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1、届高考英语全国统考版二轮评估验收仿真模拟卷二高考仿真模拟卷(二)(时间:120分钟, 满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Why does the man refuse to eat more?AHe has a toothache.BHe is too full.CThe pie is too salty.2When will the man leave

2、?AOn Tuesday.BOn Wednesday.COn Thursday.3Where will the speakers go first tomorrow?AThe zoo.BThe Peoples Park.CThe Science Museum.4Why will the woman go to Boston?ATo start a new life there.BTo live with her parents.CTo visit her grandparents.5What does the man imply?AHe will go to Seattle next time

3、.BHe will never go to Los Angeles.CA trip to Miami may be interesting.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。6What does the woman plan to do this weekend?AGo climbing.BGo shopping.CGo

4、swimming.7Who will move on Saturday?AThe man.BThe mans sister.CThe womans sister.听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。8How does the man find the movies nowadays?AMost of them are amazing.BThey have similar plots.CThe stories are sort of silly.9Why do people like going to the movies according to the woman?ATo kill time.B

5、To find romance.CTo avoid troubles in real life.听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10How many kinds of folk collections are there?AOver 200.BOver 300.COver 400.11What can be learnt about separate display rooms?AThey are for multiple collections.BThey are for private collectors.CThey are for model vehicles.12What col

6、lections will the man see?APaintings.BStamps.CSeashells.听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。13Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?ATeacher and student.BMother and son.CHusband and wife.14How did the man find dance before?AIt was difficult to learn.BIt was not fit for men.CIt was very boring.15Whi

7、ch dance class do they choose?ABallet.BThe tango.CTap dance.16What will the speakers do next?AGo fishing together.BBook the dance class.CDo more research online.听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17Why does the speaker come to the town?ATo attend a meeting.BTo go on a holiday.CTo visit his old roommate.18Who is Ell

8、ie?ATims wife.BDavids wife.CTims daughter.19Where did David and the speaker go in 1994?AColumbus.BAustria.CItaly.20What is the speaker doing?AGiving parting advice.BLeaving a voicemail message.CWriting a greeting letter.第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。A

9、Some of the best cycling routes in the world pass through the most beautiful scenery. Here are some of worlds best bike routes for cyclists who are either up for having a good sweat or simply seeing the world without leaving an ugly carbon footprint behind.The Great Ocean Road, Victoria, AustraliaIf

10、 you like a challenge, take on this 243kilometer windy road along Australias southeastern coast. If a day is all youve got, take the 60kilometer route from Torquay to Bells Beach. There youll cycle through rural farmland, enjoy the sweeping ocean views from cliff tops, and snake past the wetlands ar

11、ound Lake Connewarre.The Udaipur City Tour, Rajasthan, IndiaBiking is arguably the best way to explore Udaipur, Venice of the East.Cyclists often need to cycle past herdsmen and their goats and camels, sharing narrow, old pavements in this romantic place. But surrounded by ancient castles and grand

12、palaces, Udaipur brings about one of the best biking experiences, allowing cyclists to truly discover rural India.The Karakoram Highway, ChinaPakistanThe Karakoram Highway is the highest international road in the world, reaching an altitude of 4, 717 meters near the Khunjerab Pass. Starting in Kashg

13、ar, China, cyclists can travel up to 1, 200 kilometers on mostly unpaved roads, but the views are as breathtaking as the riding.The Route of the Hiawatha, IdahoMontana, United StatesTake your family out to Montana this summer and cycle along the most scenic disused railroad in the country. The railr

14、oad turned bike trail turns into 24 kilometers of leisure biking that takes you over seven trestles(栈桥) and through 10 tunnels, with the longest one, the Taft Tunnel, stretching for 2.7 kilometers.21In which tour can you enjoy the seaside scenery?AThe Great Ocean Road.BThe Udaipur City Tour.CThe Kar

15、akoram Highway.DThe Route of the Hiawatha.22What can you do on the Udaipur City Tour?AGo to Venice.BFeed wild animals.CVisit cultural relics.DEnjoy modern architectures.23Whats special about the Karakoram Highway?AIt is a totally undeveloped route.BIt goes along an abandoned railway.CIt owns the lon

16、gest tunnel in the world.DIt lies higher than any other international road in the world.BNine months ago, I was packing my daughters backpack with new school supplies, wondering how I was going to send her off to kindergarten. I stood on the playground, tears pouring down my face because I wasnt rea

17、dy for this first day of kindergartenbut she was ready. Today I will be standing on the playground, once again with tears, because this precious time went by too quickly. This week I realized that I never told you “thank you”. I dont know how to express a mothers thanks in the way a teacher deserves

18、.We first met you at the open house the week before school started and I immediately knew you would be the type of teacher we would appreciate forever. While the students lined up for the day, you touched each one on the shoulder as you greeted them. If a student was having a tough morning, you quie

19、tly held his hand and walked him into the school.I got to know you as I volunteered in the lunch room. You made sure your students were all ready for lunch before you went on your own lunch break. You kept track of their big things and small things, because as a veteran kindergarten teacher, you kno

20、w that the small things are the big things. I loved the way you made each student feel special. You helped them fall in love with school, which is so important at the start.To all of the teachers in the world who are like you, I wish you knew how grateful parents are for you. We adore you, respect y

21、ou, and appreciate you. We dont tell you enoughwe probably dont tell you ever. I wish we could take you with us to the next 12 grades.24Why did the authors tears come down on her daughters first day of kindergarten?AShe hadnt made full preparations for her daughter.BHer daughter wasnt willing to go

22、to kindergarten.CShe felt worried about her daughters being away.DHer daughter wasnt familiar with the teachers.25The author noticed the teachers characteristics when _.Ashe stood on the playgroundBshe was at the open houseCshe said goodbye to the teacherDshe worked as a teacher at lunch time26What

23、does the underlined word “veteran” in Paragraph 3 mean?ABeautiful.BGenerous.CSkillful.DHumorous.27What is this text mainly about?AGood wishes to a kindergarten teacher.BSincere thanks to a kindergarten teacher.CA sweet memory of kindergarten life.DA kids daily behavior in the kindergarten.CIt is gen

24、erally acknowledged that young people from poorer socioeconomic backgrounds tend to do less well in the education system. In an attempt to help the children of poor families, a nationwide program called “Head Start” was started in the US in 1965. A lot of money was poured into it. It took children i

25、nto preschool institutions at the age of three and was supposed to help them succeed in school. But the results have been disappointing, because the program began too late. Many children who entered it at three were already behind their peers in language and intelligence and the parents were not inv

26、olved in the process. At the end of each day, “Head Start” children returned to the same disadvantaged home environment.To improve the results, another program was started in Missouri that concentrated on parents as the childs first teachers. This program was based on research showing that working w

27、ith the family is the most effective way of helping children get the best possible start in life. The fouryear study included 380 families who were about to have their first child and represented different socioeconomic statuses, ages and family structures. The program involved trained educators vis

28、iting and working with the parent or parents and the child. The program also gave the parents some guidance, and useful skills on child development.At three, the children involved in the “Missouri” program were evaluated with the children selected from the same socioeconomic backgrounds and family s

29、ituations. The results were obvious. The children in the program were more advanced in language development, problem solving and other intellectual skills than their peers. They performed equally well regardless of socioeconomic backgrounds or family structures. The one factor that was found to affe

30、ct the childs development was the poor quality of parentchild interaction. That interaction was not necessarily bad in poorer families.The “Missouri” program compares quite distinctly with the “Head Start” program. Without a similar focus on parent education and on the vital importance of the first

31、three years, some evidence indicates that it will not be enough to overcome educational unfairness.28What caused the failure of the “Head Start” program?AThe large number of poor families.BThe disapproval from children.CThe late start of the program.DThe long period of time.29What do we know about the “Missouri” program?AIt focused on the childrens first school teachers.BIt helped the children return to the same home.CIt made the children improved in many aspects.DIt gave the parent

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