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1、高考英语大二轮复习专题强化练十四专题强化练十四组合练(一).阅读理解AThe wedding tradition of“something old,something new,something borrowed and something blue”has been around for hundreds of years.The tradition of carrying or wearing one of each item is said to bring luck and fortune to the newly married couple.Have you ever stoppe

2、d to think what the saying really means? What is its origin and what does each item represent?The original saying dates back to the Victoria times and states,“something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe.”Something oldA bride may wear or carry some

3、thing old to represent her continued ties to her family and her old life.Many brides wear a piece of family jewelry as their old item.Some brides wear the wedding dress worn by their mother or grandmother.In many cases,something old may also be something borrowed.Something newWearing something new i

4、s supposed to represent success and hope in the brides new life and in her marriage.If the bride purchases her wedding dress,it may represent her new item,but any item that is new may be used.Something“new”is usually the easiest kind to fill.Something borrowedThe borrowed item should be something bo

5、rrowed from a friend that is happily married.It is said that their happiness will rub off on you and bring lasting happiness to your marriage.Some brides borrow an item of clothing,a piece of jewelry,a handkerchief or perhaps a beaded(饰以珠子的) purse.Something blueWearing something blue dates back to a

6、ncient times when a blue wedding dress was worn to represent purity,fidelity and love.A silver sixpencePlacing a silver sixpence in the brides left shoe is said to be a symbol of wealth.This not only refers to financial wealth,but also a wealth of happiness and joy throughout her married life.Since

7、most brides probably dont even know what a sixpence is,this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times.However,if a bride would like to include it in her wedding,she can purchase a silver sixpence from many companies that sell bridal supplies such as garters(袜带) and invitations.【语篇

8、解读】本文是一篇总分结构的说明文,介绍了西方一种传统的婚礼习俗的起源和含义。1Why does the first paragraph end with two questions?ATo invite readers to answer them at once.BTo show the importance of this tradition.CTo have readers interest and attention.DTo test readers knowledge about wedding.解析:推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,这两个问句承上启下,引起读者的阅读兴趣和注意力。答案

9、:C2Which of the following statements is TRUE?ASomething old might also be something borrowed actually.BThe part of the tradition“a silver sixpence”is never used now.CThe borrowed item can be something borrowed from any friend.D. Something new is usually the most difficult and expensive kind to fill.

10、解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的“In many cases,something old may also be something borrowed”可知,一些老的物件也可以是借来的。答案:A【干扰项分析】根据最后一段中的“this part of the tradition is not used very often in modern times”可知,B选项错误;根据第五段中的“The borrowed item should be something borrowed from a friend that is happily married”可知,C项错在“any friend”

11、;D项与文中的“Somethingnewis usually the easiest kind to fill”不符,故排除。3What can we infer from the passage?ANo brides now are not familiar with the silver sixpence.BEvery item represents something good for the new couple.CThe bride will be more beautiful with all these five items.DOf the five items,somethin

12、g blue is the most important one.解析:推理判断题。通读全文可推测出,这几样新婚佩戴的物件都会给新婚夫妇带来好处。答案:B【干扰项分析】根据最后一段中的“Since most brides probably dont even know what a sixpence is”可知,现在大部分新娘都不知道六便士硬币是什么,故A选项“现在,新娘都熟悉六便士硬币”错误;C选项错误,文中只说这些物件会给新婚夫妇带来好处,并未涉及新娘佩戴这些物件后是否漂亮的问题;这五种物件哪个更重要文中未提及,因此D项错误。4Which word can replace the unde

13、rlined word“fidelity”in the sixth paragraph?ASuccess.BWealth.CLoyalty. DOpportunity.解析:词义猜测题。根据语境并结合画线词前的purity和其后的love可推知,“fidelity”此处意思为“忠诚”,即“loyalty”。答案:CBWith more large solar farms being developed in the sunny southwestern United States,researchers and conservationists alike are beginning to n

14、otice surprising environmental effects.While solar energy is known for its positive environmental impacts,officials at the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory have come to recognize one of its significant downsides: Some species of birds that live close to large solar panels(太阳能电池板) are

15、dying off,including endangered birds.A recent federal investigation discovered 233 birds that had been killed as a direct result of solar panels.Researchers believe that some of the affected birds have mistaken the large,reflective areas of the solar panels for bodies of water.This is a phenomenon r

16、eferred to by scientists as“lake effect”The birds are drawn to what they assume to be water.They aim for the area and slam into the panels with great force.It is thought that the insects that birds eat fall victim to“lake effect”as well,leading the birds into the panels.Researchers figure that betwe

17、en 1,000 and 28,000 birds are killed as a result of peoples harvesting solar energy.The number of birds affected by wind farming is much greater,ranging from 140,000 to 328,000.Coalfired electricity has the largest negative effect on birds,killing nearly 8 million a year.These numbers make solar far

18、ms seem like the best option.However,conservationists are quick to point out that areas where solar farms are expected to boom between and 2020 are home to some of the rarest birds in the United States.This could put specific bird species at risk of extinction.There exists a state order in Californi

19、a that 20 percent of all electricity of all energy sold should be renewable by the year .This has been one driving force behind the rapid development of huge solar farms.The industry, which is expected to boom as a result of this change to renewable energy,is facing newly filed lawsuits(起诉)by conser

20、vationist groups.These lawsuits could slow down the approval process for the planned solar development across the Southwest.【语篇解读】本文是一篇科普说明文。虽然大部分人认为太阳能绿色环保,但是大量使用太阳能电池板导致了若干种鸟类(包括濒危鸟类)死亡。环保主义者团体的努力将减缓太阳能的发展速度。5What can we infer from Paragraph 1?ASolar farms require a long development period.BMost p

21、eople would be shocked by the size of solar farms.CSolar energy equipment looks strange to most people.DMost people think that solar energy is very beneficial.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第一句中的“With more large solar farms being developed”可知,更多的太阳能转化场正在被修建;根据第一段第二句中的“solar energy is known for its positive environme

22、ntal impacts”可知,太阳能以其对环境有积极的影响而闻名;据此可以判断,大部分人认为太阳能是有益的,故D项正确。答案:D6The underlined word“slam”in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_Adash BbreakCmove Dslide解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段第四句“The birds are drawn to what they assume to be water”和画线词所在句“They aim for the area and slam into the panels with great force”可知,

23、鸟儿把太阳能电池板错当成水域,因此会猛撞在太阳能电池板上;据此可以判断,画线词意为“猛撞”,故A项正确。答案:A【干扰项分析】B项意为“打破”,C项意为“移动”,D项意为“滑落”,都与语境不符。7Which of the following best reflects the authors viewpoint?AUsing solar farms is the most practical way to create energy.BMore birds are endangered by solar farms than wind farming.CSolar farms may not

24、be as friendly to the environment as expected.DWays should be found to reduce“lake effect”caused by solar farms.解析:观点态度题。通读全文可知,本文主要告诉读者:虽然大部分人认为太阳能绿色环保,但是大量使用太阳能电池板导致了若干种鸟类(包括濒危鸟类)死亡。据此可以判断,作者的观点是太阳能转化场可能并不如人们所预料的那样环保,故C项正确。答案:C【难句分析】While solar energy is known for its positive environmental impact

25、s,officials at the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory have come to recognize one of its significant downsides:Some species of birds that live close to large solar panels (太阳能电池板)are dying off,including endangered birds.分析:该句为主从复合句。该句中While solar energy is known for its positive environm

26、ental impacts为While引导的让步状语从句;that live close to large solar panels为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词Some species of birds。译文:尽管太阳能以其对环境有积极的影响而闻名,但(美国)国家鱼类及野生动物法医实验室的官员们已经认识到它的重大缺陷之一:若干种生活在靠近大型太阳能电池板的鸟儿正相继死去,包括濒危的鸟类。.七选五While its wonderful to share a special trip and new experience with friends or family,theres an a

27、ttractive case for travelling alone from time to time.Solo travel can work for anyone,and here are good reasons why you should try it.You neednt discuss with othersIt can be challenging to talk over a trip and time away from work with another busy person in your life._1_Usually,these challenges can

28、be overcome by simply planning far in advance.However,if you cant find a travel partner on short notice,it may be the perfect time to pack your bags and go anyway.Youre your own great companyIf you rarely spend significant time alone,you may be surprised at how enjoyable it can be._2_Depending on th

29、e destination,a solo trip can be a powerful and lifechanging experience.Imagine sitting on a peaceful beach at sunset or taking an inviting morning hike alone._3_Meet new peopleIf you are a born open person,travelling alone can be a wonderful way to meet locals and make new friends.Often,people who

30、are alone appear more approachable to others._4_You could even join a group of likeminded people for yoga on the beach. The key is to keep an open mind while keeping safety in mind,especially in a foreign land._5_For some reason,service at hotels and restaurants seems better when youre travelling al

31、one.People tend to admire those who travel by themselves.AEnjoy great service.BDo everything you want.CJust accompany yourself.DIf things dont go well,the entire trip can be terrible.EYou could be chatting with some interesting folks at a sidewalk cafe.FYou can enjoy such a hike without making conve

32、rsation with anyone.GAnd its even more difficult when you try to make plans with a group.答案:1.G2.C3.F4.E5.A与当今“教师”一称最接近的“老师”概念,最早也要追溯至宋元时期。金代元好问示侄孙伯安诗云:“伯安入小学,颖悟非凡貌,属句有夙性,说字惊老师。”于是看,宋元时期小学教师被称为“老师”有案可稽。清代称主考官也为“老师”,而一般学堂里的先生则称为“教师”或“教习”。可见,“教师”一说是比较晚的事了。如今体会,“教师”的含义比之“老师”一说,具有资历和学识程度上较低一些的差别。辛亥革命后,教师与其他官员一样依法令任命,故又称“教师”为“教员”。.语法填空Have you ever been to London? Which famous sites did you visit? Or,if you havent been to,whi

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