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1、牛津高中英语模块十unit3教案基于深度备课的集体备课相关规定南外仙林分校外语部一、集体备课程序1.开学初,备课组长负责制定集体备课人员安排表,将本学期集体备课主备任务分解到人(暂定:高中年级1次/1 人,初中年级1次/2人,采用“主+次”组合,由第一主备人执笔),按期上传至校园网公共平台。2.主备人提前10天撰写出单元教材内容分析和课时教学主备教案并上传至校园网,由备课组长发一线通提醒组内老师及时认真阅读,在校园网公共平台发表看法,提出修改意见,主备老师及时关注相关讨论。3.备课组长按时召集组织集体备课,主备教师记录老师发言,汇总网上老师意见,认真研究,对教案作必要修改后上传至校园网公共平台

2、,并印发给组内老师。4.授课教师认真阅读思考集体共案,根据学情及个人教学风格,对共案的教学内容和教学方法等作出必要调整并在“备注”栏加以说明。5.每位老师须保存好个人二次备课教案以备检查。二、单元教学设计 课题 AWE M10 U3 主备人 苏杰 项 目 目 标 要 求话 题Protecting ourselves语言知识语音Natural and fluent pronunciation and intonation 词汇Bathe, abrupt, weep, sideways, deadly, outward, unprotected, breast, abortion, mosquit

3、o, sneeze, bid, agenda, prescription, prevention, conclude, discriminate, additional, jog, drawer, unconscious, pan, porridge, super, reaction, capsule, appetite, cocoa, artificial, downward, slide, trap, suck, wipe, stainburst on the scene, prescription medicine/ drug, pain ill, case study, over-th

4、e-counter medicine, over again, wipe away语法The development of a text功能1. Describing illness2. Describing social problems语言技能听Students will be able to listen to a lecture by a doctor on the dangers of taking medicines when it is not necessary.说Students will be able to talk about diseases and discuss

5、alternatives to taking medicines.读Students will be able to read a TV news transcript about Aids and article about the dangers of drugs.写Students will be able to write an article giving warnings on the dangers of taking medicines when it is not necessary.情感态度Students learn to know something about the

6、 seriousness of the worldwide problem of Aids.Students learn to know the dangers of taking medicines unnecessarily.Students learn to know some dangers of drugs.学习策略Summarize what is in listening and reading; put more effort on the difficulties; cooperate with other; expand knowledge in other ways注:目

7、标要求可参阅南京外国语学校仙林分校英语教学实施纲要第四部分“目标内容”中的相关描述。三、课时主备教案课题 AWE M10 U3 课型 Welcome+Wordpower 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be able to:1. learn useful strategy to expand their vocabulary;2. develop their ability in listening and speaking;3. enlarge their vocabulary of st

8、opping bad habits.4. learn different forms of abbreviationsFocus of the lesson:1. students ability to discuss how to protect ourselves2. phrases related to habits and use them freely3. some abbreviationsPredicted area of difficulties:1. students ability to express their opinion in EnglishLearning ai

9、ds:1. PPT2. blackboardLearning procedures:PROCEDURECONTENTLead in1. Daily report:2. Start the lesson by presenting the students some pictures, which are familiar to students. Then ask the question “What things are bad for our health?”(见PPT3-8)Presentation of Welcome to the unitThe students are requi

10、red to discuss the four pictures on Welcome to the unit, and they are supposed to express themselves in English.(见PPT9-20)Discussion of Welcome to the unitGive students several minutes to work in groups of four, discussing the three questions. Then ask some groups to report their opinions to the who

11、le class. 1. Why do you think people do things that are harmful to their health and lives?2. What do you know about Aids?3. Can you think of some other bad habits that harm peoples health and lives? (见PPT21-28).Warm-up of Word powerCan you think of any bad habits in our daily life?(Smoking/spitting/

12、staying up too late/littering/watching TV all day long/eating sugary foods before going to bed ) (见PPT31)Vocabulary learningPart A: Read the short passage in Part A carefully, and then find some phrases about stopping bad habits in the passage.(见PPT32-35)Part B:1. Filling in the blanks with proper p

13、hrases in Part A about stopping some bad habits according to some pictures.2.Summarize some phrases about habit: (见PPT36-40)AbbreviationPart AExplain the different forms of abbreviation to the students by asking the following questions.1.What are abbreviation words according to Part A on page 39?2.

14、What are three types of abbreviations?3. What are general abbreviations?4. What is an acronym?5. What is an initialism?(见PPT41-45)Part BCheck the answers together with the students to see if they have really understood the three types of abbreviations.General abbreviations: Info, EveAcronyms: UNESCO

15、, scubaInitialisms: CD, CCTV(见PPT46-47)Homework1. Surf the Internet to find more examples of abbreviations.2. Relevant exercises in Assessment book.课题 AWE M10 U3 课型 Reading(I) 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be able to1. learn and master the words and expressions

16、in the text.2. train their reading ability.3. learn about how to protect themselves from Aids.Focus of the lesson:1. words and expressions in the text2. students reading abilityPredicted area of difficulties:1. students reading ability trainingLearning methods:1. PPT2. blackboardLearning procedures:

17、PROCEDURECONTENTWarming up1. Daily report2. Lead-in:Ask students to answer the questionsrelated to Aids, through which the topic hasbeen introducedHow much do you know about Aids?Are you familiar with this red ribbon? What can you associate the logo of Aids with?What does it mean? (Red ribbon is rel

18、ated to Aids. It means that we should give Aids patients love and care, understanding and support.)(参见课件P2-4)2. A game: The teacher plays a game with the students to check how the students learn about Aids.(参见课件P5-16) Reading comprehension1. Fast readingRead the text quickly and answer the three que

19、stions on the textbook.(参见课件P18-20)2. Skimming Allow Ss several minutes to read the text quickly to find some detailed information and then fill in the chart.(参见课件P21-24)3. Careful readingAllow the students several minutes to go through the passage and answer some questions related to the supporting

20、 details. 1) What are the three ways Aids is transmitted?2) What is being done in China to help control the Aids epidemic?3) What is the aim of UNAIDS?4) What does UNAIDS do for people who think they might have the virus?5) Why did Ajani not catch the virus from his mother? (参见课件P25-30)Main ideaAsk

21、students to discuss with their partner and summarize the main idea of body paragraphs.(参见课件P31)OutputDiscussion: What can be done to improve the situation?Homework1. Review the whole text after class.2. Each group designs a PSA about Aids for the Red Cross. Write down what you know about Aids and ca

22、ll on people to care for Aids patients.课题 AWE M10 U3 课型 Reading(II) 主备人_ 苏杰 Learning objectives: At the end of this period, students will be able to1. Learn and master the Reading strategy.2. Explain the difficult language points.3. Get the students to practice the key pointsFocus of the lesson:1. u

23、sage of the key wordsPredicted area of difficulties:1. usage of the new words and phrases Learning aids:1. PPT2. blackboardPROCEDURECONTENTWarming up1. Daily report.2. Review:Ask students some questions about Aids to consolidate the understanding of the text.Reading strategyExplain to the students t

24、he links between paragraphs and do some exercise.(参见课件P1-8)Introducing the key words1. There is no cure for HIV or Aids.cure n. 药方; 治愈; 解决办法Theres no known cure for a cold.治疗感冒尚无良方。She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit.她想尽一切办法试图改掉她孩子的这个恶习。There is no cure for rising prices.没有解决物价上

25、涨的办法。cure v 治愈(+of)Penicillin cured him of pneumonia.青霉素治愈了他的肺炎。Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal.抗生素有助于治疗许多以前会是致命的疾病。That nasty shock cured him of his inquisitiveness for ever.那沉重教训根除了他凡事爱打听的毛病。2. HIV and Aids are spreading across the world at a frightening rate.rate n

26、. 比率, 等级, 程度Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest. 我们的投资项目利润回报很高。 Thats one part of the job done at any rate. 不管怎么说, 这个工作已经做了一部分了。 They drove at a steady rate. 他们以平稳的速度开车。At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt. 这样下去的话, 我们很快就要破产了。 3. be familiar with 意思为“熟悉、通晓、 精通”,一般主语为人;而be famili

27、ar to意思“为所熟悉”,一般主语为物。例如: He is more familiar with modern jazz than I. 他比我更熟悉现代爵士乐。His name is familiar to me, but I havent met him. 他的名字我很耳熟,但我未曾见过他These tales are familiar to Chinese children. 这些传说对于中国小孩而言是听惯了的。4. Dr David Ho, a Chinese-American Aids expert in biochemistry, has devoted himself to b

28、ringing up-to-date technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem.devoteto ( doing) sth = be devoted to (doing) 献身;专心于Nurses devote themselves to the care of the sick. 护士致力于病人的护理事业。We should devote our selves to serving the people. 我们应该全心全意地为人民服务。He devoted all his time to his job. 他把

29、他的全部时间都用在工作上了。This magazine is devoted to science. 这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。After he has retired, he will devote himself to gardening. 退休后,他将要致力于园艺。 5. Their grandfather is now caring of them, and because their mother had access to prescription Aids medicines when she was pregnant, they did not get HIV from her

30、. 词组have access to 表示“有接近、进入、出去或使用的权力 ”。例如:Every student in our school has access to the library. 在我们学校每位学生都可利用图书馆。Lawyers may have free access to the classified material. 律师们可以自由使用已归类的材料。The doctor in charge of the case had access to the restricted area in the hospital. 负责这个病例的医生有权进入医院的禁区。(参见课件P10-

31、21)Homework1. Make sentences with useful phrases and expressions in the text.2. Read the text again to have a deep understanding of the whole passage.课题 AWE M10 U3 课型 Grammar & Usage 主备人 苏杰 Learning objectives:At the end of this period, students will be able to1. know the elements of a paragraph;2. do some exercises to consolidate the different elements of a paragraph.Focus of the lesson:1. writing a parag

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