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新目标英语八年级上册第六单元Section A 教学计划.docx

1、新目标英语八年级上册第六单元Section A 教学计划新目标英语八年级上册第六单元Section A 教学计划Section A I. Teaching targets: 1. Talk about personal traits and compare people1). Target language: Is that Sam? No, thats Tom.He has shorter hair than Sam.Hes calmer than Sam.2). Key vocabulary: 2. Learn to listen to the key words (学会听关键词)3. L

2、earn to make the description. (学会作描述)4. Lead the students to cultivate the good personal traits and the spirit of loving motherland (引导学生培养良好的性格和爱国情操)II. The focus and difficult points :1. the focus : the target languageIs that Sam? No, thats Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.Hes calmer than Sam.主语(

3、sb / sth)+ be +形容词比较级 + than +2. the difficult points: the comparatives with er/ier and moreIII. Teaching methods:1. Apply different kinds of teaching methods1) task-based teaching approach2) The cognitive approach3) The oral approach4) The natural approach2. Learning method guidance (学法指导)1) Autono

4、mous learning and cooperative investigation(自主学习,合作探索)2) Let the students work in pairs to learn the cooperative learning3) Students learn to describe each other and respect others4) Ask students to learn by doing.3.The teaching means (教学手段)Multi-media, computer, projector, courseware , Flash pictur

5、es, body language, listening, practice, chart, photos, record,pattern-drills, question-answer drills. Teaching steps:Step 1. Revision1. Greetings.2. Review the description words of personalities and appearance.(cultivate the students multiple intelligences培养学生的多元智能。)(让学生展示自己小时候与现在的照片,用所学过的形容词分别形容每张照

6、片,然后进行较,引出本节课所要学的内容形容词的比较级)Step 2. Presentation:Say , Today were going to learn a new unit . In this unit we will learn to talk about personaltraits and compare people. Now Ill ask two students to come to the front.1. Ask two students to stand in the front of classroom the other students tell the di

7、fferencesbetween them.(培养学生的直观思维。)2. Using the flash pictures to share the comparatives and help students cultivate the spirit of loving motherland.(情感教学)3. Show the pictures of 1a ask students to tell what they see.(Intuitive Teaching-直观教学)T: What can you see in the picture?S: Two boys.T: Thats rig

8、ht . This is Pedro and this is Paul. Theyre brothers.Who is taller, Pedro or Paul ?S: Pedro.T: Thats right. Pedro is taller. (show the sentence and class repeat)S: Pedro is taller.T: Pedro is heavier than Paul . Paul is thinner than Pedro.(show the sentences and class repeat)S: Pedro is heavier than

9、 Paul . Paul is thinner than Pedro.In the same way , teach the sentences of the other two pictures.Tina is wilder than Tara.Tara is calmer than Tina.Sam is wilder than Tom.Sam has longer hair than Tom.Tom is calmer than Sam . Tom has short hair than Sam.Step3. Practice1. Ask students to read these s

10、entences again.Pedro is taller. Pedro is heavier than Paul .Paul is thinner than Pedro.Tina is wilder than Tara.Tara is calmer than Tina.Sam is wilder than Tom.Sam has longer hair than Tom.Tom is calmer than Sam . Tom has short hair than Sam.2. Ask students to match each word with the opposite in ac

11、tivity 1a.3. Ask students to describe each picture in activity 1a.(Appliance Teaching-应用教学)4. Task 1. Whats change in your life? (use the photos )Step4.Practice1. Ask students to listen to the conversations and number the twins.2. Play the tape.3.Check the answers.Step5. Pair work (cultivate the coo

12、perative learning)1. Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c.2. Say the sample conversation again with a student.3.Ask students to work in pairs like this and make their own conversations about the people in the picture .4.Ask several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the c

13、lass.Step6. Listen and write(cultivate the autonomous learning)1. Point out the two columns and read the headings: -er, -ier and more2. Tell the students what to do in this activity. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.3. Ask them to listen carefully and write the er and ier word

14、s from the box on the left in the first column and the words that use more in the second column.4. Play the recording the second time .5. Check the answers.Step 7. Grammar Focus:Step 8. Summary and taskTask 2. What are the differences between you and your sister or brother?Step9. HomeworkWrite out t

15、he comparative degrees of the following words.short shy serious thintall funny outgoing big long moody generousstraight heavy easygoingsmart curly unfriendly/ friendlyquiet interesting板书:1.wild calm athletic2.Is that Sam? No, thats Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.Hes calmer than Sam.第二课时课型: Speaki

16、ng, listening & writing方法: Formal and interactive practice目标: 能将上一节课所学的描述和比较人物实际运用到真实的生活情景中去。核心内容:Key vocabulary-as you can see, in some ways, look the same, look different, both, however, hers, as as, have some things in common, a little, the same asKey structures- S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象

17、教具: 多媒体, 学生自带一些小时侯和现在的照片教学建议Step 1 Revision (复习)目的: 本活动可以起到衔接上一节课的作用, 通过Pair work 和Group work复习上一节课所学内容, 同时也为下面的阅读起个铺垫作用。建议: Task 1 Pair work 我的过去与现在 (Self-check2)课前任务: 学生准备自己小时侯与现在的照片。(1)教师可以向全班同学展示自己以前和现在的照片(最好是把照片扫描到电脑, 用幻灯片的方式放映。), 请同学们描述几张照片的区别。如: You are older than before. / You are taller tha

18、n before. / You have longer hair than before. / You are more beautiful than before. / You are more serious than before. 学生说出这些句子的时候, 教师适当地引入 a little, much ,等修饰形容词比较级的副词和 asas, the same as, 等原级结构的短语。(2)两人一组, 互相向对方展示自己带来的照片, 用所学的句子结构描述几张照片的相同和不同之处。(3)请一些同学在全班展示自己和Partner所带来的照片, 并叙述它们之间的相同和不同之处。Task 2

19、 Group work 猜猜她/他是谁?(1) 首先教师作个示范, 描述某个科任 老师 与自己的相同和不同之处, 请同学们猜是哪个老师。Now Id like to describe a teacher. You all know him. He and I are both your teachers. We are both tall, but hes a little taller than me. I have longer hair than him. We both like sports, although he is more athletic than me. Im bett

20、er at Ping-Pong, but hes better at basketball. Im more outgoing and hes more serious. Who is he? Do you know?(2) 4-6人一组。一个同学描述某个大家都认识的同学, 其他同学仔细听, 并猜出她/他是谁。注: 以上两个活动的笔头复述可以作为家庭作业布置下去。Step 2 Reading ( Activity 3a)目的: 本活动目的是训练学生阅读有关描述双胞胎之间差异的短文获取具体信息地能力, 以学生能够了解阅读内容并能简要复述为达标标准。建议: 1 Exercise 1. Read t

21、he article. Then read the statement about the article. Write “T” ( for true ), “F” ( for false ) or “DK” (for dont know).Key: 1 DK 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 DKExercise 2. Fill in the form.The same Different2 读完后, 教师可以适当地讲解一些重要的短语。如: as you can see, in some ways, look the same, look different, hers, however, bot

22、h, enjoy doing sth., asas, the same as, have some things in common, more than等。Step 3 Practice ( Activity 3b)目的: 本活动主要是将前面的复习中的导入和阅读中的重要短语做进一步的巩固。建议: 1 Pair work 两人小组互相询问对方和朋友的相同点和不同点, 并完成表格。My partner and his/her friendThe sameDifferent2 复述 (speaking) My friend and I , My partner and his/her friend

23、3 复述 (writing ) My friend and I , My partner and his/her friend (此项可作为家庭作业。)第三课时课型: Listening and speaking方法: Interactive approach目标: 能进一步利用所学句型描述朋友之间的相似点和不同点, 引导学生结交合适的朋友。核心内容:Key words-popular, be good at, schoolwork, make sb. laughKey structures-S + be + adj.比较级+than+被比较对象, as.as教具: 录音机, 多媒体说明: 本

24、课以学生感兴趣的电影“Harry Porter”导入并展开讨论, 教学效果很好。教学步骤:Step 1 Lead-in (导入)建议: 1 教师可以用提问的方式引入本课的话题( Section B-1a): Do you have a good friend? Who is your friend? Why do you choose him/her as your friend? 学生的回答会五花八门, 教师应该适时进行归纳出:has cool clothesA good friendis popular in school. likes to do the same things as m

25、e. ( has the same interests)is good at sports ( athletic)is good at schoolwork.makes me laugh. ( funny)2 展示Harry Porter 剧照, Who is this? (Harry Porter) Who are his friends? ( Ron and Hermoine).Step 2 Compare “Harry Porter” with Ron and Hermoine.1 教师提问: Why are they friends? 学生回答, 教师适时归纳: They are th

26、e same age. They are all kind-hearted. They are all brave. They have the same interests. They have the same dream.2 Differences between Harry Porter , Ron and Hermoine.(1) 观看有关Ron的片段1 学生得出结论: Ron is funnier than his friends.(2) 观看有关Ron的片段2 学生得出结论: Ron is better at chess than his friends.(3) T: How i

27、s Ron different form his friends? 学生总结: Ron is funnier and better at chess than his friends.(4) 观看有关Hermoine的片段 学生得出结论: Hermoine is smarter and better at school work than her friends.(5) T: How is Hermoine different from her friends? 学生总结: Hermoine is smarter and better at school work than her frien

28、ds.(6) 观看有关Harry Porter的片段1 学生得出结论: Harry Porter is braver than his friends.(7) 观看有关Harry Porter的片段2 学生得 出结论: Harry Porter is more popular than his friends.(8) 观看有关Harry Porter的片段3 学生得出结论: Harry Porter is more athletic than his friends.(9) T: How is Harry Porter different from his friends? 学生总结: Har

29、ry Porter is braver, more popular, more athletic than his friends.(10)引导学生完成下面的表格:The same as best friendsDifferent from best friendsHarry PorterStep 3 Listening ( Activity 2a/2b)建议: 本部分听力练习中, 语速较快, 语音有点含糊, 教师根据实际多放几遍录音, 并在重要的地方做提示以降低难度。任务完成以学生能简要复述课本中表格的内容为达标要求。Key: Likes about best friendThe same

30、as friendDifferent as best friendHollylikes to do the same thingspopular, good at sportspretty outgoingPetes funnier, & wilderHolly is quieterMariagood listenerkeeps secretslook alike, both tall,have long curly hairVera is quieter & smarterMaria is more outgoingStep 4 Discussion (Group work)目的: 本部分的

31、讨论活动是对前面片段的总结, 主要目的是激发学生用所学的句子结构发表自己的意见, 正确的评价Ron, Hermoine和Harry Porter这三个人物。1 Who would you like to make friends with? (Ron, Hermoine, or Harry Porter) Why?2 Introduce your new friend to us. (Ron, Hermoine, or Harry Porter)(1) Why is he/she your good friend?(2) What do you like about him/her?(3) Do you have anything same as him/her?(4) How are you different from each other?第四课时课型: Reading, speaking &writing方法: formal and interactive practice目标: 通过阅读范文,能简要复述范文,能

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