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1、ted演讲 怎样的人生更有意义这里有4点建议TED演讲 怎样的人生更有意义?这里有4点建议 在日渐浮躁的今天我们不盲从、不封闭、不恶意评判用TED 开阔视野Theres more to life than being happyTED简介:2017 | 活中我们是不能只有乏味和痛苦的,需要不断追求快乐,人生才有意思。但是这个世界似乎总是无法满足追求快乐的人,这是为什么?作家艾米丽史密斯(Emily Smith)女士来到TED演讲,提出了几点建议,告诉大家怎样的人生才有意义。演讲者:Emily Smith片长:12:06只看英文字幕视频点阅读原文中英对照翻译I used to think the

2、 whole purpose of lifewas pursuing happiness. Everyone said the path to happiness was success, so Isearched for that ideal job, that perfect boyfriend, that beautiful apartment.But instead of ever feeling fulfilled, I felt anxious and adrift. And I wasntalone; my friends - they struggled with this,

3、too.我以前认为人生的目标就是追求快乐。人人都说,成功是通往快乐的路,所以我去寻找理想的工作、完美的男友、漂亮的公寓。但我没有感到圆满,反而觉得焦虑跟漫无目的。且不只有我这样;我的朋友们他们也有这种困扰。Eventually, I decided to go to graduateschool for positive psychology to learn what truly makes people happy. But whatI discovered there changed my life. The data showed that chasing happiness canm

4、ake people unhappy. And what really struck me was this: the suicide rate hasbeen rising around the world, and it recently reached a 30-year high in America. 我最后决定去研究所读正向心理学,去找出什么能让人开心。但我在那儿的发现,改变了我的人生。数据显示,追求快乐会让人不快乐。真正让我震惊的是这点:全球的自杀率不断攀升,最近在美国达到三十年来的新高。Even though life is getting objectively better

5、 by nearly every conceivablestandard, more people feel hopeless, depressed and alone. Theres an emptinessgnawing away at people, and you dont have to be clinically depressed to feelit. Sooner or later, I think we all wonder: Is this all there is? And accordingto the research, what predicts this desp

6、air is not a lack of happiness. Its alack of something else, a lack of having meaning in life.虽然客观来说,生活变好了,从每个能想到的标准来看皆是如此,却有更多人感到无助、沮丧、及孤独。有一种空虚感在侵蚀人们,并不需被临床诊断出沮丧也能感觉到这个现象。我想,迟早我们都会想要知道:难道就只有这样而已吗?根据研究,绝望的原因并不是缺乏快乐,而是缺乏某样东西,是缺乏人生意义。But that raised some questions for me. Isthere more to life than be

7、ing happy? And whats the difference between beinghappy and having meaning in life? Many psychologists define happiness as astate of comfort and ease, feeling good in the moment. Meaning, though, isdeeper. 但这就让我产生了一些问题。难道人生不只是要快乐吗?活得快乐和活得有意义之间有什么差别?许多心理学家把快乐定义为一种舒服自在的状态,在当下感觉很好。而意义则更深。The renowned ps

8、ychologist Martin Seligman says meaning comes frombelonging to and serving something beyond yourself and from developing the bestwithin you. Our culture is obsessed with happiness, but I came to see thatseeking meaning is the more fulfilling path. And the studies show that peoplewho have meaning in

9、life, theyre more resilient, they do better in school andat work, and they even live longer.知名心理学家马丁赛里格曼说,意义来自归属感、致力于超越自我之外的事物,以及从内在发展出最好的自己。我们的文化对快乐相当痴迷,但我发现,寻找意义才是更让人满足的道路。且研究指出,有人生意义的人适应力也会比较强,他们在学校及职场的表现较佳,他们甚至活得比较久。So this all made me wonder: How can we eachlive more meaningfully? To find out,

10、I spent five years interviewing hundredsof people and reading through thousands of pages of psychology, neuroscienceand philosophy. Bringing it all together, I found that there are what I callfour pillars of a meaningful life. And we can each create lives of meaning bybuilding some or all of these p

11、illars in our lives.所以这一切让我开始想,我们每个人要如何活得有意义?为了找出答案,我花了五年时间,访谈了数百人,阅读了数千页的心理学、神经科学、及哲学。把这些汇整起来,我发现了一件事,我称之为人生意义的四大支柱。我们可以彼此相互建立起这些支柱,在彼此的人生中找到人生的意义。The first pillar is belonging. Belongingcomes from being in relationships where youre valued for who you areintrinsically and where you value others as

12、well. But some groups andrelationships deliver a cheap form of belonging; youre valued for what youbelieve, for who you hate, not for who you are. True belonging springs fromlove. It lives in moments among individuals, and its a choice - you canchoose to cultivate belonging with others.第一根支柱是归属感。归属感

13、来自于一种关系,一种你与他人在本质上彼此是否处在相互珍惜的关系中。但有些群体或关系,提供的是廉价形式的归属感;你被重视的原因是因为你所相信的事物、你对人的好恶、而不是你的本质。真正的归属感源自于爱。它存在于个体间共处的时光当中,且它是一种选择你可以选择与他人培养归属感。Heres an example. Each morning, my friendJonathan buys a newspaper from the same street vendor in New York. They dontjust conduct a transaction, though. They take a

14、moment to slow down, talk, andtreat each other like humans. But one time, Jonathan didnt have the rightchange, and the vendor said, Dont worry about it. But Jonathaninsisted on paying, so he went to the store and bought something he didnt needto make change. But when he gave the money to the vendor,

15、 the vendor drew back.He was hurt. He was trying to do something kind, but Jonathan had rejected him.举例来说,每天早晨,我在纽约的朋友强纳森都会向同一个街头小贩买一份报纸。不过,他们并不是只有交易的关系。他们会停下来,花点时间说说话,把彼此当朋友对待。但有一次,强纳森的零钱不够,小贩说:没关系不用了啦。但强纳森坚持要付钱,所以他去一家店,买了他不需要的东西,把钞票找开。但当他把钱给小贩时,小贩退缩了。他感到受伤。他试着想表现友好,但强纳森拒绝了他。I think we all reject p

16、eople in small wayslike this without realizing it. I do. Ill walk by someone I know and barelyacknowledge them. Ill check my phone when someones talking to me. These actsdevalue others. They make them feel invisible and unworthy. But when you leadwith love, you create a bond that lifts each of you u

17、p.我想,我们都曾像这样在小地方拒绝别人却没有意识到。我就有过。我会从认识的人旁边走过,却没跟他们打招呼。当有人在跟我说话时,我会看手机。这类行为是在贬低别人的价值,让他们觉得自己是隐形的、不值得的。但若用爱来引导,你就会创造出一种联结,让你们彼此都振奋起来。For many people, belonging is the mostessential source of meaning, those bonds to family and friends. For others, thekey to meaning is the second pillar: purpose. Now, fi

18、nding your purpose is notthe same thing as finding that job that makes you happy. Purpose is less aboutwhat you want than about what you give. A hospital custodian told me herpurpose is healing sick people. Many parents tell me, My purpose israising my children. The key to purpose is using your stre

19、ngths to serveothers. 对很多人来说,归属感是人生意义的重要来源,就是与家人及朋友之间的联结。对其他人来说,第二根人生意义的支柱是目的。找到你的目的并不是指找到让你快乐的工作。目的的重点是你能给予什么,而不是你想要什么。一位医院管理员告诉我,她的目的是治愈生病的人。很多家长告诉我:我的目的是扶养我的孩子。目标的关键在于用你的力量去服务他人。Of course, for many of us, that happens through work. Thats how wecontribute and feel needed. But that also means that

20、issues like disengagementat work, unemployment, low labor force participation - these arent justeconomic problems, theyre existential ones, too. Without something worthwhileto do, people flounder. Of course, you dont have to find purpose at work, butpurpose gives you something to live for, some why

21、that drives youforward.当然,对很多人而言,这是透过工作来达成的。那是我们做出贡献和感到被需要的方式。但这也意味着,像是无心工作、失业、低劳动参与率等等议题这些不仅是经济问题,也是存在主义问题。人们若没有值得去做的事,就会挣扎折腾。当然,你不需要从工作中找到目的,但目的能让你有活下去的意义,有驱使你向前行的理由。The third pillar of meaning is also aboutstepping beyond yourself, but in a completely different way: transcendence.Transcendent sta

22、tes are those rare moments when youre lifted above the hustleand bustle of daily life, your sense of self fades away, and you feel connectedto a higher reality. For one person I talked to, transcendence came from seeingart. For another person, it was at church. 第三根人生意义的支柱,也和走出自我有关,但用的方式完全不同:超然。超然的状态

23、是很少见的时刻,在这个时刻中,你超脱了日常生活的喧嚣扰攘,自我感正在渐渐消褪,你会感觉到和更高的现实产生连结。跟我谈过的其中一个人说,超然来自于欣赏艺术。另一个人则认为,超然是在教堂中。For me, Im a writer, and it happensthrough writing. Sometimes I get so in the zone that I lose all sense of timeand place. These transcendent experiences can change you. One study hadstudents look up at 200-

24、feet-tall eucalyptus trees for one minute. Butafterwards they felt less self-centered, and they even behaved more generouslywhen given the chance to help someone.对我来说,我是作家,而超然是透过写作发生的。有时候我太投入会有一种忘我的境界。这些超然的经验能改变你。有一项研究是让学生去看200英呎高的尤加利树,看一分钟,之后他们会比较不自我中心,若给他们机会去帮助别人,他们连行为都会变得更慷慨。Belonging, purpose, t

25、ranscendence. Now, thefourth pillar of meaning, Ive found, tends to surprise people. The fourthpillar is storytelling, the story you tell yourself about yourself. Creating anarrative from the events of your life brings clarity. It helps you understandhow you became you. But we dont always realize th

26、at were the authors of ourstories and can change the way were telling them. Your life isnt just a listof events. You can edit, interpret and retell your story, even as youreconstrained by the facts.归属感、目的、超然。接着谈谈我发现的第四根支柱,它常会令人感到惊讶。第四根支柱就是说故事,你告诉你自己关于你自己的故事。用你人生中的事件来创造一个故事,能让你看得更清楚。它能协助你了解你是怎么变成你的。但

27、我们通常没发现,我们故事的作者就是自己,且我们可以改变说故事的方式。你的生命并不只一连串的事件。即便你被事实给限制住,你仍可以编辑、诠释、再重新述说你的故事。I met a young man named Emeka, whod beenparalyzed playing football. After his injury, Emeka told himself, My lifewas great playing football, but now look at me. People who tell storieslike this - My life was good. Now its

28、 bad. - tend to be more anxiousand depressed. And that was Emeka for a while. But with time, he started toweave a different story. 我遇到一位叫做埃梅卡的年轻人,他因为打美式足球而瘫痪。埃梅卡在受伤后,内心的对话是这样的:我打美式足球的人生是非常棒的,但看看现在的我。像这样说故事的人我的人生曾经很棒,现在却很糟。说这种故事的人比较容易焦虑和沮丧。埃梅卡有好一阵子就是这样。但随时间过去,他开始编造一个不同的故事。His new story was, Before my

29、 injury, my life waspurposeless. I partied a lot and was a pretty selfish guy. But my injury mademe realize I could be a better man. That edit to his story changedEmekas life. After telling the new story to himself, Emeka started mentoringkids, and he discovered what his purpose was: serving others.

30、 The psychologistDan McAdams calls this a redemptive story, where the bad isredeemed by the good. People leading meaningful lives, hes found, tend to tellstories about their lives defined by redemption, growth and love.他的新故事是:在我受伤前,我的人生没有目的。我常去派对,且我是个很自私的人。但受伤让我明白,我可以成为更好的人。埃梅卡把他的故事进行改造,从而改变了他的一生。在对

31、自己说完这个新故事之后,埃梅卡开始开导孩童,他找到了他的目的:服务他人。心理学家丹麦亚当斯称这现象为救赎的故事,用好的来救赎不好的。他发现,过着有意义人生的人,他们说的故事内容通常都是他们的人生由救赎、成长、爱来定义。But what makes people change their stories?Some people get help from a therapist, but you can do it on your own, too, justby reflecting on your life thoughtfully, how your defining experience

32、s shapedyou, what you lost, what you gained. Thats what Emeka did. You wont changeyour story overnight; it could take years and be painful. After all, weve allsuffered, and we all struggle. But embracing those painful memories can lead tonew insights and wisdom, to finding that good that sustains you.但,是什么让人们改变了他们的故事?有些人向治疗师寻求协助,但你也可以靠自己做到,只要完整地反思你的人生、你的关键经验如何造就了你、你失去了什么、获得了什么。那就是埃梅卡所做的。你不可能一夜就改变你的故事;过程可能要花好几年,且很痛苦。毕竟,我们都曾受过苦,也都在挣扎。但拥抱那些痛苦的记忆,能带来新的洞见与智慧,让你能找到那支撑着你的善。Belonging, purpose, transcendence,storytelling: those are the four pillars of meaning. When I was youn

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