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1、托福TPO54听力原文+题目及答案解析+PDF下载托福考试前很多考生通过TPO练习来提高自己的托福解答能力,目前TPO也已经更新到54了,今天上海学校托福小编给为大家分享TPO54听力原文及题目答案解析,方便大家做考前练习!托福暑期班已上线,报暑期优惠多多!托福TPO听力54原文及题目:STORY THEATER_故事剧院Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor of her theaterclass.Student:So, Professor Baker, about our next assignment you

2、talked about inclass.Professor:Yes, this time youll be in groups of three, each of you willhave a chance to direct the other two in a short scene from a play youve chosenyourself.Student:Right, and, well, Ive been reading about story theater, andProfessor:Ah, story theater, tell me about what youve

3、read.Student:Well, its a form of theater where folk or fairy tales are actedout.It waseh, introduced, by the director Paul Sills in the 1960s.In Sillssapproach, an actor both narrates, and acts out a tale.So, like someone willappear on stage, and then will start narrating a tale, aboutsay a king, an

4、dthen the same person will immediately switch to and start acting out the role ofthe king, with no props or scenery.Professor:Sills, you know I actually saw his first story theater productionin 1968, he did the fairy tale the blue light.Student:Really, so whatever gave him the idea to produce that?P

5、rofessor:Well, as you know, back in the late 1960s, lots of people in theUnited States were disillusioned with the government.Sills was grappling withhow to produce theater that was relevant in such times.Then he happened to readthe blue light, and he realized that it had just the message he wanted.

6、See, in the story, a man has lost all hope as a result of the unfortunateevents in his life, completely turns his life around, with the help of a magicalblue light. So,the blue light in the story symbolizes a way out of seeminglyunsolvable human problems.And for Sills, that light symbolized an answe

7、r to thepolitical turmoil in the US.Student:But werent youum, audiences bother that the actors wereperforming on a bare stage?Professor:Well, story theater is a departure from traditionaldramatictheater with its realistic elaborate props and scenery, but Sills couldmake us see, say a big tall mounta

8、in through the facial expressions and bodymovements of the actors, and theyre telling of the story.We were all swept up, energized by such an innovative approach to theater,even if one or two of the critics werent as enthusiastic.Student:Cool, so, anyway.What I really wanted to ask, Id love to try d

9、oingstory theater for my project instead of just a scene from a traditionalplay.Professor:Um, thats possible.A short tale can be about the same length asa single thing.Which fairy tale would you do?Student:Actually, I was reading about another director of story theater,Rack Stevenson.You know, he pr

10、oduces plays based on folk tales as well.Maybe Icould direct one of those.Professor:Okay, yes, Rack Stevenson.Now, Stevensons styles story theateris a little different from Sillss.Hell use simple props, a chair willrepresent a mountain, but the significant difference is with the narrator.Thenarrator

11、 will play only that role.Lets talk about why.题目:1.Why does the student go to see the professor?A. To learn about the background of a director who was discussed inclassB. To ask permission to use a specific type of theater for her classassignmentC. To discuss the symbolism in a play she wants to use

12、 for herassignmentD. To find out what scenery she is allowed to use in presenting herassignment2.Why does the professor discuss the political environment in the UnitedStates in the 1960s?A. To compare events at that time to events that occurred in one ofStephensons playsB. To suggest that the woman

13、do additional research on that period ofUnited States historyC. To point out why political themes are common in folk and fairy talesD. To explain Sillss inspiration for his first story theatreproduction3.According to the professor, what does the blue light in the fairy talecalled The Blue Light repr

14、esent?A. A plan that is impossible to followB. A conflict between two opposing forcesC. A solution to complex problemsD. A question that has no clear answer4.What is the professors opinion about Sillss production of The BlueLight?A. He thinks that it was an inventive and powerful performance.B. He b

15、elieves that the use of some props would have enhanced theperformance.C. He thinks that the theme is even more relevant today than it was in the1960s.D. He believes that it was less effective stylistically than some ofStephensons plays.5.According to the professor, what is the most important differe

16、nce betweenStephensons and Sillss style of story theatre?A. The actor who plays the role of the narrator plays only that role inStephensons productions.B. The actors wear elaborate costumes in Stephensons productions.C. The stage settings are realistic in Stephensons productions.D. Political themes

17、are avoided in Stephensons productions.(由于篇幅太长,答案和解析我们将以pdf提供给大家下载)索取“托福TPO听力54原文+题目+答案解析”PDF电子版,请加COCO老师微信(shnc_2018),发送暗号“优化+TPO54”托福TPO听力54原文+题目:Migration of Zooplankton浮游动物的迁移Listen to part of the lecture in the marine biology class.And the sea is teaming with tiny organisms, but they dont get a

18、s muchpopular attention as say, whales.Microscopic algae just arent as exciting I suppose.And yet those organismsare the foundation of the bulk of the marine food chain.Without plankton whichis the global term for these tiny organisms, there will be no whales.Plankton is found both in fresh water an

19、d marine environments.Again its aterm we use for any small organisms that float along with the current, eitherbecause they are too small or weak to swim against it, or because they donthave any capacity at all to move by themselves.Plants and plant-like plankton are called phytoplankton while animal

20、s andanimal-like plankton are called zooplankton.For over a century now, researchers have been trying to solve the mysteryabout zooplankton.You see some species of zooplankton migrate areum not the way birds dowhen the seasons change.But daily, in the phenomenon we call Diel VerticalMigration or DVM

21、, in the Diel Vertical Migration, sole plankton swim up near thesurface of the water during the night and swim down to deeper water during theday.Depending on the species and region, this can be a round trip of between 100and 400 meters.For a tiny microscopic organism, thats a huge distance. Remembe

22、r now,zooplankton cant swim very well and DVM requires a lot of energy.So there mustbe an important benefit to these daily up-and-down commuting.Were not exactlysure what this benefit is.Though there are several compelling theories.Ill talk about them in a moment, but first I want to talk about what

23、 we doknow or rather what we are pretty sure we know.So researchers generally agree that the stimulus for zooplankton DVM islight.Zooplankton tend to swim away from sunlight into deeper water where thesuns rays barely penetrate.At night, when the sun no longer illuminatesshallower water, zooplankton

24、 head back toward the surface.Now why would light cause zooplankton to expend all that energy inmigrate?One popular theory is that zooplankton are hiding during the day fromvisual predators, ehthose animals that hunt by sight, the darkness providessafety during the day.Then at night after migrating

25、upward, they have an opportunity to feed onphytoplankton that float at the surface.Make sense, doesnt it?But what do we do with the data showing that many kinds of zooplanktondont dive deep enough during the day to become invisible to predators or thatothers dive deeper than its necessary to escape

26、hunters eyes.And somezooplankton are bioluminescent, which means they have special organs that lighup and make them visible even at great depth.Well, despite all these, we believe predator avoidance is a possibleexplanation because of studies done in fresh water lakes.It turns out there is acorrelat

27、ion between the presence or absence of vertical migration, and thepresence or absence of fish that find their prey by sight.But what are some other possible explanations?Some researchers suggest that zooplankton migrate to avoid the sunsultra-violet light.That would explain why some zooplankton are

28、found at suchgreat depth.Visible light may not penetrate very far down, but ultra-violetlight can.And we know that some zooplankton have special pigments that protectthem from the damage ultra-violet light can cause.That could be why some zooplankton are able to stay closer to the surfaceduring dayl

29、ight hours.And there is a third theory.Although it takes a lot of energy for the zooplankton to migrate, theyconserve energy while floating in deeper colder water.So while theyre notfeeding, they are quietly digesting in cooler water.But remember, zooplankton consist of any number of different organ

30、isms.Frommicroscopic worms to crab larvae to tiny fish, and they are found in a largerange of marine habitats, cold water, warm water, shallow water, deep water.So there may be different reasons for different species.题目:1.What does the professor mainly discuss?A. The importance of zooplankton in the marine food chainB. The interdependence of two types of tiny marine organismsC. A physical feature of zooplankton that makes them well adapted forswimmingD. A phenomenon observed in some species of zooplankton2.Why does the professor conclude that zooplankton must derive an importantbenef

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