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1、国际结算期末总结国际结算期末总结 Chapter 1 and 2一. 13 trade terms in the “Incoterms 2000”.(单选)1.Ex Works(Named Place)(EXW)工厂交货(指定目的地)2.Free Carrier(Named Place)(FCA)货交承运人(指定地点)3.Free Alongside Ship(Named Port of Shipment)(FAS)船边交货(指定装运港)4.Free on Board(Named Port of Shipment)(FOB)船上交货(指定装运港)5.Cost and Freight(Named

2、 Port of Destination)(CFR)成本加运费(指定目的港)6.Cost, Insurance and Freight(Named Port of Destination)(CIF)成本加运保费(指定目的港)7. Carriage Paid to(Named Port of Destination)(CPT)运费付至(指定目的港)8. Carriage and Insurance Paid to(Named Port of Destination)(CIP)运保费付至(指定目的港)9. Delivered at Frontier(Named Place)(DAF)边境交货(指定

3、地点)10. Delivered EX Ship(Named Port of Destination)(DES)船上交货(指定目的港)11. Delivered EX Quay(Named Port of Destination)(DEQ)码头交货(指定目的港)12. Delivered Duty Unpaid(Named Place of Destination)(DDU)未完税交货(指定目的港)13. Delivered Duty Paid (Named Place of Destination)(DDP)完税后交货(指定目的港)分类术语条件E字组EXWEX Works 工厂交货条件F字组

4、FCAFASFOBFree Carrier 交至承运人交货条件Free Alongside 船边交货条件Free on Board 装运港船上交货条件C字组CIFCFRCPTCIPCost, Insurance and Freight 成本加运保费交货条件Cost and Freight 成本加运费交货条件Carriage Paid to 运费付至_交货条件Carriage and Insurance Paid to 运保费付至_交货条件D字组DAFDESDEQDDUDDPDelivered at Frontier 边境交货条件Delivered Ex Ship 目的港船上交货条件Delive

5、red Ex Quay 目的港码头交货条件Delivered Duty Unpaid 未完税交货条件Delivered Duty Paid 完税交货条件二. which are included in Settlement on commercial credit? (基于商业信用的结算包括哪些)1、Payment in advance预付2、Open account 赊销3、Remittance 汇兑 4、Collection 托收三. which are included in Settlement on bank credit? (基于银行信用的结算包括哪些)1、Letter of cr

6、edit 信用证 2、Bank guarantee银行保函四. correspondent bank代理行五.what are included in the Control documents?(密押文件包括什么)1.List of specimen of authorized signatures签字样本2.Terms and conditions 费率表3.Telegraphic test keys 电传加押密码4.Swift authentic key swift密押六. Nostro and Vostro account(单选)1.Nostro account(往账) is the

7、foreign currency account (due from account) of a major bank with the foreign banks abroad to facilitate international payments and settlements. 本国银行在外国银行开立的往来账户,在本国银行看来,称为“往账”,通常是用外国货币开立的,以便直接对外支付。比如,中国银行在花旗银行开立了美元账户,便是开立了往账。2. Vostro account (来账)is an account (due to account) held by a bank on beha

8、lf of a correspondent bank. 外国银行在本国银行开立的往来账户,在本国银行看来,称为“来账”,通常是用本国货币开立的,以便在当地直接支付。但来账也可以用外国货币开立,如大通银行在中国银行开立美元账户。本国银行的往账,就是外国银行的来账。(七. Services provided by correspondents)1.Collecting checks ,drafts,and other credit instruments2.Making loan or investments as agents for their customer banks3.Making c

9、redit investigations of firms that borrow in the open market4.Provoding banks with foreign exchange facilities5.Provoding banks with funds in case of need(八. Definition of payment system)A payment system is the means whereby cash value is transferred between a payers bank account and a payees accoun

10、t. It includes: 1) policies and procedures, including rules for crediting and debiting balance; 2) a medium for storing and transmitting payment information; 3) financial intermediaries for organizing information flow, carrying out value transfer instructions, and generally administering payment act

11、ivities. Chapter 3 Credit Instruments(信用工具)一、Negotiable Instruments(流通票据)1. Functions of a negotiable instrument1)As a means of payment支付功能2)As a credit instrument 信用功能3)As a transferable instrument 流通转让功能 过户转让/通知转让assignment(、受让人权利受 交付转让 transfer 转让人缺陷影响) 流通转让negotiation (受让人权利不受转让人缺陷影响)2. Holder i

12、n due course正当持票人=bona fide holder(名词、汉译英)即票据的合法持有人,拥有完整的票据权利。一个正当持票人必须同时具备以下条件:(1)他是善意的取得票据;(2)所持票据是完整而合格的;(3)在他成为持票人时票据没有过期;(4)如果票据曾遭退票,他不知悉。3. Holder for value付对价持票人(名词、汉译英)持有已经付过对价的票据持有人。指本人未付对价,而是由其前手支付对价,如馈赠或遗产。在这种情况下,受让人的票据权利通常不会优于前手。也可以是本人支付对价,如果他对票据握有留置权。对价:可以支持一项简单交易(合约)之物,如货物、劳务、金钱等。只要曾有人

13、为该票据付过对价,该票据的持有人即取得付对价持票人的身份,而不管其本人是否付过对价。二、Bill of Exchange (Draft) 汇票1填空题: (1) The word “Exchange”;(写明“汇票”字样) (2) An unconditional order in writing;(无条件支付命令) (3) Date and place of issue;(出票地点和日期) (4) Tenor/Time of Payment;(付款期限/时间) (5) Amount;(一定金额的货币) (6) Name and address of the drawee;(付款人/受票人名称

14、和付款地点) (7) Name or business entity of the payee;(收款人名称) (8) Drawers signature(s).(出票人名称和签字) to calculate the Time of Payment?到期日算法(单选)At days after sight /date/stated date (见票/出票日/说明日后若干天付款)的到期日算法是“算尾不算头,若干天的最后一天是到期日,如遇假日顺延。” 例如:“At 90 days after sight见票后90天,见票日为4月15日,则到期日是7月14日”。3汉译英:即期汇票 Sig

15、ht/Demand Bill远期汇票time/usance bill出票后xx天付款 At xx days after date见票后xx天付款 At xx days after sight4. name of the payee(抬头)汇票上收款人的记载,通常称为抬头,根据抬头的不同写法,确定汇票的可流通性或不可流通性。汇票抬头有三种写法:(1)限制性抬头。限制性抬头的汇票不得转让他人。例如:A.Pay to John Smith onlyB. Pay to John Smith not transferable(2) 指示性抬头。指示性抬头的汇票可用背书和交付的方法转让。例如:A.Pay

16、to the order of ABC Co.B. Pay to ABC Co. or order(3)来人抬头。来人抬头的汇票仅凭交付而转让,不需背书。例如:A.Pay to bearerB. Pay to ABC Co. or bearer只要写上“bearer”字样,在它前面是否有具体收款人名称,均视为来人抬头。5. Acts of a bill of exchange票据行为 (1) Issuance;出票 (2) Endorsement;背书(单选)Blank endorsement:空白背书又称不记名背书/略式背书,即不记载被背书人名称,只有背书人的签字。它与来人抬头汇票的来人相同

17、,可以不需背书,仅凭交付再行转让。Special endorsement:特别背书、 正式背书、完全背书。需要记载:被背书人名称、背书日期、背书人签章。例如:Pay to the order of B Co. LondonFor A Co.,London SignatureRestrictive endorsement:限制性背书,支付给被背书人的指示带有限制性的词语。例如:A. Pay to A Bank only; B. Pay to A Bank for account of ABC Co.; C. Pay to A Bank not negotiable/transferable.Co

18、nditional endorsement:条件背书,支付给被背书人的指示是带有条件的。例如:Pay to the order of B Co. On delivery of B/L No.111 For A Co.,London signature (3) Presentment/Presentation;提示或付款Two kinds of presentment: 远期汇票向付款人提示要求承兑;即期汇票或已承兑的远期汇票向付款人或承兑人提示要求付款。 (4) Acceptance;承兑Two kinds of acceptance: General Acceptance(普通承兑)例如:A

19、CCEPTEDDateFor name of drawee signature Qualified Acceptance(限制承兑)A. Conditional Acceptance有条件承兑例如:ACCEPTED 5 July, 2005 Payable on delivery of Bills of Lading For ABC Bank Ltd., London SignatureB. Partial Acceptance部分承兑(票面金额为GBP 5000.00 ) 例如: ACCEPTED 5 July, 2005 Payable for amount of GBP 3000.00

20、only For ABC Bank Ltd., London signatureC. Local Acceptance(限定地点承兑)例如: ACCEPTED 5 July, 2005 Payable at Bank of China and there only For ABC Bank Ltd., London signature D. Qualified Acceptance as to time(延长时间承兑)例如: ACCEPTED 5 July, 2005 Payable at 6 months after date For ABC Bank Ltd., London signat

21、ure出票日后3个月付款的汇票,承兑时写明6个月付款。 (5) Payment;付款 (6) Dishonor; 拒付持票人提示汇票要求承兑时,遭到拒绝而不获承兑(dishonor by non-acceptance),或持票人提示汇票要求付款时,遭到拒绝而不获付款,均称拒付,也称退票。除了拒绝承兑和拒绝付款外,付款人避而不见、死亡或宣布破产,以致付款事实上已不可能时,也称为拒付。汇票在合理时间内提示但遭到拒绝承兑时,或汇票在到期日提示而遭到拒绝付款时,对持票人立即产生追索权,持票人有权向背书人和出票人追索票款 (7) Notice of dishonor;拒付通知 (8) Protest;拒

22、绝证书 (9) Right of recourse;追索权(without recourse无追索权) (10) Guarantee 担保(在票据上有“Aval”字样并签字) (11) Discounting贴现(书P47,计算)6. Classification of a bill of exchange汇票分类(选择)1.According to the drawer(1) Bankers draft or bank draft银行汇票(2) Trade bill商业汇票2. According to the acceptor(1) Traders acceptance bill商业承兑汇

23、票(2) Bankers acceptance bill银行承兑汇票3.According to the tenor(期限)(1) Sight bill即期汇票(2) Time bill or Usance bill远期汇票4.According to whether commercial documents are attached thereto(1) Clean bill光票(2) Documentary bill跟单汇票(附有金融票据)5.According to the currency denominated(1) Local currency bill本币汇票(2) Foreig

24、n currency bill外币汇票6.According to the place of acceptance and place of payment(1) Direct bill: 直接汇票It is a bill on which the place of acceptance is the same one as the place of payment. (2) Indirect bill:间接汇票It is a bill on which the place of acceptance is not the same one as the place of payment.7.

25、According to the place of issue and place of payment(1) Inland bill/domestic bill:国内汇票It is a bill drawn and payable in the same country.(2) Foreign bill:国外汇票It is a bill drawn and payable in another country. 三、Promissory Note本票1. fill Promissory Note (1) The word “promissory note” clearly indicated

26、; (2) An unconditional promise to pay; (3) Name of the payee or his order; (4) Makers signature; (5) Place and date of issue; (6) Period of payment; (7) A certain amount of money; (8) Place of payment.2. Difference between a promissory note and a bill of exchange(单选简答)(1) A promissory note is a prom

27、ise to pay, whereas a bill of exchange is an order to pay;本票是无条件支付承诺,汇票是无条件支付命令。(2) There are only two parties to a promissory note, namely the maker and the payee(or the holder in the case of a bearer note),whereas there are three parties to a bill of exchange, namely the drawer, the drawee and the

28、 payee.本票有两个当事人:出票人、收款人,汇票有三个当事人:出票人、受票人/付款人、收款人(3) The maker is primarily liable on a promissory note, whereas the drawer is primarily liable, if it is a sight bill, and the acceptor becomes primarily liable, if it is a time bill.(本票的主债务人是制票人,汇票的主债务人承兑前是出票人,承兑后是承兑人。)(4) When issued, a promissory no

29、te has an original note only, whereas a bill of exchange may be either a sole bill or a bill in a set, i.e. a bill drawn with second of exchange and third of exchange in addition to the original one.签发时,本票只有一张原始票据,汇票可以制成成套汇票四、Check支票1. A bankers duty to honor checks ends银行可以止付的情况(单选)(1) on counterma

30、nding of payment by the customer-commonly known as “stop”;票据止付(2) on receiving notice that the customer has died or dissolved; 死亡(3) on receiving notice of bankruptcy or liquidation of the customer;破产、清算(4) on receiving order that is made against the customer; 出票人命令(5) on receiving notice of mental

31、disorder of the customer; 精神失常(6) on receiving a garnishee order against the customers account;扣押令(7) on receiving a court order freezing the customers account.法庭冻结账户Mere constructive countermand, such as the bank is supposed to be in a position to learn of the stop payment, is not enough. The drawer is the only person who can instruct the drawee bank to stop payment on a particular check.银

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