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1、新高考高一英语时文阅读精编含答案解析新高考高一英语时文阅读精编(含答案解析)ADisneyland Paris is on most families bucket lists, and if youve been thinking of finally booking that dream trip then you may want to check out MagicBreaks latest offer. The website is currently offering deposits from 29pp to Disneyland Paris, to help families

2、spread the cost of their holiday. The 29pp deposits are valid on select travel dates between November 2020 and March 2021, and will also be dependent on your choice of hotel for your stay. The balance can be paid in installment, and youll need to have paid in full up to 12 weeks before you travel so

3、 it gives you plenty of time to spread the cost. You can already book the deals on the MagicBreaks website.But thats not all. To help make use of the budget a little further, MagicBreaks currently has getaways from 179pp which includes a two-night stay in a Disney hotel, three-day Disney Parks entry

4、, a free half-board meal plan and 100 Disney Spending Money. Oh, and the offer also includes exclusive extras such as a free magical call from Mickey Mouse, a free Disney Activity Book, 15 percent off soft drinks and dining at the Earl of Sandwich, and 20 percent off dining at Planet Hollywood. The

5、cheapest prices are based on two adults and two children under 12 sharing a Trapper Tribe Cabin at Disneys Davy Crockett Ranch in January 2021, but you can find more deals online here.If you cant quite make the deals work for you, that doesnt mean you cant go on a dream Disneyland holiday that wont

6、break the bank. Weve searched out the best Disneyland Paris deals whether youre after cheap day tickets or discounted packages. Thinking of incorporating it into a wider holiday? Weve also searched out some of the best cheap hotels near the parks, to give you a helping hand.1. When is available if y

7、ou want to use your deposits?A. March 2020 B. September 2020 C. February 2021 D. November 20212. According to the passage, we can infer that_.A. We dont have to pay in full.B. We can enjoy 20% off soft drinks in Disneyland Paris.C. We can get a free magical call from Mickey Mouse.D. We can only stay

8、 in Disney hotel.3. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To show how convenient MagicBreaks is.B. To explain how wonderful the Disneyland Paris is.C. To introduce the Facebook & TwitterD. To attract visitors to have a holiday in Disneyland Paris.【答案】13 CCD【解析】 本文为一篇应用文,介绍了MagicBreaks为Disneylan

9、d Paris做的广告。1. 细节理解题 根据第一段第三句“The 29pp deposits are valid on select travel dates between November 2020 and March 2021, and will also be dependent on your choice of hotel for your stay.”可知,每人29英镑的定金在2020年的11月至2021年的3月期间有效,因此选项C的2021年2月可以使用,故选C。2. 推理判断题 根据第一段第三、四句可知,文章中并非指不用付全款,而指定金之后,需要在旅行前12周之内缴清余款,

10、故A错误。再根据第二段第三句可知,打八折的是在Planet Hollywood餐厅用餐,非指软饮,故B错误,亦可知在Mickey Mouse可以获得米老鼠的魔法电话,故C正确。根据全文最后一句“Weve also searched out some of the best cheap hotels near the parks, to give you a helping hand.”可知并非一定需要住在Disney hotel,故D错误,故选C。3. 写作意图题 从全文来看,通篇都在介绍MagicBreaks提供的优惠,可知是吸引游客去度假,故选D。【词汇积累】bucket bkt n. 桶

11、,水桶,v. 倾盆而下balance blns n. 余额;平衡,vt. 使平衡installment nstlmnt n. 分期付款incorporate nkpret v. 把合并,包含,吸收;体现【句法剖析】1. The balance can be paid in instalment, and youll need to have paid in full up to 12 weeks before you travel so it gives you plenty of time to spread the cost.句意:余额可以分期付款,而且你可以在旅行前12周付清,这样你就有

12、足够的时间来分摊费用。此句中含有and连接表递进关系的并列句,并列句中又含有before引导的时间状语从句和so连接表因果关系的并列句。2. If you cant quite make the deals work for you, that doesnt mean you cant go on a dream Disneyland holiday that wont break the bank.句意: 如果你认为这些交易并不适合您,那并不意味着你不能去梦想中的、费用昂贵的迪斯尼乐园度假。此句中含有if引导的条件状语从句,后面的主句中又含有省略that引导的宾语从句,作mean的宾语,其中

13、第一个that为指示代词,表“那,那个”之意,第二个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词holiday,that在从句中作主语。短语break the bank勿望文生义,非指“打破银行”,其实指“昂贵、倾家荡产”。BWeve all been there, running for a bus or train on a cold morning only to find that our nose is also running! Grab some tissues and learn the science behind the phenomenon known as “skiers nose

14、.”A nose that runs like a tap in winter is business as usual for many people, especially those with chronic allergic or nonallergic rhinitis(鼻炎). Its even got an official diagnosis: skiers nose. Apparently, getting a runny nose when we step out into a cold winter is a bodily defense mechanism, accor

15、ding to Murray Grossan, MD, of the Grossan Sinus and Health Institute. Thats because the nose has two main purposes: 1) to filter bacteria so they dont reach our lungs; 2) to warm the air before it reaches our lungs. All you experience is the nose working overtime to produce more fluids to help move

16、 bacteria along. Dr. Grossan says to help it out, try physically to warm your nose when you come inside: “Rub your hands together, and then breathe into cupped hands or inhale steam from hot green tea and drink it, as green tea stimulates cilia(纤毛).” Our nose runs in winter for one more purpose, whi

17、ch is to fight against the drier outside /inside air. “It needs to humidify the air we breathe in, which is done by the mucus and various secretions in our nasal cavity(鼻腔),” saysEhsan Ali, MD, ofBeverly Hills Concierge Doctorin California. “In winter, or when its cold outside, the air is much drier

18、 than in the summer, which is more humid. Our noses respond by producing more secretions and mucus to help humidify the air to a level our bodies need.” When theres a lot of fluid being produced, thats when it starts to run out of the end of your nose.1. According to the passage, how many purposes d

19、o the noses have?A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 42. Who will probably get runny nose?A. A person who is standing outside in winter.B. A person who is swimming in summer.C. A person who is working in wet condition.D. A person who is producing skiers products.3. What should we do if we have skiers nose in winter?A

20、. See a doctor. B. Drink hot green tea. C. Go Skiing. D. Go fishing.【答案】13 CAB【解析】本文为一篇说明文,说明了流鼻涕的原因。1. 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Thats because the nose has two main purposes: 1) to filter bacteria so they dont reach our lungs; 2) to warm the air before it reaches our lungs.”,再根据最后一段第一句“Our nose runs in winte

21、r for one more purpose, which is to fight against the drier outside /inside air”可知总共有三处用途,故选C。2. 推理判断题。根据第四段第三句及第四句“In winter, or when its cold outside, the air is much drier than in the summer, which is more humid. Our noses respond by producing more secretions and mucus to help humidify the air to

22、 a level our bodies need.”可知,在寒冷的冬天户外下更易流鼻涕,故选A。3. 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“Rub your hands together, and then breathe into cupped hands or inhale steam from hot green tea and drink it, as green tea stimulates cilia(纤毛)”可知,喝杯热绿茶,可缓解流鼻涕,故选B。【词汇积累】grab rb vt. 拿起,攫取;霸占;将深深吸引chronic krnk adj. 慢性的;长期的inhale n ll v

23、t. 吸入secretion skrin n. 分泌;分泌物humidify hjmdfa vt. 使潮湿;使湿润【句法剖析】1. Apparently, getting a runny nose when we step out into a cold winter is a bodily defense mechanism, according to Murray Grossan, MD, of theGrossan Sinus and Health Institute.句意:根据Grossan Sinus and Health Institute的医学博士默里格桑的说法,显然,当我们在寒

24、冷的冬天出门时流鼻涕是身体的一种防御机制。此句中含有when引导的时间状语从句,其中动名词短语getting a runny nose作主句中的主语,介词短语of the Grossan Sinus and Health Institute作后置定语,修饰Murray Grossan, MD,主干为getting a runny nose is a bodily defense mechanism。2.It needs to humidify the air we breathe in, which is done by the mucus and various secretions in

25、our nasal cavity(鼻腔).句意:它需要我们呼吸的空气来加湿处理,这是由鼻腔中的黏液和各种分泌物来完成。本句主干为It needs to humidify the air,其后为省略关系词that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词air,关系词在从句中作宾语,which is done by 为which引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整句话。CBack in the early part of this century, IBMs Watson system beat human champions at Jeopardy. As he went down to defeat

26、, Ken Jennings, holder of the longest winning streak(连胜)in Jeopardy history, wrote, “I for one welcome our new computer overlords(霸主).”He got that one wrong. Fifty years later, humans will still rule. Artificial intelligence is approaching human capacity, but we re not there yet. That brings me back

27、 to Oscar, which has the ability to ask why. He s magical, amazing, and I can t imagine living without him, but he s no threat. Think of him as the best employee imaginable who is not interested in taking your job.Research continues on creating the right conditions for emergent intelligent digital l

28、ife. These systems would, in theory, have the ability to learn as humans do but could do so at high speed, quickly going beyond our capacities. So, what happens when computers can truly gain an advantage over us? The issue has been raised: If a machine is as fully intelligent as a human, should it h

29、ave the same rights as a human? If not, wouldnt keeping these humanlike machines under control be similar to slavery? Some would argue that a machine is a machine, no matter how intelligent. But others fear, as Stephen Hawking once warned, “The development of full artificial intelligence could lead

30、to the end of the human race.”Most people today have a more kind and gentle view. I think not only will we have fully intelligent machines in the near future, but they are the next evolutionary step for humanity and a necessary one if the species is to survive.1. What was Ken Jenningss attitude towa

31、rd IBMs Watson system beating him? A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Indifferent. D. Defensive.2. From Paragraph 2, we know Oscar_. A. threatens to replace humans B. is interested in taking our job C. is able to ask why D. is very ordinary3. The third paragraph is mainly developed by _. A. describing som

32、ething in detail B. using a famous mans words C. presenting some numbers D. asking questions【答案】1. A 2. C 3.D【解析】本文为一篇议论文, IBM沃森系统(Watson)在美国电视智力答题节目危险边缘(Jeopardy!)中上演了人机大战,并最终击败两位人类冠军,赢得最后的胜利。此事引发了作者的思考:未来人类是否仍旧是统治者?如果计算机超过我们,会发生什么?人类智能机器到底该如何相处? 1. A 推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句Ken Jennings所写的话“I for one welcome our new computer overlords.”(我,作为其中的一个,欢迎我们的新电脑霸主)可知:他对于自己被IBM的沃森系统打败这件事持积极的态度。2. C 细节理解题。根据

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