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1、广外大一下综合英语第六单元教师用书Unit 6FashionsI. 课文解释课文一Language Points:1. Even people who say they dont care what they wear choose clothes every morning that say a lot about them and how they feel that day. (Para.1)In this sentence there are four clauses: “who” leads an attributive clause modifying “people”, “wha

2、t” clause serves as the object of the verb “care”; “that” leads another attributive clause modifying “clothes”, “how” clause serves as the object of the preposition “about”.The first “say” in this sentence means “to utter something”, while the second means “to indicate”. The whole sentence expresses

3、 the idea that people actually care a lot about clothes, and the clothes worn by them often indicate their personality and their moods at the moment. 2. Musicians and other cultural icons have always influenced what were wearing, but so have political figures and royalty. (Para. 4) “so have politica

4、l figures and royalty” is an inverted structure led by “so”. See more examples below:a) We failed to catch the train, so did they.b) She bought bread and butter at the supermarket, so did her husband. The sentence means “musicians and others cultural icons as well as political figures and royalty ha

5、ve influenced peoples dressing styles. 3. Physical attraction: many styles are worn to inspire “chemistry”. (Para.8 ) “chemistry” means mutual attractions The whole sentence means: People can improve their attraction to others by wearing some types of clothes.4. Emotions: we dress “up” when were hap

6、py and “down” when were upset. (Para. 8) dress down: to dress in a modest way, e.g. in grey colors, simple styles etc; dress up: to dress in bright colors, etc. The sentence implies that what we wear often shows our moods. 5. No one can tell how the short skirts and boots worn by teenagers in Englan

7、d in 1960 made it to the runways of Paris, or how blue jeans became so popular in U.S., or how hip-hop made it from the streets of the Bronx to the Haute Couture fashion shows of London and Milan. (Para.12 ) In this sentence, three “how” clauses are all objects of “tell”. “make it to” means to manag

8、e to do something, succeed in doing something“runway” is also known as catwalk which is usually an elevated platform used by models to demonstrate clothing. It can also be thought of as a stage for fashion.“made it to the runways of Paris” means to be demonstrated in the fashion shows in Paris and o

9、btain a position in Paris fashion world. 6. Its easy to see whats popular by watching sit-coms on television: the bare mid-riffs and athletic clothes of 90210, the baggy pants of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. (Para. 13) Here sit-com means the TV series; Here midriff means the middle outer portion of

10、the front of the human body, extending roughly from just below the breast to the waistline. The bare mid-riffs in this sentence mean the types of clothes that show the midriff portion of the body. This sentence expresses the idea that what people wear is influenced by the TV programs and films.7. Ho

11、w did bell-bottom jeans fade into the designer jeans and boots look of the 1980s into the baggy look of the 1990s? (Para. 14) Here designer jeans and boots means jeans and boots of famous brands, or jeans and boots designed by famous designers; Here fade into means gradually enter into or become. 课文

12、三Language Points1. Rouse (1989) suggests that fashion and clothing do not reflect already established ideals of gender identity.(1) Here established is a past participle used as an adjective; it means “having a recognized position, or being generally known about” E.g. The rules, though not written d

13、own, are fairly well established.(2) Note gender identity refers to the persons own identification of being male or female, which is more a socially determined notion and is related to the set of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, or feel.2. It also plans to look at

14、the argument that by not conforming to gendered clothes of a persons sex, that person has really escaped their gender identity.(1) Note that conform to means to obey a rule or reach the necessary stated standard. E.g. a) A well constructed plot, therefore, must neither begin nor end at haphazard, bu

15、t conform to these principles.b) Before buying a pram, make sure that it conforms to the official safety standards.(2) Here gendered is a past participle which means having or making gender-based distinction.E.g. gendered behavior in children3. Braudel (1981) can be seen to support Rouses theory by

16、his own idea that fashion began by noblemen, squires and the bourgeoisie wearing tunics so tight that they revealed what modesty bids us to hide.(1) Here bid means to issue a command; to direct,(bid, bid)E.g. a). The prophet bid all people to become good persons.b). At the beginning of the conferenc

17、e she bid us to be seated and assumed her place at the front.(2) The phrase so tight that they revealed what modesty bids us to hide means that the noblemen, squires and bourgeoisie wore tunics which were very tight and were considered to show a sense of modesty.4. The idea that womens fashion in th

18、e 19th Century demonstrates the wearers abstinence from productive employment supports the idea that fashion helps and is part of the process of creating an identity.(1) Here abstinence means act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite (especially alcohol). “abstinence from productive e

19、mployment” means the type of clothes women wore at that time often greatly restricted their movement which made it difficult for women to take on any work.(2) The whole sentence means that fashion helps to shape the gender roles and is itself a part of the forming the gender identity.5. She is in tr

20、ousers which do add an image of dominance; it is toned down by the neutral color of it.In the sentence “tone down” means to make something less vivid, harsh, or violent; moderate.(使柔和)E.g. a) Prince Andrew, who had evidently wished to tone down the awkwardness of Pierres remarks, rose and made a sig

21、n to his wife that it was time to go.b) I think that lately she has been constantly trying to tone down my opinions.6. however whether we as viewers accept her decisions to wear the clothes depends on whether that reflects already existing gender identity in a way which is not excessively extreme.(1

22、) Note that in the sentence, “depend on” links two clauses both led by “whether”. The former one is a subject clause while the latter, object clause of the preposition “on”(2) In a way: to a certain extent; with reservations 在某种程度上;有保留地E.g. a) I like the new style in a way.b) This film is bleakly fu

23、nny in a way that makes you want to cry more than laugh.II. 参考答案Warming-up Activities. Starting upC. Words Activity1d, 2c, 3a, 4e, 5b, 6g, 7f Listening 11. 1-3 years, yet2. beliefs, gender; constant; the fashion of clothing evolves3. warmth and protection; synonymous; 4. toga; the Roman Empire; orna

24、te kimono; 5. exists in dresses only; has to do with ideas; what is happeningListening 2Exercise 1F, T, T, F, F, F, T, F, F, FExercise 2 QuestionsGaultierfor the opening of his boutique; fashion and moresa reflection of society; for museums revolutionary essenceat heart; surrounding us; which should

25、 be destroyedmain driving force; the immediate impetus; an unknown person too AmericanDifficulties; inventive; pristine land; gives rise to My cup of tea ; whatever he or she does bestText I What is Fashion?ExercisesI. Reading Comprehension1. This sentence means that movies have a big impact on what

26、 people wear.2. Newspapers and magazines often report on what they wear.3. Peoples acceptance or rejection to a certain type of fashion reveals their reactions to the society.4. Because clothes reveal what groups people are in.5. According to the passage, uniforms can be used to abolish class and ra

27、ce distinctions.6. High fashion is the style of a small group of men and women with a certain taste and authority in the fashion world.7. Plugged-in individuals refer to those who are engaged in the fashion business.8. Fashion changes to satisfy customers desire to experience new and interesting thi

28、ngs.9. Yes. Fashions may become out-of-fashion some time, but will come back n fashion again after a while.10. Fashion houses, the associated fashion designers, high-status consumers including celebrities they all contribute to the change of fashion. Paraphrase1. We are frequently exposed to ideas a

29、bout new fashion trends from music, video, books and television.2. Fashion belongs basically to aesthetics, moreover, it has a character of innovation with delicate details that make people pleased to expend money on. 3. Many styles can help to increase physical attraction of the wearers, that is, t

30、hey make people feel the mutual attractions to each other.4. Some of these expensive and often artistic fashions may win more acceptance and enjoy popularity in the larger majority.5. Most are still confined to the show stage and will not become prevailing in the majority.6. It is almost impossible

31、to trace the origins of the popular fashions.7. No one can tell how the short skirts and boots worn by teenagers in England in 1960 became so successfully accepted as to appear on the show stage, or how blue jeans became so popular in the U.S., or how hip-hop style which originated from the streets

32、of the Bronx came to be displayed at the high fashion shows in London and Milan. 8. Once certain fashions are identified by the public, they begin to change.9. Meanwhile, there exists an equal or even larger number of fashions that are claimed to be out of date.10. In the past, the new discoveries and lesser-known parts of the world were always filled with a sense of the exotic

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