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1、水土控制Soil water loss and sediment control program for GE CAMPUS PHASE II Project通用电气办公园区二期项目Appendix 3The section of artificial lake dam Cobble stone, particle diameter 50100 mm; 300 high soil, 0.5mm HDPE to prevent water, package soilYellow stone, constructed with M10 cement mortar, Base with C20, p

2、acked soil 水土流失和沉积控制计划Construction: China Metallurgical Group Co.施工单位:中国冶金科工集团公司Soil water loss and sediment control program for GE CAMPUS PHASE II Project通用电气办公园区二期项目Appendix 3The section of artificial lake dam Cobble stone, particle diameter 50100 mm; 300 high soil, 0.5mm HDPE to prevent water, pa

3、ckage soilYellow stone, constructed with M10 cement mortar, Base with C20, packed soil 水土流失和沉积控制计划CONTENT目 录1. Summary概 述 32. Project Condition工程概况 43. Organization Chart and related responsibility 组织管理图及相关责任 84. Soil and water loss control plan水土流失控制实践计划 104.1 Building construction process建筑施工过程中 1

4、54.2 Landscape construction process景观施工过程中 205. Soil and water loss control flow水土流失控制执行流程 216Maintenance program维护保养计划 227. Field development plan场地发展计划 221. Summary概 述 Surface runoff move on the sloping field and cause the water and soil loss. The principle for prophylactico-therapeutic measures a

5、s follows: decrease the surface runoff quantity, reduce the runoff speed, improve the soil absorption capacity and surface shock resistance, and lift up the erosive base level as much as possible. When take the prophylactico-therapeutic measures, start from the runoff formative area and along the mo

6、vement line, adaptation to local condition, protected and cured step by step, Implements the prevention and the cure unifies, prevents primarily; Slop treatment ditch treatment unify, slope treatment primarily; The project measure and the biological measure unify, by biological measure primarily. On

7、ly then adopts comprehensive treatment and centralism cure, the continually treatment can be effective.水土流失是地表径流在坡地上运动造成的。各项防治措施的基本原理是:减少坡面径流量,减缓径流速度,提高土壤吸水能力和坡面抗冲能力,并尽可能抬高侵蚀基准面。在采取防治措施时,应从地表径流形成地段开始,沿径流运动路线,因地制宜,步步设防治理,实行预防和治理相结合,以预防为主;治坡与治沟相结合,以治坡为主;工程措施与生物措施相结合,以生物措施为主。只有采取各种措施综合治理和集中治理,持续治理,才能奏效

8、。During construction, we have met a lot of soil and water loss problems. For example, stack the dumped ballast, build the temporary facility anywhere during construction, occupied the land and caused the land waste; excavate, stack and dont treat and result the soil water loss. We should use the eco

9、logical theory to prevent the water and soil loss, adopt the ecological engineering theory to solve the loss problem in construction, not only obtain the better ecological economic benefit, but also enriched the construction theory and ecological engineering theory. 在建筑施工中,所遇到的水土流失问题很多,如:在施工中乱堆弃碴、乱修

10、临建,挤占耕地,造成土地浪费;开挖、堆弃不处理,造成水土流失。我们要用生态学原理来防止水土的流失,应用生态工程原理解决建筑施工中的水土流失问题,不但可以获得较好的生态经济效益,还丰富了建筑施工理论和生态工程理论。The following water and soil loss control programme about GE Campus Phase II is established according to the LEEDTM green building authentication issued by American green building Committee, eac

11、h contractor must perform his work according to this manual. 下面叙述的关于通用电气办公园区二期项目水土流失控制计划是根据美国绿色建筑委员会颁布的LEEDTM绿色建筑认证要求制定的,各承包商必须根据这个指南而切实贯彻执行施工作业。Water and soil loss and sediment control programme should include following: 水土流失和沉积控制计划应包括以下内容: Project general situation 工程概况 Organization chart and rela

12、ted responsibility 组织管理图及相关责任 Water and soil loss control practice plan 水土流失控制实践计划 Water and soil loss control execute flow水土流失控制执行流程 Service and maintenance plan 维护保养计划 Ground development plan 场地发展计划 Attachment, include: perimeter environment layout, geographical map, project (before and after cons

13、truction) layout, site construction drawing, water and soil loss control point layout, green planting layout, relevant hold point detailed drawing and specification, the certificate photo of water and soil loss practice. 附件,包括:周边环境图、地形图、项目建成前(后)平面图、现场施工图、水土流失控制节点平面图、绿化种植平面图、相关节点详图及说明、水土流失实践措施的证明照片;2

14、. General situation工程概况2.1 Summary项目概况The project is GE Campus Phase II site preparation and piling project, which located in west of hua tuo Rd of Shanghai Zhangjiang High-technic Scientific and educational area. Site east and north side is bai lian jing river(at present in the reconstruction), sou

15、th side is adjacent to completed GE Phase I, west side is HV corridor. Total area is 60008.7m2. 本项目为通用电气办公园区二期现场准备和桩基工程,位于上海市张江高科技园区科研教育区内的华佗路西端。场地东、北侧为白莲泾河道(正在河道改造),南侧与已建GE一期工程紧邻,西侧为高压线走廊。总用地面积为60008.7m2。Bovis LendLease represent and manage the project on behalf of client.宝维士联盛建筑工程(上海)有限公司将代表业主对项目进

16、行管理。The buildings divide into Phase II and Phase III according to the process and development plan. The construction of Phase II include: one 8/F office building (building 1),one 6/F office building (building 2), one 3/F service building (building 3), one single center computer house (building 4) an

17、d one single QA building (building 5); build the single underground barn under the main construction of building 1,2 and 3, and through the outer underground barn, embedded depth of basement foundation is around 2.95m. The total construction area of Phase II is 94361.06m2.本场地内的拟建物按其工程进展及发展规划,分为二期和三期

18、两个子项。二期拟建物主要包括:一幢8层办公楼(1楼)、一幢6层办公楼(2楼)、一幢3层后勤服务楼(3楼)、一幢单层中心机房(4楼)及一幢单层安检楼(5楼);其中1#、2#及3#楼主体建筑下均设一层地下车库,并与外扩地下车库相贯通,地下室的基底埋深2.95m左右。二期拟建物的总建筑面积94361.06m2。 Backfilled after dismantling the original building, site leveling. Before the development, the entire site has been covered with the bermuda grass

19、, the horses tail grass, ju weeds and so on weed, 50200mm height. (specific landform see site general layout before leveling, site geographical map 7,8 and 9); site geographical map after leveling.本场地统一拆除原有建筑后填平,整个场地平整。开发前,整个场地长满了狗牙根、马尾草、枸尾草、节节草等野草,高50200mm。(具体地形参见场地平整前总平面图,现场地形图七,图八,图九):场地平整后地形图。2.

20、2 Adjacent ground situation 相邻场地概况The project located in Shanghai high-technic park, east and north side will be developed as commercial district and school except the west side is green land, south side is adjacent to completed GE Phase I.(Perimeter circumstance drawing 3).本工程位于上海市张江高科技园区,除西面为绿地外,东

21、、北面均将被发展成商业区和学校,南侧与已建GE一期工程紧邻。(周边环境图三)。According to the construction general layout, the closest distance between the site construction and Bailianjing riverbank is around 17m,the opposite side of bank is completed “Shanghai cinematics college” and the “new wish” project which is under construction.

22、 The closest distance between the south side and completed Phase I building and the existing road (underground pipe line)in inside of Phase I fence is around 23m, 4m. west side is HV corridor. Therefore, site building foundation program design and process determine need to consider of the influence

23、to perimeter circumstance. 根据建筑总平面图,本场地内的拟建物与东、北侧的白莲泾河岸的最近距离在17m左右,河岸对面分别为已建“上海电影艺术学院”及在建“新希望”工程,南侧与已建一期工程建筑及一期围墙内侧已有厂区道路(地下管线)的最近距离分别为23m、4m左右,西侧即为高压线走廊。因此,本工程场地内的各拟建物基础方案设计及施工工艺确定时需充分考虑对周边环境的影响。2.3 Geology地质概况Site located total 4 hidden creek, mainly refer to the office build 1,2of Phase II and th

24、e data center of Phase III. The width of hidden creek is among 1037cm, the most depth of creek bottom by exploration is around 3.6m, the upper part of backfill is mainly the construction garbage consist of brick, and concrete block etc clay, the lower part is mainly the clay, dust soil, which contai

25、n the rotted plant material, and other living garbage etc, have the odor; total composition is not consistent, and have the loose structure.场地内共有4处暗浜(塘)分布,主要涉及二期的1#办公楼、2#办公楼和三期的数据中心。此类暗浜宽度在1037m之间,勘探揭露的浜底最大深度在3.6m左右,浜内填土的上部以碎砖、瓦和砼块等混合粘性土构成的建筑垃圾为主,下部主要以粘性、粉性土为主,含较多腐植物质、螺壳及其它生活垃圾等,具臭味;总体成分不均,结构松散。Duri

26、ng exploration, except the south side has large area pools (3cm30cm), the stable ground water level embedded depth of actual ground water is 0.001.14m (absolute level 3.103.46m), the site average ground water embedded depth may take 0.5m. Anti-float checking calculation and foundation load calculati

27、on, site underground water embedded depth may according to the 0.5m value, when the ground distortion checking calculation, the site ground water embedded depth may according to the 1.5m value.勘探期间,除南部场地有较大面积的积水(3cm30cm)外,实测地下水的稳定潜水位埋深为0.001.14m(绝对标高3.103.46m),场地常年平均地下水埋深可取0.5m。在地基承载力计算及地下室抗浮验算时,场地地

28、下水埋深可按0.5m取值,在地基变形验算时,场地地下水埋深可按1.5m取值。The site belong to southeast the Yangtze River delta estuary the predestined affinity Binhai plain landform type, the terrain is smooth, besides treat part hidden creek or thick earth fill area suitably, the main stratum distributional stability, uniform, cant c

29、ause the site slipping, the big distortion and the destruction geological condition, the location stability is good.勘察场地属长江三角洲入海口东南前缘滨海平原地貌类型,地形平坦,除对局部暗浜(塘)或厚填土区宜进行必要的处理外,主要地层分布稳定、均匀,不存在导致场地滑移、大的变形和破坏的地质条件,场地稳定性较好。Also according to the investigation, the site and around don t have the industry pollu

30、tion history, and the scene exploration had not discovered the ground water pollution source, uses PH comprehensive indicator paper to expose the shallow ground water, PH value 7, assumes the neutrality. According to the ground water analysis adjacent site similar hydrology geology environment, and

31、related specification to determine: the foundation soil has no corrosion influence to building material, the ground water has no corrosion influence to the concrete and rebar in reinforced concrete structure, has the weak corrosion effect to steel structure.据调查,场地及其周围未曾有工业污染史,现场勘探时亦未发现地下水污染源存在,现场采用P

32、H广范试纸对钻孔揭露浅部地下水进行测定,其PH值7,呈中性。根据同类水文地质环境的邻近工程场地已有地下水水质分析资料,根据有关规范判定:本场地地基土对建筑材料无腐蚀性,地下水对混凝土及钢筋混凝土结构中的钢筋无腐蚀性,对钢结构具弱腐蚀性。Embedded depth table of Soil layer土层埋深表:No序号Name 土 层 名 称General embedded depth层底一般埋深(m)Note 备注1Clay soil粘土2.42Muddy silty clay淤泥质粉质粘土4.5/9.03Clay silt with muddy silty clay粘质粉土夹淤泥质粉质粘土5.54Muddy clay淤泥质粘土18.05Clay 粘土20.56Sandy silt with silty clay砂质粉土夹粉质粘土22.57Silty clay粉质粘土27.08Silty clay粉质粘土30.59Sandy silt砂质粉土34.010

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