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1、英语新闻报道英语新闻报道篇一:BBC英语新闻 1. China has announced the end of its decades long policy ofrestricting most families to have only one child. The officialXinhua News Agency says that all couples would be allowed tohave two children citing a statement from the rulingcommunist party. John Sudworth reports from

2、 eastern China. “China is obsession with birth control began with Chairman Mao and became national law afterhis death. Few policies anywhere can have affected so many lives so profoundly. This mothertells me she had no choice but to have abortion. You either go willingly or the governmentcomes for y

3、ou, she says. In recent years, the one child policy had already been relaxed with anincreasing number of exceptions and exemptions. Now its finally going, but its replacement by atwo-child policy is a sign that the communist Party is not yet ready to fully relinquish controlover female fertility.” b

4、irth control 计划生育 abortion 堕胎,流产 中国宣布取消已实施数十年的独生子女政策。官方新闻机构新华社称,中国执政党共产党发表声明,允许夫妇生育两个子女。约翰?萨德沃思从中国东部城市报道。“从毛主席时代开始,中国便实行计划生育政策。他过世后,计划生育成为了国家法令。鲜有政策可以如此深入的影响到多代人的生活。这位妈妈告诉我,怀上二胎后除了流产她没有其它办法。她说,要么自愿流产,要么等政府办事人员找上门。近年,随着越来越多生育政策上的例外与豁免,独生子女政策有所放松。现在终于有正式消息了,不过取代独生子女政策的二胎政策,意味着中国并没有全面放开对妇女生育的管控。 2. A c

5、orruption watch dog says nearly all countries in the MiddleEast and North Africa have opaque defense budgets withalmost no parliamentary accountability. In a new report, theLondon based Transparency International says secrecy acrossdefense and security establishments remains the norm in theregion. A

6、nd the ensuing corruption was having a big impact on the rise of terrorism. He said onlyJordan and Tunisia published their defense budgets. BBC news. 一所贪污监察机构表示,中东及非洲北部地区国家的国防预算几乎都处于不受国会问责的非透明状态。据总部在伦敦的“国际透明组织”最新报告显示,上述地区在国防和安全设施中讳莫如深是常态。确凿的贪污现象对日渐突出的恐怖主义活动负有重大责任。报告还称,只有约旦和突尼斯公布其国防预算。BBC新闻。 3. Hello

7、, Im Julie Candler with the BBC news. PolandsConservative Law and Justice Party has won a decisive victoryin parliamentary elections following a campaign in which it tooka tough line towards the European Union and migrants. An exitpoll suggests it has secured 39% of the vote. The party scandidate fo

8、r Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said she was grateful for the support of the Polishpeople. “We have won because we have been consistent in facing all the challenges ahead of usand we followed in the footsteps of the late President Lech Kaczyski. We worked hard and wewere humble about the work as well

9、as the reality surrounding us. We wouldn t have won had itnot been for the Polish people who told us about their expectations and needs and who were inthe end voted for us.” Within the past hour, leaders from central European countries in Balkan states have reached anagreement on a plan to tackle th

10、e migration crisis. It includes providing shelters for tens ofthousands more people by the end of the year. The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that Balkan countries must start by registering migrants arriving at theirborders. “The only way to restore order to the situa

11、tion is to slow down the uncontrolled flows ofpeople. The policy of waving for people to neighboring countries has to stop. I want to be clear,people must be registered. No registration, no rights.” Exit polls in Argentinas presidential election suggest the candidate of the governing party DanielSci

12、oli has won the most votes, but will have to face a run-off next month. The Centre-right mayorof Buenos Aires Mauricio Macri appears to come second and will challenge Mr. Scioli on November22nd. Wyre Davies reports from Buenos Aires. Daniel Scioli as the official candidate of the ruling Peronist Pop

13、ulist party which dominatesArgentine politics is a clear favor to win. The fact that the maybe run-off shows how the dividedthe country is after ten years of Christina Fernandez de Kirchner s governing, her fans havesupported to say she s done fantastic things with new welfare program spending billi

14、ons onhelping people out of poverty, and also renationalizing the national airline, the national oilcompany and forging these new alliances with Russia and with China. But the opponents ofcourse say the economy is in a mess and there is no money in the central bank and inflation rateis running at da

15、ngerously high levels. Polls have closed in Guatemala in a presidential election run-off between an ex-comedian and aformer first lady. Opinion polls gave the actor Jimmy Moralesa clear lead over Sandra Torres, whoseen by many as part of the countrys political elite. Turnout was low. Both candidates

16、 promisedto fight corruption following the resignation and arrest of President Alejandro Maldonado inSeptember. World news from the BBC. The US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said the world would be a better placeif Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still in power in Iraq and

17、 Libya. Speaking to CNN,Mr. Trump described the Middle East region as a disaster that had blown up around presidentObama and Hillary Clinton. The governor of the Egyptian city of Alexandra has resigned after torrential rains caused widespread of disruption and a number of death. Five people were ele

18、ctrocuted when an overheadpower cable fell into a flooded street. Thousands of vehicles across the city were partiallysubmerged and many homes flooded. In Israel, high winds knocked down trees and toppledcranes. Saudi Arabia Supreme Court has rejected an appeal against a death sentence passed on apr

19、ominent Shia Muslim cleric. Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was a vocal supporter of anti-governmentdemonstrations during the Arab Spring. The British racing driver Lewis Hamilton has won the Formula One world championship for a thirdtime. He secured the title with victory in the US GrandPrix in Texas. Hamilton

20、 thanks everyonewho d supported him. “I cannot really find the right words right the second to tell you howamazing this feels and just that I couldn t have done without this team who have powered me forthe last three years and retaken me on board and really help lurching me with the car and justfaul

21、tless.” In the Rugby World Cup, Australia has beaten Argentina to make it through to the final nextSaturday, will, now, take on New Zealand. The Wallabies won by 29 points to 15. Ourcorrespondent in Sydney, here is Jon Donnison. “Thiss been an amazing tournament for theSouthern Hemisphere, all four

22、semi-finalists from the Southern Hemisphere and an amazing finalnext week for this part of the world. Amazingly, these two teams who have both won the WorldCup twice have never met in the final. But in terms of sporting rivalries, at least in this part of theworld, they don t get much bigger than th

23、e all blacks against the Wallabies in Rugby Union.” BBCnews. parliamentary:国会的,议会的 exit poll:投票后的民意調查 candidate :候选人 reached an agreement :达成协议 migration :移民 shelter:避难所 migrant:移民 poll:民调 candidate :候选人 presidential election:总统大选 torrential rain:暴雨 disruption :中断,毁坏 electrocute:电击 submerge:淹没; 把浸入

24、death sentence:死刑 demonstration:示威 championship :冠军 您好,这里是BBC新闻,朱莉.坎德乐为您报道。波兰的法律与公正党在国会大选中赢得了至关重要的胜利。这场胜利得益于他们在竞选时对欧盟和移民采取的强硬立场。选举投票后的民意调查显示他们已获得39%的选票。法律与公正党的总理候选人贝亚特.斯基迪勒对支持她的群众表示感谢。“我们能够获胜是因为我们勇于面对所有挑战,坚定走前总统莱赫.卡钦斯基的路线。我们努力工作,实事求是。波兰人民如果没有说出期望及需要,如果最后没有投票给我们,我们就不可能获胜。” 在过去一个小时之内,来自巴尔干半岛中欧诸国的领导人达成

25、协议,制定计划解决移民危机,包括在今年年底前为数以万计的民众提供避难所。欧洲委员会主席吉安.克洛德.容克称巴尔干半岛诸国必须对到达他们边境的难民实行登记制度,“控制局面,恢复秩序的办法只有减缓无序难民入境的流动。把难民赶到邻国的政策必须停止。我要明确的是,民众必须登记注册。没有登记就没有入境的权利。” 阿根廷总统选举投票后的民意调查显示执政党候选人丹尼尔.肖利赢得大部分的选票,但他下个月要面临决胜选举。中右翼派的布宜诺斯艾利斯市长毛利西奥.马克里排名第二,他将于11月22日向肖利发起挑战。怀尔.戴维斯布宜诺斯艾利斯报道。 执政党庇隆民粹主义政党主宰阿根廷的政坛,丹尼尔.肖利作为官方候选人,获胜

26、的几率很大。而可能面对决胜投票的事实表明在克里斯蒂安娜.费尔南德斯.德基施内尔执政10年之后国家的分化。德基斯内瓦的粉丝支持她的做所作为,认为开展新的福利项目花费数十亿元帮助了穷人摆脱贫困,对国家航空公司、国家石油公司重新实行国有化及与俄罗斯、中国建立新的联盟都是值得肯定的。但她的反对者认为她的领导下经济形势一团糟,国库空虚,通货膨胀水平又特别的高,十分危险。 危地马拉的总统选举的投票已结束。此次竞争双方分别为前喜剧演员和前第一夫人。民意调查调查显示演员杰米.莫拉勒斯遥遥领先被称作国家政治精英的桑德拉.托雷斯。此次投票率很低。提及前总统亚力山卓.马拉多纳9月份辞职被捕的事件时,双方都承诺要反腐

27、倡廉。BBC国际新闻。 美国民主党总统侯选人唐纳德.特朗普表示,如果伊拉克的萨达姆.侯赛因及利比亚的穆阿迈尔.卡扎菲仍在位的话,世界会变得更加美好。在接受CNN访问的时候,特朗普认为中东地区是爆发在奥巴马总统和希拉里.克林顿身上的灾难。 埃及城市亚历山大城发生暴雨,导致大面积交通瘫痪,多人死亡,市长引咎辞职。空中的电缆掉落洪水淹没的街头,致使5人触电身亡。城市中数千辆车辆受淹,许多房屋被冲毁。在以色列,强风刮倒了树木和起吊机。 沙特阿拉伯高级法院驳回对著名什叶派神职人员的死刑判决。族长尼米艾尔尼米曾是阿拉伯之春期间声援反政府示威的积极拥护者。 英国赛车选手路易斯?汉密尔顿第三次成为世界一级方程

28、式冠军。他是在美国德克萨斯举行的大奖赛上获得这一殊荣的。汉密尔顿向支持他的众人表达了感谢。“此时此刻没有任何语言能表达出我现在有多激动,没有车队在过去三年里所给予的支持,我不可能有今天的荣誉。他们让我重返赛道,帮助我驾驭赛车,取得完美的表现。” 在橄榄球世界杯赛上,澳大利亚打败阿根廷,成功晋级下周六即将举行的决赛,迎战新西兰。澳州国家队以29比15的比分获胜。我台记者乔恩?唐尼森悉尼报道。“对南半球的国家来说,这届世界杯非常激动人心,四强全部来自南半球,下周六这里还将迎来战况热烈的决赛。神奇的是,两个都曾两度赢得世界杯冠军的球队从未在决赛赛场上进行对决。就体育竞赛而言,至少在这里,没有比橄榄球

29、联盟中新西兰全黑队迎战澳大利亚国家队更引人注目的赛事了 4. Thereve been large rival rallies in Germany to mark the firstanniversary of the anti-immigrant Pegida. Police say that20,000 Pegida supporters were met by a similar number ofcounter demonstrators in Dresden. Scuffles broke out as policetry to keep them apart. There are

30、 fears that Pagida is becomingmore radical in response to Germanys decision to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees thisyear. From Berlin, Damien McGuinness reports. “Numerous government ministers have accusedthe movement of using xenophobic hate speech to incite violence. This year, in Germany

31、, therehave been almost 500 attacks on refugees or their homes. On a Saturday, a female politiciaesponsible for refugee housing was stabbed in the neck. She survived, but the assault hasshocked the country as that calls the authorities to clamp down on the racist slogan that Pegidarallies.” World ne

32、ws from the BBC. rally:集会 Pegida:欧洲爱国者抵制西方伊斯兰化运动 xenophobic :排外 incite:煽动 refugee:难民 assault :袭击 篇二:英语比赛新闻稿 博荣中心校举办第二届英语口语大赛 暨首届英语短剧比赛 为了活跃校园文化生活,拉近英语课堂与学生生活的实际距离,提高学生的英语应用水平和交际能力,7月9日下午,博荣中心校在多媒体教室举行了一场别开生面的英语课本剧比赛。本次竞赛由英语教师敖秀梅和魏小敏主办。校领导和教师应邀担任本次大赛评委,无课老师观摩了本次大赛。 本次比赛是博荣中心校首届英语短剧比赛,面向46年级全体学生。本次大赛呈现出以下特点: 第一,赛前准备工作细致、充分,精心选材,积极排练。各班参赛内容健康向上,故事情节生动有趣,既有经典的童话剧本也有学生的自编剧本。三只小猪白雪公主等一些同学们耳熟能详的故事,在孩子们的精心编排下,布置了道具,设计了情景,加上了动作,成了一幕幕精彩的课本剧。 第二,节目内容丰富,艺术水平高超。比赛现场,小演员们用标准而流利的英语口语和引人入胜的表演技巧将一个个精彩生动的小故事呈现在全体师生面前,每个人物形象都演绎得惟妙惟肖。 第三,本次大赛的实际意义巨大。学校开展此次活动的目的

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