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1、牛津译林版八年级上Unit1第4课时教案讲解分析习题设计Period : Study skills&Task& self-assessment(第四课时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容study skills&Task& self-assessment(第1517页),学习如何记忆单词。Task板块要求写自己最好的朋友。教材分析 学生将重点学习如何用形容词来描述好朋友所具备的品质,以及对人物外貌、性格特征的描写所需掌握的重点词汇、短语及表达法。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:square, fat,smile,smiling,hard-working,unhappy, handsome,patient,

2、excellent 词组:dark brown,have a round face, look really pretty and kindhave a smile on her face, work with children, both . and . smiling eyes句型:Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend.She always has a smile on her face and looks happy. I think she will make an excellent teacher. 基本技能 1学习利用词汇树记忆

3、词汇的方法。 2学会根据提纲组织写作材料。3合理架构文章,向别人介绍自己的好朋友。综合素质能熟练运用本单元所学词汇、词组和句型组织语言, 向别人介绍自己的好朋友。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:学习在写作前先列提纲,学习向别人介绍自己的好朋友。教学突破 先利用活动进行口头操练,列出写作提纲,再进行写作。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件 学生准备:熟悉的明星的图片教学设计Step I Review(复习)1 Free Talk -talk about your best friend Whats his/her name? Whats he/she like? Whats

4、 his/her quality of a good friend (personality)? What does he/she like doing? What would he/she like to do in the future?教师通过提问帮助学生复习前面所学内容-2继续操练对话,进一步谈论朋友的爱好和未来计划。Step II Presentation(新授)1呈现一些学生熟悉的明星的图片,说说他们的外貌。What does the man/woman look like? Hes strong/tall/smart .Shes slim/beautiful/sweet/thin

5、板书这些描述人物外貌的形容词。2 We can use these words to describe peoples looks. Now can you tell me some words that we use to describe peoples feelings?尽可能多地说出描述人们情感的形容词,如:sad、happy、bored、interested。3小组活动,用两分钟时间分类写出描述职业、水果等的词, 进行小组竞赛,看看哪个小组写得又多又正确。Step III Practice(操练)1 If you want to remember new words quickly,

6、 you can put the words into different groups to form a vocabulary tree.看课本第 15页,完成练习。2告诉学生画词汇树的方法。Now Ill tell you how to draw a vocabulary tree.Draw a big tree with some leaves.On its branches, write the group names, e.g. vegetables and fruits.Write down the words on the leaves of each branch.Draw

7、a picture for each word if necessary.3两人一组画词汇树来记忆更多词汇:Now please work in pairs. Draw your own vocabulary tree and put the words into different groups, e.g. jobs, looks, places and feelings.4展示优秀作品。Task(学习Task)Step I Review(复习)1挑选班中部分学生站在讲台旁,其他学生对他们的外貌特征进行描述。Class, here are five of your classmates. D

8、escribe one of them and ask the others to guess who youre talking about. Who will go first?2小组内谈论他们的好朋友,并且说明成为好朋友的理由:Work in groups of four. Describe one of your best friends to your group members and tell them why he or she is your best friend.3根据对好朋友的描述,对不同人的特征进行归类,可以按照五官、长相、性格来分类。学习A部分的列表。 4从列表中找

9、出适合自己好朋友的内容,准备写作材料。Step II Presentation(新授)1 Daniel wrote an article about his best friend. Lets listen to the tape. Please pay attention to the way he organizes his article.2 Kate is Daniels best friend. Read Daniels article carefully and tell me what Daniel talks about in each paragraph. Try to co

10、mplete the table below.Daniels best friend KateParagraph 1(Kate is Daniels best friend.)Paragraph 2(Kates looks.)Paragraph 3(Kates personality.)Paragraph 4(Kates future plans.)3再次阅读范文,并搭建写作框架。Can you tell me how to organize your ideas when writing about your best friend?进一步明确写作的思路,呈现以下提纲:Introductio

11、n: Say who your best friend is.Main body: Describe his/her looks and personality.Conclusion: Write about his/her future plans.3听录音朗读范文,注意重点词句。Step IV Writing(写作)1 Its your turn to write an article about your best friend.让学生根据已学的文章基本结构写作,能力较弱的学生可以模仿课本范文完成写作。启发学生拓宽思路,勇于尝试,充分运用所学知识进行写作,不要完全拘泥于范文。2独立完成写

12、作后,自己仔细检查拼写、句子结构等,及时改正错误。检査完毕后,在小组中交流,互相检査,并按要求评分。提醒学生 注意在自己的写作中吸取別人的长处。批改同伴的作文时,用“_”划出好 词、好句,用“”圈出错误,用“”表示要点遗漏。教师说:Now youve finished your own article. Please work in groups of four. Read each others articles and choose the best one.3展示学生互相修改过的习作,朗读范文。教师在学生写作过程中,给予帮助。教材习题教材第15页jobs: cook doctor nur

13、se policeman waiter looks: cute lovely pretty slim tall feelings: afraid angry bored excited tired随堂小练习用所给词的适当形式填空1. Her dad and uncle are both _ (policeman).2. How _ (love) the little dog is !3. I feel _ (tired) today than yesterday .4. This little girl looks _ (pretty) than that one in the picture

14、.5. Is your brother a _ (cook)?6. Shanghai is _ (big) than Hanzhou.7. Please call me when she _ (come)8. Helen told me that she had some problems _ (do) her homework.9. I believe that she _ (be) a very good teacher in the future.10. The magazine has millions of r_ around the world.Keys: 1.policemen

15、2.lovely 3. more tired 4.prettier 5.cook 6.bigger es 8.doing9.will be 10.readersStep V Homework(家庭作业)1画一棵词汇树,写出描述人的睑、眼睛、鼻子、头发、个性的形容词。2记忆本课时所学的词汇、词组和句型。3朗读并背诵范文。板书设计 Unit 1 Friends Study skills&Task&Self-assessment Words: square, fat,smile,smiling,hard-working,unhappy, handsome,patient,excellentPhras

16、es: dark brown,have a round face, look really pretty and kindhave a smile on her face, work with children, both . and . smiling eyesSentences: Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend.She always has a smile on her face and looks happy. I think she will make an excellent teacher. 教学探讨与反思: 本课时学生通过

17、词汇的分类来达到记忆单词的目的,词汇分类教学对于学生单词的记忆肯定是一个非常好的方法。在实际的课堂教学中,我们应该结合初中学生的特点,在写作练习中给学生充分的时间写作,先互相修改再进行二次作文,体现了“自主、合作、探究”的理念,但时间控制得不是太好,需要改进,努力达到最佳的教学效果。第二部分 讲解分析一、 新词的导学与解读1. remember【用法】remember是动词,意思为“记住;记得;牢记”。 【举例】We should remember all those who have gone before us.我们应该记住所有那些先驱者。Do you happen to remember

18、 his car number? 你还记得他的车牌号码吗?【拓展】remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事remember doing sth.记得做过某亊【举例】Remember to go to the library after school. 记着放学后去趟图书馆。Dont you remember seeing the young man before? 你不记得以前见过那个年轻人吗?【实践】单项选择Did you remember_ Tom the money you had borrowed from?Yes,I gave it to him _I saw him.

19、A. returning ; the moment B. to return ; the moment C. returning; moment【点译】B2. sad【用法】sad是形容词,意思为“难过的;悲哀的;令人悲痛的”。【举例】My grandma sang a sad song. 我奶奶唱着悲伤的歌。What a beautiful scene !多么漂亮的景象!He looks so sad see if you can cheer him up. 他看上去非常悲哀,你试试看能否让他高兴起来。 【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子她悲伤地叙述了一段伤心的故事。She told a_ sto

20、ry sadly.【点译】sad3. smiling【用法】adj.微笑的;带着笑容的【举例】She has smiling eyes. 她长着一双微笑的眼睛。Well never forget mothers smiling face. 我们永远不会忘记妈妈的笑脸。【拓展】smile n.微笑wear a smile on ones face 面带微笑smile v. 微笑 smile to sb. 向某人微笑【实践】用所给词的适当形式填空He is a handsome fellow with _(smile)eyes.【点译】smiling4. square【用法】(1)作形容同,意为“

21、方形的”,可作表语、定语。【举例】The boy has a square face. 这个男孩有一张方形的脸。The desk is square,not round. 这个课桌是方的,不是圆的。(2)作名词时,意为“正方形;广场;平方”。【举例】Tiananmen Square天安门广场 square mder(平方米)【实践】根据首字母和句意完成句子 Every afternoon there are many doves at the City Centre s_. 【点译】 square 5. handsome【用法】handsome是形容词,意思为“英俊的;可观的;大方的;慷慨的”

22、。【举例】She has a handsome son. 她生了个漂亮的儿子。My brother has grown into a handsome boy. 我弟弟长成了一个帅小伙。【辨析】beautiful,pretty, handsome, lovely,smart, good-lookingbeautiful意为“美丽的;美观的”,强调天生的美或自然的美丽。【举例】She has a beautiful face. 她有张漂亮的脸蛋。pretty意为“可爱的;精致的;吸引人的”,侧重指经过加工而吸引人的精致或漂亮。【举例】a pretty girl/garden/picturehan

23、dsome用于修饰男性时,意为“英俊的”,用于修饰女性时,意为“健美的”,侧重指女性的体态,也可用于修饰物,但多用于修饰男性长得帅。【举例】He is a handsome man.他是个英俊的男人。lovely意为“可爱的;动人的;美丽的;令人愉快的”,可修饰人或物。【举例】a lovely/beautiful view美丽的景色 a lovely girl/boy可爱的女孩/男孩 lovely weather 好天气smart意为“漂亮的;时髦的;聪明的”,可修饰人或物。 【举例】She looks very modern in this red T-shirt. 穿上这件红色的体恤,她看

24、上去很时髦。good-looking意为“好看的”,通常修饰人。 【举例】My friend is a good-looking girl. 我的朋友是一个好看的女孩。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子她的男朋友是英俊的。Her boyfriend is _.【点译】handsome6. patient【用法】patient用作形容词,意思为“有耐性的;能容忍的”,用作名词,意思为“病人;患者”。【举例】The doctor went to see that patient day about.这个医生每隔一天就去看那个病人一次。We cannot be too patient with other

25、s.我们对别人不能有太大的耐性。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子碰到交通堵塞的时候我们很难有耐性。Its difficult for us to be_when youre stuck in a traffic jam.【点译】patient7. pleasant【用法】pleasant是形容词,意思为“令人愉快的,舒适的”。 【举例】We often remember the pleasant days we had with them.我们时常想起与他们共度的愉快的时光。What a pleasant life she has! 她过着多么愉快的生活啊! 【辨析】pleasant,pleasi

26、ng, pleased总的说来,pleasant和pleasing表示客观上的“令人高兴或愉快的”,指的是被修饰名词给别人的感觉;而pleased表示的是主观上“感到高兴或愉快的”,指的是被修饰名词自身的感觉。具体说来有以下区别:pleasant主要有两方面用法:一是用来说明事物,表示“令人愉快的”或“舒适的”等;二是用来说明人,表示“友好的”、“讨人喜欢的”等。【举例】The weather was cold, but the trip was pleasant. 虽然天气很冷,但旅途还是很愉快。pleasing的用法与pleasant比较接近,有时可换用。【举例】 Its pleasant

27、/pleasing to the ear.这很悦耳。pleased主要用来说明人,表示“感到高兴或满意”。【举例】The students are very pleased. 学生们很高兴。【举例】They are very pleased at/about/with my success. 他们对我的成功感到满意。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子让我们谈些愉快的事情吧!【举例】Lets talk about something _!【点译】pleasant8. say,tell, talk, speak【用法】say后接说话的内容。【举例】Can you say it in English?你能

28、用英语说吗?tell意为“讲述,告诉”,可以直接接宾语,其常用结构有: tell sb. sth, /tell sb. about sth. /tell sb. (not)to do sth.【举例】My father often tells me funny jokes. 我爸爸经常给我讲笑话。Can you tell me about your new school? 你能告诉我有关你新学校的情况吗?talk常与介词to, with, about连用。talk也可作名词使用,have a talk with sb.。【举例】They often talk to each other on

29、the Internet. 他们经常在上聊天。Who will give us a talk tomorrow? 谁明天将给我们做报告?speak表示说话的能力,后面一般接某种语言,或者speak to sb. 。【举例】He can speak English very well. 他能说一口流利的英语。【实践】单项选择Did Tom_ it in English?A. tell B. speak C. say D. talkThe teacher _us to finish the homework in time everyday.A. tells B. speaks C. says D

30、. talks【点译】CA三、课文要点及语法详解1. Put the words into different groups.把单词放入不同的组【解析】句中put.into.意思为“使进入;把放进”。【举例】The small pen can be put into or onto something.这个小的笔可以放在某些东西上面或者里面。How much energy have you put into the task? 你们投入了多少精力到这个任务里?【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子把你的手指放进水里。_your fingers_ the water.【点译】Put; into2. Kate is both my best friend and my neighbour.凯特既是我最好的朋友又是我的邻居。【解析】both.and.意为“和都”,连接两个并列成分,如两个主语、谓语、表语、状语等。谓语动词用复数形式。 【举例】Both Mary and Millie speak English. 玛丽与米莉都说英文。Tom can both speak and write French. 汤姆既

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