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1、特种部队眼镜蛇的崛起英汉详解G.I.Joe.The.Rise.Of.Cobra 特种部队:眼镜蛇的崛起 更多影视-Man: James McCullen, you Scottish pig,James McCullen你这只苏格兰猪。Youve been found guilty of treason for the sale of military arms.guilty: 有罪的 treason : 叛国罪 sale : 销售 military: 军事的 arm: 武器你因向我们法兰西国王Louis XIII的敌人。to the enemies of our Lord, King Loui

2、s XIII,贩卖军火而被裁定为叛国罪。Even whilst you sold arms to our Lord himself.whilst: 当时甚至同时你也在向吾王出售军火。-James: Your king is a vile bag of filth who murders his own allies.vile: 恶劣的 filth: 污秽,肮脏 murder: 谋杀 ally: 盟友你们的国王只是个连盟友都杀害的无耻渣滓。I should have charged him double.charge: 控告,控诉我应当将他加倍控诉。-Man: You tried to over

3、throw the Crown in conspiracy with its enemies.overthrow: 推翻 conspiracy: 阴谋你企图和吾王的敌人合谋颠覆他的统治。-James: Unlike your simpleton king, his enemies know.simpleton: 笨蛋和你们的蠢蛋国王不同,他的敌人们明白。That it is the true McCullen destiny not simply to supply arms, but to run the wars!destiny: 命运 supply: 补给,提供McCullen的真正使命

4、,并不是简单的兜售军火,而是引发战争!-Man: Do you have anything else to say before the sentence is carried out?sentence: 宣判 carry out: 实行你在刑罚执行之前还有别的话说吗?-James: Yes, I do. Clan McCullen is far greater and more powerful than any of you could ever imagine.powerful: 强有力的,强大的 imagine: 想象,设想对,我有,Clan McCullen比你们当中任何人想象的都要

5、伟大和强大。My sons will continue to rise long after I am gone, as will their sons and, God willing, their sons.continue: 继续 rise: 上升,升起 我的子嗣们在我死后将会长久地崛起,他们的子孙也会如神应允,就会生生不息。It shall not end with my death!我的死不会带来终结!-Man: We are not going to kill you, McCullen. Were going to make an example of you!example:例

6、子,事例我们并不打算杀你,McCullen.我们要给你做个标志!So that no man, woman nor child may ever see your treacherous face again,treacherous: 叛逆的这样就没有人,不论男女老幼,都不再看到你这叛徒的嘴脸。You shall wear this mask for the term of your natural life.wear: 穿戴 mask: 面具 natural: 自然的你的余生都将戴着这个面具度日。-James: No! No! No! No!不!不!不!-McCullen: For near

7、ly four centuries, my ancestors have been the greatest creators of in the world.ancestor: 祖先 creator: 创造者在近四个世纪以来,我的祖先们一直都是这世上最伟大的武器发明家。But perhaps in this century, Ill outdo them all.perhaps: 或许,可能但或许在这个世纪,我将超越所有先人。Nanomites, perfect little soldiers originally developed to isolate and kill cancer c

8、ells.originally: 最初 develop: 发展 isolate: 隔离 cancer: 癌症 cell: 细胞 完美的微型战士,最初为分割并杀死癌细胞而设计。But at MARS Industries, and with the help of a little NATO funding,fund: 资金 industry: 工业 但在MARS工业(MARS军用武器研究组织)以及在北约给予的一些赞助下。we discovered how to program them to do almost 发现 program: 程序,计划,用程序指

9、令我们发现了使它们无所不能的方法。For example, eat metal. Watch this test of the worlds first nanomite warhead.warhead: 弹头 举个例子,啃蚀金属。请看世界上第一枚纳米虫弹头实验。Each of these warheads contains 7 million nanomites.contain: 包含每一枚这样的弹头包含七百万个纳米虫。And has the ability to eat anything from a single tank to an entire city.ability: 能力 si

10、ngle: 单独的,单一的 tank: 战车 entire: 整个拥有着能够侵蚀掉任何东西的能力,不论坦克还是一座城市。As you can see, it quickly converts to eating any and all material in its path.material: 材料 convert: 转变,变换 path: 路径如同所见,它将迅速地开始啃蚀,它接触到的所有物体和材料。Once unleashed, the nanomites will not stop, ever.unleash: 解放一经释放,纳米虫将不会停歇,永远不会。Once the target h

11、as been destroyed,target: 目标 destroy: 摧毁,毁坏一旦目标被摧毁The launcher triggers a kill switch unique to each warheadlauncher: 发射者 switch: 开关,转换 unique: 特别的 trigger: 触发器使用者可以通过唯一的,与每个弹头配对的开关。That short-circuits the nanomites, preventing any unwanted destruction.unwanted: 不必要的 prevent: 阻止 destruction: 破坏来短路掉纳

12、米机器人以防止不必要的破坏。Gentlemen, Im pleased to announce that tomorrow morning,announce: 宣布,声明先生们,我很高兴地宣布,明天早上,Your first order of nanotech warheads ships from my factory in Kyrgyzstan.order: 订单 nanotech: 纳米技术 factory: 工厂你们纳米科技弹头的首批订单,将会从我在Kyrgyzstan的工厂运出。-ManA: Weapons case on the move. ETA two minutes to N

13、ATO team.武器箱正在转移,预计2分钟后交给NATO小队。-Duke: All right, listen up. NATO wants the best of the best.好了,听着,NATO老板要的是精英中的精英。Thats why were here. We got Panthers front and back.panther: 豹所以我们才在这儿我们前后都有豹式装甲车护送。RHINOs carrying the package in the middle.package:包裹RHINO装甲车载着包裹走中间。Minimum distance at all times. Ap

14、aches are covering us from overhead.minimum: 最小的 distance: 距离 overhead: 在头上的全程相互保持最小距离,Apaches战机将在我们上方护送。Detail, attention. Fall out, boys.attention: 注意 fall out: 解散详述完毕,立正解散,伙计们-Breaker: Captain Hauser, Mr. McCullen requires a signature.require: 要求 signature: 签名Hauser上尉,McCullen先生要您在这签名。-Hauser: No

15、t gonna explode, is it?explode: 爆炸这玩意儿不会炸吧,对吗?-Breaker: Theyre not weaponized yet, and the kill switches are inside.weaponized: 把改装成武器 switch: 开关它们还没有被激活,短路器都在里面。All the same, Id avoid potholes if I were you.avoid: 避免 pothole: 坑洼尽管如此,我是你的话就会尽量避免颠簸。-Hauser: Hey, Bill?嘿, Bill??-Bill: Yeah?嗯?-Hauser: P

16、ut that in the RHINO, would you? All right, ladies! Mount up!mount up: 增长,上升把它放在RHINO上,好吗?好了,小妞们!上车!-Duke: Okay, Apaches, were heavy, so keep your eyes open.好了Apaches,货已装车保持警惕。-Apaches: Roger that. Skies are clear all the way to Ganci.明白。这里到Ganci空军基地的上空畅通无阻。-Hauser: Hey, Duke, Ive been thinking.嘿,公爵

17、,我一直在想。-Duke: You know, I warned you about that.warn: 警告,警戒我之前提醒过你。-Hauser: Ive been thinking about where we should transfer to.transfer: 转移我在想我们该把这转移给谁。-Duke: Dont say the Air Force.别说是空军。-Hauser: The Air Force!就是空军!-Duke: What did I say? I thought we were done with this conversation.think: 想,认为 co

18、nversation: 谈话,对话我怎么说的?我以为这个讨论已经结束了。-Hauser: You were done with this conversation, not me. You know, Ive been flying你的发言结束了,我还没,你知道,我的飞行史-Duke: since I was 13 years old.从13岁开始。-Hauser: Thirteen years old.13岁开始。-Duke: You know, I dont think your dads crop-duster counts as hours logged.crop-duster: 用飞

19、机对农作物喷洒 log: 记录我觉得开你爸的农药喷洒机,不能算进去。-Hauser: Im talking jets, man. Jets. And you know I qualify every time were on leave.jet: 喷气式飞机 qualify: 有资格我说的是喷气机,老兄喷气机!而你知道我每次休假都有资格飞的。-Duke: You want to get up in the air?你想到天上去?-Hauser: Yeah.对。-Duke: Ill buy you a trampoline.trampoline: 蹦床我给你买个蹦床吧。-Hauser: I fi

20、lled out the application.application: 申请我都填过申请表了。-Duke: Really? They accept those in crayon?crayon: 蜡笔 accept:接受真的?他们接受了那些蜡笔鬼画符?-Hauser: Come on, dude. Give me one good reason why not.reason: 理由拜托,老兄,给我一个不飞的好理由。-Duke: Cause I want to be on the ground, in the fight, not flying over it.ground: 地下,地面 f

21、ight: 战斗因为我想在战场里面,在战斗中,而不是飞在上空。-Pioneer 2: Pioneer 1, this is Pioneer 2, going night 先锋,先驱 vision: 视力,美景,眼力先锋1,这里是先锋2,启动夜视模式。-Pioneer 1: Roger that.roger: 收到了明白。-Pioneer 2: Go ahead and back off. Give me some separation. Pioneer 1, this is Pioneer 2. Going NVS.separation: 分离执行并后退,腾出点

22、安全距离。先锋1,这里是先锋2,已启动夜视模式。-Pioneer 1: Roger.明白。-Hauser: Hey, Duke, werent we supposed to meet up with the recon team at 40 klicks?recon: 勘察队 meet up: 会见嘿,公爵,我们不是定好和侦查小队在40公里处会合的吗?-Duke: Yeah. So?对,怎么了?-Hauser: Well, we just passed kilometer 41.pass: 经过,通过 kilometer: 公里呃,我们刚经过了第41公里。-Duke: Eyes out, ey

23、es out! 小心,小心!-Man: Sweeps still clear, sir.sweep: 清扫,扫除,席卷 clear: 清楚地,明白的周围什么都没有,长官。-Pioneer 1: Roger that. Theres nothing up here but us.收到,这里除了我们没别人。Tom, put a self-test on the flare and start to scan for. Holy.self-test: 自我测试 flare: 闪光 scan: 扫描Tom,发射曳光弹并开始自行搜索我的What the hell is that? Pioneer 1,

24、youve been hit.那该死的是什么?先锋1,你中弹了!-Duke: Stop!stop: 停止,阻止停车!-Hauser: Bird down! Bird down!大鸟坠毁!大鸟坠毁!-Duke: Back up!Back up! Back up! 后退!后退!All units, we are under attack! Theyre after the warheads! Pioneer 2, engage!attack: 袭击 warhead: 弹头 engage: 进攻各单位,我们遭到袭击!他们是抢弹头的!先锋2,交火!-Hauser: Put that asshole o

25、n the ground!asshole: 泛指讨厌的人把那混蛋给我打下来!-Pioneer 1: Roger that. Put some hurt on this guy!hurt: 伤害,受伤收到!给点颜色这家伙看看!-Man: Tommy guns. Firing, firing, firing! Missiles armed.Tommy: 螺丝旋杆 missile: 导弹机载机枪,正在开火,正在开火!导弹待发。-Pioneer 1: Match and shoot.match: 匹配锁定发射。-Man: Match and shoot! Missiles off! They shot

26、 them right out of the air.锁定发射!导弹发射!他们在空中把导弹打掉了!-Pioneer 1: Oh, my God.哦,我的上帝!-Duke: Pioneer 2 is down! Weve lost our air!lose: 失去,丢失先锋2坠毁!我们失去制空权!-Hauser: Theyre boxing us in! All units, fan out! I repeat, all units, fan out!box in: 盒状收缩,围起来 repeat: 重复我们被合围了!各单位,散开!我重复,各单位,散开!-Duke: I want SAMs on

27、 that thing! Light him up! Light him up!地对空导弹瞄准这家伙!发射!发射!Hes coming around. Get those.50s on him! Incoming!income: 进来它掉头回来了,50毫米炮瞄准它!打过来啦!-Hauser: Hold on!抓稳!-Duke: You okay?没事吧?-Hauser: Yeah, but my leg is pinned. What the hell was that?pin: 压住嗯,但我的脚卡住了。那玩意儿是什么?-Duke: Come on, we gotta get in this

28、fight.快,我们要加入战斗。-Hauser: Careful, my leg!小心,我的脚!-Duke: Come on, buddy, lets go. Lets go, get up, come on!加油,伙计,我们上。起来,快!-Hauser: Duke, you gotta go get those warheads!公爵,我们要先拿到那些弹头!-Duke: Shut up! I gotta get you out of here first!闭嘴!我要先带你离开这里。-Pioneer 2: Fire at the opening! Right side, right side!

29、向空旷地带开火!右翼!右翼!-Duke: Get up, get up, get up, and get up!起来,起来,起来!-Hauser: My damn leg!damn: 该死的我该死的腿!-Duke: You wait here, okay?你呆在这儿,明白?-Hauser: Where are you going?你要去哪儿?-Duke: I gotta go get that case. Air Force, 箱子我要去拿那箱子,空军,没错。-Man: Dont move!别动!-Ana: Hello, Duke.你好啊,公爵。-Duke: Ana?A

30、na?-Ana: Now, you have to admit, you had that coming.admit: 承认现在你必须承认,这是你自找的。-Duke: Ana! Ana!Ana!Ana!-Man: Bye-bye.拜拜。-Duke: Ana! Ana!Ana!Ana!-ManA: Dont make me shoot a woman. Incoming!别逼我对女人开枪,炮火来袭!-Duke: Stand down. Stand the hell down!后退,都给我后退!-ManA: Put the weapon down, sir.weapon: 武器放下武器,先生。-W

31、oman: Were not the enemy.enemy: 敌人我们不是敌人。-Duke: Pointing your weapons at me doesnt make you my friend, now, does it?point: 点,指示,对着用武器对准我是不能和我交朋友的,不是吗?-ManA: Please hand over the case, sir.hand over: 移交,转交请把箱子交出来,先生。-Duke: I dont know you, and I sure as hell dont know who they are,我不认识你,而且我也很肯定不认识那帮人。

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