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1、总语法一、人称代词与物主代词 - 初学英语的同学往往对人称代词、物主代词感觉含混不清,下面我们就帮助同学们来清楚地回顾一下所的学人称代词及物主代词。1人称代词:我、你、他。 2物主代词:顾名思义即“东西的主人”,我的、你的、他的。3人称代词分:主格与宾格,主格在句中作主语。如:Im a teacher宾格在句中作宾语。如:Mum loves me very much 4物主代词分:形词性与名词性的,形容词性的物主代词后面一定跟一名词。如:This is my book而名词性的物主代词直接指代一个名词,后面不要再加名词。如:This book is mine(相当于my book) 练 习:1

2、Is this chassroom (you)?No (we)is over there2I sit behind (she) (she)name is Mary3Please give (they) (they)photos4 (he)parents come to see (he)every weekend5 (you)school is much bigger than (I)注:若有几个人称在一起,要注意它们的排列顺序。中国人说:我和Tom,Jack英语中要说:Tom,Jack and I你,我,他,英语中应翻成:You,he and I把第一人称放在最后面。二、冠词 冠词分不定冠词和

3、定冠词。 (一)不定冠词有a,an。 a用在以辅音开头的名词前,如:a girl,a picture。an用在以元音开头的名词前,如;an apple,an orange。用法如下: 1泛指人或事物的类别。 A computer is a useful machine 2表示数量“一”,但数的概念没有“one”那么强烈。 There is a sitting rom,a bed room,a kitchen and a bathroom in my flat 3第一次提到某人或莱物。 There is a car beside the house 4用于某些固定的结构。如:a little,h

4、ave a look,have a rest (二)定冠词只有一个“the”。 the用于元音开头的名词前时读 如:the egg, the earth.用于辅音开头的名词前读: 如:the cake,the pear。用法如下: 1基本的用法是特指,特指说话人所指的事物或上文提到的人或事。 How many students are there in the classroom? There is a car beside the houseThe car is Mr Smiths2指世上独一无二的事物。如:the sun,the moon,the earth.3用在序数词的前面。 The

5、second story is very interesting4.用在姓氏复数形式之前,表示“一家人”或“夫妇两个”。如:the Greens (格林一家或格林夫妇)。5.用在单数可数名词前表示类人或事物。如; The tiger is a wild animal6用在某些专有名词前。如:the Great Wall,the USA,the Peoples Palace。7用在一些固定词组中。如:in the morning,in the afternoon,on the left.(三)不用冠词的情况。1专有名词,如:China,America,Nanjing。2名词前已有修饰词的不用:

6、Where is my new coat? Give me some bananas3星期、月份、节日名称前不用冠词,如: What day is it today ? Its Sunday March.8 is womens Day4。三顿饭及球类活动前不加“the”,如:have breakfastlunchsupperplayfootball。注:但乐器前一定要加定冠词the,如:play the pianoviolin.5某些固定结构或习惯用语中,如:at night,go to school,by busbikeplane,名词前用不用冠词,含义不同。如: go to school上

7、学 go to bed去睡觉 go to the school去那所学校 go to the bed往床那边去 用冠词不能太随意be in hospital生病住院 in the class在班级中work in the hospital在医院工作 in class在上课 练 习:1.Miss Smith is ill in hospitalJack is going to take N01 bus to see her A,the Ba,the Cthe,a Dthe,the2一I saw beafltiful car here yesterday 一Is it red one? I saw

8、 it here too Aa,a Bthe,the Ca,the Dthe,a3There is “h”in the word“without”and letter is in the middle of this word Aa,the Ban,the Ca,Dan,4I dont know much about history of Japan Athe, Bthe,the C,the Dthe,a5一what colour is orange?一Its orangeAan,an Ban,the C,an Dan,6On Teachers DayI made TeachersDay ca

9、rd to my English teacher A,a Ba, Cthe,a Dthe,the7一W hich woman is your aunt,Lily? - one over there AA BAn CThe DThat三、介词 我们学过这样一些介词:in,on,under,behind,beside,near,at,of等,其中大部分是表示方位的介词。 1in在里面。如:in the red car。 Where is MrSmith?He is in the red car in还可以表示穿着什么样的衣服。 如:Who is the woman in blue? 2on在上面。

10、如:on the desk. on the wall. 3under在下面。如:under the bed。Where are my shoes? They are under the bed 4behind在后面,如:behind the door Where is Polly? Its behind the door 5near在附近。如:near my home Where is the supermarket?Its near my home 6at主要有这样几个词组要记住:at home,at school,at work,at six oclock。 7of的,表示从属关系。如:

11、a picture of my family我们全家的照片 the door of the classroom教室的门 the name of the flower这朵花的名字 练 习:1There are some sheep (在山下)2Can you see a cat (桥下)? 3The tree (屋子后面)is tall and big4Where is your father?He is (在上班)now5Look,this is (一幅中国地图)6I have lunch (在11:30)四、Be动词 Be动词有好几种形式,即,am、is、are,be动词在句中和主语的搭配情

12、况可以根据这张表来说明。be动词的利用率很高,我们应熟练掌握它在各种句式中的正确用法。例如:1Im in Row 0ne(改成一般疑问句) Are you in Row One? Yas,I am(No,Inl not) 2Lily and Lucy are from Nanjing(改成否定句) Lily and Lucy arent from Nanjing 3This shirt is red(改成特殊疑问句) What colour is this shirt? 由此可见,有be动词的句子改为否定、疑问等句式时,仍然要用相应的be动词。有时,我们会遇到一些特殊的句子,be动词容易用错。

13、例如: 1These shoes are smallI think that pair of shoes is big 2Fifty dollars is enough for me to buy that sweater 注:有些像时间、金钱等词汇要当作一个整体,be动词仍用is. 3Three plus three is six 注:加、减、乘、除也作为一个整体,be动词也用“is”. 4Fish is my favourite food 注:主谓fish是不可数名词,be动词用is。 练 习:1The glasses on the table new2How much money the

14、re in the purse3How many pieces of paper there on the desk?4Ten years a long time5Twenty minus nine eleven6Where Mary and her sister?五、名词所有格也是一个常考的语法项目,有必要清楚地认识它 1表示有生命的东西的名词变为所有格,一般在词后加“s”。 以“s”结尾的只加“”不加s,如:TeachersDay,the boysrooms 2如果一样东西为两人所共有,则只在后一个名词,后加“s”。 如:Lucy and Lilys mother(共有)Lucy和Lily

15、两个人的妈妈。 Lucys and Lilys booksLucy的书和Lily的书。 3表示无生命的东西的名词常用“of”+名词结构来表示所属关系。如: the window of the sitting room起居室的窗户。不说成:the sitting rooms windowThe gate of the school学校大门。不说成:the schools gate4双重所有格,即有“s”又有“of”结构组成。 如:A friend of my fathers 练 习:1一Why do they help Mrs Brown with her work? Because she i

16、s Aan old friend of them B. a good friend of theirs Cone of their friend Dthe friend of them2I found(发现)the cat in room ASave and Kate BSaves and Kates CSave,s and Kate D.Save and Kates3.March 8 is Day(woman)4Do you know those names?(doctor)六、There be结构 “there be”结构翻成中文就是一个字“有”。它和“have,has”的区别为:“hav

17、e,has”表示“拥有”。如:I have a new bike而“there be”指一种客观存在,表示“地方有东西”。如:there is a new watch on the deskWhose is it?我们通过一些例句来说明there be结构的几种句式:1当描述的是可数名词单数时用“there is”。如:There is a kite in the sky天上有一只风筝。2当描述的事物是可数名词的复数时用“there are”。如:There are some white birds in the tree树上有一些白色的鸟儿。3当描述的事物是不可数名词时用“there is”

18、。如:There is only a little ice cream只有一点点冰淇淋了,将肯定句转换成否定句或疑问句时变成: 1There ares any kites in the sky 2Are there any black birds on the tree? 3How many schools are there in your city? 注:最后关于“there be”结构常考的有一个“就近原则”的问题,当一个地方存在几样东西时用“there is”还是“there are”看靠近be动词的那个东西是单数还是复数,是单数用“there is”,是复数用“there are”。

19、如: There is a desk and two chairs in the room There are two chairs and a desk on the bed 练 习:1我的床下有一双新鞋子。 2院子里有花吗?有,但没有树。3湖上有一条船和两个男孩。4二月份有多少天?七、祈使句 表示请求、命令、建议等口气的句子为祈使句,句中谓语动词用原形,句子省去了主语.分肯定和否定形式。 1肯定式:stand up,come here,look out(小心)。 2否定式:Dont be late next time Dont play with fire 3以Lets开头的句子也是祈使句

20、。如: Lets have a rest now Lets look at the blackboard 4有时,为了避免口气太生硬,我们可以加上please,will you等来缓和语气,也显得很礼貌,如: Dont be late please Please sit here,will you?(请坐在这儿,好吗?wm you解释为好吗?) Dont put your bag here,will you?(不要把包放在这里,好吗?) 练 习(将下面句子改为祈使句):1You must look after your watch well2Will you please help me?3I

21、f you study hard,youll be a good student4What about playing football after school?5You mustnt read books in the sun一般将来时 一般将来时是表示将来某一时刻要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或重复发生的动作。 (一)一般将来时的构成: 主语+be(am,is,are)going to+动词原形+其他 主语+wll(shall)+动词原形+其他 例如:We are going to play football tomorrow We will play football tom

22、orrow (二)一般将来时的用法: 1对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事情时,常用“be going to+动词原形+其他,的句型来表示。在口语中较常用,而且常带有说话人的主观想法或意愿。 例如:They are going to take a study trip to New York this term He isnt going to see his brother tomorrow Is he going to play basketball this afternoon? What are you going to do tomorrow? 2单纯用来表示将要发生的事情

23、,即未经事先考虑的常用“will(shall)+动词原形”。 例如:There is somebody at the door . Ill go and open it.(去开门显然是未经事先考虑的意图,在此,不宜说“Im going to open it) I shall be fourteen next month(下月我十四岁只是一种必然的趋势。) He is going to find a new job(换工作是事先考虑好的意图,所以用be going to. 常见区别如下: 1在书面语中,主语为第一人称(I和We)时,常用shall+动词原形,即I(we)+shall+动词原形+其

24、他。在口语中,所有人称都可以用will. 例如:well(We shall)have a lot of fun there在那里我们会玩得很开心的They will go sightseeing this weekend本周末他们将去观光。 2在表示带有意愿色彩的将来的时候,常用will. 例如:I will tell you about it我会告诉你这事的。 Iwill go with you this afternoon今天下午我和你去。 3.在问对方是否愿意,或表示客气的邀请或命令时,常用will。 例如:Will you please open the window?请把窗户打开好吗

25、? 4在表示建议或征求对方意见时,用shall。 例如:Shall I go and tell Mrs White?我去告诉怀特夫人好吗? Yes,pleaseNo,please dont好的。请不要。 Shall we go tO the cinema? 咱们去看电影好吗?练 习(用一般将来时填空):1一Jane,suppers ready- I (come)2.He says he (give)his parents a big surprise3.Im sure they (be)glad to see his friends from London4How you (spend)thi

26、s weekend?5 .Tomorrow (be)Saturday6. you please (turn)off the recorder?7. we (buy)Mum a present?8.Dont worry about your study. I (help)you with it注意:1.一些表示位置转移的词,如:go,come,leave,arrive,start等,可用现在进行时表示即将要发生的动作,但此时,一般要与表示将来的时间状语连用。 例如:Were going on a study trip to Beach Park School this term本学期我们将要去海

27、滨公园学校进行一次学习旅行。 Are you leaving for New York tomorrow?你们明天动身去纽约吗? 2常和一般将来时连用的时间状语:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,tomorrow morningafternoonevening,this morningafternoonevening,tonight,this weekmonthyearsummer,soon,some day,in two months(intwo monthstime) 用括号中的时间状语改写句子 1My family often have a picnic i

28、n the country at weekends(next weekend)2Today is a sunny day(tomorrow)- 3Are they having a music lesson now?(tomorrow morning) 4What do you do on Sundays?(this Sunday)- 二、反意疑问句 1反意疑问句是一种常用于口语的疑问句式,通常由两部分组成:陈述句+反意简略疑问句。简略疑问句由助动词的肯定或否定形式+主语构成,主语必须是代词。简略疑问句的肯定或否定形式和陈述句相反。 肯定陈述句,否定简略疑问句?(前肯后否) 例如:We are

29、 in shanghai,arent we? 否定陈述句,肯定简略疑问句?(前否后肯) 例如:A flower doesnt make a spring,does it? 2当陈述句中有not,no,hardly,seldom,little,few,never,nothing等词时,反意简略疑问句就用肯定形式。例如:Theres nothing new in todayS newspaper,is there?Youll never forget this interesting trip to London,will you? Mr Smith can speak little French

30、,can he? 3几种特殊句型的反意疑问句。 例如:Im from China,arent I I dont think he gets better,does,he?(主句第一人称反意疑句主语看从句,其他人称看主句) You dont think he will win,do you? Please return the magazine to the library,will you* Dont read in bed,will you? Lets sing together,shall we?(包括听话人在内) Let us help you,will you?(不包括听话人在内) Let me go,will you? 4.反意疑问句并不都是表示说话者的怀疑或惊讶的语气,有时只是为了表示说话者对自己意见的确认。读时用降调。 例如:Chinese TeachersDay

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