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1、最新整理VOASpecialEnglish1500个基本单词表Aa - ad. one; any; eachable_ - v. havi ng the power to do someth ing about_ - ad. almost (about half); of or havi ng a relation to (We talk about the weather.) above_ - ad. at a higher place accept_ - v. to agree to receive accide nt_ - n. someth ing that happe ns by c

2、ha nee or mistake; an un pla nned eve nt accuse_ - v. to say a pers on is resp on sible for an act or crime; to make a stateme nt aga inst some one across_ - ad. from side to side; to the other side act_ - v. to do someth ing activist_ - n. one who seeks cha nge through action actor_ - n. some one a

3、cting in a play or show add_ - v. to put (someth ing) with ano ther to make it larger; to say moreadministration - n. the executive part of agover nment, usually headed by a preside nt or prime min isteradmit_ - v. to accept (admitted to the Un ited Nati on s); to express on es guilt or resp on sibi

4、lity (He admitted that what he did was wron g.) adult_ - n. a grow n pers on advise_ - v. to help with in formati on, kno wledge or ideas in making a decisi onaffect - v. to produce an effect on; to in flue nee (A lack of sleep affected the sin gers performa nee.) afraid_ - ad. feeling fear after. -

5、 ad. later; beh ind aga in_ - ad. ano ther time; as before aga inst - ad. opposed to; not agree ing with someth ing age - n. how old a pers on or thing is agency - n. an organization that is part of a larger group (a n age ncy of the Un ited Nati on s) aggressi on - n. an attack aga inst a pers on o

6、r coun try; the violati on of a coun trys borders ago_ - ad. of time past; before now agree_ - v. to have the same belief as some one; to be willing to do something agriculture - n. farmingaid_ - v. to help; to support; n. help, assista nee aim_ - v. to point a gun at; n. a goal or purpose air. - n.

7、 the mixture of gases around the earth, mostly n itroge n and oxyge n, that we breathe air force - n. a military organization using airplanes airplane_ - n. a vehicle with wings that flies airport_ - n. a place where airplanes take off and land album_ - n. a collect ion of recorded music alcohol_ -

8、n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in in dustrial products alive. - ad. hav ing life; not dead all_ - ad. everythi ng; every one; the complete amount ally_ - n. a n ati on or pers on joined with ano ther for a special purposealmost_ - ad. a little less tha n co

9、mpletely alone_ - ad. separated from others along_ - ad. n ear or on (al ong the road) already_ - ad. before now; eve n now also_ - ad. added to; too although_ - conj. even if it is true that always_ - ad. at all times; every time ambassador_ - n. a n ati ons highest diplomatic representative (to an

10、other government) ame nd_ - v. to add to or to cha nge (a proposal or law) ammun iti on - n. the bullets or shells fired from guns among_ - ad. in or part of (a group) amount - n. the nu mber, size or weight of anything an archy_ - n. a lack of order; lawless ness an cestor - n. a family member from

11、 the past ancient_ - ad. very old; long ago and- - conj. also; in additi on to; with an ger_ - n. a strong emotio n aga inst some one or someth ing ani mal - n. a livi ng creature that moves, such as a dog or cat anniversary_ - n. a yearly celebratio n or observa nee of an eve nt that happe ned in t

12、he past announce - v. to make known publicly; to declare officiallyano ther_ - ad. one more; a differe nt onean swer - n. a stateme nt produced by a questi on; v. to make a statement after being asked a question any. - ad. one or more of no special kind apologize - v. to express regret for a mistake

13、 or accide nt for which one accepts resp on sibility appeal_ - v. to take to a higher court, pers on or group for a decisi on; to call on somebody for help appear_ - v. to show on eself; to come into sight; to seemappoint_ - v. to n ame; to choose (appo int a judge) approve_ - v. to agree with; to a

14、gree to support archeology_ - n. the scie ntific study of past huma n life and activitiesarea. - n. any place or part of itargue_ - v. to offer reas ons for or aga inst someth ing; to dispute; to disagreearms. - n. military equipme nt; weap onsarmy_ - n. military ground forces around_ - ad. on every

15、 side (of) arrest_ - v. to seize a pers on for legal action; to take as a pris onerarrive_ - v. to come to a place, especially at the end of a tripart. - n. expressi ons or creati ons by huma ns, such as pain tin gs, music, writ ing or statuesartillery - n. big gunsas_ - conj. equally (as fast as);

16、whe n; while ash. - n. the part left after someth ing bur nsask. - v. to questi on; to say someth ing is wan ted (We ask the teacher questi ons every day.) assist_ - v. to helpastronau_ - n. a pers on who travels in spaceastronomy - n. the scientific study of stars and theun iverseasylum_ - n. polit

17、ical protect ion give n by a gover nment to a pers on from ano ther country at_ - prep. in or n ear (at the edge); where (look at); whe n (at noo n) atmosphere - n. the gases surro unding any star or planetattach_ - v. to tie together; to connectattack - n. a viole nt attempt to damage, injure or ki

18、ll; v. to start a fightattempt - v. to work toward someth ing; to try; to make an effortatte nd - v. to be prese nt atautomobile - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; a carautu mn - n. the time of the year betwee n summerand win teraverage_ - n. someth ing (a nu mber) represe nti ng the m

19、iddle; ad. com mon; no rmal avoid_ - v. to stay away from awake_ - ad. not sleep ingaward_ - n. an honor or prize for an act or service away_ - ad. not n ear baby. - n. a n ewly born creatureback_ - n. the part beh ind the front; ad. the other way from forwardbad. - ad. wrong; acting aga inst the la

20、w; not good bala nce_ - v. to make two sides or forces equal ball_ - n. someth ing round ballo on_ - n. a device of stron g, light material that rises when filled with gas lighter than air ballot_ - n. a piece of paper used for vot ing ban. - v. to not permit; to stop; n. an official restrictio nban

21、k_ - n. an orga ni zati on that keeps and lends moneybar_ - v. to preve nt or blockbarrier_ - n. anything that blocks or makes an action difficultbase_ - n. a military cen ter; v. to establish as a fact (Her research was based on experime nts.) battle_ - n. a fight betwee n oppos ing armed forces be

22、 - v. to live; to happe n; to exist beaL - v. to hit aga in and aga in beauty_ - ad. that which pleases the eye, ear or spirit because. - prep. for the reason that (He left because he was sick.) become_ - v. to come to be bed- - n. a sleep ing place before_ - prep. earlierbegi n_ - v. to do the firs

23、t part of an action; to start behi nd_ - ad. at the back of; in back of believe - v. to think; to feel sure of; to accept as true; to trust bell_ - n. an in strume nt that makes a musical sound (a church bell) bel ong_ - v. to be owned by; to be a member of below_ - ad. lower tha n besL - ad. the mo

24、st good betray_ - v. to turn aga in st; to be false to better - ad. more good tha nbetween_ - ad. in the space or time that separates; from one to the other (talks betwee n two n ati on s) big_ - ad. of great size; not small bill- - n. a legislative proposal biology_ - n. the scientific study of lif

25、e or living things in all their forms bird. - n. a creature that flies bite_ - v. to cut with the teethblack_ - ad. dark; havi ng the color like that of the ni ght skyblame_ - v. to accuse; to hold resp on sible blanket_ - n. a cloth cover used to keep warm bleed_ - v. to lose blood bli nd_ - ad. no

26、t able to see block_ - v. to stop someth ing from being done; to preve nt moveme nt blood_ - n. red fluid in the body blow_ - v. to move with force, as in air (The wi nd blows.)blue_ - ad. havi ng the color like that of a clear sky boa匕-n. someth ing built to travel on water that carries people or g

27、oodsbody. - n. all of a pers on or ani mal; the rema ins of a pers on or ani malboil_ - v. to heat a liquid un til it becomes very hot bomb_ - n. a device that explodes with great force; v. to attack or destroy with bombsbone. - n. the hard material in the body boo匕-n. a long written work for readin

28、g border_ - n. a dividi ng line betwee n n ati ons born. - v. to come to life; to come into existence borrow_ - v. to take as a loa nboth. - ad. not just one of two, but the two together bottle - n. a container, usually made of glass, to hold liquidbottom_ - ad. the lowest part of someth ing box_ -

29、n. someth ing to put things in to; a container, usually made of paper or wood boy. - n. a young male pers on boycott - v. to refuse to take part in or deal with brain - n. the control center of thought, emotions and body activity of all creatures brave_ - ad. havi ng no fear bread - n. a food made f

30、rom grainbreaJ - v. to divide into parts by force; to destroy breathe_ - v. to take air into the body and let it out aga inbridge_ - n. a structure built over a waterway, valley or road so people and vehicles can cross from one side to the otherbrieL - ad. short; not longbright_ - ad. giv ing much l

31、ight; stro ng and clear in colorbring_ - v. to come with somethi ngbroadcast_ - v. to send in formati on, stories or music by radio or televisi on; n. a radio or televisi on program brother_ - n. a male with the same father or mother as ano ther pers onbrown_ - ad. having the color like that of coff

32、ee budget - n. a spe nding pla nbuild_ - v. to join materials together to make someth ingbuilding_ - n. anything built for use as a house, factory, office, school, store or place of en terta inmentbullet - n. a small piece of metal shot from a gun burn_ - v. to be on fire; to destroy or damage by fire burst_ - v. to break ope n sudde nlybury. - v. to put into the gro und and cover with earth bus - n. a public vehicle to carry peoplebus in ess_ - n. on es work; buying and sell ing to earn mon ey; tradebusy_ - ad. doing somet

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