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专四语法第4节 限定词.docx

1、专四语法第4节 限定词 第四节限定词 限定词概述一、)是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、类指以及表示确定数量和非确定数量等限定词(Determiner指示(代词)、3.,her)冠词(a, an, the)、2.物主(代词)限定词(如my限定作用的词类,主要包括1.which, what, 4.疑问限定词(如(如all, both, no)、(代词)限定词(如such, this, those)、3.不定限定词 数词等Toms, China)、7.whose)、6.名词属格(如5. whose)、关系限定词(如 常见考点 ) 冠词(article1.;不定)概述:冠词是置于名词之前说明名词所指

2、的人或物的一种虚词,英语中有三个冠词,定冠词(the ;零冠词a/an)冠词( :冠词考点(易出题知识点) 的区别与an 不定冠词a of underlined part is wrong .”“France is an European country located in the west of the continent A B C D :AAnswer;同理,当名词词首辅音字母an”考点:当名词字首元音字母发辅音时,前面的不定冠词要用“a”而非“ a。发元音时,前面的不定冠词要用an而不用 固定结构“a/an + +of + a/an+ ”中,这一结构中前面的名词表示的是后面名词的性质

3、或者是特征. 如 amountain of a wave 滔天巨浪 a lion of a man 雄狮般勇猛的人 用在复数抽象名词前表示单一概念或复数名词表整体概念(注意同主谓一致考点联系起来) a good twenty dollars in my pocket. 我口袋里面有整整20美元。 如I have Since you like steak so much, why dont you order _ steak B. an C. a D./ Answer: C物质名词变为可数名词,a steak表示一份牛排。 定冠词的使用 零冠词的使用 冠词惯用短语 a variety of in

4、 the rain by train/ship at table in the aira great many take place. in the time being a series of 2. 限定词与名词的搭配关系 列举 谓语形式 只接单数名词的限定词each, every, either, neither, many a(n), such a(n), what a(n) 单数 只接复数的several, both, (a) few, a couple of, a number of 复数 只接不可数名词的 (a) little, much, less, a bit of , a g

5、reat deal of , a large amount of 单数 复数/只接可数名词的(单数 均可的)the first, the second, the last, the next 由名词的数决定 只接单数可数名词和不可数 this, that, (the) least 单数名词的 只接复数可数名词和不可数名词的 a lot of , lots of , plenty of , enough, more, most, such 由名词的数决定 与单,复数名词,和不可数全都可以连用的 the, some, any, no, other, whose, 物主代词,名词所 属格由名词的数决

6、定 3.限定词与限定的之间的搭配关系 三类限定词 前位限定词 all, both, half, 倍数词(double, twice, three times);分数;what a(n), such a(n) 中位限定词 冠词;指示代词(this, that, these, those); 人称物主代词(my, your,.),名词属格;不定代词(some, any, no, every, each, either, neither, enough); what(ever), which(ever) , whose 后位限定词 基数词,序数词,next, last, other, another

7、, many, much, (a) few, (a) little, fewer, several, plenty of , a lot of , a great/large/good number of , a great/good deal of, a large/small amount of, such 多个限定词相遇时,其位置使用规则 *基本规则:“前位+中位+后位” the brothers all his two daughters (前+中+后) both all other students (前+后) those last few minutes (中+后+后) *such

8、做限定词有特殊规则:such+不定冠词(such位于前) 当such 和其他的限定词(some, any, no, fall, few, another, other, many, one, two等)搭配时,such是后位限定词,如 Ive never seen such a dog. All such problems should be considered. 4. 特殊限定词的使用 和any 的用法 1)some, any与复数名词和不可数名词搭配,表“一些” some 和单数名词搭配表“某一” any与单数名词搭配表“任一” 2)some一般用于肯定句中,也可以用在表示希望对方给出肯

9、定回答的疑问句中 any 多用语疑问,否定句,条件句,if/whether引导的从句 3)固定搭配 some day 来日 some day or other 迟早notany longer/more 不再 at any rate/in any case 无论如何 的用法 1)no可以修饰单数可数名词,复数名词和不可数名词,其意义相当于 “not a “ “not any”, 所以no不能和a(n), any 连用。 2)带有the, this, that, these, those, my, your等的名词前,一般不和no连用,改用none of 3) no可以做副词修饰形容词或副词的比较

10、级, easy/different。这时,no相当于“not at all” 4)习惯用语 no doubt no end 非常,no end of 大量的,许多, and no mistake 的确,没错 难怪) no wonder theres no such thing as 没有这样的(物品 三、历年考题和模拟题 of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT 11-56 two times his strength.ten times its original . I wish I hadA. The city is now four

11、 times every yeardouble the usual . They come here C. The seller asked for . of the following sentences is INCORRECT 10-56 A. They each have two tickets. B. They cost twenty yuan each. C. Each they have bought the same book. D. They were given two magazines each. of the following sentences is INCORR

12、ECT 10-62 A. All his lectures are very interesting. B. Half their savings were gone. C. Many his friends came to the party. D. Both his sisters are nurses. 4. A new laptop costs about _ of a second-hand one. 09-55 A. the price of three times B. three times the price C. as much as the three times pri

13、ce D. three times more than the price5. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times _ the size of St. Peters in Rome. 08-64 A. / B. that of C. which is D. of6. Our association, which has consistently pressed for greater employment opportunities for the disabled, will publish _ proposals

14、 in the near future. A. their B. our C. his D. its 08-51 threat _ a it is probably terrible threat to the human race. Yet 7. Overpopulation poses a destruction. environmental human race than to the 07-62 A. no moreB. not more C. even more D. much more was _ we had hoped. 06-64 A. more a success than

15、 B. a success more than C. as much of a success as D. a success as much as Do you know Tims brother He is _ than Tim. 05-599. A. much more sportsman B. more of a sportsman C. more of sportsman D. more a sportsman 10. Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land. 06-60 A. n

16、o such a B. not such C. not such a D. no such_ to install wasteful, we will have supplies 11. Because fuel are finite and many people are solar heating device in our home. 05-56 A. some type of B. some types of a C. some type of a D. some types of Why are you staring12. Ive never seen _ tree before.

17、 A. kind of B. that kind of C. such kind D. such 05-66 13. My little daughter has walked eight miles toady. We never guessed that she could walk _ far. A. that B. such C./ D. as 14. _ human problems that repeat themselves in _ life repeat themselves in _literature. A. /,/, the B. /,the,/ C. The,/ ,/

18、 D. The, the, the 15. She is not the sort of _. A. a girl B. the girls C. girl D. the girl 16. A cow is _as a horse. A. strong as an animal B. as a strong animal C. as strong an animal D. as an animal strong 17. Scientists believe that _ fingerprints can be exactly identical. A. never B. not C. no D

19、. none 18. The additional work will take _ weeks. A. the other B. another two C. other two D. the more)can be placed before both singular count nouns and plural 限定词 of the following determiners( count nounsthe next few Csuch D Amany a B20. The following determiners(限定词) can be used with both plural

20、and uncountable nouns EXCEPT A. more. B. enough. C. many. D. such. 21. Which of the following is INCORRECT A. Another two girls B. Few words C. This work D. A bit of flowers 22. _ difficulties should be taken into account. A. Some these B. All such C. These all D. Such all 23. She has taken great pa

21、in to conceal her emotions, and thereby made them _conspicuous. A. all the more B. all the much C. all more D. all much Scottish friend says there is _ monster in Loch Ness. A. no such thing as B. no such thing as a C. no such a thing as D. no such a thing as a 25. The brilliance of his satires was

22、_ make even his victim laugh. A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that 26. _ increases every year as natural habitats disappear. A. The amount ofendangered speciesB. The quantity of endangering species C. The number of endangered speciesD. The majority of endangering species , though _ than

23、 either oil or gas, is still a finite resource. A. much energy more abundant sourceB. the much more energy abundant source C. a much more abundant energy sourceD. energy source more abundant 28. I didnt go to the party last night, because _, I changed my mind. A. on a second thought B. by second tho

24、ughtsC. on second thoughts D. on the second thought you grow up in _large family, you are more likely to develop _ability to get on well with _others. A. /,an, the B. a, the,/ C. the,an,the D. a, the,the dinner he gave Mr. Richardson _ride to _Capital Airport. , a B. a ,/ C. /, a D. /, the you finis

25、h reading the book,you will have _better understanding of _life. A. a, the B. the .a C. /,the ,/ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question. B A. Each B. Any C. Either D. one 33. Will you buy me _ stamps when you go out A. some B. any C. a little D. a few of (A) 34. “Wh

26、at do they eat there in Honolulu” “_ eat rice rather than potatoes.” A. Most of people B. The most of people C. The most people D. Most of the people contain various kinds of radio tubes, or tiny devices called transistors. A. The most they B. Most of they C. Most of them D. The most of them 36. If

27、tap water were as dangerous as some people think, _ would be getting sick. A. a lot of more us B. more a lot of us C. a lot of us more D. a lot more of us 37. Let me know _ train youll be arriving on. A. which B. what C. that D. whose 38. Whom do you know better, _ A. his or her friends B. her or hi

28、s friends C. his friends or her D. her or his 39.“Idont like this ink. Do you like it ”“No, I like _ink.” A. the other B. some other C. another D. some others 40. I saw _ waiting in line applying for the only position. A. a lot of unemployment B. unemployments C. a lot of the unemployed D. a lot of

29、unemployee honesty is _. He can be always trusted. A. out of question B. out of the question C. no the question D. in the question are a brave and hardworking people. A. Chinese B. The Chinese C. A Chinese D. Some Chinese 43. Mercury freezes if it is cooled to _. A. a too low temperature B. too low

30、temperature C. a low too temperature D. too low a temperature. population of many Alaska cities has _ in the past three years. A. more than doubled B. more doubled than C. much than doubled D. much double than understand _preparation that staff must put in under pressure to meet the deadline. A. more than the enormous amount ofB. better than most the enormous number of C. better than most the enormous amount of D. fewer than the number of did not choose any of the three offerings, because I found _sat

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