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新视野大学英语预备级1Unit 4 教案.docx

1、新视野大学英语预备级1 Unit 4 教案课堂演示友情提示:1. 加大窗口面积的办法:将鼠标对准Word菜单上 “帮助”后面的浅蓝色空白空间,单击右键,去掉下拉菜单选项前的对勾(重复操作即可去除全部对勾,加大word窗口面积)。2. 字号调整的快捷方式:按住Control键,滚动鼠标中间的滑轮即可调整显示比例。3. 对文档中的链接单击右键并选择“打开超链接”跳转到相关部分,再点Top返回目录。Unit 4Stopping Smoking in Public Places?Content I Leading inII Text AudioIII Sentence AnalysisIV Words

2、 and PhrasesV ExercisesVI Spotlight on GrammarVII. Additional listening I. Leading in 1) Pictures 2) Discussion: a. How do you feel when you find someone is smoking in public?b. Does anyone in your family smoke? What do you think of it?c. What bad results do you think smoking will bring about?d. Its

3、 reported that China will ban smoking in all public indoor places and some outdoor places, what is your opinion toward this action?II. Text Audio Stopping Smoking in Public Places? (打开连接即可听音频)III. Sentence Analysis 1. This is an important question being discussed in American society today. (Para.1)

4、Note: 现在分词短语一般放在所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句,但比从句简洁,例如: A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的孩子常常跌倒。Do you know the man carrying a large raincoat? 你认识那个拿着一件大雨衣的人吗? 中文翻译:这是当今美国社会讨论的一个重要问题。2. Califano even thinks that people will save money by reducing illness. (Para 2) Note: illness和disease的用法相近,区别

5、在于illness用以形容生病或身体不适,而disease用以形容有名称和有特殊症状的疾病,由细菌、病毒等引发或会相互传染:Father is just getting over from his illness. 父亲病后初愈。Arthritis is a chronic disease. 关节炎是一种慢性病。 中文翻译:卡利法诺甚至认为,人们会因为减少吸烟带来的疾病而剩下一些钱。 3. Screvane, a heavy smoker himself, would lose too much time if he had to go a special area three or four

6、 times an hour. (Para.3) Note: 在虚拟条件句中,条件从句的谓语用动词的过去式,结果主句的谓语用should(第一人称)或would(第二、第三人称)+动词原形:If we left now, we should arrive in good time. 假如我们现在就走,我们能及时到达。Even if he had the money, he wouldnt buy it. 他即使有钱也不会买它。 中文翻译:斯克里文本人烟瘾很大,如果让他每小时到特定的地方去三四次,会浪费很多工作时间。4. Screvane cares about creating differe

7、nt classes of people in society, about money, and about time, but he never talks about public health and safety. (Para.4) care about: be worried about or interested in关心;介意The education of the children is the thing that she cares about most. 她最关心的是孩子们的教育。 I dont care about what you do. 你干什么我不在乎。 Mea

8、ning: Scerevane is concerned about creating different groups of people in society, about money, and about time, but he is never concerned about the health and safety of people. 中文翻译:斯克里文关心在社会中形成不同阶层的问题,关心钱和时间的问题,他从未谈及公共健康与公共安全问题。5. I also believe that companies could save money when their workers ar

9、e not wasting time in smoking. (Para.5) company: n. C a group of people united for business reasons 公司 He has opened a cigarette company. 他开了家烟草公司。Is the telephone company here private or state-owned? 这里的电话公司是私营的还是国营的? U being with a person 陪伴 She was very good company and I enjoyed our evening toge

10、ther. 她是个很好的伙伴,晚上我和她在一起过得很愉快。I always enjoy her company because she always has interesting stories to tell. 她有讲不完的有趣故事,我乐于跟她在一起。 中文翻译:我也相信,如果公司工作人员不将时间浪费在吸烟上,公司可以剩下钱。IV. Words and Phrases 1. compare v. examine things to see how they are alike or different 比较,对比e.g.If you compare the works of the two

11、 poets, youll find this ones are easy to understand.对比两位诗人的作品,你会发现这一位的诗比较容易理解。He compared one suggestion with another before he made the decision. 他在做出决定之前比较了多个建议。Note: compare后可接to 或with. 在表示两物相似的情况下常用compare to, 意为“将比作”The poet compares the woman he loves to a rose. 这位诗人把他钟情的女子比作玫瑰。 在比较两物的异同时则常用co

12、mpare with, 意为“将与进行对比”If we compare French school with British school, we find there many differences.如果我们把法国和英国的学校相比,会发现它们有许多不同之处。2. ignore v. take no notice of 不顾;忽视e.g.You should think carefully about others advice instead of ignoring it. 你应该仔细考虑而不是忽视他人的建议。We cannot ignore the importance of agric

13、ulture in national economy. 我们不能忽视农业在国民经济中的重要地位。3. enforce v. make sth. work 实施,执行e.g.Governments make laws and the police enforce them.政府制定法律,警方执行法律。How will they enforce the new law?他们会怎么执行这条新法令? force sth. to be done or to happen 强制e.g.Being a teacher, you cant enforce obedience upon the children

14、.作为老师,你不能强制孩子们服从你。They try to enforce agreement with their plans. 他们企图迫使人们同意他们的计划。4. defend v. say or write sth. to support 为辩护e.g.He tried to defend his ideas with facts. 他试图用事实证明他的观点。 keep safe防护,保卫e.g.The council states that every child should be defended against dangerous things. 理事会指出每个孩子都不应受危险

15、事物的侵害。 protect so as to stop others from coming close 防守,防御e.g.They have shown great skill in defending their goal. 他们防守球门的技巧很高。It appears easy to attack but difficult to defend. 看起来进攻易,防守难。5. demand v. ask for sth. firmly 要求,强求e.g.The workers are demanding better pay. 工人们要求提高工资。She demanded to spea

16、k to the president. 她要求与校长谈话。 need in order to be successful 需要,要求e.g.The success of this game was not a result of good luck. It demanded special skills in both attack and defense. 赢得这场球赛并不是因为运气好,它需要进攻和防卫的特殊技巧。 n. C an act of demanding 要求,请求e.g.The company has turned down our demand for a 5% pay inc

17、rease. 公司拒绝了我们增加5%工资的要求。This work makes great demands on time. 这项工作对时间要求很高。 U the strong need for sth. 需要,需求e.g.Theres not much demand for this kind of information. 这种信息不太需要。It is our demand that she should go there.她到那里去是我们的要求。6. reduce v. make sth. less in size, amount , etc. 减少,降低,缩小e.g.The gover

18、nment stated that taxes for people with low income would be relatively reduced. 政府声明低收入人群的税额将有所削减。She succeeded in reducing her weight.她成功地减轻了体重。7. cost v. have sth. as a price价钱为;使付出e.g.Education costs money.教育需要投资。This new machine costs us ten thousand dollars.这台新机器花了我们一万美元。n. C the price paid for

19、 sth. 价格,费用e.g.I bought the table at a cost of $50. 我买这张桌子花了50美元。Parents have to support their children by covering the cost of books.家长需要负担孩子的书费。 C; U sth. given in order to get sth. else 代价,牺牲e.g.The high development of the economy in that area was made at the cost of reducing agriculture.那个地区经济的高

20、速发展是以缩小农业规模为代价的8. force v. make sb. do sth. that he doesnt want to do 强迫,迫使e.g.I didnt want to go; he forced me. 我并不想去,他硬要我去。The president was forced to give up. 总统被迫放弃。n. U power or strength 力,力量e.g.He used force to get into the room. 他破门而入。The robber took the money from the old man by force.歹徒强行抢走

21、了老人的钱。 C power on sth. 势力,威力,影响力e.g.Many forces have been at work to improve our living. 多种因素共同作用提高我们的生活水平。The force of his argument was so great that many people changed their thoughts. 他的论点很有力,许多人改变了他们原来的想法。V. Exercises 5.1 Chinese to English Translation 5.2 English to Chinese Translation 5.1 Tran

22、slate the following sentences into English using the words in the brackets.1. 伦敦和纽约是无法相比的,它们很不相同。(compare) 将和相比,用comparewith It is impossible to compare London with New York; they are quite different.2. 他用许多科学信息来支持自己的观点。(support . with) He supported his opinion with a lot of scientific information.3

23、. 我们认为有必要制定禁止在公共场所吸烟的法规,并严格地加以实施。(enforce) “制定禁止在公共场所吸烟的法规,并严格地加以实施”,动词不定式短语做主语太长,因此要引入形式主语it. and连接两个动词不定式短语,后一个要重复动词不定式符号to。 We think that it is needed to work out laws and rules to stop smoking in public places and to strongly enforce them.4. 我们可以用很多事实来证明吸烟危害人体健康。(prove) 对有危害 be dangerous to sth.

24、 We can use many facts to prove that smoking is dangerous to peoples health. 5. 他认为建立无烟区花钱太多,太费时间。(cost too much money) He believes that creating no smoking areas would cost too much money and waste too much time. 5.2 Translate the following sentence into Chinese. 1. The three children sat in the ai

25、rplane, watching the clouds clear away as the airplane went higher and higher into the sky. 见课文讲解 三个孩子坐在机舱里,注视着云彩随着飞机升空渐渐消散开去。2. Although their father often spent days traveling round the sheep farm looking at the sheep, grass, and fences, their mother was always there. spend sometime doing sth. 花时间

26、做某事;looking at为现在分词短语做伴随状语,动词look的逻辑主语是their father。 虽然父亲常常一连几天绕着牧羊场转来转去,照看着绵羊、草地和围栏,但母亲总是在他们身旁。3. The day Amy learned of the car accident and her parents death in Sydney, she realized what it really meant to be the eldest in the family. 词组learn of 前面学习过,意思为获悉;what引导的是宾语从句。 得知父母在悉尼死于车祸的那一天,艾米就意识到了作为

27、家里的长女真正意味着什么。4. Susie was too young to realize exactly what had happened, but through watching the other children, she knew it was something terrible. tooto结构的意思为“太而不能”。terrible为后置定语,修饰something 苏西当时年纪太小,未能确切地意识到究竟出了什么事,但通过观察其他孩子,她知道可怕的事情发生了。5. Amy knew that she needed a firm parent, but it often se

28、emed easier to avoid a fight than to stand up to her in public. 艾米知道苏西需要一个严厉的大人管教,但似乎阻止一场打斗都比在众人面前驳斥她更容易。 VISpotlight on Grammar 含蓄条件句1) restricting smoking in public places “would set up two classes of citizens and would make many people angry”. (Passage A, Unit 4)2) creating no smoking areas would

29、 cost too much money and waste too much time. (Passage A, Unit 4)3) any country fighting a war would surely be destroyed. (Passage A, Unit 1)4) Two years ago, before their parents death, it would have been fun. (Passage A, Unit 3)在上述四例中,谓语动词用的都是虚拟语气,而其中的条件分句都没有出现。其实,从它们的意义和上下文来看,上述每一句都包含着一个隐匿的条件分句,它

30、们分别是: 1) If smoking were restricted in public places, it would set up two classes of citizens and would make many people angry. 2) If no smoking area were created, it would cost too much money and waste too much time. 虚拟条件句 (sentences of unreal condition) 是英语虚拟语气常见的用法之一。这种句子通常包含一个由if引导的条件分句 (conditi

31、onal clause, 或称if-clause) 和一个主句。在表示现在和将来时间的虚拟条件句中,条件分句用一般过去时,主句用would / should / could / might + 动词原形;在表示过去时间的虚拟条件句中,条件分句用过去完成时,主句用would / should / could / might have + 过去分词。例如: If I were you, I would take his advice. If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train.有时条件分句可以不出现,而只出现主句。这种只有主句,而分句隐匿的条件句被称为含蓄条件句 (sentences of implied condition),如上述四例所示。在含蓄条件句中,尽管条件分句

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