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1、土木工程专业外文文献及翻译(二 一 二 年 六 月英文原文:Bulding cnstrucion concrte ckofprventon aprcessiAbstacTh crack problm o cnreeawiespread xstnce but gin diffiult in solveof engneerg ctual pblem, thisext cred n astdy anaysis to ittle btailarcrack prblemin th conreteengneerng, ad aim cncrete te ircumstanceutfrwrd ome pev

2、eno, ocssi eare. Keywod:Conrete cra preventn pcessingForerdCncretes isig1 ind santicipatebye retoneone, cemnt,wae anothrixture tformatioof theinaditionaeial of qalty ritlenss notand al atial.ecuse tconret consructin trsfmithonslf, ctro tc. a series prblem, hardenmodel ofin h conreteeitnnuerous t ol,

3、spirit cave d iny crack, i exatlybecue these beginning star blmish o exitec jumake tconcretesent one sme nt an ll te haateristcf qity.Th t rac a kinfhamess crack ad accpcreteheavy,efend hen andlittle iother usu nota crein o enaner.But te theconcee be subected o lots arry, ifferece in temperatuetc. f

4、ntin,tiny crack would ontinuously of panwth onnect,d formtio wecan seewithut hea of instrmnt of macro ew the crck bealo th ra hat the oncreteftensay i the gieeng.Conretebulding ad Go piecual all take sewerto make of, ecause of crcof exisecnd deeopment usall makennr ar of einfrcin br ec. mateiacraion

5、 decay, lorreinfred concete maial of loding ablity, dua ad ati- en ilit, influencebulding ofxtrnal ppearce, serie fe, severt wil thret arrivepeoeslife ndpropery saftyAlofall f crash of ginerns s becau of the unsteadydeelopnt f h cck th te reut thatMoern agesene rsarch with greateal f of teconcrete n

6、iri pratice ertifia, nheconcrte nginerng crack prolem is ieluctable, also cpabein certainyof th cpe ustneed t adopt vid ofmasuwt enanger egrcntolat certain of co insiThe eorcedcocrte norm is aso xplicit prosio:Somstrture t pace of dsmiarity undthe onition owexistenc cta hcack ofwidhBut udercontructo

7、n shoud asfar a posibedopt a valid mesue tol crackcretion, makehe sutredonapearcackposiblyo as fa possble ecreas crck f amouna with, prticular wat oas far apossibleavd harmul crofmen, nsure engineeinuliy tncrete rck creion ofhe eson b a loof nd ave ardy trnsfrmed to caus o crak:uch as temeratrevaiet

8、, costigecy, inflati, the smmerysink t i tc. reasn case orc;Havouside cry the crak ttthe unction us;Proeced enronet ot apprpriathracet. causd withchemical ffectWant ffrentaonto treatin th atual engnrng, wkut a rblmacording to he actulcirustane.nthe cnreteenineering tfamiliar crackand the prevetion1.

9、Sem So ac nd eventionStem heSuo crackmhappar ftr the oetepotect be or of a perioo time or concrete srl o buid t cmplete ehind o aunda week.In te ceme syruhmidit of evaport ul eatiotm uo, ad hs ind fostringenyis cat egtve.Stem uo crck o the ceionbemin i because onceteinide otside humidievoate egreeii

10、marit t cue o trasorm dissilarity of eult:Th oncr is sbjected texeior codtoo influene,urface hidity os ea quk, rasformbger, ner rt dege o humdt arety maller transform smaller,bgersurfae temthe otansform to subjetedo concree nner part cotrol, creationmorebig pll shoul din reaincrack.eeltive hmiity is

11、 mre low, cntyru body stem Suo mor bg,sem theSo crack be reesy reation.Stem the Suocrack is usurfae paral liesm entallow thincrck, width many btwen 0.0-0.2 mm,th latsurface patcse in thebphyiaolume conrete and follow oe hner bmlank hort t istibute.St uorack usualythnti he of infuenc cncete, caue eur

12、ble of terust eclpse ifluec ncrete o reinforngbr, der te unctin f the waepresure dint woul cretion the water owe splitcack nfuenc cncret f lag dit etc.Conrete se theSo be ain wtateh of e cocree ratio, hedoageof theompoiton,ment o cement, gather t anticia o h dsae of th roert a sage, addiion etc. lev

13、at.Man prevention mesue:Whil ein tchoe to use he nstringeny atitymaller cement, gnea lo t wer irand poder ah from stove cemenn theato, owerth doae f met. is a concret ftemhSuo be subcte to waterashratio f nfluencemre ig,wateash riomore ig, ste Suo mre ig,o i theoncretemach the rati the gnshould s fr

14、a pssible cntrolgood water rto chose to use, the n add nhe meatimeacommodaionof euc wate.Thre i strict cnrol concretemix bed wh udr constructinf match atio, us ofconcrete ater quntity absoute cani inatch rti dsig giv tle of usewaterntitF s eearlererd ich strethn oncreteto prtec, a appopiate extensio

15、rect ofconcrte ime.nter cstrution ant be apropiate exesicocretet preservatonto ovrlaytme, ndT2 Shua rotct to proect.Fiveis a constuin the cmmodtioni n th cocete trcueo theconstringenysw.2The Su cnrgency rack nd prevenionu constingency is the coet s efre conense, srfc ecuse of loe water uike but ren

16、f constigencyTheconstrinency cack is generl atryheat or stog ind h eaher appar, cacks chpreseing in the ete rdth,ot nds e in he centethi and te legh ediffren, wih h oter not cohrent appearnc.Shorer rack geneal ln 20-3 c, te lo ra an reac t a 2-3 m, beah 1- m.tcreatin main reason is:Teconcte ientualy

17、alost hag notegt strngth befrte n verysmall, perhas concree ustentually Ning u sentvery ho,e subeted to etor compare trg windit oinlunce, te ccre uac lose wter tolead quick, resultn in the capilary creatio igger neative press but make a oncreephicl oume shary consringny,bu t this time thetength ofnr

18、t aga ct reist its onstrgeny, terefrcatonrakedTeinfuece oncreteu onstrngency opeth in factor of ac to have waeash rat, concrteof ondnse ime, evronment temerate, wind velciy, laie humidiy.t.aiprevntionmeasure:One i choetouse tem theSuovue smallr hiher uo sosat the aliperiostre r common the Huosour ri

19、ne r.T isstic the cool wate ashrtio,the Ch dto efficiety reduce water tnrment tecolap cnceefall adegree andwt easy, decreas ceen nd waer o doag.Threeis t sinkle befrebilding ccret, water asic lvel an template ven to soa throghr s intie t oelay te perhas a gassmatof hplasis tin flm, hemp slic tc., ke

20、ep onree entualy efortheNig urc mst, rpspray proect etc. tarry potect inth concreteurfac.Fiei nte eand song wnd the weathr to antesais o ide un and blocbreezfacilites, protct tie.Sin t snk crackad pevntionTh eatio wich snkto sin crackisbecausethe structre fdation sil qalit nt andevenly, ossot o retu

21、rn tfil soil dishnest r sakn watr but reul theasmmetrsink to eclinewith he reult ht;Perhas bcaseof mplat usdgree shortge, th template proped u to onceb apar from g r prop up bottom loe move ec. ocaue, specially at inter, he tmptero p t jllysoi p, jll th soil tun elly empress creatnasymmetry to sin t

22、oecli adcauconrete strucur creaion crac.This knd cak man is dep nterr piece thoughsex c, algnmenthavesomthigto wisinking to ina cicmstace,general flo wit grund pepnicular or present 30 -5 Cp irection devlopmet, iersin tosin crck, sally have crtai of wong, rk with sualy withsinkto decln uantit irct p

23、roprtinrelon.Cra with ur te ince f teperaurevrietsallrTh foundain fer traform tabiliysik o sink ck als reventon measure:One isrightne loosesft oil, rturn tofi sil ndaio a cnstrucion at t upper pat structurefrt hould carryon ecessiy of Hang soi it renforcewo i the srengthaasran tem

24、pla s enoug and just degree,nd rop up fm, and mkethe fountion ubjeto dit evenTh is kepcocetfrm sprikle ifusi the oudtion in h pros ssoak y waterou isieht tpate tordon toct et earl, and want to otice t dismanlea mold order o equene.iviat lly l top takto etabih tepaeto notce o ado cerain ofreventimeas.4.Temprue cra anprentineperature rackuch the occur inbig urface r diference n tmpertr aietyof he physical voluconcrt comarethe art ara f th cncre tructreConcrete after sprinklingto uid, n the hang the process,emnt atertrn a creationgreat dal of of wate trn hot, (b e cemet dosi in th

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