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1、TPO29听力解析TPO29听力Conversation-1What is the conversation mainly about?A. What the deadline to register for a Japanese class is.B. Why a class the woman chose may not be suitable for her .C. How the woman can fix an unexpected problem with her class schedule.D. How first-year students can get permissio

2、n to take an extra class.答案:C解析: 女生说:I am kinda confused about my schedule .On class I registered for is missing. 说明女生的课程表有问题。Why does the man tell the woman that Japanese classes are popular?A. To imply that a Japanese class is unlikely to be canceled.B. To explain why the woman should have registe

3、red for the class sooner.C. To encourage the woman to consider taking Japanese.D. To convince the woman to wait until next semester to take a Japanese class.答案:A解析:女生说: Do they cancel it? Assistant: I doubt it. Japanese class is very popular. 助理是在解释他为什么觉得女生的假设不正确。Why does the man ask the woman if sh

4、e registered for classes online?A. To explain that she should have registered at the registrars office.B. To find out if there is a record of her registration in the computer.C. To suggest a more efficient way to register for classes.D. To determine if she received confirmation of her registration.答

5、案:D解析:Assistant:You registered online, right? Did you get confirmation letter? 说明助手问她注册方式的原因是想确认她是否收到了确认信。What does the man suggest the woman do?Click on 2 answers.A. Put her name on a waiting list.B. Get the professor to sign a form granting her permission to take the class.C. Identify a course she

6、 could take instead of Japanese.D. Speak to the head of the Japanese department.答案:BC解析:女生说我要去get professors signature Assistant: Well, you do 对应选项B Assistant: Well, if not, you have to find a different class. 对应选项CWhat does the man imply when he points out that the woman is a first-year student?A.

7、The woman has registered for too many classes.B. The woman should not be concerned if she cannot get into the Japanese class.C. The woman should not register for advanced-level Japanese classes yet.D. The woman should only take required courses at this time.答案:B解析:Assistant: Yes, but according to ou

8、r records, you are only in your first year here. If you dont take class this semester, you still get time.也就是说assistant认为女生还有很多时间去上语言课,不必太着急。Lecture-1What does thhe professor mainly discuss?A. Cause of soil diversity in old-growth forestsB. The results of a recent research study in a Michigan forest

9、C. The impact of pedodiversity on forest growthD. How forest management affects soil diversity答案:A解析:Professor: But now I wanna discuss what is called pedodiversity.Ok. There were 3 different causes of pedodiversity.剩下的部分教授讲的就是3个causes,也就是lecture的主要内容。According to the professor, in what way is the s

10、oil in forested areas generally different from soil in other areas?A. In forested areas, the soil tends to be wamer and moister. B. In forested areas, the chemistry of the soil changes more rapidly.C. In forested areas, there is usually more variability in soil types.D. In forested areas, there is g

11、enerally more acid in the soil.答案:C解析: A lot of different types of trees in an area might mean more pedodiversity. 也就是在森林里有more pedodiversity。What does the professor suggest are the three main causes of pedodiversity in the old-growth hardwood forests she discusses?Click on 3 answers.A. The uprootin

12、g of treesB. The existence of gapsC. Current forest-management practicesD. Diversity of tree speciesE. Changes in climatic conditions答案:ABD解析:听三个主旨句,第一个是 species。第二个是 another cause?后面的gaps。第三个是 Okay, and the third cause后面的 uprooting of trees。Why does the professer mention radiation from the Sun?A. T

13、o point out why pits and mounds have soil with unusual properties B. To indicate the reason some tree species thrive in Michigan while others do notC. To give an example of a factor that cannot be reproduced in forest managementD. To help explain the effects of forest gaps on soil答案:D解析:For instance

14、, without a tree to absorb radiation from the sun, tool for shade, the full intensity of that radiation reaches the ground. The soil where the tree used to be heats up. And without a tree to soak up moisture from the ground, the soil remains wetter than in the surrounding forest. With a high tempera

15、ture and more moist conditions, the process of organic matter decompositions beats up. 这些话是在解释gap的作用。Why does the professor consider pedodiversity an important field of research?A. It has challenged fundamental ideas about plant ecology.B. It has led to significant discoveries in other fields. C. It

16、 has implications for forest management.D. It is an area of study that is often misunderstood.答案:C解析: And when we better understand pedodiversity, we will be better able to predict the impact of forest management on soil.Why does the professor give the students an article to read?A. To help them und

17、erstand the relationship between forest dynamics and pedodiversityB. To help them understand how to approach an assignmentC. To provide them with more information on pits and moundsD. To provide them with more exposure to a controversial aspect of pedodiversity答案:A解析:I want you to read it because it

18、 makes the point I only touched on.As the article explains, forest dynamics affects pedodiversity.也就是关于forest dynamics与 pedodiversity的关系。Lecture-2What is the main purpose of the lecture?A. To explain how musicians can perform successfully in theaters and concert halls with poor acousticsB. To explai

19、n how the design of theaters and concert halls has changed over timeC. To discuss design factors that affect sound in a roomD. To discuss a method to measure the reverberation time of a room答案:C解析:Today I want to talk a bit about the relationship between the built world and the sound. 从主旨句中看出是建筑与声音的

20、关系,只有C项符合。According to the lecture, what were Sabines contributions to architectural acoustics? Click on 2 answers.A. He founded the field of architectural acoustics.B. He developed an important formula for measuring a rooms reverberation time.C. He renewed architects interest in ancient theaters.D.

21、 He provided support for using established architectural principles in the design of concert halls.答案:AB解析:But not until the beginning of the 20th century the architectural acoustics became a became a scientific field. That was when the physicist Sabine started to do extensive studys on reverberatio

22、n. 暗示Sabine是 AC学科的创建者。对应A Sabine recognised this and he came up with an equation to measure a rooms reverberation time. 对应选项BAccording to the professor, what is likely to happen if a room has a very long reverberation time?A. Performers will have to make an effort to be louder.B. Sound will not be s

23、cattered in all directions.C. Older sounds will interfere with the perception of new sounds.D. Only people in the center of the room will be able to hear clearly.答案:C解析: Professor:So what happens if a rooms reverberation time is very long? Girl: Would it be difficult to hear new sounds if we can sti

24、ll hear the old songs? Professor: Exactly!女生的话正确,即为答案。注意学生与教授的对话会作为考点出现。Why does the professor mention a piano recital? Click on 2 answers.A. To illustrate that different kinds of performances require rooms with different reverberation timesB. To demonstrate that the size of the instrument can affec

25、t its acoustic propertiesC. To cite a type of performance suitable for rectangular concert hallD. To exemplify that the reverberation time of a room is related to its size答案:AD解析:A single instrument, something like a piano recital, a room with a short reverberation time is better.So for a solo piano

26、, a small room works well.说明房间的size与reverberation time有关系,而better这种比较则说明不同乐器需要不同的room size。According to the professor, what purpose do wall decorations in older concert halls serve?A. They make sound in the hall reverberate longer.B. They distribute the sound more evenly in the hall.C. They make lar

27、ge halls look smaller and more intimate.D. They distuise structural changes made to improve sound quality. 答案:B解析:So what can be done to distribute the sounds evenly?.But they all have some decorations on the wall.which distributed the sound very efficiently. 说明这些装饰就是用来分散声音的。Why does the professor s

28、ay this: 重听题A. To find out if students have understood his pointB. To indicate that he will conclude the lecture soonC. To introduce a factor contradicting his previous statementD. To add emphasis to his previous statement 答案:D解析: There are something can be control by architects.演讲的内容就是关于如何用建筑结构控制声音

29、的反射,所以教授是在强调演讲主题。这道题目如果把can听成cant, 就一定会选C而做错。Conversation-2Why does the student go to see the professor?A. To explain why he may need to hand in an assignment lateB. To get instructions on how to complete an assignmentC. To discuss a type a type of music his class is studying D. To ask if he can cho

30、ose the music to write about in a listening journal答案:B解析:学生说:I am not sure I understand what to do. 这学生找教授问问题来了。What does the student describe as challenging?A. Comparing contemporary music to earlier musical formsB. Understanding the meaning of songs that are not written in EnglishC. Finding the t

31、ime to listen to music outside of classD. Writing critically about musical works答案:D解析:学生说:But when I was trying to write about them, I did not know what to say.这就是说,学生不知道怎么写这篇paperWhy does the student mention hip-pop music?A. To contrast the ways he responds to familiar and unfamiliar musicB. To help explain why he signed up for the professors course C. To point out its similarities to music introduced in the courseD. To give an example of music that features repeating rhythms答案:A解析: Student: Maybe I am finding it difficult because I am not famili

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