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排版 括号 习题 初稿1.docx

1、排版 括号 习题 初稿1chapter11.( ) is not only a science but also an art that deals with the determination of the relative positions of points on or near the Earths surface.A.Leveling B. Surveying C. Sketch2.The ( ) and the reliability of the survey depend on the field expertise of the surveyor, but also on

2、the understanding of the schematic principles underlying and affecting all forms of survey measurement.A.quality B. accuracy C. quantity3.( ) today cannot work effectively without modern surveying equipment.A. Surveyors B. Inspector C. Manager4.One of the surveying purposes is to determine the ( ) o

3、f points on Earths surface, and draw them on maps according to given scale and symbols. A.length B. positions C.angles5.Such a procedure begins with the establishment and surveying of a series of points in the surveyed area,these points are called ( ) points”. A.detial B.chain C. control6.Surveying

4、is divided limo two major categories, plane and ( ) surveying, according to the shape of the Earths surface in measurement work.A. geographical B. geodetic C.physical7.( ) surveying aim to gather surveying data about the natural and man-made features of the land, as well as its elevations. A. Topogr

5、aphic B. Palne C.Geodetic8.Many kinds of surveying equipment have been used in the past and present to help a surveyor measure various ( ) of a land area. A.positions B. parameters C.points9.In ancient times surveying equipment included chains, compass, solar compass, transit, ( ) and more. A.tape B

6、. theodolite C.level10.A ( ) is the best known tool for measuring asymmetrical land areas as they eliminate the need for charts or manual calculations.A. planimeter B. compass C.Total Stationchapter21.Earths circumference and diameter differ because its ( ) is classified as an oblate spheroid or ell

7、ipsoid, instead of a true sphere. A. length B.volume C. shape2.We will define a mathematical surface that approximates to the shape of the area under considerer Lion and then fit and orientate it to the Earths sundae. Such a surface is referred in surveying as a reference ( ) .A.plane B. ellipsoid C

8、.datam3.The geoid is only a theoretical surface. Which is ( ) at every point to the direction of gravity. A. perpendicular B. intersect C.parallel4.The height of the MSL above the geoid is called the sea surface ( ) (SST). A.terrain B. topography C. landform5.( ) height (h) is the distance above or

9、below the ellipsoid (plus or minus) . A.Elevation B.Normal C. Ellipsoidal6.The lines of ( ) (meridians) are formed by projecting the longitude angle out to the surface of the Earth at the equator. A.latitude B. longitude C.angle 7.( )reference and grid reference describe how x and y dimensions (hori

10、zontal) of any feature can be referenced for plane surveying purposes.A. Geographic B. Height C. Position8.The national ellipsoids are the geometric reference surfaces only for ( ) coordinates. A.parallel B.rectangular C. horizontal9.( ) indicates nearness of measured value (M) to true value (T).A.

11、Accuracy B. Precision C.Precise10.For example, if a measurement contains a systematic error, then increasing the sample size generally increases ( ) but doesnt improve accuracy. A. blunder B.precise C. precisionchapter31.A( )is a precision instrument for measuringanglesin the horizontal and vertical

12、 planes. A. theodolite B. level C.telescope2.Along with the transit, theodolites have mounted telescopes that can be rotated in different ( ). A. heights B. directions C.angles3.Transit theodolites (or just Transits) are those in which the telescope can ( ) in a complete circle in the vertical plane

13、. A.translate B. rotate C.change4.The telescope contains an ( ) that the user looks through to find the target being sighted. A.cross pair B.objective C. eyepiece5.Unlike the horizontal angle, a ( ) angle(elevation or depression)is not a difference between two settings, but is referred to the horizo

14、ntal plane as zero. A. vertical B.parallel C.intersection6.Theodolites have an internal ( ) device that makes reading circles much more accurate than other instruments. A.infrared B. elecric C. optical7.The readout is done by arotary encoder, which can be absolute, e.g. usingGray codes, or increment

15、al, using ( ) light and dark radial bands. A. equilateral B. equidistant C. isometric8.A( )is used when the north-south reference bearing of the meridian is required in the absence of astronomical star sights. A. gyrotheodolite B. transit C.theodolite9.The ( ) of the meridian plane with the horizont

16、al contains the true north-south geographic reference bearing required. A. forward intersection B. backward intersection C. intersection10.Astronomical star sights are able to give the ( ) bearing to better than one hundred times the accuracy of the gyrotheodolite. A. Longitude B. meridian C. latitu

17、dechapter41.Level is a device for establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a ( ) in a liquid that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a slightly bowed glass B. cross hair C. bubble2.( ) is the vertical distance above or below a reference datum. In s

18、urveying, the reference datum that is that of mean sea level. A.Position B. Elevation C.Height3.Mean sea level is termed ( ), which is assigned avertical value (i.e. elevation, expressed as H in this book) of 0.000m . A. Geoid B. Datam C.Qusi-geoid4.Class I is the basic ( ) of the national network a

19、nd its accuracy is the highest. A.range B. framework C. route5.Both digital level and associated staff are manufactured so that they can be used for both ( ) and digital operations.A. conventional B. ancient C.artificial6.The light, reflected from the white elements only of the bar code, is divided

20、into ( ) and visible light components by the beam splitter.A.microwave B. invisible C. infrared7.Thus the line of ( ) need not be perpendicular to the vertical axis, as it must in the dumpy level.A. collimation B. width C.length8.The lower part of the level assembly consists of a three screw base wh

21、ich must be set up so that a small circular spirit level bubble is in ( ). A. adjustment B. correct C.movement9.Above the base the instrument consist of a telescope and a ( ) level tube. A.liquid B. sensitive C.dull10.The telescopes of these instruments only need to be approximately leveled and then

22、 a compensating device, usually based on a ( ) system inside the telescope, corrects for the residual mislevelment. A. IMU B. gyroscope C. pendulumChapter 5 1.( ) surveying - defined as the use of electronic survey equipment used to perform horizontal and vertical measurements in reference to a grid

23、 system. A.Theodolite B. Total station C.Transit2.A total station integrates the functions of a theodolite for measuring angles, an ( ) for measuring distances, digital data and a data recorder. A.DTM B. EDM C.IMU3.All total station programs require that the instrument station and at least one refer

24、ence station be identified so that all subsequent ( ) stations can be defined(X,Y,and Z coordinate). A. tied-on B. attach C. tied-in4.Typical total station programs include point ( ), missing line measurement, azimuth calculations, remote object elevation calculations, offset measurements, layout or

25、 setting-out positions, and area computation.A.level B. location C.height5.However, the real world should be based on a spheroid and ( ) coordinates must be transformed to geographic coordinates if projects are large scale. A.plane B. rectangular C.square6.The micro-processor provided in the instrum

26、ent applies the correction for earths ( ) and mean refraction, automatically.A. curvature B. surface C.radius7.The primary function of surveying instruments is to measure distances, angles and heights.A. length B. position C. heights8.It takes measurements by calculating the ( ) of the wavelength of

27、 the reflected light.A.time B.spectrum C. deviation9.( ) total stations allow the operator to control the instrument from a distance via remote control.A. Robotic B. Electronic C.Phsical10.Topcons GPT-7000i is a Worlds First imaging total station has additional software which can create 3D point clo

28、uds and ( ) images.A. plane B.infrared C. stereoscopicChapter 6 1.A 3D laser scanner can quickly scan the subject surface many times to obtain sets of 3D coordinates of ( ) geometric sampling points (called point clouds).A.triangle B. spatial C.plane2.Laser range scanning provides an efficient way t

29、o actively acquire accurate and dense 3D ( ) of object surfaces or environments. A. photograph B. point clouds C.image3.3D Laser Scanner can then be applied in a wide variety of elds, such as 3D game or movie production in entertainment industry, ( ) engineering(bridges, buildings, etc). A. road B.

30、conservancy C. civil4.In summary, the ( ) feature of laser scanning is its most fundamental, driving technical differentiators compared to other survey methods. A. high-density B. ampitude C.phase5.A laser scan survey features ultra-fast data capture, remote measurement, 3D visualization, and inform

31、ative imagery, so it can be called the “ultra-fast, high-definition, reflectorless ( ) survey.” A.landform B. terrain C. topographicChapter 7 1.A( )is a device for measuring or maintainingorientation, based on the principles ofangular momentum. A. gyroscope B.transit C.Total Staition2.A gyroscope is

32、 a ( ) wheel or disc in which the axle is free to assume any orientation. A.suspension B.rotating C. spinning3.The devices orientation remains nearly fixed, regardless of the mounting platforms motion, because mounting the device in agimbalminimizes ( ).A. torque B. external torque C.internal torque4.To conventionalgyroscopethe inner gimbal is journaled for ( ) in an outer gimbal for a total of two gi

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