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1、汉译英100篇1汉译英篇章1 加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不足3000万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。(45字)参考译文: Canada, sparsely populated, has a territory larger than that of China, but its population is only less than 30 million. Therefore, to take in immigrants has become a national policy long practiced by Canada.2 我所记得的故乡全不如此。我的故乡好

2、得多了。但要我记起他的美丽,说出他的佳处来,却又没有影像,没有言辞了。(52字)参考译文: The old home I remembered was not in the least like this. My old home was much better. But if you asked me to recall its peculiar charm or describe its beauties, I had no clear impression, no words to describe it.3 东西方文化对创新的内涵有不同理解和定义,亚洲传统比较保守,西方近代的文化则比较

3、开明,但两者在创新方面的影响力则各有千秋。(60字)参考译文:The understanding and definition of creativity between the Eastern and Western cultures may differ, as traditional Asian culture is more conservative, while modern culture of the West is more liberal. But in terms of creativity, their influences are equally significant

4、.4大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,一律平等,所以人们对于自然,全都一致并深深的依赖者。尤其在乡间,上千年来人们一致以不变的方式生活着。(64字)参考译文: People, poor or rich, are equally favored by Nature. Therefore human beings, with no exception, have been deeply dependent on it. This is particularly true in the countryside where people have been living in the same styles

5、 for thousands of years.5快乐教育 快乐教育是指强调培养学生成为全面发展的人。它改变了我们以往唯有高分的学生才是人才的观念。因为我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要的是工程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧匠。(84字)参考译文: By advocating enjoyable education we mean to challenge the notion that grades are an exclusive measure of ones talent and to aim to develop childrens total personality, not ju

6、st their academic ability, because in Chinas development, it needs not only engineers and scientists but also talents of different kinds.6水专家预测,在不久的将来,水将成为我国许多地区社会经济发展的制约因素。水体污染的加剧,用水量的递增,都将无情地导致水荒的临近。为此,向污染开战,保护水源,乃是全人类的共同责任。(87字)参考译文:As specialists (experts) predict, in the near future, water will

7、 become a restriction (conditioned factor) for social economic development in many parts of China. Water degradation (Intensified water pollution) and increasing demand for water supply will, without mercy, result in the approaching of water shortage disaster. Thus, fighting against pollution and pr

8、otecting water sources have become the common responsibilities of mankind as a whole.7孔乙已 我从此便整天的站在柜台里,专管我的职务。虽然没有什么失职,但总觉有些无聊。掌柜的是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气。教人活泼不得;只有孔乙已到店后,才可以笑几声,所以至今还记得。(87字)参考译文: After that I stood all day behind the bar attending to my duties. Although I did nothing wrong at this job I fou

9、nd it somewhat boring and monotonous. My boss was a fierce-looking man, the customers were not pleasant and the tavern failed to be bright. There was not any laughter until Kong Yiji came. Thats why I still remember him.8当今中国,对传真机的使用已十分普及,并成为现代重要的通讯终端设备。据一项调查显示,2002年,中国市场对传真机的需求量约为200万台,国内产量仅满足了约30%

10、的需求,进口机占据市场的主导地位。(89字)参考译文: In todays China, fax machines have been widely used as a popular and important modern telecommunications terminal equipment. According to a study, in 2002, China needed about 2 million fax machines, but the country only satisfied about 30% of the demand with the market do

11、minated by the imported ones.9和平统一 为促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。所以我们建议举行两党平等会谈,实行第三次合作。大陆和台湾有不同的意识形态,实行不同的政治制度,但绝不能让这一点妨碍我们发展两岸关系,实现和平统一的大业。(92字)参考译文: To promote the reunification of the motherland we must find a proper means. So we suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third

12、-time cooperation. The fact that the mainland and Taiwan have adopted different ideologies and political systems should not be allowed to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the Taiwan Straits and achieving the peaceful reunification.10在谈话中,他涉及的是一些严肃的问题,诸如国有企业的改革,快速膨胀的政

13、府机构,中国对亚洲邻邦承担的义务,决不使人民币贬值,整治环境和铲除腐败。自始至终,人们时而点头表示赞同,时而捧腹大笑。(93字)参考译文: In his talk he tackled serious subjects like the reform of state-owned enterprises, the growing bureaucracy, Chinas commitment to her Asian neighbors and determination not to devalue her currency as well as the need to clean up th

14、e environment or root out corruption. All the while people alternately nodded in approval or held their sides with laughter.11蚯蚓(earthworm)是一种有益的动物。在地面上它是其它动物的食物。在地下,它为田野和花园制造肥沃的土壤。蚯蚓能挖洞,而洞穴能使土壤疏松,因而使空气和水更容易达到植物的根部。这些洞穴还有利于土壤的排水。(95字)参考译文:The earthworm is a useful animal. On the ground it is food fo

15、r other animals. Under the ground, it makes rich soil for fields and gardens. Earthworms dig tunnels that loosen the soil and make it for air and water to reach the roots of plants. These tunnels help keep the soil well drained.12 据不完全统计,该市有民间环保组织50多个,他们根据各自的特点活跃在群众中,引导本社区群众保护环境,创建绿色家园、社区,开展垃圾分类活动,举

16、办咨询会、报告会,宣传保护野生动物,举办环保夏令营等。(95字)参考译文:According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 50 non-government environmental protection organizations in the city. They exploit their advantages to the fullest with the public, guiding local people to protect the environment and build a green home and

17、a green community, advocating garbage segregation, holding consultation meetings, giving public lectures, calling upon people to protect wild animals and organizing environmental protection summer camp activities, etc.13人才外流受过良好教育的大学生对任何国家来说都是一笔财富。遗憾的是,人才外流已给许多发展中国家的工业和经济造成了困难。因为那里急需工程师、科学家、经理和其他专门人

18、才。在那里更需要这些人才发展工业和经济。(96字)参考译文:The well-educated university students are a treasure to any country. It is a pity that the brain drain of the talented has caused some difficulties in the development of industries in many developing countries. In these countries, engineers, scientists, managers and oth

19、er professionals are badly needed. They are needed to develop the industry and economy there.14今天,我们相聚在享誉世界的俄罗斯国家大剧院,隆重庆祝中俄两国人民的共同节日中俄建交60周年。借此机会,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向在座各位并通过你们向友好的俄罗斯人民,致以诚挚的祝贺和良好的祝愿!(96字) 参考译文:Today, we gather together in this world-renowned National Grand Theatre of Russia to celebrate th

20、e 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, a festive occasion for both the Chinese and Russian peoples. I wish to take this opportunity to extend to you and, through you, to the friendly people of Russia, cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese Government and peopl

21、e.15经济发展的代价 今天的发展不能以牺牲将来为代价。应当看到中国过去二十年的经济迅速发展带来很大的代价。我们喝的水被污染了,我们呼吸的空气被污染了。森林越来越少了。这个代价还不只是环境上的。代价还有社会风气的变坏。(97字)参考译文: Todays progress should not come at tomorrows expense. It should be recognized that Chinas remarkable economic growth in the last two decades has come with a huge cost: the water we

22、 drink and the air we breathe are polluted and the forest is diminishing. The cost is not only environmental it is also more serious in terms of the decline in public morals.16烟草的危害自从1939年以来,人们做了大量的科学研究确定了烟草对人体健康危害极大。急需立法来禁止各种烟草产品的广告宣传。因为这种广告总是劝人们吸更多的烟,因而在很大程度应对那些健康状况恶化或由肺癌致死的人们负责。(98字)参考译文:Numerous

23、 scientific studies conducted since 1939 have indicated that smoking is very harmful to health. Legislation is badly needed to ban all advertising of tobacco products as it persuades people to smoke more and so is in a large part responsible for people with deteriorating health or those who died of

24、lung cancer.17城市让生活更美好,第一次以城市为主题的上海世博会是各国人民创新、合作、交流的平台,它将打开未来城市的大门,引领新的生活方式,促进人与城市、自然相和谐,推动建设平安、文明、幸福的城市,促进人的全面发展。(99字) 参考译文:Initiating the theme as “better city, better life”, around city, the Shanghai Expo will offer a platform for innovation, cooperation and exchanges among different countries. I

25、t will also open the door of the future of cities, lead new lifestyles, promote harmony between humankind, cities and the nature, enhance the development of a safe, civilized and well-off city, thus boosting an overall development.18土地紧张 长江流域内的建筑物和道路正以惊人的速度增加。现在长江流域住着四亿人口。以中国平均每户不到四人计算,四亿人口意味着一亿套住房。

26、人口对土地的压力是极大的。土地的紧张迫使人们越来越多地砍去森林,造起住房。(99字)参考译文: The construction of buildings and roads in the Yangtze basin is increasing at a staggering pace. The basin is now home to 400 million people. With the average household in China consisting of fewer than four people, a population of 400 million means 10

27、0 million housing units. The human pressure on the land is intense. And land hunger is forcing more and more homes to be built on the land once covered with the forests.19金融危机 现在的国际金融是没有国界的,当东京的股市大跌时,受影响的不只是日本,而是全世界。因此保持我们中国的经济稳定发展,就要帮助恢复亚太地区的稳定的发展。我们中国在这次亚洲金融危机中勇敢地承担了自己的责任。(99字)参考译文: International

28、finance has no respect for national borders. When stock markets fall in Tokyo, the effects are no longer local; they are global. So to have sustained economic growth China must help to restore stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region. China has steadfastly shouldered its responsibilities to t

29、he region in this latest financial crisis.20伟人中国有过许多伟大的领导人。每个人似乎都是顺时应势而生。是毛主席结束了一个世纪来的外来压迫,创立了新中国,又是社会主义市场经济的总设计师邓小平领导中国走向成熟。今天,中国进入了百年来发展最快的历史时期。(100字)参考译文: China has had many great leaders each seemingly custom-made for the occasion. It took Chairman Mao to end a century of foreign oppression and

30、create a new China. It took Deng Xiaoping, the architect of the socialist market economy, to lead the nation in her transition to maturity. China now enters a period of its fastest economic growth in this century.21会议期间,有3个问题受到了特别重视,它们是:加强和巩固农业在国民经济中的地位和作用,提高农民收人;调整和改进产业结构,改进和加快区域性经济发展;努力工作,加快下岗工人就业

31、和再就业步伐,改善社会保障制度。(100字)参考译文:During the meeting, three aspects have been highlighted for special attention over next. They are: consolidate and strengthen the fundamental role of agriculture in the national economy and increase farmers income; readjust and optimize the industrial structure for the pro

32、motion of coordinated development of regional economies; work hard to boost employment and the reemployment of laid-off workers, and improve the social security network22经济改革 目前在中国正进行着一场意义深远的社会和经济改革。这个伟大的改革封闭的计划经济变成了以市场为基础的开放经济。千百万人为此脱了贫,经济得到史无前例的发展。人均收入翻了倍,大多数人过着二十年前不可想象的生活。(100字)参考译文: At present a sweeping social and economic reform is being carried out in China. This remarkable transformation has turned a closed command economic system to a driving market-based economy lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty and generating u

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