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1、aps电气复习final英文资料1. 高等数学(Advanced Mathematics)Its not only tell us how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages, actually,Mathematics is a study of patterns and relationships; a science and a way of thinking; an art, characterized by order and interna

2、l consistency; a language, using carefully defined terms and symbols2. 大学生思想修养(Moral Cultivation of college students)This course mainly talked about moral education and value education to the college student, a lot of reality stories are told in the class to make us conscious of right things and the

3、 wrong, in a word, Its aim is to teach us to be good people.3. 体育(P.E)(1,2,3)In our school, you can chose 1 kind of sport to learn each year, I learned tennis ball in my frosh year and I liked it very much, by the may, nadir is my favourite sports stars. Then , kickboxing is my choice in the second

4、year, you know ,I want to be more strong so I can protect myself and the people I care about when something bad happened ,hehe.4. 计算机文化基础(Software Technique Foundation Design)I learned some basic ideas about computer in this course, normally, personal computer is composed of Hardware and Software .H

5、ardware:case , power supply, motherboard, processor ,heatsink, hard drive, memory card, optical drive,video card, sound card ,netwotk card, however, nowadays,most motherboards have on-board sound ,video and network card, so you dont need to buy them when diy a computer unless you pursue high perform

6、ance. Software : System software-Mac Os ,DOS, Windows. Application software:-Microsoft Office , mainly learned word processing , spread sheet,-excel powerpoint5. 普通物理学(General Physics)Introduce basic conceptions, laws , theories about natural things6. 程序设计(programming)C was designed for implementing

7、 system software, it is also widely used for developing application software.Data structures: Pointers , Arrays Memory managemente.g.#include math.h#include stdio.hmain() double x,s; printf(input number:n); scanf(%lf,&x); s=sin(x); printf(sine of %lf is %lfn,x,s);7. 法律基础(Law Basis)Mainly about the l

8、aw in china, including international law, constitutional and administrative law, criminal law, tort law ,property law, labour law, family law ,commercial law,many many, in a word, in this course we learned to be a 8. 普通物理实验(General Physics Experiment)Basic operation skills of amp meter, voltage mete

9、r, power ,frequency, resistance table to properly test the required variables.9. 电路理论基础(Electric Circuit Theories)Explain basic theories, laws conception and basic analyzing method of electrical circuit . Such as the current and voltage law of kirchhoff, ohms law,Farady and Branch Current MethodAn e

10、lectrical circuit is composed of elements such as resistors,inductors,and capacitors connected together in some manner.Ohms law: states that the voltage across the resistor is equal to the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance. U=IRFarady;s: the voltage across the in

11、ductor is proportional to the rate of change with time of the current through the inductor. U=L di/dt di/dt:the rate of change of currentCapacitor;The voltage developed across a capacitor is proportional to the electric charge q accumulating on the plates of the capacitor U=1/CKirchhoff: -KVL:The al

12、gebraic sum of the voltages around a closed loop is zero. KCL:The algebraic sum of the currents entering and exiting a node equals zero.Branch Current Method: First, assume the direction of currents in a network, then write equations describing their relationships to each other through kichhoff;s an

13、d ohm;s law three phase ciucuit10. 电工实习(Electronic Processes Internship)Basic ideas and important notes about electronic production process ,then use electric iron to make a small electronic epuipment, and I made a small charger which I used until now, hehe,wondertful.First: follow the circuit diagr

14、am to place the electronic component such as capacitor,resistor,source line Second :welding, welding work was essential,solder joint request must be strong, sleek, welding technology will have a direct impact on the success of electronics manufacturing.just becareful!Last:making up,insert the pcb in

15、to the case and connect other outerframe component ,and then its done!11. 数字技术基础(Electronic Technology Fundamentals)Basic knowledge of Digital and Analog signal, several logic gates,boolean equation ,truth table and important flip-flop, operational amplifer1)Digital & Analog: the rate of change of t

16、ime and number of a variable is discrete, the circuit work on this signal called digital circuit. On the other hand ,if the variables are continuous functions of time,it called analog signal, and the circuit work on this called analog circuit.2)Logic gate: AND,OR NOTThe AND gate is a logic gate that

17、 gives an output of 1 only when all of its inputs are 1.The OR gate is a logic gate that gives an output of 0 only when all of its inputs are 0.The NOT gate is a logic gate that gives an output that is opposite the state of its input.also called inverterABOutput Q000010100111 Truth table of AND GATE

18、3)Boolean equation: mathematically analyze the relation of logic gate4)Flip-flop: S,R are a pair of input terminals,standing for set and reset,repectively, The fundamental, most importantcharacteristic of a flip-flop is that it has a “memory”,Example:when s=1,r=0,q=1,(q非)q=0 ,when the signal applied

19、 on s disappear(means s turn to 0),because q still equals 1,through the or gate, the output unchanged, 1.5)Op-Amp*笔记*: an integrated circuit that has many components parts such as resistors and transistors built into the device.Uo=A(U+ - U-)A is the gain of Op-Amp6)AD Analogue and digital conversion

20、sAnalogue-to-digital conversion involves a sample and hold unit followed by an analogue-to digital converter. A N-bit ADC outputs a binary word whose width is N bits. The resolution of a N-bit ADC is 1/2N of the full-scale input. Conversion time specify the time it takes a ADC to generate a digital

21、word.1.Successive approximation ADC This type of ADC is most commonly used form. This method is based on comparing the input analogue voltage with another voltage until two are equal or as close as it is possible to set them. 12. 电子技术基础实验(Electronic Technology fundamental Experiment)Introduce some b

22、asic testing technology, to voltage, frequency, current, time ,resistance and so on ,also debugging technology of both digital and analog ciucuit13. 电磁场(Electromagnetic Field)Introduce some basic knowledge of Electromagnetic field, Point is Maxwell equations and its linear relation.Integral Linear r

23、elation: B= H, D= E J= E , , , are magnetic permeability, Dielectric permittivity,and conductivity Respectively.Differential 14. 自动控制理论(Automation Control Theory)*笔记*Introduce basic knowledge of two kinds of control systems: Open-loop control systems and Closed-loop control system and their mathemat

24、ically analysis tool-transfer functionOpen-loop: the control action is independent of the output图:Closed-loop: the input of the plant is somehow dependent on the actual output, the output is feedback in a functional form determined by the nature of the feedback elements then substracted from the inp

25、ut, so its often referred to as a negative feedback.图:Transfer function: The input output relationship in the laplace domain is called the transfer function. This function can be obtained by mainly two ways:laplace transform and experiment.we learned the former one,to take laplace transform requires

26、 the system to be linear and stationary, with continuous variables and zero initial conditions. also can be written in D(s) is called the characteristic function, it contains all the physical characteristics of the system and determine the stability of the system.(use Routh stability criterion)N(s)

27、a function of how the input enters the system.For a open loop,the transfer function is W(S)=C(s)/R(s)=G(s)H(s)For a closed loop: W(s)=C(s)/R(s)=G(s)H(s)/1+ G(s)H(s)Routh: example:15. 信号与系统(Signals and Systems)This subject presents the theoretical basis for system analysis and gives students skills i

28、n using the techniques to design components of real control/communication systems. The derivation of models from real-world devices through measurement and the comparison of model predictions with experimental results is emphasised in the laboratory component of the course. A group project that requ

29、ires the design and implementation of part of a control/communication system allows students to apply their knowledge to a real-life problem.Topics include: signal types and their representation in the time and frequency domains; modelling systems with differential or difference equations and transf

30、orms of the equations; signal operations and processing; the relationship between discrete and continuous quantities and the mathematical techniques applicable to each; the effects of feedback; time and frequency domain performance of systems; system stability; and control design techniques and simp

31、le communication systems.16. Introductory ControlThe objective of this subject is to enable students to model with validation control systems and to analyse, design and implement both analog and digital controllers so that the controlled systems conform with given specifications. Emphasis is placed

32、on laboratory work, the theoretical content of the subject being only that required to produce successful designs. Students are required to work on reduced scale models of actual industrial processes. The equipment is based upon experience gained with authentic control applications and is suitably modified for student use. Students follow the usual sequence adopted in industry,

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