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1、3pptConvertor研究生英语精读教程(第三版下)中国人民大学出版社Unit ThreeEvolution and Natural Selection1. Text2. Exercise3. Supplementary ReadingEvolution and Natural SelectionW.C.Dampierevolution n. (the scientific idea of) the development of the various types of plants, animals, etc, from fewer and simpler forms进化,演化specu

2、lation n. (an example of) reasoning lightly or without all the facts思索;沉思;推测1The idea of evolution* was known to some of the Greek philosophers. By the time of Aristotle, speculation* had suggested that more perfect types had not only followed less perfect ones but actually had developed from them.

3、But all this was guessing; no real evidence was forthcoming*. When, in modern times, the idea of evolution was revived*, it appeared in the writings of the philosophers Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz and Kant.forthcoming adj. (often with neg.) ready; supplied; offered when needed; happening or appearing

4、in the near future现有的;即将到来的revive v. to bring or come back into use or existence.(使)复兴;(使)再流行Herbert Spencer was preaching* a full evolutionary doctrine* in the years just before Darwins book was published, while most naturalists would have none of it. preach v. to advise or urge others to accept (a

5、 thing or course of behavior that one believes in)鼓吹,宣讲,说教doctrine n. a principle, esp. religious, or the whole body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief教义,主义,学说Nevertheless a few biologists ran counter to the prevailing* view, and pointed to such facts as the essential unity o

6、f structure in all warm-blooded animals.prevailing adj. most common or general (in some place or at some time)流行的,通行的,盛行的,普遍的2The first complete theory was that of Lamarck (17441829), who thought that modifications* due to environment, if constant and lasting, would be inherited and produce a new ty

7、pe.modification n. a change made in sth.更改,改变Though no evidence for such inheritance was available, the theory gave a working hypothesis* for naturalists to use, and many of the social and philanthropic* efforts of the nineteenth century were framed on the tacit* assumption that acquired improvement

8、s would be inherited.hypothesis n. an idea which is thought suitable to explain the facts about sth.假设,假说philanthropic adj. of or showing philanthropya feeling of kindness and love for all people; humanitarian慈善的tacit adj. expressed or understood without being put into words; 缄默的,默认的,心照不宣的,不言而喻的3But

9、 the man whose book gave both Darwin and Wallace the clue was the Reverend* Robert Malthus (17661834),sometime curate* of Albury in Surrey.reverend adj. used as a title and form of address for certain clerics in many Christian churches(对牧师的尊称,前面与 the连用)尊敬的curate n. a priest of the lowest rank appoin

10、ted to help the priest of a parish副牧师The English people were increasing rapidly, and Malthus argued that the human race tends to outrun its means of subsistence* unless the redundant* individuals are eliminated. This may not always be true, but Darwin writes:subsistence n. means (as of food and shel

11、ter) necessary to support life; a source or means of obtaining the necessities of life生存;生计;生活费;生活维持费redundant adj. not needed; more than necessary过多的,过剩的,多余的4In October 1838,I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population, and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence whic

12、h everywhere goes on, from long continued observation of the habits of animals and plants,it at once struck* me that, under these circumstances, favorable variations* would tend to be preserved, and unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new species. Here then

13、 I had a theory by which to work.strike v. to come suddenly to the mind of突然想到variation n. (an example of) change from what is usual in the form of a group or kind of living things, such as animals变异,变种,变化5Darwin spent twenty years collecting countless facts and making experiments on breeding* and v

14、ariation in plants and animals. By 1844 he had convinced himself that species are not immutable*, but worked on to get further evidence.breeding n. the producing of young by animals, birds, or fish (or plants); the producing of such through mans efforts生育,繁殖;育种, 养殖immutable adj. unchangeable不可改变的,永远

15、不变的 On 18 June 1858 he received from Alfred Russell Wallace a paper written in Ternate, in the space of three days after reading Malthuss book. Darwin saw at once that Wallace had hit upon the essence of his own theory. Lyell and Hooker arranged with the Linnaean Society to read on July 1st 1858 Wal

16、laces paper together with a letter from Darwin and an abstract* of his theory written in 1844.Then Darwin wrote out an account of his labors, and on 24th November 1859 published his great book The Origin of Species.abstract n. a shortened form of a statement, speech, etc.摘要,概括6In any race of plants

17、or animals, the individuals differ from each other in innate* qualities. Darwin offered no explanation of these variations, but merely accepted their existence.innate adj. (of qualities) which sb. was born with天生的,内在的When the pressure of numbers or the competition for mates* is great, any variation

18、in structure which is of use in the struggle has survival value and gives its possessor an improved chance of prolonging life and leaving offspring.mate n. one of a male-female pair, usu. of animals配偶That variation therefore tends to spread through the race by the elimination of those who do not pos

19、sess it, and a new variety or even species may be established. As Huxley said, this idea was wholly unknown till 1858.Huxley said the book was like a flash of lightning in the darkness. He wrote:It did the immense service of freeing us from the dilemma - Refuse to accept the Creation hypothesis, and

20、 what have you to propose that can be accepted by any cautious reasoner ? In 1857 I had no answer ready, and I do not think anyone else had. dilemma n. a difficult choice to be made between two courses of action, both undesirable窘境,困境,进退两难(的处境)A year later we reproached* ourselves with dullness for

21、being perplexed* with such an enquiry. My reflection* when I first made myself master of the central idea of the Origin was How extremely stupid not to have thought of that!reproach v. to blame (sb.), not angrily but sadly责备, 申斥perplex v. to cause to feel confused and troubled by being difficult to

22、understand or answer使困惑;使复杂化reflection n. deep and careful thought思考,沉思,想法, 反思7The hypothesis of natural selection may not be a complete explanation, but it led to a greater thing than itself - an acceptance of the theory of organic* evolution, which the years have but confirmed. Yet at first some n

23、aturalists joined the adj. of living things or the substances related to them有机的To the many, who were unable to judge the biological evidence, the effect of the theory of evolution seemed incredible as well as devastating*, to run counter to common sense and to overwhelm* all phil

24、osophic and religious landmarks.devastating adj. completely destructive破坏的,压倒的overwhelm v. of people) by much greater force of numbers; (of feelings) to overcome completely and usu. suddenly制服,压倒;使不知所措Even educated man, choosing between the Book of Genesis and the Origin of Species, proclaimed* with

25、 Disraeli that he was on the side of the Angels.proclaim v. make (esp. sth. of national importance) known publicly; declare officially宣告,宣布,声明8Darwin himself took a modest view. While thinking that natural selection was the chief cause of evolution, he did not exclude Lamarcks idea that characters a

26、cquired by long use or disuse might be inherited, though no evidence seemed to be forthcoming.But about 1890 Weismann drew a sharp distinction between the body (or soma) and the germ cells which it contains. Somatic cells can only reproduce cells like themselves, but germ* cells give rise not only t

27、o the germ cells of a new individual but to all the many types of cell in his body.germ n. a very small living thing which cannot be seen but may live on food or dirt or in the body, so causing disease微生物;细菌Germ cells descend from germ cells in a pure line of germ plasm,but somatic cells trace their

28、 origin to germ cells. From this point of view, the body of each individual is an unimportant by-product of his parents germ cells.plasm n. genetic material of a cell原生质The body dies, leaving no offspring, but the germ plasms show an unbroken continuity. The products of the germ cells are not likely

29、 to be affected by changes in the body. So Weismanns doctrine offered an explanation of the apparent noninheritance of acquired characters.9The supporters of pure Darwinism came to regard the minute variations as enough to explain natural selection and natural selection enough to explain evolution.m

30、inute adj. very small, in size or degree微小的,不足道的But animal breeders and horticulturists* knew that sudden large mutations* occur, especially after crossing, and that new varieties might be established at once. Then in 1900 forgotten work by Mendel was rediscovered and a new chapter opened.horticultu

31、rist n. a person who studies the science of growing fruit, flowers, and vegetables园艺家mutation n. the action of change in the cells of a living thing producing a new quality in the material or parts of the body, sometimes causing illness突变,变种10In 1869 Darwins cousin, Francis Galton, applied these pri

32、nciples to mental qualities. By searching books of reference, Galton examined the inheritance of ability.For instance, he found that the chance of the son of a judge showing great ability was about 500 times as high as that of a man taken at random, and for the judges father it was nearly as much. While no prediction can be made about individuals, on the average of large numbers, the inheritance of ability is certain.32Exercise. Comprehension. Vocabulary. Cl

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