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1、词形变换词形变换类题型的几个考点一、可数名词单数变复数类:1规则变化:(1)一般情况加-s, 如: girls, books, pens, bags, boys, days等。(2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾加-es, 如: buses, boxes, watches, brushes等。(3)以o结尾的名词,无生命的名词多加-s,有生命的名词多加-es。(4)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词, 变y为i加-es, 如: city cities, storystories(5)以f或fe结尾的名词变f或fe为v加-es。如:leafleaves, knifeknives, shelfshelves

2、等。(roofroofs)2不规则变化的名词要熟记: manmen, womanwomen, childchildren, footfeet,toothteeth, mousemice, peoplepeople, sheepsheep, ChineseChinese deerdeer JapaneseJapanese二、名词变形容词类:1在动词或名词后加后缀-ful, 如: carecareful; useuseful; thankthankful; helphelpful; beautybeautiful; wonderwonderful forgetforgetful2在名词后加-y,

3、如:lucklucky, cloudcloudy; windwindy; rainrainy; sunsunny, snowsnowy noise-noisy healthhealthy3在名词后加-y, 如: friendfriendly lovelovely daydaily4方位名词加-ern,如:easteastern westwestern southsouthernnorthnorthern northeastnortheastern6在名词后加-less, 变成否定含义的形容词。如: useuseless hopehopeless carecareless三、形容词加后缀变成名词

4、1形容词加-ness变成名词,如:happyhappiness illillness weakweakness kindkindness goodgoodness carelesscarelessness2形容词加-ty变成名词,如: safesafety difficultdifficulty3形容词加-th变成名词,如: truetruth warmwarmth youngyouth 4形容词加-ence / ance变成名词,如: importantimportance dependentdependence differentdifference四、形容词变副词类: 形容词修饰名词、代

5、词等作定语或表语;副词修饰动词、形容词或副词作状语。1一般形容词词尾加-ly变成副词,如: slowslowly clearclearly quickquickly quietquietly carefulcarefully suddensuddenly realreally2以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,要变y为i加-ly,如: easyeasily happyhappily heavyheavily luckyluckily busybusily angryangrily; 3以元音字母加辅音字母e结尾的重读开音节,直接加-ly,如: politepolitely safesafely wid

6、ewidely4以元音字母e结尾,去e加-ly,如: truetruly5以辅音字母加-le结尾,去e加-y,如: terribleterribly possiblepossibly6形容词与副词同形,如: fastfast earlyearly highhigh hardhard 7形容词与副词异形,如:goodwell8注意:hard作形容词时意思是“困难的;硬的;生硬的”等;作副词时意思是“努力地”。hardly是否定副词,意思是“几乎不”。五、动词变名词类:1动词加-er变成名词,如: workworker farmfarmer teachteacher singsinger spea

7、kspeaker playplayer readreader drivedriver writewriter riderider dancedancer runrunner; winwinner cookcooker washwasher traveltraveler 2动词加-or 变成名词,如: visitvisitor inventinventor operateoperatorconductconductor3动词加-tion 变成名词,如: operateoperation inventinvention 六、基数词变序数词类: 主要掌握好1-12和20、30、40、50、60、70

8、、80、90及21、22、23这几个序数词的形式: onefirst nineninth forthfortieth twosecond tententh fiftyfiftieth threethird eleveneleventh sixtysixtieth fourfourth twelvetwelfth seventy_seventieth sixsixth twentytwentieth eightieth eighty sevenseventh twenty-onetwenty-first ninetyninetiethtwenty-twotwenty-secondtwenty-t

9、hreetwenty _third thirtythirtieth 七、形容词与副词的原级、比较级和最高级类1形容词和副词的比较级、最高级构成(1)单音节词与部分双音节词规则变变化: 一般词尾加er, est; 如:fast faster fastest 以辅音字母加y结尾变y为i加-er, -est;如:easy easier easiest 以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写这个辅音字母再加-er, -est;如: hot hotter hottest 以e结尾加-r,-st;如:finefiner, nicenicer(2) 部分双音节词或以形容词加-ly变成的副词和多音节词

10、,在其前加more, most 变成比较级和最高级。如: interestingmore interesting,most interesting beautifulmore beautiful,most beautiful slowlymore slowly,most slowly quicklymore quickly,most quickly(3)不规则变化: goodbetterbest wellbetterbest manymoremost muchmoremost littlelessleast farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest. illwor

11、seworst bad/badlyworseworst oldolder/olderoldest/eldest2原级: as形容词或副词的原形as “和一样”,not as / so形容词或副词的原形as “和不一样”。 八、人称代词变化类:要熟练掌握和运用主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词及名词性物主代词。见下面表格: 数 格人称单 数复 数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称I meweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称he she it himherIt they they 数类别人称单 数复 数形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称mymineourours第二人

12、称youryoursyouryours第三人称hishistheirtheirsherhersitsits九、常见的反义词:1动词buy sell take bring remember forget die live love hate rise fall ask answer start finish miss catch pull push go come lend borrow2形容词 little much short tall / long right left / wrong free busy full empty few many good bad white black c

13、areful careless dead living cheap expensive clean dirty easy difficult wet dry same different open closed strong weak light heavy初中常见词形变化表1.actactoractressactive2.agreedisagree

14、 European18.exciteexcitedexciting19.fairunfair20.finalfinally21.flyflight22.followfollowing23.foreignforeigner24.fortunate- fortu

15、nately25.friend_ friendly26.polite_politely_impolite27. heavy_ heavily28.real_really29.late_latest30.careful_carefully31.close_closed32.excite_excited_exciting33.interest_interested_interesting34.lose_lost35.close_closed36.agree_disagree37.noise_noisy_noisily38.sleep_sleepy39win_winner40.loud_loudly

16、41.decide_decision42.describe-description43.die-dead-death44.differencedifferentdifferently45.donatedonation46.easyeasily47.choosechoice48.dangerdangerous49.decide-decision50.crowd-crowded 51.friendfriendship52.FranceFrench53.frustratefrustratingfrustrated54.create-creative 55.honestdishonest57.illi



19、ny85.Russia- - Russian86.safesafety87.sciencescientificscientist88.sleepsleepy89.slowslowly100.southsouthern101.specialspecially102.stomachstomachache103.strongstrongly104.succeed-success-successful105.suggestsuggestion106.tiredtiring107.toothtoothache108.tour-touristtouristy109.traditiontraditional

20、110.translatetranslator111.truetruth112.usualunusualusually113.violinviolinist114.waitwaiterwaitress115.wakeawake116.westwestern117.withwithout118.worryworriedworrying119.wonderwonderful中考英语词形变换练习题用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空1. Now let me _ (call) your names. They are my _ (friendly).2. Id like you _ (meet ) my

21、parents, too. . Mike is ill. His mother feels _ (worry). 3.Some of the apples are hard _ (reach).4. I have a lot of homework _ (do). The pot is used for _ (keep) water hot.5. Do English people like _ (boat)? 6.Which is _ (far) from us, the sun or the moon? 7. The other students in the class keep the

22、ir eyes _ (close).8. We live in a place _ (call) Gum Tree.9. Could you ask him _ (call) me, please?10. But there are not enough people _ (pick) the apples.11. Mike went on _ (write) his letter for two hours.11. They stopped _ (play) basketball because it began to rain.12. Our English has a way of _

23、(make) his class interesting.13. We can hear the girl _ (sing) in her room now.14. Its hard _ (finish) the work in half a day.15. Jim said he could make the baby _ (stop) crying.16. Bill was too tired _ (do) anything last night.17. Thanks a lot for _(ask) me to your party.18. You must help me do som

24、e _ (cook) this evening.19. This is a doctors _ (wait) room in the hospital.20. You must not take the magazines out of the _ (read) room.21. Please remember _ (take) the medicine and have a good rest.22. I didnt finish _ (read) the book last night.23. Dont forget _ (write) to us as soon as you get t

25、here.24. They spent two hours _ (clean) the house yesterday.25. She found it very difficult _ (get) to sleep.26. Its bad for your eyes _ (read) in the sun.27. At the age of ten Edison became very _ (interest) in science.28. Be quick! There is little time _ (leave).29. When I came in, I saw a purse _

26、 (lie) on the floor.30. Please answer my questions without _ (look) at your books.根据句意,用括号内所给词语的适当形式填空:1. The people there were_ to us. (friend)2. You must look after yourself and keep _. (health)3. Mr and Mrs Green have a son _Jack. (name)4. The busier I am,the _I feel. (happy)5. More and more fore

27、ign _ are interested in the city. (visit)6. Bill was _ hurt than any other one in the accident. (badly)7. Nothing can stop me from_ there. (go)8. A friend of _ will go to England for further study. (I)9. She asked me _ something about my school. (say)10. Im very _ because the football match is very

28、_. (excite)习题精选1. The mother didnt know why her daughter was crying . (noise)2. He was one of the best in yesterdays football match. (play)3. Guangzhou is in the part of China. (south)4. September 10th is Day. (teacher)5. Beijingers are true to the world. (friend)6. Look! How Kate is laughing! (happy)7. Its only ten walk from the station to the

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