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1、语言学习题完全版 精品课程英语语言学综合习题集I. Write out a single sentence for each of the follow technical terms in linguistic(定义题);1. arbitrariness 2. a linguist3. creativity4. displacement5. culturally-transmitted6. yo-he-ho theory7. informative function of language8. phatic communion9. recreational function of langu

2、age10. metalingual function of language11. phonology12. morphology13. syntax14. semantics15. pragmatics 16. psycholinguistics17. sociolinguistics18. applied linguistics19. computational linguistics20. descriptive vs. prescriptive21. synchronic vs. diachronic22. langue & parole23. competence and perf

3、ormance24. articulatory phonetice25. narrow transcription of IPA26. manners of articulation of consonants27. alveolar sounds28. nasal sounds29. voicelessness30. bilabial sounds31. high vowels32. rounded vowels33. lax vowels34. minimal pairs35. allophones36. free variation37. assimilation38. distinct

4、ive features39. onset of a syllable 40. sonority scale of English speech sounds41. primary stress of words 42. lexeme43. open-class words44. function words45. free morpheme vs. bound morpheme46. a stem47. inflectional suffixes48. allomorphs 49. blending50. clipping51. back-formation52. tense vs.aspe

5、ct53. concord and government54. syntagmatic and paradigmatic55. signified and signifier56. immediate constituent analysis57. endocentric vs. exocentric constructions58. deep structure and surface structure59. transformational rules60. binding61. anaphor62. theme and rheme 63. communicative dynamism

6、64. textual function65. denotative meaning66. social meaning67. thematic meaning68. the referential theory69. synonymy70. gradable antonymy71. hyponymy72. superordinate73. semantic components74. propositional logic75. syllogism76. psychology of language77. recency effect78. semantic association netw

7、ork79. garden path sentences80. minimal attachment theoryII. Short-answer Questions (简答题):Directions: Explain each of the following linguistic views in no more than 50 words. .1. What is Displacement of language?2. How to understand that language is productive?3. How to understand language is dually

8、-structured?4. Why linguists say “All the languages are equal”?5. Comment on the saying “Language is culturally-transmitted”。6. Why is it said “Linguistics is a transdisciplinary ” subject? 7. Why modern linguistics takes spoken language as primary? 8. Comment on the saying “The only function for la

9、nguage is to pass information”.9. What is a good linguist?10.What is bow-wow theory?11. What is yo-he-ho theory?12, What is Sapire-Whorf Hypothesis?III. Essay Questions: Directions: Develop ONE of the following topics into a 200-300-word essay.1. The theory of communicative competence and its signif

10、icance in Language learning and teaching.2. Transformational-generative linguistics and its significance in Language learning and teaching.3. Functional linguistics and its significance in Language learning and teaching.4. Social linguistics and its significance in language teaching and learning.5.

11、What is Speech Act Theory?IVBlank Filling(填空)1. Linguistics is the scientific systematic study of _ .2. To many people, a linguist is the same as a _ , one who can speak several Languages fluently.3. In professional usage, the _ is a scholar who studies Language objectively, observing it scientifica

12、lly, recording the facts of Language, and generalizing from them.4. _ phonetics studies the movement of the vocal organs of producing the sounds of speech; _ phonetics studies the way the sounds of speech are perceived by the human ear.5. _ deals with how Language is acquired, understood and produce

13、d.6. _ studies the neurological basis of Language development and use in human beings.7. _ is concerned with the diversity of Language as it relates to various sociological factors.8. _ is concerned with variation and use in relation to the cultural patterns and beliefs of man.9. The ancient theorie

14、s of the origin of Language were of _origin.10.The Egyptians considered themselves to have the oldest civilization and asserted that the original human Language was _.11. The theory that primitive man made involuntary vocal noises while performing heavy work has been called the _ theory.12. The theo

15、ry that primitive man instinctively gave vocal expression to every external impression has been called the _ theory.13. A commonly held view among the classic Greeks was that at some ancient time there was a“_ “ who gave the correct, natural name to everything.14. The theory that Language arose from

16、 instinctive emotional cries, expressive of pain or joy has been called the _ theory.15. The theory that primitive Language was an imitation of natural sound, such as animal cries, has been called the theory .16. The theory that Language arose from human beings instinctive need for contact with his

17、companion has been called the _ theory.17. Writing is a secondary Language form based upon _, and Morse code is tertiary, based upon _.18.The reason why Languages other than our own sound like gibberish is because we have not mastered the complexity of their _.19.The symbols are said to be arbitrary

18、 because they do not _ what they represent.20. Language is called upon not only for communication, but also for _ and cultural _.21. Language is an _ system of articulated sounds made use of by a group of humans as a means of carrying on the affairs of their society.22. Language is a purely human an

19、d _ method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a _ of voluntarily produced symbols.23. Language is a system of arbitrary _ symbols which permit all the people in a given culture, or other people who have learned the _ of that culture, to communicate or interact.24. The earliest

20、grammar of any Language was _ grammar by the Hindu scholar Panini.25. Plato proceeded first to divide the sentence into two parts: _ and _.26. The Greek approach to Language was taken over by the _ and applied with little change to their Language _.27. The first major new development in linguistics

21、until the 13th century was _ grammar.28. The 15th and 16th centuries were marked by the _ of views of Language and an increased awareness of the _ among Languages.29.In the 17th century the Port royal Grammarians stressed the _ of thought.30. The beginning of modern linguistics was from the late 18t

22、h and early 19th century when the _ method was developed and established.31. Chomskys theory of generative grammar revolutionized work in linguistics in 1957, with the publication of his book _.32. Saussures exposition of _ analysis led to the school of _ linguistics which developed around the work

23、of Leonard Bloomfield in America.33. A Language is responsive to the _ forces that shape history.34. The Language of Britain was _ when the Romans invaded the land in 55 and 54 BC.35. The Celtic Language was influenced by _ during the roman occupation after AD 44.36. The three Teutonic groups establ

24、ished in England by the successive invasions after AD450were: _, _ and _.37. As a result of the Norman Conquest of 1066, vast quantities of _ words were added to the English vocabulary.38. The most memorable writing in the Middle English period was _ by Geoffrey Chaucer.39.As Samuel Johnsons A Dicti

25、onary of the English Language established a uniform standard for _ and word use, so Bishop Lowths and other grammarians works standardized English _.40. Speech takes place when the organs of speech move to produce a pattern of _. These movements have an effect on the _ coming from the lungs.41. When

26、 sounds are produced, the air-stream sent out from the lungs passes through the _ contained in the larynx.42. If the glottis is wide open, the air passes freely through the cords, but if it is narrowed, the presence of the air causes the cords to vibrate, producing _ sounds.43. A sound which is made

27、 with the glottis wide open is called a _ sound.44. Consonant sounds can be either _ or _, while all vowel sounds are _.45. The shape of the _ and _ cavities can be changed, and each change produces a different sound.46. The differences between the vowel in the word tea and the vowel in the word two

28、 is that the first is made with the lips _ and the front of the tongue humped, and the second is made with the lips _ and the back of the tongue humped.47. In the case of vowel sounds, the pharynx and the mouth cavities are changed by the shape and position of the _ and the _.48. The sounds /t/, /d/

29、, /p/, and /b/ are made when the _ in the mouth is suddenly opened and the air allowed to escape in a little puff or explosion.49. Consonant sounds can also be made when two organs of speech in the mouth are brought close together so that the air is pushed out between them, causing_.50. The sounds /

30、f/ and /v /are the result of air escaping under friction between the lower _ and upper _.51. All English sounds except me, n, and ny are made with the soft palate _.52. When the _ is raised, the air cannot escape through the nose and the sounds /m/, /n/, and /n/ cannot be made。53. _ sounds are produ

31、ced by a radical constriction at some point in the vocal tract.54. _ sounds are produced by lowering the velum.55. _ sounds are produced by vibrating the vocal cords.56._ sounds are produced by increasing the muscular effort in the lower jaw.57. _ sounds are produced b y maintaining the airflow in the vocal cavity (but not in the nasal cavity).58. The qualities of vowels depend upon the position of the _ and the lips.59. _ sounds are produced by retracting

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