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1、以点控面宏观公园里的微观小筑以点控面,宏观公园中的微观小筑们来自Juan Felipe Uribe de Bedout对gooood的分享。他们在自然公园中安插多个重要节点建筑,并连通且形成网络,最终实现对公园人流与体验的控制,整合人工与自然。一般的公众对于大规模或宏观公园的刻板印象总是一片片巨大的开放的绿色空间,里面有的是森林、湿地、湖泊、草甸、溪流、桥梁、小路和长廊,规模如此巨大,以致生动地展现出气候、地质、稠密的植被和开阔的地平线。尽管大量的宏观公园都是把风景地貌整合入都市圈,提供了舒适的、多样的和复杂的空间,但这不意味着这些公园就非得模拟乡村的田园场景,也不一定要向美术那样按正式的手续


3、管创造这些公园的基本原理和基本途径是一种愉快的物理和文化体验,但却少有人明白其中隐含的生态、运作和规划的意味。然而,今天这些问题已经变得越来越重要。毕竟,宏观公园并不是一处简单的自然区域,而是需要计划、需要建设、需要培育和设计的,因此也就受制于几何学、材料和组织方面的发明创造。For the public in general, large scale, or macro, parks evoke visceral images of larges of open green space, full of forests, wetlands, lakes, meadows, streams,

4、bridges, paths and promenades on a scale that allows the dramatic exposition to the climate, geology, dense vegetation and open horizons. While extensive macro parks are landscapes that are integrated into metropolitan areas, providing pleasant, diverse and complex spaces, it is not necessary that t

5、hese parks have to simulate rural pastoral scenes, nor register with the formality of fine arts with their axes and perspectives. These large experimental reserves should be open air theaters of nature, scenarios for the performance of natural time, the social use and the event. And they must provid

6、e a rich array of social interactions and activities that solidify the notion of belonging, of community or citizenship. All of this is revealed in a wandering body, in sequences alternating between spaces of isolation and lookouts of getaways and open perspectives, an open framework of social space

7、s, some small and intimate, some large, monumental and collective.The macro parks, while providing a pleasant use of the open space and serve as cultural experiments, should present other challenges. Operating and maintenance costs require contingency strategies for moments of weak finances, as they

8、 are the first to suffer budget cuts; moreover, because they have to be prepared for a permanent adaptation or reinvention.Although the rationale and fundamental approach to the creation of these parks is a pleasant physical and cultural experience, the ecological, operational and programming aspect

9、s are less obvious and less understood. However, today these issues have become more important. After all, macro parks are not simple natural areas but are planned, constructed, cultivated and designed and are, therefore, subject to geometric, material and organizational inventions.今天,在设计宏观公园时遭遇的重大问


11、些条件不可避免地需要几组专家积极参与协商,达成概念上的一致。这些预先存在的条件要求制定高度灵活的项目策略,可以为一般的调节或总体规划和特定场址的实施提供几个可选的选项。Today, one of the big questions in the design of macro parks is the proportion in which the pre established forms interact with open processes in relation to the meaning and content.The macro parks will always exceed

12、 singular narratives, will always surpass the desire of authorship of designers and will evolve around unpredictable aspects. They are complex, dynamic systems and, as such, designers can aspire to establish a highly specified schematic physical basis in which the more open processes and formations

13、can take root. The diversity of growth and significant interactivity that can be supported through time depends on the understanding of this foundation basis, or layer net. The trick is to design a framework, a matrix and a catalogue that will allow the park structures to absorb future programmatic

14、and environmental requirements under an identity that enables great flexibility.The area of the COMFAMA Nucleus macro park is affected by two factors of great sensitivity: a condition of rather - conservative ecological protection and a pre existence of archaeological sites not yet surveyed and stud

15、ied. These conditions require the active, definite participation of several groups of specialists that will inevitably involve processes of negotiation and conceptual consensus.These pre existing conditions demand a highly flexible project strategy that allows several options of general accommodatio

16、n or the master plan and the implementation of specific sites.最终确定选择一个排除了严格的物理预想的设计策略,因为事先的物理设想会妨碍不同的专家对设计、建设和实施过程的干预。这个设计策略必须将保留好每个具体位置上的生态和考古发现。基于这个原因,一个“棋子”系统被创造出来,其中,把宏观公园的领土范围比拟为一个棋盘,当变量出现时,允许执行一系列的动作或是策略举措。这些棋子应该避免由于各路专业或管理团队的介入而导致的公园性质的任何曲解。这个由多个精密的部分组成的开放的系统给予这个项目某种程度的对抗死板的主观性的免疫力,同时使得能够由预先存

17、在的条件诱导出具有一定随意性的多重结构。这些背景条件积极地与建筑设计铺垫彼此交互。It was decided to opt for a design strategy that ruled out a rigorous physical prefiguring because it would hamper the intervention of the different specialists during the design, construction and implementation process. It needed to be a strategy that would

18、save the ecological and archaeological findings in each specific location. For this reason a system of “chess pieces” was created to understand the territory as a large game board and allow the execution of a series of movements or strategic moves as the variables appeared.These pieces should avoid

19、any distortion of the nature of the park caused by the intervention of the different professionals or administrative teams.This open system of precise parts gives the project a kind of immunization against a formalist subjectivity and simultaneously enables multiple configurations with a degree of a

20、rbitrariness, induced by the pre existing conditions. The conditions of the context interact actively with the architectural foreshadowing.棋盘游戏无疑是达成协议的最好的机制,在这个机制中,由精确的规则、指令和方法引导差异。而对于公园,协议在三个要点下制定:1-人类学:强调对历史文物的纪念和尊敬,考虑公园是否接近本土墓地和矿藏,是否会侵害到花卉种植的传统;2-技术:促进环境教育,提高对自然资源的合理利用,为普遍应用发展技术模型,以帮助建设可持续性建筑以及研究

21、和发展光合作用绿色屋顶3-艺术:经营一个大规模的大地艺术作品,其中,整个的领土被看作是一幅巨大的帆布或是一个表演空间。将其作为庄严搜索的参照,比如秘鲁的纳斯卡航线,寻找从空中欣赏的新的地形:更具天体演化性的观点内的地铁电缆、航空和自然守望者。The game is par excellence the best mechanism for agreement, in which the differences are channeled by the precise rules, instructions and approaches. In the case of the park, the

22、 agreements are framed within three main emphases:1 - Anthropology:to highlight the memory and respect for historical relics, considering the proximity to indigenous cemeteries, mining, and the tradition of growing flowers;2 - Technology:to promote environmental education and good use of natural res

23、ources, developing technological models for universal application as a contribution to sustainable architecture and implementing research and development and photosynthetic green roofs;3 - Artistic:To run a large scale work of Land Art, where the entire territory is seen as a large canvas or perform

24、ance space, having as reference sublime searches such as the Nazca lines in Peru, finding a new landscape to be appreciated from the air: Metrocable, aviation and natural lookouts within a more cosmogonic view.定义了三个关键点:To populate the park, three key tokens or pieces were defined:SILLETASilletas伴护着通



27、。仰视这些silleta,会发现它们如同彗星一样,正准备起飞。它们外表轻盈,让人读出家具特有的暂时与灵活的意味。The Silletas accompany the footpath leading into the park. The sloping roof garden of the Silleta buildings receives visitors and indicates where the spaces for basic services are located. The geometry of the building begins with a square, 12 m

28、eters on each side, which is inclined on one end; access is made by descending two ramps on the sides that facilitate entry by those with reduced mobility. Its lightweight metallic structure allows it to contain an internal crystallized area that ensures natural lighting in both the roof garden as w

29、ell as the interior.The color appears to shade the spaces, allowing the user to identify the type of Silleta. To do this, seven internal distributions were established, according to the same number of specific uses: restrooms, infirmary, classrooms, cafeteria, information booth, communication rooms

30、and tour guide center.which provides the cover for the cultivation of flowers and continues the tradition of the area with a contemporary perspective, based on a participatory design that allows the coming together of artists from around the world and that leads to the participation of younger gener

31、ations through digital photography and the development of plastics research through software programs. These structures are responsible for safeguarding the basic service programs such as: information, group training, sanitation, nutrition and hydration stations, first aid, etc. The container will a

32、lways remain the same and only the internal architecture will present variations. This piece will have alternating functions, such as fireflies in the night that guide walkers along the main paths. This condition of large format lamp will produce an effect of weightlessness on the cultivated surface.The silletas are arranged at an approximate distance of 150 meters between each and will be placed on the sides of main roads. From these routes the walkers w

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