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1、smoking1There are numerous solutions proposed by health department to reduce the increasing number of smokers and the resulting health problems Smoking is increasingly being picked up as a habit by the youth. This habit risks their life and makes them prone to dreadful diseases. Worldwide, a total o

2、f 3 million people a year, die on account of cigarette smoking.In many countries smoking in public places is banned. People are not allowed to smoke in cafe, pubs, and restaurants. In Norway tobacco advertising has been banned for thirty years. A pack of cigarettes also costs 6. One in every three p

3、eople is prone to tobacco related deaths. In Canada there are graphic images, on cigarette packets, that show the damage to the internal organs on account of smoking. These images warn smokers about the ill effects of smoking. In Ireland, strict anti-smoking legislation has been introduced, to disco

4、urage smoking. Different countries have used different methods to ban smoking in public places. It is necessary that countries pass anti smoking legislation and pass strict rules and regulations to curb smoking.There are a number of advantages gained by banning smoking in public places. This will he

5、lp governmental agencies to deal effectively with air pollution and health. It will also help countries to earn money from the fines levied on people who smoke. The process will help to reduce smoking related diseases and deaths which are a threat to those who smoke. It will also promote clean air a

6、nd good health among people. In Ireland, regional health boards are trying to enforce public bans, but they are facing an uphill task. Banning cigarette smoking is not easy. For this government must be prepared to take extreme measures. The ban must be implemented in a very organized manner. If done

7、 so pubs can be made 80% smoke-free. Business houses can also play an important role in banning smoking. Print and TV can also be used effectively to promote advertising of health effects caused due to smoking. A ban on smoking in public places will create awareness about rights and the proper use o

8、f their freedom. It will also help the citizens to know about the serious health hazards smoking can cause.2ScienceDaily (Sep. 22, 2009) Public smoking bans appear to significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks, particularly among younger individuals and nonsmokers, according to a new study publi

9、shed in the September 29, 2009, issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Researchers find that smoking bans can reduce the number of heart attacks by as much as 26 percent per year.Even breathing in low doses of cigarette smoke can increase ones risk of heart attack, said David Me

10、yers, M.D., M.P.H., professor of Cardiology and Preventive Medicine, University of Kansas School of Medicine and lead investigator of the study, which is the most comprehensive analysis of related studies to date. Public smoking bans seem to be tremendously effective in reducing heart attack and, th

11、eoretically, might also help to prevent lung cancer and emphysema, diseases that develop much more slowly than heart attacks. The cardiac benefits increased with longer ban duration.According to projections by the authors, a nationwide ban on public smoking could prevent as many as 154,000 heart att

12、acks each year. These findings are particularly important in light of mounting evidence that second-hand smoke exposure is nearly as harmful to the heart as chronic active smoking. Direct smoking doubles the risk of heart attack. Second hand smoke increases the risk by 30 percent.Interestingly, publ

13、ic smoking bans had a stronger effect in reducing heart attacks among women and younger individuals, which may be explained, in part, because younger people tend to frequent clubs, restaurants and bars where smoking is a likely part of the social scene, said Dr. Meyers. Heavily exposed people like t

14、hose working in the entertainment or hospitality industries are likely to accrue the greatest benefit from smoking bans.Dr. Meyers adds that smoking remains the leading preventable risk factor for heart attack. Secondhand smoke is thought to increase the likelihood of a heart attack by making the bl

15、ood sticky and more prone to clotting, reducing the amount of good (HDL) cholesterol in the body, and putting individuals at greater risk for dangerous heart rhythms, among other factors.The good news is that the beneficial effects of smoking bans appear to be fairly immediate, with declines in repo

16、rted heart attack cases within 3 months. The impact of bans was strengthened if compliance was good, if baseline smoking prevalence was low and if air quality was good.Several years ago, the idea that secondhand smoke was harmful to the heart was a theory and one with some controversy attached, but

17、this article moves us from the theoretical to fact and to practice. The reduction in heart attacks associated with public smoking bans is a big deal, said Steven Schroeder, M.D., director, Smoking Cessation Leadership Center University of California, San Francisco. While cardiologists routinely scre

18、en for lipid disorders and high blood pressure, they also need to become vigilant about asking patients about tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure and provide counseling as needed.Drs. Meyers and Schroeder encourage clinicians to support community smoking bans and other tobacco control measures

19、 including tax increases on cigarettes, expanded cessation services including telephone quitlines and educational campaigns. So far, bans on smoking in public places and workplaces have been instituted in 32 states and many cities across the country. As the United States increasingly institutes poli

20、cies to protect nonsmokers from second hand smoke, authors say these efforts will yield great public health benefits in the form of reduced disease, disability and deaths.The researchers performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 reports from 11 geographic locations in the United States (

21、MT, CO, NY, IN, OH), Canada and Europe to compare the rates of heart attacks before and after public smoking bans were instituted. Collectively, the studies involved 24 million people and observations of the effect of the bans ranged from two months to three years.3A smokers (poor) choice should not

22、 affect the health of others.Secondhand smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals including arsenic ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, benzene, and vinyl chloride. It is known to cause cancer, coronary heart disease, and respiratory problems. There is no risk-free level of exposure to secondh

23、and smoke.Non smokers should not be subjected to this disgusting habit.Wanting to ban smoking in public places isnt about taking away a smokers rights. You will still have the right to smoke in your own space. The right to slowly and deliberately harm others was never yours to begin with.My cousin d

24、ied three years ago from second hand smoking. Her fault? Working in an office full of smokers. The smokers are still around, she is dead after being bedridden with a pitiful, metastasizing and deadly lung cancer.My answer to the debate if smoking in public places should be allowed comes loud and cle

25、ar. Smoking should not only be prohibited but rather strictly prohibited from any public place.We live in a civilized world where any harm done to another person will result with a penalty. Lets look at it this way, a man is driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Everybody knows that his driv

26、ing is potentially going to injure or kill an innocent on the street. So what happens? Due to the danger involved, driving under the influence is prohibited and stiff penalties as a consequence will arise. I know that smoking in public and driving under the influence are two different scenarios, but

27、 after all what are the differences? The drunk driver may cause a crash and injure or kill immediately, the second hand smoker may cause cancer and injure or kill, but only years later. Timing is the only difference, as they are both iffy circumstances, the driver may cause a crash, the smoker may c

28、ause cancer. There is irresponsibility and disregard for others in both instances.Now thinking of it, I am pretty sure my cousin would have rather died swiftly in a car accident rather than seeing her body deteriorate before her eyes.After all, if we think of it, who allows smoking in public places?

29、 Just a handful of greedy employers-(maybe smokers themselves)- and business owners that only care about making money and care less about other peoples well being.3 Ontario and Quebec governments have recently set up a law against smoking in public places, including restaurants, pubs, or clubs. Agre

30、e or disagree with this law. Explain your answers. Do you like to smell the strong cigarette smoke at restaurants? Do you like to sit nearby a smoker? If you answer no (should n be capitalized?) to these questions, you will be glad to see that a law, which bans smoking in all public places, has been

31、 set up in Quebec and Ontario, and I totally agree to this law. It is because this law is beneficial to non-smokers, smokers, and business owners that I agree to it. On the one hand, prohibiting smoking in public places provides a healthy environment for non-smokers and children. Many people, includ

32、ing me, are not cigarette smokers. Most of us hate to inhale second-hand smoke emitted by smokers, so we often have to hold our breath while passing through clouds of noxious fumes. After this law is established, we do not need to worry about being poisoned by second-hand smoke anymore. On the other

33、 hand, in consequence of restricting cigarette addicts smoking place, smokers may smoke less frequently than they used to. As a result, their health can (be?) improved gradually. In fact, A Canadian Health Magazine has shown if smokers have stopped smoking for twenty-four hours, their blood pressure will re

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