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4、at阅读就没有难题了。你已经学会gmat阅读了,但提醒一句:不要忘了,总结出来的是gmat阅读的方法,不要用于gre和lsat阅读。回目录一般原则:对于已经做完所有gmat阅读的xdjm,建议你把og和补充材料的阅读拿出来(共81篇,也可以挑一部分,比如补充材料第2篇完全可以删掉),进行横向总结:1、根据细节题的题目和正确答案把考点在原文中全部画出来。然后看细节题的考法,总结:主要的无外乎取非和关键字替换2、把所有main idea题看一遍,看其对文章意思的表述方法:有套路,且不走极端3、把所有结构题看一遍,看其表述方法4、把态度题看一遍(题目太少,可以再看看gre年代题)5、最关键的题inf


6、有剩余的朋友也可以做一下这个工作。你会发现历史类文章和地理考古类文章都具有鲜明的特色。回目录具体操作:There is a good way to improve reading, try to get my post and try to practice hard on the second round review, you can get a framework of RC and you will hardly do wrong on some question types, and then again the third round review will help you to

7、 practice what you learned from the second round, do not ignore this round, because when I finally take test, I have no tip for any question types. The tips I summarized are all translated into a feeling, I can easily correctly choose the answer according to my feelings, you have to practice to get

8、those tips all translated into a habit. Before you practice, try to think “why those answers are wrong?”, “Is there anything common in the wrong answers?”, “And in the right answers?” Try to comprehend what is related and what is unrelated,do not easily judge, try to comprehend what is related and w

9、hat is unrelated? What is related and what is unrelated information (choice), that is a very important rule to quickly rule out some wrong choices and the next is “what is conform to the author”, “what is conform to the authors attitude”, and “what is not (also choices)”. If you see, try to read the

10、 passage again for the attitude info, this is a great rule to rule out some wrong choices, the attitude thing and I can tell you that, I did all the RC infer question without relocate because I can easily rule out wrong answers, memorize the pattern, and try to practice. Without practice, you can ge

11、t nothing. But it is the goal; you should do something before hand.First, categorize all the RC questionsYou should guarantee 100% right on main idea type questions, try to collect all detail questions, I mean those with line number or key words, try to get these right answer back to the passage. Yo

12、u will see some question rules. I do not want to tell you because you can get the rules by yourself, if I tell you the detailed rule, you will not certainly get what I mean. Then collect the structure type, and promise yourself you can do 90% right or higher, it is just easy like main idea and attit

13、ude thing. Do you know why you should get question types apart?First, you can get suttle feelings about how to make a questionSecond, you can get info about how to prepare to do those questions when you are reading the passage, it is very important to get the question right, you will see when you fi

14、nished summarizing, you can easily tell that “oh, I think ETS will make a question in here, when you are reading the passage, when you know there is a structure type questions, you will think following questions when reading:1. why the author write this paragraph?2. What he want to tell us?3. Is the

15、re any change in attitude?4. What is the function of the detail in this paragraph?5. What may be the relation between this paragraph and the whole passage?That is very important! Not everyone do that when reading, so they have to relocate info and it cost precious time, you should analyze the questi

16、on like what can I get the answer when I read, it is equal to what part of passage I should read carefully when I read, I get all passages reread and underlined what part is the key to question. I mean on the passage using fluerecent pen, it is very clear.Second: try to get all infer question collec

17、ted, try to contrast the answer and the original text and try to get what is wrong about the wrong questions Why they are all wrong, do not stop on why they are all wrong when you can get some feeling like too extreme, you should think hard on how to quickly rule out some of them, that is the relate

18、d/unrelated stuff. And the attitude stuff, which I mentioned above, the infer questions are very important if you want to get higher scores such as 730+. You should categorize on subject matter, you will see that what the science passages want to test you on. The most important is the whole logic re

19、lation between facts and stuffs, you have to get the logic relation between A,B,C,D.A lead to B, C can restrain A. D can restrain B, you must quickly realized that both C and D can restrain B, only A can lead to B, you only should memorize the either lead to or restrain relationships between things,

20、 do not get it more complicated, you will confused if you do not memorize or memorize too much. So just lead to or restrain, just support or do not support, that is enough for quickly ruling out most confusing wrong answers without relocating.When you get 文科 passages, pay more attention on 列举, when

21、you get economic and management passages, pay more attention to the logic推理顺序and support/unsupported relationship. You can easily get the feeling if you summarize and can get detailed feelings.Third:1. Try to directly get all the answers from passage because you are familiar with the passages. Do no

22、t see the questions, try to get what may be a question here2. When you finished reading, try to write the frame in Chinese (or English) in a paper. It is quite like to write down 机经, do not read questions, do not read the passage when you write the frame, Why you have to do this?-To know what you ha

23、ve forgotten and the capacity of your memorization and you can improve in the next passage. Every paragraph, five questions and what may be the key point for questions and finally you will improve on the ability to memorize more of the passage framework, the more and the clear you can memorize the f

24、rame of the passage, the less time you have to spend on questions, practice in this round and try to get all your tips summarized into reading, you cannot tell clear rules finally, and you have get the all steps.On the third round, try to answer the questions after finish the writing. Why? Try to pr

25、actice related/unrelated and conform or not conform to the attitude rule, this is all I know about RC review and try to practice more passages in one day on the second round. The more you can get in one day, the stronger you feel about RC, its easy to say but very tough.回目录答网友问: 你说的横向总结阅读题目的方法,我打算下个

26、月就开始做,应该还来得及吧?GMAT文章我已经差不多做完了,还剩10套题模考用。有一点不太明白,想问一下:你说的题目横向总结具体是怎么操作的呀?是几类题目一块总结还是单独进行的?每次总结前是都把文章又看一遍吗?我的做法是每8篇一个unit,每个unit先作一遍然后总结。如果有可能的话,把考点在文章中划出来。还想请问,你的Last Answer Sheet 是怎么设计的呀?我在做GMAT逻辑时,是把题目按“类型”“结构(A-B,B-A)”,还有“典型逻辑错误”做的分类,但觉得还不够,请教一下你是怎么做的总结呀?我的分类已经在上面提到了,两个分类标准(题型和题目特点)。把错误分成两类,一类是没有看

27、懂,属于阅读问题;另一类才是逻辑问题,关键看看那一类题目自己容易错,为什么。 请问小安哥:阅读总结中你提到:细节题与information题:请问这两种题目的区别是什么呢?细节题可以根据题干定位。information题无法定位:eg. which of the following is right? 复习OG(SC)的经验: 把题目按主要考点分类:惯用法、分词的省略结构(要求后面的主语是分词的逻辑主语)、such as与like的区别、like与as的区别、so that与so as to与enough to do的区别、倒装结构、独立主格结构与wih结构的区别、主谓搭配与代词指代(主要是单

28、复数)、时态和语态、逻辑搭配关系、重复和冗赘表达、only等强语气表达的处理、我分了7大类40子类。横向比较和揣摩考点是我的主要工作。考前过一遍是避免小考点遗忘的主要方法。分类的目的是掌握gmat语法的特点,不是作对题。等分类起到作用后,然后才是最重要的:1、区分出correctiveness和effectiveness错误。2、形成判断语法的优先级次序。这才是迅速作对题的方法。 - light谢谢小安! 建议心情图标加入拥抱的符号,像msn那样,这样才能够完全表达我心中滔滔不絕的感谢之情 謝謝小安_ps.我是這樣總結的紀錄 : 日期 内容 結構 长度 总时间 读文 正确率分類 : 主旨题 细

29、节题 推论题 应用题 写作技巧题 语气态度题 以下是引用isabellu在2003-9-13 23:14:00的发言:补充材料语法做了一半,阅读还剩12篇,逻辑做了100题:(预期目标700薄弱项应该来说还是阅读吧优势是掌握套路比较快请多指教:)可以先做lsat逻辑(对阅读帮助很大),gre的阅读,然后再作新东方阅读,之后总结。 - by anchoret 补充一点:要试着在作阅读和横向总结的过程中培养一种比较固定的最佳阅读速度:这种速度是对文章的理解程度和阅读速度的一个组合。再快些恐怕会看不懂,从而导致正确率的下降;再慢些,正确率提高很少,但阅读占据的时间太多了。注意这种最佳速度应该根据文章

30、体裁和生词量有所调整,而不是单一的。 以下是引用wpeng82在2003-9-19 0:32:00的发言:小安哥哥,我想文你阅读的方法:就是说不是针对GMAT的,而是怎样在平常的学习中提高阅读的真正实力。我一直在试,但好像没有一种方法适合我!我的感觉是,1、不管你读什么文章,首先要摆脱字典的控制,不要看到不懂得词就查字典。字典是事后查的。2、分清精读和泛读,用不同的方法。3、只有大量阅读才能培养语感。曾经读完pride and prejudice和welfare to arms(值得承认:关键是英语老师选的书不错),读完后感觉不错。 回目录小安复习历程:Anchoret的复习计划,望牛牛及队友

31、们指点考试时间:5/14(还有25天)目前状态:阅读:状态一直不稳定,目前规定时间为每10行及每一题为1分钟(eg. 80行7题为15分钟),大致能完成,难文章超时目前已能控制在2分钟以内,错误率目前统计在1/4,og正确率高些(好的提前3-4分钟作完,全对;差的超时2-3分钟,错误率75%!eg.补充材料no.2)。OG和补充材料均已作完,gre阅读作了少许(觉得过于简单,于是有一段时间没看了,不过马上要继续看了。)语法:OG及补充材料已经过了两遍了,一般每10题耗时在12分钟以内(指作新题目,目前还我留了80道),少数一、两次在14分钟内完成,错误率平均为15%,最多达到过40%(补充材料中)。目前仍有几题百思不得其解,过第三遍时请大牛们指导。逻辑:OG及补充材料已经过了两遍了,lsat一套(效果不好,很灰心,一直没在碰),一般可以在18分钟内完成10题,但曾经有一套作了30分钟(补充160-170,170-180,而且错误率也很高,将近50%,:()作文:目前为止只各写了5篇,不过所有题目和结构已过了一遍。另外自编了一个写作文的软件:)(已上传给管理员了)。以后坚持每天一篇(不过时间好像已不多了)。复习计划:1、阅读采用杨鹏的

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