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1、大学体验英语第4册教案word资料135页 大学英语 课程教案课程编号:B050201总学时:72 周学时:4适用年级专业(学科类):07艺术设计, 07 动画开课时间:2008-2009学年第 2 学期使用教材:大学体验英语 4授课教师姓名:陈 晨章节Unit 1 课时2教学目的Aims:1. Enable the students to understand the significance of social prejudice against women and men2. Try to encourage the students to offer some examples of

2、prejudice using some key words or expressions given3. Get the general idea of Passage A4. Preliminary analysis of Passage A教学重点及突出方法Focus: Social PrejudiceMethod: Give some examples of social prejudice and its the impacts教学难点及突破方法Difficulty: How to evaluate different prejudices against women and men

3、?Method: Talking about the roles of men and women in the society as shown in the pictures and make some comparison after the group discussion相关内容素材Social Prejudice and traditional roles of women and men in the family教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点The First PeriodPart One: Lead-in Ask the students to tell the rol

4、es of men and women in the society as shown in the pictures given. Expressions and sentences for talking about traditional family roles( See Communicative Tasks Page 11) Professions, stereotyped, dependable, gloomy, ignorance, commission, irritatePart Two: Listening and Writing1. Now Listen to the p

5、assages for three times and fill in the missing information2. Check the answer3. Point out and paraphrase some key words and get the main idea of each passage1.professions: a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education: the medical/legal/teac

6、hing/nursing professions 行业,职业2.sterotype: : a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which i9s often not true in reality: cultural/gender/racial stereotypes 模式化观念;老一套;刻板形象.dependable:可信赖的 4. gloomy: nearly dark, or badly lit in a way that make you fee

7、l dad;黑暗的;sad or without hope;忧郁沮丧的without much hope of success or happiness in the future;前景黯淡,悲观的;Part Three: Speaking1. What is the job situation like in China? Is it the same as or different from/to the situation mentioned in the passage?2. Is there any kind of job that people often joke about i

8、n China?3. What prejudices do people have about certain kinds of jobs?教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点The Second Period Read and Explore Step 1 Warm-up questions 1. Do you think fathers are as important to children as mothers are? Why or why not?2. Whats the image of a “good family man”? 3. A “working father” as

9、a family bread winner is often too busy to take care of his family. Now people have a negative image of the “working father”. What do you think of the working father”Part Two: Text AnalysisStep 2 Structure of Passage ADivision and Main ideaParas (1-2) The media trend toward diminishing the importanc

10、e of fathers in the United States. Paras. (3-6) Little attention and cultural recognition being given to breadwinner fathers.Para. (7-9) The important role of fathers in families.章节Unit 1 课时2教学目的Aims:1. Master some language Points2. Finish the related exercises教学重点及突出方法Focus: The Understanding some

11、difficult sentencesMethod: Audio-Lingual and translating, paraphrase教学难点及突破方法Difficulty: The conclusion and the attitude of the author toward prejudice against working dadsMethod: Find out some key words revealing the attitude相关内容素材Translation Exercises教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点The First Period Part One: Un

12、derstanding the details of each part 1. What idea does the author mean to express in the example of Toy Story? What social phenomenon does it reveal:2. What is the general image of working father as conveyed by the media? (abusive husband; deadbeat dads; not helping enough with housework)3. What do

13、people recognize now about the role of fathers? (Absence of fathers from families causes serious problems for children and for society at largeMans role is not only for financial support, but also for emotional support, education and discipline.)Part Two: Language Points1. The more I thought about i

14、t, however, the more glaring an omission it seemed. Paraphrase The more I thought about the absence of the father in the movie, the more I became aware of the seriousness of the failure to mention the father.2.refer toas v. call as, regard as Dont refer to your sister as a silly cow! (= Dont call yo

15、ur sister silly cow.) 3 bombard v. worry with questions, requests, complaints, etc. Im not very keen on watching TV, because whenever you turn it on, you are bombarded with a lot of advertisements.4. Meanwhile, a high proportion of media stories about fathers focus on abusive husbands or deadbeat da

16、ds. Paraphrase At the same time, we are exposed to a lot of stories in media which depict men as husbands who mistreat their wives or as fathers who are good for nothing. 教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点5. proportionrelation of one thing to another in quantity, size, etc. ExamplesThe proportion of men to women in

17、 the population has changed in recent years. His reputation bore no proportion to his merit. 6. One exception to the “unnecessary father” syndrome is the glowing media attention that at-home dads have received.Paraphrase The media have paid special attention to at-home dads, which is an exception to

18、 the “unnecessary father” tendency in society. 7. fulfill v. perform, carry out, accomplish ExamplesHe had fulfilled many of his youthful ambitions before he was fifty. The administration failed to fulfill its promises to revive the economy of the country. 8. and it is rare that calls for more workp

19、lace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as for women. Paraphrase People seldom consider giving as much flexibility about where one can work to men as to women. flexibility n.state of willing to easily change to adapt to new conditions. He has enough flexibility to cope with the job. 9.

20、 supposedly ad. as believed, as it appears Supposedly she is a rich woman., but no one knows for sure. 10. by the same token ad. in the same way; for the same reason The penalty for failure will be high. But, by the same token, the rewards for success will be great.11. when it comes to ad. when it c

21、oncerns When it comes to mathematics, Im completely at sea. 12. entail v. involve; make necessary It will entail driving a long distance every day.13. take on v. undertake, charge oneself with; assume responsibility for; employ ExamplesMy doctor says Im too tired and has advised me not to take on an

22、y more work. In order to support the family, he has to take on some extra work.They took her on as a secretary in the company教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点14. at large ad. in generalThe country at large is hoping for great changes, which probably would not materialize. 15. Yet, rather than holding up “ordinary”

23、 fathers as positive role models for the dads of tomorrow, too often society has thrown up its hands and decided that traditional fatherhood is at best obsolete and at worst dangerously reactionary. Paraphrase Instead of offering “ordinary” fathers as good examples for fathers of the future, society

24、 has too often given up its efforts and come to think that traditional fatherhood is at best out of date and at worst against social progress. 16. hold upas v. show or offeras (an example, a model, etc.) He was held up as an example to every student. 17. Throw up ones hands v. admit that one cannot

25、succeed; surrenderIt is very courageous of him not to throw up his hands and admit failure when the shop went bankrupt. 18. at (the) worst ad. if one thinks of it in the worst way 充其量,往最坏说Hes a fool at best, and at (the) worst hes a criminal.19. devalue v. cause or be responsible for a lessening of

26、value or quality Lots of people tried to devalue the great writers work, all in vain. 20. strive v. struggle hardHe strove for recognition as an abstract artist.Part Three: Understanding the structure of argumentationMedia trend of marginalizing fathers in households (Para., 1-3)Negative image of fa

27、thers and ignorance to their contributions to families (Para., 4-7)Fathers are of the same important role to children and to the society, and they are the unsung heroes (Para., 8-10)Part Four: Understanding the words and expressions used to argue for the roles of fathersnot even; unnecessary; at lar

28、ge; need to realize; acknowledge; not onlybut章节Unit 1课时2教学目的Aims:1. Finish the remaining exercises of Text A2. Summarize Text B and do the related exercise3. Writing Practice 教学重点及突出方法Focus: Translation of Text AMethod: Using the same sentence structures in the text 教学难点及突破方法Difficulty: Master the g

29、eneral idea of Text B within the limited TimeMethod: Using skin and scan skills相关内容素材Writing of Arugumentation教学过程教师授课思路、设问及讲解要点The First Period: Exercises of Text A Part One:Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary. 1. Taxes are an _ which may fa

30、ll on everybody. obligation2. We _ the authoritys decision no to close the hospital. applauded3. The doctors instructions must be _ exactly; the sick mans life depends on it. fulfilled4. Do these opinion polls really _ what people are thinking? mirror5. I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to _. flexibility6. She tended to _ the work done by her staff. devalue7. The history of train transport has partly been a history of _ for greater efficiency. striving8. He took on the new post without having the

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