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1、最新新视角研究生英语读说写2课后答案新视角研究生读说写2课后答案 Unit one VocabularyA 1. triggered 2. economically 3. minimum 4. commitment 5. relieved 6. shrinking 7. enrollments 8. scarcely 9. sequence 10. strideB 1-5 ADBCB 6-10 ACACDCloze1. requires 2. dimensional 3. thoughtfully 4. lines 5. next 6. summarize 7. own 8. notes 9.

2、 out 10. refuse 11. front 12. content 13. act 14. value 15. accent 16. distracting 17. effort 18. advantage 19. forth 20. conclusionsTranslationA 1. 那位教授很可能在他唯一的学生缺席的情况下对着空空的教室讲了一课。 The professor might probably have delivered his lecture to the empty classroom in the absence of his solitary student.

3、 2. 现行的教育体制遭到了公众的批评,公众已经开始意识到这种体制给学生带来的危害。The present educational system has been under attack from the public, who have begun to realize the harm the system has done to students. 3. 老师告诉这些大四学生他每次都会点名,因为这门课是必须要听的。The professor told those seniors that he would take attendance every time because atten

4、dance at this course was compulsory. 4. 我真想参加你的乔迁聚会。但是很抱歉我无法去, 因为我有一大堆事情要做。Id love to go to your housewarming party, but Im sorry I cant make it because Ive got a stack of things to do. 5. 中学辍学的年青人可以上夜校或通过电大和函授课程恢复他们的学业。Youths who dropped out of middle school can resume their studies at night school

5、 or through television and correspondence courses. 6. 她不喜欢那位著名作家的讲座,但她为了在讲座后得到他的签名还是耐着性子听完了。She didnt like the famous writers lecture, but she stuck it out to get the writers autograph after the lecture. 7. 我对讲座制所体现的冷漠无情非常失望,但是最终我还是无奈接受了它,并耐心等待成为大三的学生。I was disappointed at the impersonality of the l

6、ecture system, but eventually I grew resigned to the system and waited patiently to become a junior. 8. 我们不得不承认讲座体制会把教师和学生天真的问题隔绝开来,而这些问题很可能会引起学生很多有用的想法。We have to admit that the lecture system insulates a teacher from students naive questions, which could have triggered a line of useful thought. 9.

7、 我不同意那些评论家的意见。你得出的结论绝不是没有价值的。对我而言,这些结论很有道理。I dont agree with those critics opinions. Your conclusions are far from worthless; they make a good deal of sense to me. 10. 为了学生本身的缘故,应该在第一节课就告诉他们这门课的目的,内容以及要通过这门课的要求。For the sake of the students, they should be told on the first class about the objective

8、and content of the course and the requirements to pass the course. B One problem with lectures is that listening intelligently is hard work. Reading the same material in a textbook is a more efficient way to learn because students can proceed as slowly as they need to until the subject matter become

9、s clear to them. Even simply paying attention is very difficult; people can listen at a rate of four hundred to six hundred words a minute, while the most impassioned professor talks at scarcely a third of that speed. This time lag between speech and comprehension leads to daydreaming. Many students

10、 believe years of watching television have sabotaged their attention span, but their real problem is that listening attentively is much harder than they think. (Para.9)听讲课存在的一个问题是:会听是很难的事。阅读课本中的相同内容是更有效的学习方法,因为学生可以根据其需要慢慢阅读直到他们理解这些内容。有时甚至仅仅做到专心听讲都很难。人们可以以每分钟400-600个字的速度听,而最富有激情的教授说话的速度也很难达到这个速度的1/3。

11、讲话和理解之间的时间差导致开小差。很多学生认为多年来看电视已经削弱了他们保持注意力的能力。但是他们真正的问题是专心听课比他们认为的要难得多。 Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university scene both because they seem to be economically necessary and because they spring from a long tradition in a setting that values tradition for its own sake. But the lectu

12、res too frequently come at the wrong end of the students educational careers during the first two years, when they most need close, even individual, instruction. If lecture classes were restricted to juniors and seniors, who are less in need of scholarly nurturing and more able to prepare work on th

13、eir own, they would be far less destructive of students interests and enthusiasms than the present system. After all, students must learn to listen before they can listen to learn. (Para.15)讲课这一方式不会完全从大学消失。一是因为讲课似乎从经济上是必需的,二是讲课起源于悠久的传统,而且人们又把传统本身看得很重。但是,讲课通常出现在学生接受教育生涯的错误的那一端在大学的第一和第二年,那时他们最需要密切的、甚至

14、是针对个体需要的指导。如果讲课这一形式局限于三、四年级的学生,则对学生的兴趣和热情的破坏力会比目前的制度小得多,因为三、四年级的学生不太需要学科上的指导与帮助,而且更有能力自己制定学习计划。毕竟,学生在能够从听讲课中学到知识之前必须先要学会去听。 Unit two VocabularyA 1. studded 2. mischief 3. evoked 4. tyranny 5. humdrum 6. prelude 7. frugal 8. frail 9. treacherous 10. foraysB 1-5 BCCAD 6-10 ACBADCloze 1. boarders 2. bu

15、ild 3. extended 4. right 5. regular 6. familiar 7. by 8. homely 9. mobile 10. maintaining 11. keep 12. even 13. well 14. touch 15. closer 16. fewer 17. sense 18. step 19. waiting 20. imaginationTranslationA 1. 这一地区的每一角落都将在5年内得到供电, 这是电力部长2年前许下的诺言。Every nook and corner of the region would be provided

16、with electricity in five years. This was the pledge that the minister of electricity had taken two years ago.2. 由于要在不同地区做实地考察工作, 他去年一年搬 了4次家,虽然他每次都搬得很不情愿。In order to do field work at different places, he moved four times last year, though each time he did it with an ill grace.3. 在离开这个杂乱无序、毒品充斥的小镇前,他

17、把自 己所有值钱的家当都放到一起并按一定的秩序存放 了起来。Before leaving this disordered, drug-ridden small town, he gathered together in one place all his valuable possessions and introduced some semblance of order among them.4. 她小时候家境贫寒,没有几件对她来说有意义的东西, 所以她拥有过的每一个玩具都能勾起她串串回忆。Her family was poor when she was a child. The thing

18、s that mattered a great deal to her were very few. Therefore, every toy she had played with could evoke a rush of memories.5. 整整一个小时,警察们在拥挤的楼群里艰难地行进, 寻找一位射杀了5人的在逃持枪者。For an hour, policemen threaded their way through the crowded buildings, looking for an elusive gunman who had shot five people.6. 对很多

19、人来说,旅行或离家外出一段时日是应对日常 单调乏味生活的一个有效手段。For many people, traveling or staying away from home for some time is an effective antidote to the humdrum activities of everyday life.7. 当今妇女比以前享有更加自由、独立的地位,因此她 们越来越不愿意屈从于丈夫的专横暴虐。Women today enjoy a freer, more independent position than ever before, and are accord

20、ingly less and less willing to submit to the tyranny of their husbands.8. 心绞痛常常是心脏病的前兆,需要特别治疗,主要是 药物治疗。Angina pectoris is often a prelude to a heart attack and requires special treatment, primarily with drugs.9. 我们决定挖空这些大圆木,以便更多的人能坐在里面 并乘坐他们顺河而下。We decide to hollow out the great logs so that more me

21、n could sit inside them and ride in them down the river.10. 这场大火把宫殿里所有东西都毁掉了。没有一件华丽的镶嵌着金银的家具幸存下来。The fire destroyed everything in the palace. Nothing of the magnificent furniture, studded with gold and silver, has survived.B Most of us associate very strongly with the place of our birth or the place

22、 we have learned to call home. It can hurt very much not to be able to go there physically in order to feel secure. 我们大多数人都把自己同自己的出生地或我们称之为家的地方紧密相联。不能回家以获得安全感是令人痛苦的。Other students are very excited in the beginning only to find, after several weeks, that they are starting to miss what was familiar an

23、d wish for a visit with friends and family.别的学生一开始很兴奋,几周后却发现自己开始想念所熟知的事物,并希望见到朋友和家人。Homesickness can strike any of us when we have moved to new surroundings and are being called upon to meet our needs in a different way and with different people.当我们搬迁到新的环境,需要以不同方式与不同的人交往以满足自己的需要的时候, 我们每个人都会有想家的感觉Som

24、etimes it can become a more serious depression if the person cannot begin to meet his/her needs for love and belonging with new people.有时, 如果这个人开始对爱的需要不能得到满足,想融入新群体的愿望又不能实现, 那么想家就可能会导致更严重的忧郁症。Often, homesickness is another way of saying we are scared to face the future, or that were doubting our abi

25、lity to cope.通常, 想家是另一种表明我们害怕面对未来或怀疑自己应对能力的方式。Unit threeVocabularyA 1. prime 2. components 3. derived 4. biodiversity 5. monoculture 6. uncounted 7. multiplied 8. captivity 9. legislation 10. conservationB 1-5 ACDBD 6-10 ACBBDCloze1. contain 2. isolation 3. different 4. only 5. major 6. urban 7. nat

26、ural 8. native 9. extensively 10. dramatic 11. extinction 12. contributed 13. numerous 14. developing 15. important 16. storing 17. maintains 18. view 19. survive 20. claimTranslationA 1. 由生物多样性的丧失而引起的对人类和地球的威胁和由气候变化所带来的危险一样大。The threat to humanity and the planet posed by biodiversity loss is as gre

27、at as the dangers presented by climate change.2. 收到年轻读者表达他们对被囚动物的关心的信,并询问他们能帮助做什么,我们总是很高兴。We are always happy to hear from young readers expressing concern for animals in captivity and asking what they can do to help.3. 这两个最盛行的理论都认为恐龙之所以灭绝是因为地球大气和温度的变化而造成的。The two most popular theories both say that

28、 dinosaurs died out because of changes in the earths atmosphere and temperature.4. 这场森林大火最终被消防队所控制住了,花费将近50万美元。The forest fire was finally brought under control by the fire-fighting crews at a cost of nearly half a million dollars.5. 植物根茎能够固定土壤,使之不会被雨水冲蚀。Plant roots can hold the soil in position and

29、 prevent it from being washed away by the rain water.6. 健康的生态系统以能源、营养物质、有机物质和水的可持续更替为特点。Healthy ecosystems are characterized by sustainable turnovers of energy, nutrients, organic matter and water.7. 在世界野生动物基金会一份新的报告中,科学家警告说全球变暖可能在今后20年中灭绝北极熊。In a new report by the WWF, scientists have warned that g

30、lobal warming could kill off polar bears within the next 20 years.8. 犁过的地对流水没有防范能力,因而珍贵的表土常常在大雨和洪水中被冲走。Plowed fields dont have any protection against running water, and often the valuable topsoil is carried away during heavy rains or floods.9. 这个花园比前两天要安静多了,但周围还是有很多各式各样的鸟。The garden was considerably

31、 quieter than it had been the previous two days, but there were still a good variety of birds around.10. 尽管有不同的预计, 但总体上人们认为用于制作现代药品的活性成分有大约30%到40%是从植物中提取的,或同植物有关。While estimates differ, it is generally believed that around 30%40% of the active ingredients used in modern medicines are derived from, o

32、r related to, plants.B One of these reasons is that each life-form occupies a special place within its ecosystem that is, its community of plant and animal life, in combination with the nonliving components of its environment such as the climate, soil, water, and air. For instance, within a forest the larger trees drop off little twigs and debris, making a layer that holds water in the soil for other plants to use. The roots hold the soil and preve

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