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1、美语私房话美语私房话2010全集1) 美语私房话今天 kick off, 正式启动.看别人写博客,一直很动心.Well, it is time for me to get in on the act. 我也该赶赶时髦啦.to get in on the act意思是加入到一件有利可图,或是时下流行的活动中去.2) Go the extra mile. 多走那一里路,意思是为了取悦某人,或是为了把工作完成得更好,作出额外的努力,夸奖别人的时候用恰到好处,比如说,He never hesitates to go the extra mile to make everyone happy. 他为了让

2、所有人都能高兴,从来不遗余力.3) out of the blue. blue 指蓝天. Out of the blue 就象中文里所说的从天而降,意思是来得很突然,没有丝毫预警.The car came out of the blue and hit me from behind. 这辆车不知从哪冒出来,从后面把我的车撞了.I got a letter out of the blue from a childhood friend. 我突然收到一个小时朋友的来信.4) Hold your horses 是等一下,慢着点的意思,千万别翻成悬崖勒马.别人叫你hold your horses,可能

3、就是劝你别着急,别冲动,不要jump to conclusions 过早下结论. 例句:I think you should hold your horses and see how things play out.我觉得你不能操之过急,而是要静观事态发展.5) in a class by itself 意思是无人能比.这里的class是级别的意思,类似one of a kind, 独一无二,top-notch最棒的.这个词组用来夸奖别人也很好用.比方说,The baseball player broke the home run record again. He is in a class

4、by himself. 这个棒球运动员再次打破了本垒跑的记录,简直没人能比.6) get under someones skin 令人恼火. The kid is starting to get under my skin with all her whining. 这孩子老是哼哼唧唧,哭哭啼啼,真让我有些受不了了.劝别人时可以说,I know your boss can be nasty, but dont let him get under your skin. 意思是,我知道你老板有时候真的很讨厌,你别理他.7) on the ropes 这种用法是从拳击比赛来的,如果比赛一方被对手逼到

5、了赛场周围的绳子上,那显然是有些抵挡不住了,引伸为芨芨可危,处于失败的边缘.He had his opponent on the ropes since the beginning of the campaign. 选举一开始他就一直占上风.The economy is still on the ropes.经济依然很不景气.8) take somebody under ones wings 就是保护,照顾,引导某人的意思.After his parents died in the crash, his uncle took him under his wings. 父母在车祸中死去后,他由叔

6、叔抚养.The veteran quarterback took the new recruit under his wings. 这个经验丰富的四分位主动担起了教导这个新球员的责任.9) NBA总决赛湖人队首战告捷.湖人主力布赖恩特赛后说,他们根本没想到进攻会打得这么好,原本是指望靠防守和抢篮板赢球,thats not something were hanging our hats on, scoring 100 points, we are hanging our hats on defending and rebounding.这里的hang ones hat on sth 意思是依靠.

7、10) throw in the towel 从拳击运动而来,意为放弃,认输. I know Im losing, but Im not ready to throw in the towel just yet. 我知道自己要输,可还不打算放弃.The candidate decided to throw in the towel.这个候选人决定放弃.Its no time to throw in the towel. 现在可不是放弃的时候.11) on the line, 意思是面临危险.Doing this will put my career on the line. 这么做会给我的事业

8、发展带来风险.The affair left his marriage on the line. 婚外情让他的婚姻亮起了红灯.Think twice before you act. Your reputation is on the line. 三思而后行,这事关你的声誉.12) in the same boat意思可不是同舟共济,而是处境相同.The company is going bust. we are all in the same boat. 公司要破产了,我们处境都一样.Most people would love to shed a few pound. I am in exa

9、ctly the same boat. 大多数人都希望能掉几磅,我也是一样.13) cant put my finger on it. 有某种感觉,可就是说不清.There is something different about you, but I cant put my finger on it. 我也说不清,可你看起来好象哪点跟平常不一样.I swear weve met somewhere, but I just cant put my finger on it. 我发誓咱们以前见过面,可我死也想不起来在哪里了.14) 世界杯开幕了英语怎么说?当然可以用begin, start,但是

10、最贴切的词应该是kick off. 特形象吧?The World Cup has kicked off. 世界杯开踢了.kick off 往往是指一项活动的开始.The campaign has kicked off. 选战开始了.The annual festival kicked off with parade. 这次一年一度的活动以游行拉开帷幕.15) to flush something down the toilet 除了字面意思冲马桶以外,还可以指白白浪费时间,金钱和努力.比如说,the whole day was flushed down the toilet.整整一天都浪费掉了

11、,意思是一天下来一无所成.you just flushed all our savings down the toilet .意思是你把咱俩存的钱都白白浪费了.16) 下大雨,当然可以说 Its raining heavily. 要想更形象,中文里有倾盆大雨,好象老天爷从天上往下泼水,英语里也有类似的说法,比如 Pouring rain,或是its raining buckets. 但是让人百思不得其解的是,英语里还说, its raining cats and dogs. 瓢泼大雨跟阿猫阿狗有什么关系?众说纷纭,无处查证.17) NBA总决赛第六场比赛湖人队89-67重挫凯尔特人队.北京话这

12、叫暴cei(这字左边是足,右边是瓦), 英语里除了beat, defeat 以外,更地道的说法还有crush, hammer, thrash.因此,湖人队球迷可以高兴地说,Lakers crushed/hammered/thrashed Celtics.最后鹿死谁手? Lakers vs. Celtics, Game 7, NBA final 见.18) 说到NBA总决赛要一场定输赢,这在英语里叫one game for all the marbles all the marbles 在这儿可以解释为top prize 最高奖项.对湖人队和凯尔特人队来说,这最后一场比赛都是 do-or-die

13、 生死存亡. 按Kobe的话说,Its a game weve got to win. Simple as that.这场比赛只能赢,就这么简单.19) 西班牙输给瑞士,世界杯爆冷门.爆冷门在英语里是 upset, upset 可以做名词,也可以做动词,意思是原本觉得一定会输的一方反而赢了. 比如说,The game is the biggest upset in NCAA history. 这场比赛是NCAA有史以来最大的冷门.或是Switzerland upset Spain.瑞士出人意料地打败了西班牙.得,就这么多了.20) 好热.Im so hot that I am melting.

14、热得我快融化了. Its so hot you could fry an egg on a car 或是 Its so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.天气 热得可以在汽车引擎盖上(或是在便道上)煎鸡蛋。真不知等到三伏天the dog days of summer的时候要怎么办?不过,正好可以宅在家里看世界杯.21) to clear the air 消除误会和敌对情绪. My best friend thought I lied to her. I had to confront her and clear the air. 我最好的朋友以为

15、我骗她,我只好面对面跟她解释清楚.Our talk didnt solve the issue, but at least it cleared the air. 我们的谈话虽然没能解决问题,但至少把事情说清楚了.22) 刚从阿拉斯加玩回来.We had a ball in Alaska. 意思是我们在阿拉斯加玩得高兴极了,或者说 We had a great time there. 你还可以说, We had a ball at the bar last night and didnt get home until 3 am in the morning. 昨天晚上在酒吧玩得太高兴了,早上三

16、点才回家.好,每天围脖恢复了,谢谢粉丝捧场.23) I smell a rat. 我觉得很可疑,不对劲. I dont buy his explanation. I smell a rat. 我不相信他的解释,我觉得这事不对头.I think the game is fixed. I smell a rat. 我觉得这比赛一定事前做过手脚,我感觉不对劲.The deal is too good to be true. I smell a rat. 这笔买卖太上算了,我觉得不对头.24) hands down, 轻而易举的,毫无疑问的.He beat me hands down in the f

17、inal. 决赛时他不费吹灰之力就把我打败了.He is hands down the number 1 draft choice. 他肯定是这次选秀第一个被挑走的.This is hands down the best book Ive ever read.这是我这辈子看过的最棒的书.25) 跳槽. to jump ship. Lebron James jumped ship. NBA克里夫兰骑士队的勒布朗.詹姆斯跳槽了.He jumped ship right before the company went under. 他刚好赶在公司破产前跳了槽.The baseball star ch

18、ose money over loyalty and jumped ship.这个棒球明星在金钱和忠诚之间选择金钱,转了球队.26) 纽约扬基棒球队老板心脏病突发去世.27) down the memory lane 回首往事.The pictures took me on a trip down the memory lane. 这些照片让我回想起过去.The class reunion took us on a walk down the memory lane. 老同学聚会让我们仿佛回到了从前.The old letter brought me on a trip down the me

19、mory lane. 这封旧信让我想起过去.28) go out on a limb 意思是冒风险. Im going to go out on a limb and oppose the plan. 我不惜冒风险,也要反对这项计划.Are you going to go out on a limb and marry this guy even when all your friends hate him?明知你那些朋友都恨这个男的,你还是打算要嫁给他吗?29) right on the money 完全正确.Your prediction is right on the money. 你预

20、计的一点没错.His comments are usually right on the money. 他往往总能说到点子上.Your timing is right on the money. 你来得太是时候了.德国章鱼包罗准确预测了世界杯的比赛结果.He was right on the money.30) step on ones toes. 踩了别人的脚趾头,引申为侵犯拉别人的势力范围,惹恼别人.I dont want to step on his toes. 我可不想招惹他.In doing so, I might step on someones toes. 我这么做,搞不好会惹到

21、什么人.Im sorry, but I didnt mean to step on your toes. 对不起,我真的没想冒犯你.31) to weigh in on sth 谈谈对某事的看法.I need you to weigh in on this before I make the final decision. 我做最后决定前想听听你的意见.The meeting provided an opportunity for local residents to weigh in on the proposed budget cut.这次开会让当地居民有机会对削减预算的提案发表自己的看法

22、.32) not my cut of tea不喜欢.I like hip hop. Ballet is not my cup of tea. 我喜欢街舞,对芭蕾不感兴趣.Guys who never stop talking are not my cup of tea. 我不喜欢那些说起话来没完没了的男人.Skinny jeans are in, but theyre not my cup of tea. 现在流行穿细腿牛仔裤,可我不喜欢.33) spot on 准确无误.They broke up. Your prediction was spot on. 他俩分手了,你预料得太准了.His

23、 analysis of the market was spot on. 他对市场的分析准确无误.My friend Amy is a good judge of character. Her observations are always spot on. 我朋友Amy看人特别准.她的观察往往都不会错.34) boo-boo 跟孩子说话时用的,指划破,擦伤. Kid: Mommy, i got a boo-boo at school. Mom: Let me see. Thats a big boo-boo. Did you fall? Kid: Yeah. I fell on the pl

24、ayground. Can you get a band-aid for my boo-boo? Mom: Here. Dont worry. Your boo-boo will go away before you know it.35) 美国第前一女儿Chelsea Clinton 结婚了.结婚在英语里有不少说法,最简单的是get married. 此外还可以说get hitched, 或是tie the knot. Amy tied the knot with her long time boy friend last weekend. 再说得含蓄一些,可以用walk down the

25、aisle. 更直接一些可以说become husband and wife.36) do the trick 解决问题.BP expects the new method to do the trick. BP估计新办法能管用.If you want to make a small space look bigger, a mirror will do the trick. 如果你想让很小的地方显得大一些,装面镜子就行了.In order to lose weight, diet alone wont do the trick.要减肥,光节食不管用.37) rack ones brain 绞

26、尽脑汁. I racked my brain for hours to solve the puzzle. 我冥思苦想好几个小时,试图解开这道谜. She racked her brain trying to remember his name. 她绞尽脑汁,想记起他的名字.I racked my brain to figure out a way to impress my boss. 我绞尽脑汁想方设法引起老板的注意.38) get a jump on something 赶在某件事情的前面,提前行动.I left work early today to get a jump on tra

27、ffic. 我今天提前下班,好赶在堵车前回家.My daughter is taking summer classes in order to get a jump on the fall. 我女儿夏天参加补习班,提前为秋天开学做准备.39) the dog days 指夏天最热的那些天,跟中文里说的三伏天差不多.Its best to stay indoors during the dog days of summer. 夏天最热的时候最好待在屋里.You have to drink lots of water to stay hydrated during the dog days of

28、summer. 夏天最热的时候一定要多喝水,保持身体里有足够的水份.40) 纽约扬基棒球队35岁的A-Rod终于打出了600个全垒打,是美国历史上最年轻的.A-Rod在记者会上说了一句话,挺值得琢磨.For me in my career, less is more. When I think small, big things happen.对于我的事业来说,平静反而更有利.注意点滴小事,反而会成就大业.41) water-cooler 饮水器. water cooler chatter 在饮水器旁聊天;指同事在办公室里的闲聊.water cooler topics 茶余饭后的闲聊话题. T

29、he show was a water cooler hit. 这个节目成了办公室聊天的热门话题. The rumor spread quickly through water cooler discussions. 这个传言很快传遍了整个办公室.42) lightning in a bottle 近乎不可能的事.He is the best billiard player. To beat him is like trying to catch lighting in a bottle. 他是最棒的台球手,赢他比登天还难.Although I dont have much of a chan

30、ce, I still want to try catching lightning in a bottle. 明知没希望,我还是想碰碰运气.43) a household name 家喻户晓. Baseball made him a household name. 棒球让他成了家喻户晓的名人.He became a household name after being featured in the movie. 以他为原形的电影上演后,让他成了家喻户晓的名人.The invention made him a household name.这项发明让他家喻户晓.44) 说一件事情 is be

31、yond me 意思是难于理解.He is so gross. Why people like him is beyond me. 他太恶心了,居然有人喜欢他,真是让我想不通.He brought a knife into the building. How he managed to pass security is beyond me. 他居然把刀带进了大楼.他是怎么通过安检的,我实在想不明白.45) cry baby 不是哭泣的宝贝,而是指那些经常因为鸡毛蒜皮的小事而无端抱怨的人.She is such a cry baby. 她就喜欢抱怨个没完没了.Its just a small c

32、ut. Dont be a cry baby. 只不过划个小口子而已,别那么小题大作的.Nobody likes cry babies.没人喜欢爱发牢骚的人.46) 美国40个亿万富翁保证拿出一半的财富来回报社会, give back to the society. 真正的philanthropist 慈善家. 如果你有这么多钱,准备怎么花?舍得拿出一半来帮助陌生人吗?平心而论, Its easier said than done. 说说容易做起来难.也可以说,you can talk the talk. But can you walk the walk?47) spread like wildfire 象野火一样蔓延开来.Rumors regarding Brett Favres retirement spread like wildfire. 有关橄榄球四分位Brett Favre退役的传言象野火一样蔓延开来.另外一种说法是The rumors have gone viral on twitter. viral 指病毒.gone viral 象病毒一样传播开来,传言在twitter上迅速传开.48) bend over backwards 窝腰?意思是竭尽全力.

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