? He shouted as he looked around him.In my house, answered the queen. I have left the palace and according to your order, I have taken with me what I love best.What treasure did you take? The king asked.

29、 My treasure is you, my royal husband!The king was greatly touched. I now understand how truly wise you are and what true love is. I dont want to lose you so please come back with me! The king and his queen returned to the palace and they lived happily ever since.译文从前,在一个小村子里住着一个人, 他有一个漂亮女儿。 尽管她从来没有

30、上 过学,但她非常聪明。有一天,她的父亲去见国王。当她的父亲站在国王面前的 时候,他既没有因害怕而浑身颤抖,说话也没有磕磕绊绊。他口音清晰,每个字 都说得恰到好处。“是谁教你说得这样好的?”“是我的女儿,陛下!”他回答说。“是谁把你的女儿教得这样聪明的?”“她天生就聪明。我太穷,没有送她上学。 ”“好,让我来考考她。把这些鸡蛋交给她,她要是孵不出小鸡,我就把你们 俩关进牢里。”父亲回到家,把鸡蛋交给女儿,并把国王所说的话告诉了她。 “这些鸡蛋是煮熟的,”女孩大声说道。于是,她拿来一口锅,倒满水后, 放在火上煮一些蚕豆。 “父亲,把这些蚕豆放进犁过的地里。国王常走那条路, 当你看到他走来的时候,

31、就把这些蚕豆撒开种在地里,并大声说道: 上帝恩准 这些煮熟的蚕豆可以长成壮实的好庄稼。 ”国王沿路走过来,听到那人的喊声,便说道: “你这傻瓜,你是想让煮熟的蚕豆生根吗?”我还想让煮熟的鸡蛋孵成小鸡呢。 ” 国王意识到是这个人的女儿出的主意。 她的确比自己聪明, 所以国王又给她 出了一道题。“把这个木碗拿回去,告诉你的女儿,她必须用这只碗舀干海水。 ” 父亲把话传给了他的女儿。她递给父亲一大团毛线。 “告诉国王,他必须用 这团毛线拦住所有的江河湖泊的源泉。然后,我就会舀干海水。 ”国王听到她聪明的回答,感到非常高兴,决定娶她作王后。她让父亲给国王带了一张字条: “陛下,我愿意嫁给你,但有一个条

32、件,你 必须答应。如果你想抛弃我,允许我把自己最喜欢的一件东西带走。 ” 国王表示同意,于是他们就结婚了。转眼一年过去了。国王对她渐渐腻烦了,想要再娶一房妻子。 “噢,国王, 明天我就要离开了。 遵照你的承诺, 我将带走自己最爱的一件东西。 过来和我度 过最后一夜吧。我想敬你一杯,祝你健康幸福。 ”王后悄悄地在国王的酒里掺了 一点东西。国王兴高采烈地喝了酒,也祝她一切都好。喝了酒,国王昏昏欲睡, 他很快就倒头睡去了。 国王一夜都睡得很香。 第二天早上醒来的时候, 他非常惊 讶地揉了揉眼睛。“我这是在哪里?”他一边环顾四周一边大声问道。“在我的家里,”王后回答说。“我已经离开了宫殿。遵照你的命令,我带走 了自己最爱的东西。”“你带走了什么宝贝?”国王问道。 “我的宝贝就是你,我的王室夫君! ” 国王大受感动。“我现在明白了你真是多么聪明,明白了什么是真爱。我不 想失去你,所以请和我一起回宫吧! ”国王和王后回到了王宫,从此幸福地生活 在一起。True to Ones Word说话算数Once u

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