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1、医学英语本科精读教案医学英语本科精读教案(供04级医学英语本科12、22班使用)王玖炜二六年九月-二零零七年一月学科审阅意见: (课程负责人签名) (学科带头人签名) 第1课Where Do We Go from Here?by Martin Luther King Jr.计划时数10时间安排第1、2周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容The following are main points focusing on the theme Where Do We Go from Here?1) the first task: asserting our dignity and worth, stan

2、ding up amidst a system that still oppresses the black2) the second task: the Negro: how to organize the strength of the Negro in terms of economic and political power. 3) What is power? The outcome of the misinterpretation of the relation between love and power.4) Economic security for the Negro Am

3、ericans. The speaker advocates guaranteed annual income which he thinks is possible and achievable. He also deals on the advantages of this security.5) Reaffirms the commitment to non-violence. The speaker explains why he thinks violence is no solution to racial discrimination. He refuses the idea o

4、f Black revolution.6) the last taskthe restructuring of the whole of American society. He points out that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation and the problem of war are tied together. They are the triple evils of the society.7) The conclusion:“we shall overcome” with a tone o

5、f optimism and confidence though the tone is not strong.重点难点1) Theme and arguments in “Where Do We Go from Here?”2) Language points3) The structure contributing to the clarity of the piece4) Some of the rhetorical devices M.L. King employs to make his speech impressive and forceful and convincing, s

6、uch as metaphors, antitheses and parallel structures.5) Background knowledge of M.L. King 6) Historical background of the speech复习思考题课后小结第2课Two Kindsby Amy Tan计划时数8时间安排第2、3周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容The Joy Luck Club is a fascinating look into the lives of Chinese women-those who have immigrated to the United

7、States, and Chinese- American women. Written as a collection of vignettes told in the first person, four mothers and their four daughters share memories of the joys and conflicts of their lives. Each story gives a wonderful glimpse into Chinese culture and heritage including festivals, marriage cere

8、monies, food dishes, clothing, and raising children.Two Kinds taken from The Joy Luck Club reveals the bittersweet relationships between the mothers and daughters.重点难点1) Generation conflicts in a context of cultural clashes in the family2) Language points3) The structure contributing to building up

9、tension around the conflicts between the mother and the daughter, and to the clarity of the piece4) The authors use of details in narration and description5) Background knowledge of the author6) Different senses of value between the Chinese and the Americans7) 复习思考题课后小结第3课Goods move. People Move. Id

10、eas Move. And Cultures Changby Erla Zwingle计划时数8时间安排第4,5周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容Main points1) Globalization is an inevitable historical process.2) There will be a diversity of cultures coexisting in the world, and these cultures are brought together not only by technology or business but more importantly by

11、 common aspiration and shared values. 重点难点1) The authors positive attitude toward globalization.2) Language points3) The rhetorical device of contrast and the important words to develop the arguments.4) Tofflers analysis of trisection of world power and wave conflicts5) Notions of Civilization6) The

12、 negative attitude toward globalization复习思考题课后小结第4课Professions for womenby Virginia Woolf计划时数6时间安排第5,6周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容When asked about her professional experience, the author talks about how she became a book reviewer, about her resolution to avoid the traditional womans role as a sympathiser to men

13、. She also gives a clear and convincing presentation of the obstacles facing professional women. 重点难点1) The authors world outlook on the liberation of women2) Language points3) well-organized thoughts, clearly-convincing presentation and vividly-illustrated reasoning4) Virginal Woolf as one of the g

14、reatest writers of Modernism as well as one of pioneers of womens liberation from Patriarchy5) The techniques of interior monologue and stream of consciousness 复习思考题课后小结第5课Love Is a Fallacy by Max Shulman 计划时数10时间安排第6、7周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容Is love a fallacy?Men are always logical while women are more emo

15、tional. Each fantastic love story is emotional. Its ridiculous to deal with someones date in a logical way, just as putting a cross before Cupids bow for him to aim at. And thats not real love! Max Shulman (March 14, 1919August 28, 1988) is 20th century American writer best known for his television

16、and short story character Dobie Gillis, as well as for best-selling novels. His writing often focused on young people, particularly in a collegiate setting. As a witty mix between essay and fiction, this work proves that love is not logical. Max Shulman (1919-1988) first delved into the world of wri

17、ting as a journalism student at the University of Minnesota. Some of his other works include the novels Barefoot Boy with Cheek, Rally Round the Flag, Boys!, and a play entitled The Tender Trap. Love Is a Fallacy was published in 1951 and brings to light issues of the day including the stereotyping

18、of women. 重点难点1) The understanding of the relationship between “love” and “fallacy”2) Language points3) The narrative writing techniques contributing to the vividness of the piece4) The light humorous satire by using skills such as adjectives metaphors and similes5)Short and simple sentences, along

19、with the ellipses and inversions6)American colloquialism and slang复习思考题课后小结第6课LifebeyondEarthby Joel Achenbach计划时数8时间安排第8,9周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容Driven by the instinct of curiosity, human beings have tried ways and means searching for life beyond Earth. And because of lack of solid evidence so far, the di

20、scoveries by the believers of alien life have brought about enduringly divisive debates. Though there is nothing with fantastic ideas, fantasy is fantasy after all. Our first order of business should be to improve ourselves and the world where we are now inhabiting. 重点难点1) The main theme of the arti

21、cle2) Language points3) Careful analysis of the writing style.(e.g. paragraph transition, the writers tone and attitude, etc.)4) Subjunctive mood5) Background knowledge of the human search for extraterrestrial life and the probe into the outer space.复习思考题课后小结第7课InvisibleManby Ralph Ellison计划时数8时间安排第

22、9,10周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容The novel is an account of an unnamed young mans journey from ignorance to enlightenment as he searches for self-identity. The text is the opening chapter of the novel.重点难点1) The main theme of the story2) Language points3) Symbolism4) Some knowledge about African-American literat

23、ure and some representative writers5) Historical background of African-Americans in America复习思考题课后小结第8课The Merely Very Good计划时数10时间安排第10、11周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容The following are main points focusing on the theme Where Do We Go from Here?1) the first task: asserting our dignity and worth, standing up amid

24、st a system that still oppresses the black2) the second task: the Negro: how to organize the strength of the Negro in terms of economic and political power. 3) What is power? The outcome of the misinterpretation of the relation between love and power.4) Economic security for the Negro Americans. The

25、 speaker advocates guaranteed annual income which he thinks is possible and achievable. He also deals on the advantages of this security.5) Reaffirms the commitment to non-violence. The speaker explains why he thinks violence is no solution to racial discrimination. He refuses the idea of Black revo

26、lution.6) the last taskthe restructuring of the whole of American society. He points out that the problem of racism, the problem of economic exploitation and the problem of war are tied together. They are the triple evils of the society.7) The conclusion:“we shall overcome” with a tone of optimism a

27、nd confidence though the tone is not strong.重点难点1) Theme and arguments in “Where Do We Go from Here?”2) Language points3) The structure contributing to the clarity of the piece4) Some of the rhetorical devices M.L. King employs to make his speech impressive and forceful and convincing, such as metap

28、hors, antitheses and parallel structures.5) Background knowledge of M.L. King 6) Historical background of the speech复习思考题课后小结第9课The Way to the Rain Mountainby N. Scott Momaday计划时数8时间安排第12,13周授课方式课堂讲解、讨论本章内容This is a narration of the authors experience of going back to Rainy Mountain, which is blende

29、d with a lyrical and pictorial description of the landscape where his ancestors once ranged in their golden age.知识点:课文涉及的美国印第安人文化与传奇、美国西部开发史概况、篇章布局、语言点、句子结构、重点难点1) The authors pictorial and lyrical description of the landscape2) The way in which the essay is organized3) The Language points and sentence structure.4) The special effect of rhetorical device: alliteration5) Background knowledge of the American Indians6) The American westward expansion7) The traditional Indian culture and legends重点:景物描写的抒情风格、主题表述难点:对主题的理解、语音修辞头韵复习思考题课后小结

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