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1、财政学19培养计划财政学专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Public Finance一、培养目标Program Objective 财政学专业培养具备财政税收基本知识和相关理论及实践能力的专业人才。本专业要求学生了解财政学发展及中国税收制度的沿革和发展,掌握各税种的实质和内容,并将所学的理论知识灵活运用于企业税收筹划与税收征收管理,同时熟悉如社会保障等财政学领域的新兴问题。本专业培养的学生可到各类企业、事务所跨国公司、证券机构等单位从事税收筹划、税收审计等工作,也可到财政局、税务局等国家机构从事相关的税收管理工作,还可以到高等院校、

2、科研单位从事教学和科研工作。Public finance is to train professionals with fundamental knowledge of public finance & taxation and abilities to put related theories into practice. We require students to understand the history and development of public finance and the tax policies in China, to master the essential a

3、nd contents of all kinds of taxes and smartly put them into enterprises tax planning and tax levying & management, meanwhile to get familiar with the newly-built issues concerning public finance such as social security. Our students are expected to handle tax planning and tax audit in all kinds of e

4、nterprises, cross national companies and securities, to handle tax management in public finance bureaus and revenues, also to handle teaching and researching in higher education and research institutions.二、基本规格要求Learning Outcomes财政学专业学生主要学习财政学、经济学和企业管理的基础理论和基本知识,受到税收征收管理及企业税收管理及技能方面的训练,具有分析和解决国家财政政策


6、杂工作环境的应变能力;7.熟悉我国财政和税收领域的有关政策和法规以及国际上的相关规定;8.了解本学科的理论前沿和发展动态;9. 掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有初步的科学研究和实际工作能力。Public Finance:Our students mainly focus on basic theories and knowledge of public finance, economics and enterprise management. They will get the training of taxation levying & management and the manag

7、ement skills of enterprises taxation management. Then they will have the basic abilities in both analyzing and solving the public finance policies and tax policies of our country and enterprises financing and tax practicing. Students are supposed to:1.Master the basic theory of public finance and ha

8、ve the ability and power to conduct macroeconomics management and to analyze macroeconomics issues;2.Master tax theories and tax practicing knowledge, gain the ability to handle taxation levying & management, tax policies and economics analyzing;3.Master professional knowledge of finance management

9、and accounting, gain the fundamental power of being a professional on finance management in an enterprise;4.Master modern information technology and the analyzing method, designing method and realizing technology of MIS, and put them into practice for the computer aided taxation management and the c

10、omputer aided finance management;5.Master the professional knowledge and skills of economic law, and theory of organizational behavior and marketing;6.Get the ability of good communication with others and using English as well as the ability to acclimatize themselves to the complicated working situa

11、tions;7.Understand the related policies, regulations and laws of public finance and taxation in China and the related international regulation;8.Understand its current stage of development and the trend of related subjects;and9.Acquire the skills to search documents and data, and abilities to do sci

12、entific research and practical job.三、培养特色Program Highlights1、实行通识教育基础上的宽口径专业教育;2、注重学生专业基础理论知识的教育;3、注重学生专业基本技能和动手能力的训练;4、统一性和多样性相结合,体现培养个性化;5、注重培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。1This program carries out the general education model of wide scope;2This program pays much attention to the education of basic professional

13、 theory;3This program attaches much importance to the training of basic skills and practice ability;4Combine oneness with diversity,indicate the education of individuality;5This program highlights the ability of problem analysis and resolve.四、主干学科Major Disciplines管理学Management五、学制与学位Program Length a

14、nd Degree修业年限:四年Duration:4 years授予学位:经济学学士Degrees Conferred:Bachelor of Management六、学时与学分Credits Hours and Units完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:153学分Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training):153 credits其中,专业基础课程、专业核心课程学分不允许用其他课程学分进行学分冲抵和替代。M

15、ajor-related basic courses and core courses cannot be covered using credits from other courses in the program.完成学业最低课外学分要求:5学分Minimum Extracurricular Credits:5 credits1. 课程体系学时与学分Course Credits Hours and Units课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()素质教育通识课程必修528/3321.57选修160/106.54学科(大类)基础课程必修696/43.528.43专业课程专业核心课

16、程必修400/2516.34专业方向课程选修400/2516.34集中性实践教学环节必修33w/16.510.78合计2184+33w/153100Course TypeRequired/ ElectiveHrs/CrsPercentage(%)Essential-qualities-oriented Education General CoursesRequired528/3321.57Elective160/106.54Discipline-related General CoursesRequired696/43.528.43Major-specific CoursesCoreRequi

17、red416/2516.34ElectiveElective400/2516.34 Internship and Practical Training Required33w/16.510.78Total2184+33w/1531002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Practicum Credits实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练必修2/16.06公益劳动必修1/0.53.03金工实习必修2/16.06生产实习必修4/212.12管理类综合实验(ERP)必修2/16.06毕业设计(论文)必修16/848.49税收综合实践必修2/16.06课程设计必修2/

18、16.06专业实验必修2/16.06合计33/16.5100Course TitleRequired/ ElectiveWeeks/CreditsPercentage (%)Military TrainingRequired2/16.06Laboring for Public BenefitRequired1/0.53.03Mechanical Engineering TrainingRequired2/16.06Engineering InternshipRequired4/212.12Management Integrated ExperimentRequired2/16.06Underg

19、raduate ThesisRequired16/848.49continueCourse TitleRequired/ ElectiveWeeks/CreditsPercentage (%)Comprehensive experiment of TaxationRequired2/16.06Course ProjectRequired2/16.06Professional ExperimentsRequired2/16.06Total33/16.51003. 课外学分 Extracurricular Credits序号课外活动名称课外活动和社会实践的要求课外学分1演讲或论文至少参加一次公众演


21、等奖者36论文在全国性刊物发表论文每篇论文237科研视参与科研项目时间与科研能力每项138实验视创新情况每项13注:在校运动会上参加某项目获得第一名、第二名,等同于校级竞赛一等奖;获得35名,等同于校级竞赛二等奖;获得68名,等同于校级竞赛三等奖。No.Extracurricular Activities and Social PracticeRequirementsExtracurricularCredits1Public Speaking or ArticleAttend and finish ONE speech contest or submit a article 1Competit

22、ionAttend and finish ONE competition 1Leader Experience as a leader at list ONE year12Activities of Social PracticeSubmit report and pass oral defense2Entitled as Activist by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province;Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice G

23、roup by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province23Ideological and political course Social PracticeSubmit a report and obtain a passing score2continueNo.Extracurricular Activities and Social PracticeRequirementsExtracurricularCredits4Examinations in English and ComputerCET-6Students whose

24、 Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements2TOEFL, GREStudents whose exam scores accord requirements2National Computer Rank ExaminationWin certificate of Band-2 or higher2National Computer Software Qualification Win certificate of programmer2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer3Win certificate of

25、System Analyst45CompetitionsUniversity LevelWin first prize3Win second prize2Win third prize1Provincial LevelWin first prize4Win second prize3Win third prize2National LevelWin first prize6Win second prize4Win third prize36ThesisThose whose thesis appears in national publicationsPer piece237Scientifi

26、c ResearchDepending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item138ExperimentsDepending on innovative extentEach item13Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize ar

27、e deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程及创新(创业)课程 Main Courses and Innovation(Entrepreneurship) Courses(一)主要课程 Main Courses宏观经济学Macro-economics、财务会计学Financial Accounting、财务管理Financial Management、运作管理Operations Management、组织行为学Organization

28、al Behavior、管理学Management、经济法Law of Economy、运筹学Operations Research、计量经济学Econometrics、中国税制Tax System of China、金融经济学Foundations for Financial Economics、博弈论Game Theory、投资学Investment(二)创新(创业)课程 Innovation(Entrepreneurship) Courses创新意识启迪Innovative Awareness Enlightenment Course:管理经济学 Managerial Economics

29、 ;创新能力培养Innovative Ability Traiming Course:税务代理及实务Taxation Agency and Practice ;创新实践训练Innovative Practice Training Course:专业实验 Professional Experiments.八、主要实践教学环节(含专业试验)Practicum Module(experiments included)军事训练Military Training、公益劳动Labouring for Public Benefit、工程训练Industrial Practice、专业实习Profession

30、al Social Practice、生产实习Engineering Internship、课程设计Course Project、毕业设计Undergraduate Thesis九、教学进程计划表Course Schedule院(系):管理学院 专业: 财政学School(Department): School of Management Specialty: Public Finance课程类别course type课程性质required/elective课程代码course code课程名称course name学时hrs学分crs其中Including设置学期semester实验exp.上机operati

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