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1、英语三级考试捉题翻译和作文1. 说明:写信日期:2010年6月20日2. 假设你是即将毕业的大学生李东,刚参加完一家公司的面试。请给公司人事部经理写一封感谢信, 需涉及如下内容:3. 1. 表示感谢,;4. 2对对方公司表示兴趣,希望5. 2. 希望早日得到肯定的回复;6. 3. 如不能如愿,也将继续努力,争取。June 20, 2010Dear sir,Im writing to express my appreciation for giving me an interview. As we all know, XXXX Company is a special company which

2、 is good at making your employees come up with their ideas and is willing to accept them. Whats more, XXX Company can supply opportunities to every employee to be promoted. And it has a bright future in todays market. All these comparative advantages make me be favorably impressed with your company

3、and make me choose it. Im very interested in this position. I hope you can give me a chance to be a member of your company. But If I fail, I will still work hard to improve my abilities and try my best to be accepted by your company.Looking forward to your favorable reply Yours sincerely,Li Dong2. 说

4、明:假设你是ABC计算机公司销售部经理,根据下列信息写一份电子邮件。 发件人:张明 电子邮件地址 收件人:Miss Jenny Arnot 电子邮件地址 写信时间:2010年6月20日 你公司现在研发出了一款新式计算机,该机有许多优点; Jenny Arnot 的公司在她的地区长期为你公司推销产品; 你公司认为该新产品会受到用户的欢迎,因此希望在她的地区推广这一产品; 你现在把该产品的规格寄给她; 如果她感兴趣,请她到你公司来看样品并进行洽谈; 请她通知你何时可以来,你会派人到机场去迎接; 表示感谢。 Words for Reference: 规格 specifications 样品 samp

5、lesTo: Miss Jenny ArnotE-mailSubject: new computerDate: June 20, 2010 Dear Miss Jenny Arnot, I am writing to tell you the good news that our company now develops a new type computer, which has many advantages. For a long time, your company has been promoting computers in your area for our company, s

6、o we think this new computer must be popular with your customers. And I hope you can help promote it in your area. Now I am enclosing the specifications of the computer. If you are interested in it, please come to our company to see the samples and negotiate business. And please tell us when you cou

7、ld come so that we can send someone to meet you in the airport.Thank you for your consideration.Looking forward to your early reply!Yours truly,Zhang MingThe manager or the sales department3. 推荐人: John Brown, head of Software Development Department of Wide Computer Company被推荐人: David Brown具体情况:1) Da

8、vid Brown 自2005-现在年在本公司软件开发部工作;2) 他毕业于开远职业技术学院计算机系, 专业知识扎实, 业务能力强;3) 在本公司工作期间积极与他人合作, 开发了多个软件, 积累了较丰富的经验;4) 诚挚地推荐他应聘他想要的职位。Words for reference:开远职业技术学院: Kaiyuan Professional College of Technology 软件开发: software development积累: accumulateTo whom it may concern,This is to testify that Mr. David Brown w

9、ho has been working in the Software Development Dep. (Dept.) of our company since 2005. He graduated from Kaiyuan Vocational College and majored in Computer. He has a strong foundation of specialized knowledge and strong professional ability. Whats more, He was working hard and actively cooperated w

10、ith other colleagues during the period of employment, which made him develop software and gain rich experience. I can give him a wholehearted recommendation to apply for the job he wanted. Sincerely, John Brown, Head of Software Development Department of Wide Computer Company4. 说明:假设你是某产品开发部经理曹军。最近你

11、公司开发了一款新的软件包,欲邀请外国专家史密思(Smith)先生参加本次演示发布会。请写一份邀请信给他。内容:1.演示发布会时间和地点:下周二上午10点在本公司的三号会议室。2.演示发布会安排:a) 介绍新软件包系统的性能和用法;b) 新软件包系统演示。3.出席会议的费用将由本公司承担。写信时间:2010年6月20日要求:按照写信的格式。Words for reference:演示发布会 demonstration软件包 software packageJune 20,2010Dear Smith,It is my great honor to invite you to attend the

12、 demonstration about the new software package developed by our company in meeting room at 10 am. next Tuesday. In the demonstration, we will introduce the performance and usage of the new software. In addition, the system of the software will also be demonstrated. Last Id like to tell you that the f

13、ees you attend the meeting will be covered by our company.Looking forward to your attendance.Yours sincerely, Cao JunThe manager of the Development Dep.5. 校园通知写信日期:2009年12月20日说明:假设在你就读的大学即将举行一场重要的校际足球赛。请以校学生会的名义写一份通知。需涉及以下内容,不要求逐字翻译。内容:1)本周日下午将有一场重要的校际足球赛;2)该球赛3)学生会人手不够,需招募志愿者若干名参加服务;4)有兴趣的同学在本周二中午之

14、前到学生会办公室报名;请带好学生证。Word for reference: 志愿者 volunteers NOTICE There will be an important intercollegiate football match in our college this Sunday afternoon. This match may attract many students to watch, which will leads to the short of the hand in service for the match, so we now need to recruit som

15、e volunteers to join in service. If you are interested in it, please take your student card to the student union office for enrollment. Student UnionDec. 20, 20096. 日期:2009年12月20日说明:假设你是公司人事部职员Susan,请以人事部名义写一份内部通知。需涉及以下内容,不要求逐字翻译。内容:1)公司海外业务发展迅速,要求员工提高外语水平;2)公司近期将安排外语培训;3)希望各部门安排好时间,鼓励员工积极参加培训;4)报名的

16、人请于1月10日前到人事部填写申请表。Word for reference: 人事部 Human Resource Department NOTICEWith the rapidly development of the foreign trade of the company, all the employees are required to improve foreign language level. So, the company decides to arrange a foreign language training recently for the employees. We

17、 hope that every department make a schedule and encourage employees to take part in this training actively. Please applicants fill out the application form in Human Resource Department before January 1st. Susan Human Resource Department Dec. 20, 2009 7. 说明:假设你是一个外企的职员,因故要辞职,特向公司总经理Mr. White 写辞职信。内容如

18、下: 1你在本公司已工作了5年,为公司尽了自己的努力; 2因住宅和公司相距较远,每天来回不易,所以想换一个离家近点的公司工作; 3告诉公司总经理自己希望辞职的具体日期; 4对公司总经理数年来对自己的关心和培养表示感谢和留恋; 5如公司一时找不到合适的接替人,自己可推迟2个月辞职; Words for reference: 辞职:resign 留恋:reluctant to leaveDear Mr. White,I am the employee in your company and now I am sorry to tell you that Id like to resign.I ha

19、ve worked here for five years and I have paid my dues /tried my best to work, for I like this job very much and I am reluctant to leave. But my house is a little far away from the company, which is difficult for me to travel in and out to work every day, so I want to look for another company near my

20、 house to avoid this inconvenience.Id like to leave on 20th of this June. If the company couldnt find the right person for my position, my resign can be delayed by two months.Last, Id like to thank you for your years of care and cultivation.Yours sincerely,xxxxx8. 发 件 人:史密斯布莱克主 题:祝贺信 内容要点:1. 刚刚获悉其荣升

21、为ABC公司的总裁,非常高兴,特此祝贺。2. 鉴于我方与对方公司是多年合作伙伴,期盼他上任之后,能够一如既往加强两公司间友谊,等等。3. 如需本公司协作,谨请告知。本公司将。4. 祝其前程似锦,再创佳绩!提示:以上要点不需逐词翻译,可用自己的语言去涵盖内容。 To: CEO of ABC Company From: Smith Blake Subject: Congratulations on promotion Date: June 20, 2010 Dear Sir, I am very pleased to hear the good news that you have been pr

22、omoted to be the CEO of ABC Company. Congratulations on your recent promotion. In view of the long-term cooperation partners between our two companies, I hope you could strengthen the friendship between us two company as usual. Besides, please let us know if you need any cooperation from our company

23、, we will provide it without any hesitation. Yours sincerely, Smith Blake9. 说明:以销售部经理李惠萍的名义写一封道歉信。内容如下: 1. 得知给贵方发出的300磅巧克力包装破碎,十分抱歉; 2. 通知对方已安排于今日清晨补发货; 3. 新货将于三天内送达; 4. 请对方将包装盒已破碎的巧克力一起交还给送货的司机; 5. 保证以后注意送货,不再发生同样的事故; 6. 希望对方继续向你公司定货。 Words for reference 磅:pound Dear sir or madam, I am writing to y

24、ou to apologize that the package of 300 pound chocolate delivered to you are broken. I am sorry again. To make up your loss promptly,/ because of this, we have delivered another 300 pound chocolate this early morning and it will be arrive within three days. At that time, please give the chocolate wi

25、th broken packages back to our delivery driver. We ensure that we must pay more attention to the delivery to avoid the same mistake appearing in the future. And we hope that you could continue to place orders from our company. Many thanks! Yours sincerely, Li Huiping The sales manager1The City Touri

26、st Office welcomes you to Helsinki(赫尔辛基). We provide brochures (小册子), maps and calendars of events covering Helsinki as well as the whole of Finland, or offer up-to-the-minute tips and information about our capital. A Tour Expert service desk is situated at the Helsinki City Tourist Office, offering

27、 sight-seeing trips and other interesting excursions (远足旅行) in addition to guide services, hotel rooms, flight, train and bus tickets in Finland.市旅游办公室欢迎您前来赫尔辛基观光。我们为您提供有旅游小册子,地图和赫尔辛基和芬兰的大事日历表;或者向您提供关于我们首都的最新资讯。我们在赫尔辛基市旅游办公室设有一个专家服务台,可以为您提供观光旅行和其他远足旅行的服务,此外还有芬兰导游服务,宾馆,飞机票,火车票和汽车票的服务信息。2A California

28、bank has an opening for a government relations officer. As an officer of a new, growing department, you will act as the banks liaison(联络人) with government officials. The successful candidate will have up to four years experience in government relations or public affairs. Strong writing and verbal(口头

29、) skills are essential. College degree required. Banking experience preferred.加利福尼亚银行现招聘一政府关系主任。 作为一个新的成长中的部门的办公人员,该职位职责是负责联络政府官员。 成功的应聘者要有长达四年的在政府关系或公共事务方面的工作经验,应有较强的书面和口头表达能力。要求大学专科学历,有银行工作经验者优先。3The Bodleian(博得雷利) Library is the main research library of the University of Oxford(牛津). It is one of

30、the six national copyright libraries and, as the founder of the library intended, it is a resource that attracts scholars and visitors to Oxford from around the world. Today the Bodleian Library has 30 reading rooms - with 2,663 reader places - in ten buildings in central Oxford. The library is gran

31、ted the right to receive a copy of every book, magazine and newspaper printed in Britain.博得雷利图书馆是牛津大学主要的研究型图书馆,是六大获得国家版权的图书馆之一,正如该图书馆的创办者所预期的那样,它是吸引世界各地学者和游客来牛津大学的重要原因。如今,博得雷利图书馆在牛津大学中心的十座大楼里拥有30间阅览室, 能容纳2663名读者。该图书馆已被授权收藏英国各地印刷出的所有书籍、 杂志和报纸的副本。4In this difficult economy, you may find it harder than

32、 ever to cope with challenges on the job. Both the stress we take with us when we go to work and the stress that awaits us on the job are on the rise and employers, managers, and workers all feel the added pressure. While some stress is a normal part of life, excessive stress interferes with your productivity a

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