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1、新编实用英语第四册教案新编实用英语4教案 任课教师:程敏Unit One English Studies and TestsTeaching Objectives: 1. Learn to talk about: 1) Taking English tests 2) Overcoming the troubles in English tests2. Learn to: 1) Ask for and give suggestions for English tests 2) Ask for and give suggestions for learning English 3. Learn t

2、o write: 1) Applied Writing: Filling out a test application form2) Functional Writing: Describing functionsSection ITalking Face to FaceSection IIBeing All EarsSection IIIMaintaining a Sharp EyePassage I Read the TextImportant Words and Expressionsacquire by learning or experience; tidy up; take on

3、学会,获取(知识);收拾,整理;承载,开车去接 pick up: What a coincidence that I was in New York at the same time as you. two or more events similar or related happening by chance at the same time or place; the condition or fact of coinciding coincidence n. coincident a. (with) coincidental (ly) a. (ad.) 同时发生的(地) coincid

4、e v. (with) I have no illusion about his coming to see me.We were under an illusion that the company was doing very well but it was in difficulty.have no illusion be fully conscious of the true nature of sth esp. bad or difficult 对不抱幻想 be under an illusion to believe wrongly 有错觉,误以为illusion n. 错觉,幻觉

5、;幻想All opposition to the company collapsed in the face of the threat of unemployment.She collapsed at the end of the marathon race.fall suddenly and completely; break down; to fall helpless or unconscious 瓦解, 崩溃,垮掉;倒下,晕倒collapse v. (intr.)not necessarily: 不一定Food that looks good doesnt necessarily t

6、aste good.What he said just now came straight from his heart.Many Chinese words have been mixed into English like tea and jiaozi.mix into: 融入 (of) reasonable hope of sth. happening, sth which is probable soon; every prospect a strong possibility; in prospect likely to happen in the near future 展望,期望

7、,前景;极有可能; 即将面临的,期望中的Difficult Sentences (Para.1) A language belongs to a group of people and a word or saying means what the speech community has made it mean. 语言归属于讲这一语言的人,而词语或话语的意义则是讲这种语言的人们所赋予的。 refers to “the people who speak the language in a certain area” -(Para. 1) Sometimes the British words

8、 and phrases can stay so unfamiliar that they cause funny coincidences like these from my own life: “so . that”引导结果状语从句 refers to “funny coincidences” mentioned in the following paragraphs有时有些英国英语的词语与美国英语大相径庭,会产生一些有趣的巧合,下面是我的一些切身体验: His question was so unfamiliar that we couldnt understand him. (Par

9、a. 1) Sometimes the British words and phrases can stay so unfamiliar that they cause funny coincidences like these from my own life: (Para. 3) The native speaker may feel that there is not just one word but two different words: 英国本地人可能觉得“茶”不是一个词而是两个不同的词: I cant help feeling that you havent been comp

10、letely honest with us. means “think”引导表语从句 (Para. 7) The reason is that they are more accustomed to foreign influences when the Britons have been living more isolate in their Isles. 原因是他们更习惯于外国的影响,而英国人却一直寓居在一群孤岛上。 We have only ten computers when we need twenty computers in the reading room. expresse

11、s a contrast and therefore can be translated as “而,可是” in Chinese (Para. 9) In speech it is often abbreviated to “car-boot” and everybody . knows from the context that the person is talking about an open air flea market, where ordinary people try to get rid of their old belongings. 口头语常简化为“车尾卖”,从上下文

12、人人都知道(语言基于约定俗成),说话人指的是一般人处理旧东西的露天跳蚤市场。 All of us went to the Palace Museum, where we visited the bed room section of the emperor. Passage2 1.Translate the passage paragraph by paragraph2.Do the exercisesSection IV Applied WritingDescribing OrganizationsDescribing an organization usually involves its

13、 time of establishment, location, constitution, size, engagement or business area and / or particular features. The following are some of the words and expressions usually used in describing an organization. 表示 成立于:be founded in / on, be established in / on, be set up in / on 表示 位于:be located at / o

14、n / in / by, be situated at / on / in / by 表示组成、构成:be made up of, be composed of, consist of, comprise, contain, be combined in / into, be merged into / with 表示 规模:have a staff / enrolment of ., have . employees, have . branches, have . multinational subsidiaries , cover an area of . square (kilo)me

15、ters, be equal in size to 表示 业务范围:(be) specialize(d) in, be engaged in, be devoted to, offer services / courses / programs in, deal in 表示 特征:Unit 2 Art of NegotiationSection Talking Face to Face. Greeting. Introduction: Presentation and demonstration are very important in launching a new product. He

16、re are two samples of advertising presentation. Read them through and then practice the dialogue based on the information given. Data Bank Ill accept your offer if your order is large enough. 如果你的订数够多,我会接受你的报价的。 If you cut down your price by another ten dollars a set, Ill double my order. 如果你把每套的价格减

17、少10元,我将把订数增加一倍。 Can we fix the price first and decide the discount later? 我们先定价然后再确定折扣好吗? Compared with the market price, your quotation is still too high. 与市场价格相比,你的报价还是太高。 This works against common sense, doesnt it? 这有违常识,不是吗? Lets not rush to conclusions yet. What I want to point out is this. 咱们先

18、别急于下结论。我想指出的是 In that case it would be easy / difficult for us to proceed with our talk. 既然这样,我们就很难/容易继续我们的谈话/谈判。 You cant be serious, can you? / Are you kidding? 你不会是认真的,是吗?/你是在开玩笑吗? It wont take long for me to be competent for the job. 我不久就能胜任这个工作。 This is absolutely unfair. We find it hard to acc

19、ept the terms. 这绝对不公平。我们很难接受这些条款。 What? Are you the kind of person who can be easily tricked? 什么?你是那种轻易被骗的人吗? I really dont wish to see you go home empty-handed. So shall we come to a last minute agreement? 我真不想让你空着手回家。所以我们能在最后时刻达成协议吗? 13. The step youve just taken is a kind of breakthrough, but not

20、 yet a decisive move. 你所采取的步骤是一种突破,但还不是决定性的让步。 14 If you take one more step forward and accept our terms, well sign the contract right away. 如果你再前进一步,接受我们的条件,我们可以马上签订合同。 15 Lets put all the cards on the table and be completely straightforward about them. 咱们把所有的牌都摆到桌面上来,直截了当地谈条件吧。. Act out Ask the Ss

21、 to prepare the dialogues in pairs and them ask some of them to act out them out in class. Assignment: 1. Do Ex.1-3; 2. Preview Section III.Section Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 Art of NegotiationI. Greeting. II. Text Related InformationTop Ten Tips for Successful Salary Negotiations 1. Be persua

22、sive; 2. Aim high, and be realistic; 3. Start off with the right tone; 4. Clarify your interests; 5. Anticipate their interests; 6. Create several options; 7. Focus on objective criteria; 8. Think through your alternatives: 9. Prepare thoughtfully to achieve your goals; 10. Review to learn. III. Imp

23、ortant Words:1) out of (prep.)because of 因为,出于,由于 e.g. They did come yesterday out of interest. 2) give-and-take (n.) willingness to compromise 相互让步,相互迁就 e.g. A successful marriage requires a lot of give-and-take. 3) ingredient (n.) element 要素e.g Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of succ

24、ess.4) look on sb. / sth. as: consider, regard as 看作,视为 e.g I have always looked on him as one of my best friends.end up in :be . in the end 告终,结束,最终e.g. Youll end up in hospital if you are not careful.6) push sb / sth to the ropes : put sb into a corner 使某人陷入困境e.g. In order to create a win-win nego

25、tiation, dont push the other party to the ropes.7) in the aggregate : in total, as a group 总体来说,总计 e .g. Unit sales for the last month amounted in the aggregate to 100, 000. 8) plunge into: throw oneself wholeheartedly into 全心投入,全神贯注于e.g. The students plunged into their final examinations. 9) expect

26、ations (n.) prospects, especially of success or gain 希望,期望中的事 e.g. I usually enjoy her novels, but the latest one didnt come up to my expectation. 10) back up (v.) support, esp. in an argument or talk支持(尤指在谈判,辩论中) e.g. If you hadnt backed me up at the negotiation, I would have lost it. 11) psyche on

27、eself up (n.) make oneself ready mentally; get excited 做好心理准备;使兴奋起来 e.g. I made myself all psyched up for the exam, so it was a big letdown for me when I heard it was postponed.IV. Ask the Ss to read Passage 1 and try to answer the questions of Read and Think. Then choose three students to translate

28、 the passage orally, especially pay attention to some difficult sentences.* Explanation of Difficult Sentences:1. (Para. 1) . and sincerity is always subject to proof. 真诚始终需要考验。 Analysis: (be) subject to means “dependent on something else” “需要,取决于,经受”. e.g.:Subject to ministers approval, they have t

29、he authority to decide.2. (P. 3) For it to end in a positive manner it must be a win-win situation for both parties. 其积极的结果应该是双赢。3. (Para. 3) The goal of negotiation is not a dead competitor. 谈判的目的不是要将对手置于死地。 Analysis: (paraphrase = The goal of negotiation is not to defeat the competitor.) (P. 3)The

30、re is a point where your opponent will simply decide that there is no gain in negotiating with you and abandon the whole process. 谈判也会有一个界限,到了这个界限,对方就会考虑既然和你谈判没有收益,他就会完全放弃。Analysis: 引导定语从句,修饰a point,meaning “a specified limit or degree” Eg: The negotiation finally reached the point where both partie

31、s had to be careful.5. (Para. 4) Human behavior is a very difficult subject but luckily when the individual is viewed as part of a large group, it is easier to predict behavior in that context. 人的行为是一个非常难以理解的问题,但所幸的是把个体的行为作为团体的一部分来看待时,就比较容易从团体的这一环境中预测其行为。 Analysis: Is viewed as means“is regarded as” ;context means “circumstance” . Eg: Conflict is viewed as an inevitable part of the child-parent relationship. 6. (Para. 7) Chances are that you will not know the person with whom you will be negotiating. Analysis: “Chances are that”means “it is

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