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1、四级辅导写作讲义Useful Information on CET-4 WritingI. 概述1. 中英文文章的差异:a. 英文文章表意比较直接,喜欢直奔主题;中文文章表意比较含蓄,多以与主题有关的背景开头,逐步引导,最终点题。b. 中文文章更具感情色彩,而英文文章尽量追求“客观”。c. 中文作者常以谚语、格言来支持自己的观点;英文作者则多以引述事实、数据等来支持自己的观点。d. 中文文章很强调文章的寓意,而英文文章并不总是这样。e. 中文中设问出现的频率比英文多一些。f. 汉语的表达习惯是把信息重点置于句末,把时间、条件、原因等解释性的信息放在句首;而英语造句的习惯正好相反。2. 六级考试

2、中作文的时间限制为30分钟,分值15分,字数要求为120150字。3. 从1997年6月起,四级考试开始实行“作文最低分”规定。4. 六级考试作文分类:按照形式可分为:标题作文、段首句作文、提纲/提示作文、关键词作文、图表作文、情景作文、书信、文章摘要等八种。按照其内在结构可分为:对立观点型、问题解决行、利弊说明型、主题阐述型、图表说明型以及综合型。5. 六级作文大部分为三段式,即分为引言、主体、结尾三部分。6. 写作注意事项:a. 卷面的美观并不是评分的主要标准,所以不必誊写文章。b. 文章中的观点正确与否、事实准确与否,不必细究。c. 时间分配要合理,30分钟内要完成审题、立意、组织素材、

3、考虑结构、实际写作、最终检查六道工序。其中实际写作的时间最好不要少于20分钟。7. 考生作文常见缺点:重点不突出;语言不连贯。8. 写作原则:尽量多使用四级词汇;注意长句、短句的搭配;注意句式的变化。 II. 按文章的内在结构分为:对立观点型:模板1: Different people have different views on AAA. Some people support AAA by claiming that _. / Some people, on the other hand, think differently. They say that _. For example,_

4、./ In my opinion, although everything has its both positive and negative sides. I would like to agree to the former. _.The reason goes as follows. For one thing, _. For another thing, _.模板2:Peoples opinions on AAA vary from person to person. Some of them hold that AAA is right because _./ Neverthele

5、ss, other people prefer the view that BBB is better. They explain that _./As far as I am concerned, my favor goes to the first view. The following are the reasons of my choice. First, _.Secondly, _. In conclusion, _ .2 问题解决型:模板3:Nowadays, we have to face a problem that _./ People had figured out man

6、y ways to solve this problem. Firstly, _. Though this method has its good sides like _, one of its bad sides it brings about is that it can _./ Secondly, _ is another means. But it also has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, _. On the other hand, _./ All in all, the solutions may not

7、 bring the perfect result, but as long as we do it with our brains and hands, we will one day resolve the problem.模板4:Although AAA has brought convenience to us, many people have begun to realize that it is the source of trouble as well./ Because of AAA, _ happen again and again all over the world.

8、Whats more, _. / In order to solve the problem of AAA, people have done _. / But some other problems popping up with the solution even making the situation worse. So we must try to find out new ways to cope with it. 3 利弊说明型:模板5:Nowadays, it is common to see _. Many people like _because _. Besides, _

9、 _. / However, AAA, just like anything else, has its negative side as well. It has also given rise to a series of problems. For example, _. The worst of all, _, for the reason that _./ Therefore, in my opinion, _. But at the same time, _. The result depends on the balance between their advantages an

10、d disadvantages. 模板6:Everything has its two sides and AAA is not an exception. It has both advantages and disadvantages. / There are many advantages for people to _. For instance, it helps us to _; it enables us to _./ Of course, the disadvantages cannot be ignored. As is well known, _./ Personally,

11、 I think _.4 主题阐述型:模板7:There is an old saying AAA. Its the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct in many cases even today./ Usually, _. But it isnt always the case. _. In short, AAA. / Assume that _. The result is that _. / On the contrary, _. Consequent, _. / whatever you do, please

12、 remember the saying - AAA. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, youll necessarily benefit a lot from it.模板 8:With science and technology highly developed and peoples living standard greatly improved, AAA has come into our life. / The popularity of AAA can be accounted by its uti

13、lity. For one thing, it can _. For another thing, it can help _ _. / With its uses, there is no doubt that _.5 图表说明型:模板 9:The graph shows us _. / Some reasons can explain this trend. First, _. Second, _. Third, _ _. / If we can not take effective measure, we may not control this trend, and undesired

14、 result may come out unexpectedly. So what we should do is _.模板10:According to the two graphs presented, it can be observed that _. In the left graph, _. At the same time, _ as the right graph shows./ As far as we know, AAA is closely related to BBB. _./ The relationship between AAA and BBB can also

15、 be observed in the two graph. _. / For the sake of , _. 6 综合型:模板11:We all know the importance of the mastery of AAA. AAA can make you _. It can also help you _. / There are many ways to master AAA, and the following are the very important ones. First, _ _. Second, _. Most important of all, _. / How

16、ever, it is still difficult for us to achieve our aim. We should have persistence to over come any difficulties, because the mastery of AAA is _.III. 常用的“启、承、转、合”表达方法 1 “启”。用于引导主题句,或用于主题句之后,引导第一个扩展句。包括:First, Firstly, First of all, At first, In the first place, In the beginning, To begin with, To st

17、art with, Now, At present, recently, lately, In general, generally speaking, For one thing (for another), On the one hand (on the other hand) 2 “承”。用于承接主题句或前一个扩展句。包括:second, secondly, third, also/too, beside this, in addition (to), furthermore, moreover, what is more, for example/instance, as an exa

18、mple, as another example; namely, then, of course, in other words, in particular, in the same way, after that, afterwards, after a few days, after a while, from now on, later, just as, similarly, meanwhile, at the same time, by this time, soon, consequently, for this purpose 3“转”。用于表示不同或相反的情况。包括:aft

19、er all, but, yet, however, nevertheless, though, although, despite, in spite of, on the contrary, unlike, on the other hand, all the same, unfortunately, still, in fact, as a matter of fact 4 “合”。用于小结上文的内容,引导最后一个扩展句或引导结尾句表示段落的结束。包括:As has been noted; In conclusion; In short; In summary; Therefore; T

20、hus; To sum up; To conclude; To summarize; Briefly; Above all; As a result; For this reason; as I have said; at last; at length; eventually; accordingly; indeed; surely; no doubt; truly; so; obviously; certainly.IV. 常用句型 a.)提出观点1. Advocates of proclaim that 2. Some people think that To be frank, I c

21、an not agree with their opinion for the reason below.3. One of the great writers once said that Now it still has a realistic significance.4. One of the great men once remarked that Now more and more people share this belief.5. For years, has been seen as . But things are quite different now.6. Now,

22、it is commonly believed that . Such people think . But I wonder whether 7. Despite the arguments above, I prefer to 8. I believe that the title statement is valid because 9. I agree with the above statement because I believe that 10. Consequently I have to agree that 11. I find the statement of to b

23、e too narrow.12. For my part, I am against/ (in favor of )13. As far as are concerned, however, I prefer 14. Yet I am one of the many people who feel that 15. Generally, I prefer to 16. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that . I believe 17. When it comes to , most people believe that, but other

24、people regard as 18. No view is more dangerous now than the one that (which) is generally held by 19. No belief is so undesirable as the one that (which) is commonly held by 20. Until recently, was regarded as But people are taking a fresh look at it.21. I feel that the saying/proverb neatly justifi

25、es the decision to . 22. When , we, more often than not, prefer to 23. In the discussion, many people suggest that But I argue that 24. But whatever the advantages of A, I like B.25. Some say But others take a negative attitude. In my opinion, I argue that 26. My argument for this view goes as follo

26、ws.b.) 阐述观点1. Yet there is a flaw in the argument that 2. We must face the essential fact that 3. No one can deny the fact that 4. There are many reasons for For one thing For another 5. Studies show that 6. One thing is obvious 7. I follow the idea that 8. But actually, this is not the case.9. It m

27、ust be realized that10. It is true that by comparison, but 11. Another contributing factor of is 12. Why are ? For one thing . For another Perhaps the primary reason is 13. is mainly responsible for the rise in 14. What these people fail to understand is that 15. It is true that , but it does (neces

28、sarily) not follow that 16. The problem is that 17. On the other hand, I appreciate that18. There is always a danger that , 19. The advantages of B are much greater than those of A. 20. Another factor is that 21. My contention, however, is that22. The dilemma is whether it is better to 23. When faced with , we find comfort in the idea that 24. There is no evidence to su

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