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Teaching Plan 3.docx

1、Teaching Plan 3Teaching Plan 3Episode 2 Main Characteristics of English VocabularyContent: . The development of English Vocabulary. Reasons of Its Newest Development. Main Characteristics. Classification of WordsObjectives: To help Ss come to the evolution of English vocabulary;To help Ss know the d

2、ifferent characteristics of English vocabulary chronologically;To help Ss know the reasons leading to the evolution of English vocabulary;To help Ss know how words are classified. Focal Points and difficulties: The chronological order of the development of English vocabulary;The reasons leading to t

3、he newest development of English vocabulary.Teaching Methods & Aids: Lecturing; discussion; Q & A; PPTProcedure:1. Review the seven types of senses by asking Ss to identify the different senses of the word BREAD2. Show the contents of the new chapter by drawing Sss attention to pre-questions:How did

4、 the Norman Conquest and the Renaissance influence the English vocabulary?Where did the majority of English loan words come from?What are the main causes for the newest development of the English vocabulary?What are the fundamental features of English vocabulary?What do content and function words me

5、an?3. Discuss the development of English vocabulary(1) Old English/Anglo-Saxon Period The history of English language begins with the conquest and settlement of what is now England by the Angles, Saxons and the Jutes from about 450. The vocabulary of Old English contains some fifty or sixty thousand

6、 words, which were chiefly Anglo-Saxon with a small mixture of Old Norse (the Scandinavian language in its early stage) words as the result of the Scandinavian or the Danish conquest of England in the ninth century.During this period, the vocabulary is of Germanic characteristic, distinguished by co

7、mpounding, which can be illustrated by the epic Beowulfs having 1069 compounds in 3183 lines.The unstressed elements in the compound become affixes gradually, thus derivation is generally adopted. There are at least 24 noun suffixes and 15 adj. suffixes such as dom, -hood, -ship, -ness, -ful, -ish,

8、etc. coming from this period.Alliteration is applied to form expressions such as might and main, friend and foe, a labor of love, etc.An ability to develop new words out of the existing Germanic word-stock instead of borrowing foreign words, e.g. modcraeft (mind-skill) = intelligence eorthcraeft = g

9、eometry fotadl (foot-disease) = gout痛风病 fiellesseocnes (falling-sickness) = epilepsy癫痫症However, the first batch of Latin loan words carried by Rome culture and Christianity came into English vocabulary with Augustine, a priest from Rome in 597.(2) Middle English Period English is characterized by th

10、e strong influence of French following the Norman Conquest in 1066. Since the French-speaking Normans were the ruling class, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and cultural matters; English ceased to function as official language, but the masses continued to speak English. Onl

11、y towards the end of the fifteenth century did English become once again the language of the whole country.However, English showed great changes in its vocabulary; the loss of a large part of the Old English words and the adoption of thousands of French words. The French loan words were found in eve

12、ry section of the vocabulary: law and governmental administration (judge, jury, government, parliament, state), military affairs (conquest, sergeant, victory, etc.), religion (baptism, confess, divine, sermon, etc.), clothing (coat, dress, gown, robe, etc.), food (beef, mutton, pork, dinner, etc.),a

13、rt (beauty, image, design, etc.),literature (chapter, poet, prose, etc.),science (medicine, remedy, surgeon) and so on.At the same time, Latin words continued to flood in. Some affixes of French and Latin as dis-, en-, inter-, mal-, pre-, semi-, etc. were Anglicized. Characteristics of French compou

14、nding, as n. + adj. (knight-errant), and adv. + p.p. (by-gone) were absorbed in English compounding, which was called Romanization of English by linguistic historians.The meaning of root began to emerge. (3) Modern English Period In the early stages of this period (1500-1700), the Renaissance result

15、ed in the wholesale borrowing from Latin. The Latin loan words were mostly connected with science and abstract ideas (chemist, function, scientific, vacuum, area, irony, theory, education, exist, appropriate, precise).In the last period, Greek came into English via Latin or French, now Greek words c

16、ame into English vocabulary both indirectly and directly. Greek borrowings were mostly literary, technical and scientific words (drama, comedy, tragedy, lexicon, criterion, botany and physics)From the 16th century onward, English borrowed words from an increasing number of European languages such as

17、 Italian (concert, duet, piano, solo, tenor, model, studio), Spanish (cargo, cocoa, cigar, vanilla, armada), Portuguese (caste, pagoda), German (bismuth, cobalt, nickel, zinc), Dutch (dock, freight, keel), Russian (vodka, troika, ruble, tsar)At the turn of the 19th and 20th century, as a result of e

18、xploration, colonization and trade, many loan words came in from non-European languages.After World War , the borrowing slowed down, neologisms (new words or new meanings for established words) swept in at a rate much faster than that of the pre-war period. 4. Ask Ss to summarize English Vocabulary

19、in Different PeriodsODP: EV is of Germanic characteristic, distinguished by(1) compounding;(2) derivation;(3) alliteration;(4) development of new words out of extant Germanic word-stock;(5) gradual loss of declensions; (6) first batch of Latin loan words because of Augustines preaching from Rome in

20、597.MEP: EV is characterized by(1) loss of a large part of the Old English words and the general adoption of French words due to the strong influence of the Norman Conquest in 1066;(2) the continued flooding in of Latin loan words;(3)Anglicization of French and Latin affixes and Romanization of comp

21、ounding;(4) the appearance of root;(5) the vanishing of the inflectional system of Old English.MEP: EV is featured by(1) the wholesale borrowing from Latin because of the Renaissance;(2) the direct and indirect introductions of Greek words into English;(3) borrowings from other European languages;(4

22、) borrowings from non-European languages because of exploration, colonization and trade;(5) the slowing down of borrowing and the rapid emerging of neologisms. 5. Discuss the Reasons of Its Newest Development(1) Marked Progress of Science and Technology The development of science and technology resu

23、lted in words such as cybernetics, bionics, chain reaction, radioactivity, neutron bomb, medium-range ballistic missiles, SAM, cosmonaut, countdown, space shuttle, launching pad, software, hardware, input, output, programming, data base, hovercraft (ground effect machine), nano-technology, nanomachi

24、ne, nanocomputer, lasercomp, fax, camcorder, flat-screen TV, maglev train, warez, short message, cell phone, CRBT, GPS, etc.(2) Socio-Economic, Political and Cultural ChangesInternal political struggle/Civil Rights Movements in the U.S. gave rise to a large number of new words: sit-in, swim-in, knee

25、l-in, ride-in, smoke-in, stall-in, camp-in in which “in” means “demonstration” or teach-in, eat-in, be-in, sing-in, love-in, and laugh-in, in which “in” denotes “public gathering or activities”.Womens Liberation Movement led to the appearance of Ms, chairperson, chairwoman, feminism, malechauvinism,

26、 sexism, etc.Constant economic and political changes cause existence of new words like *euro;* watergate (a political scandal reminiscent of the Watergate Incidentv. to deal with in a covert or criminal manner), similarly, Reagongate, Koreagate, Debategate, Pearlgate, harborgate, copygate, sugargate

27、, briefing-gate, nannygate and Clintongate, etc.* Clintonian;( of or having to do with the policies of Bill Clinton; a person who favors the policies of Bill), Clintonism; Clintonomics;* Clintonspeak;(the typical language, jargon or vocabulary of Clinton the way of speaking featured by hedging) Simi

28、larly, doublespeak, oldspeak, computerspeak, netspeak, artspeak, sportspeak, bizspeak, etc. are added to the English vocabulary, of which speak means “specific way of speaking in the first two words”, “specific language” in the rest five words. *bushlips: meaning disingenuous political statements of

29、 George Bush. An article On the Internet, entitled Barrack Obamas Name Inspires Flurry of New words, drew our attention to the compilation of some buzzwords concerned with Obama in Urban Dictionary and Word Spy, e.g. *obamation: process of people constantly impersonating or putting themselves in Oba

30、mas shoes, thinking what Obama will think, what Obama will say or using Obamas quotes like, “putting lipstick on a pig”. *obamatarian: an avid supporter of the newly-elected President, Barack Obama *obamafied: a person of Afro-American descent who has become similar to Barack Obama in manner*obamaco

31、n: a conservative voter who supports Democratic candidate Barack Obama in the election *baracknophobia: fear of an African-American President ; negative feelings about President B.O.More Examples:the lost generation(1920s);the beat generation(1940s); the silent generation(1950s); baby boomers(1947-1

32、961)the Vietnam generation(1960s); the “me” generation(1970s); X-ersthe X generation(1990s);millennium generation(2000-).New social habits and new living conditions necessitate the introduction of new words like instant coffee/noodles, snack, credit card, fringe benefit, hire purchase, dress-down Friday, loyalty card, prenup, trophy wife, home shopping, hoffice, golden goodbye, etc.Changes in education resulted in open classroom, open university, TV education, distance ed

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