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Unit2 Heroes Lesson1知识点.docx

1、Unit2 Heroes Lesson1知识点Unit2 Heroes Lesson1Modern Heroes知识探究一.重点单词1separate vt使分开,使脱离,使分裂,使隔离 Theory shouldnt be separated from practice. 理论不应该脱离实际。England is separated from France by the English Channel. 英国和法国被英吉利海峡隔开。vi.分开,分手,分离,脱离 We didnt separate till 8 oclock. 我们到8点才分手。 adj分开的,分离的,个别的,独立的This

2、is a separated group. 这是一个独立的团体。 We will go on separate holidays. 我们将分别去度假。 拓展:(1)separate A from B 把A 和B 分离/分开 (2) A and B be separated by C A和B被C分开 separate和divide比较divide是将一个整体分成若干部分;separate是把相互连接,相互混杂或相互靠近的事物分离开。Lets divide you into three groups.Please separate the good apples from the bad ones

3、.运用:选择填空(1) As we joined the crowed, I got _from my parents.A.spared B.lost C.separated D.missed 答案: C get/be separated from意为“被分开”。 (2)Taiwan, _ from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait, is not a _ country but part of China.A. separated; separate B. separate; separated C. separated; separated D. sepa

4、rate; separate 答案A。get/be separated from意为“被分开”。它作定语或状语用过去分词。后separate是形容词2complete v.(1)完成 He completed his homework last night.(2)使完备,使完整One more volume will complete my set of Lu Xun.拓展: complete adj (1)完全的,全部的,完整的 Is this a complete novel?Give me a complete set of Dickens novels.给我一套狄更斯全集。(2)(作表

5、语)完成的,结束的When will the work be complete? (3)(作定语)彻底的,完完全全的That result was a complete surprise to me.那个结果对我来说是完全意外 complete和finish比较 complete比较正式,强调“结构或布局的完整性”,常常指工程或事业方面。 finish 普通用语,强调“过程或步骤的完整性”,常常指工作或事务方面。 finish后可接动名词作“结束”解,而complete则不能。 finish往往指消极性的“完成”,complete则指积极性的“完成”。运用:选择填空(1)I need one

6、more novel before my collection of Dickens completed B.has completed C.completes D.had completed 答案: A考查“主将从现”和被动语态。 (2)When _, the place will be open to the public next year.A. to be completed B. being completed C. completed D. complete 答案: C完整的句子是 When it is completed,考查“主将从现”和状语从句的省略

7、。 状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致且含有be 动词,可以将从句的主语和be动词省略,自然构成分词作状语。3wave vi(挥手)示意,致意;波动,飘动;(头发等)呈波形;卷曲She waved at him. 她对他挥手。 Her hair waves naturally. 她的头发自然鬈曲。I waved to him from the window. 我在窗口向他挥手致意。The weeping willow is waving in the breeze. 垂柳在微风中摇曳。拓展:wave n.1)波,波浪 2)(手之)挥动,挥手示意 3)浪潮;(情绪的)高涨;(活动等的)高潮(+of)

8、 如:He gave me a wave.他对我挥手。A wave of anger swept over him. 他心头涌起一股怒潮。wave sb goodbye =wave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手道别 4. successful adj. 成功的 He is very successful.他非常成功。 拓展:success n. 成功; succeed v.成功; fail v.失败; failure n.失败; succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事; fail to do sth.未能做成某事 success 与 failure 是不可数名词,但表

9、示“成功的人/事”,“失败的人/事”时是可数名词。 运用:完成下列句子 (1)He succeeded_(finish)the task on time. 答案: in finishing (2)She is _ (success) as a teacher. 答案: a success(3) He _ (fail) pass the exam. 答案:failed to5. explore vt. 探测;探勘;在.探险They explored this desert region in 1923.拓展:explore vt. 探究,探索The conference explored the

10、 possibility of closer trade links.大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。vi.探索;考察;探勘;探险exploration n. (+of) 勘查; 探测; 探索; 探究; 调查; 研究His father is working on the exploration of cancer.他的父亲在从事癌症的研究。运用:翻译(1)他们那时已经开始了对新世界的探索。答案: They have begun the exploration of the New Word.(2)对各种可能性的探索促进了社会的发展。答案:A full exploration of

11、all the possibilities led to the social development.6. afterwards adv.以后,后来,然后 He came back afterwards. 她然后就回来了。拓展:afterward ,afterwards与then的区别英国人只用afterwards,美国人.afterwards和afterward通用。then 有个固定搭配and then“Then”也可用于介词之后,例:From then on he refused to talk about it. 从那以后他就不再谈这件事了。 afterwards 一般用于句尾, 二

12、.重点词组1because of prep因为,由于He missed the first bus because of getting up late in the morning.因为早晨他起来迟了,所以他没有赶上第一班车。 拓展:because of 是介词短语,后跟名词,代词,动名词或 what引导的宾语从句, 在句中作表语或状语。 Ive chosen them because of their colors.He failed the exam because of his carelessness. because 是连词,引导从句。试比较: He cried because o

13、f the bad news that his father died last night. Ive chosen them because they are beautiful. 表示“因为”含义的短语还有 thanks to ,due to, owing to ,as a result of , for the sake of,on account of 等。其中due to 表原因时,不置于句首。 运用:选择填空(1)Li Hua came very late not _the train but_ she was too tired.A. because of; because B.

14、 because; because ofC. for; for D. because; for答案:A because of 是介词短语,后跟名词,代词,动名词或 what引导的宾语从句 。而 because 是连词,引导从句 。(2) It was _her advice that we finish the task on time.A. because of B. thank to C. because D. on account for 答案: A 参照单词6解释。D 是on account of 不是on account for。 2.Chinas first manned spac

15、eship lifted off中国第一艘载人宇宙飞船升空了lift off: (指火箭或飞行器)发射,升空,起飞;揭开 They are watching spaceship lift off quietly. 他们在静静地看着飞船升入太空。拓展:launch 也是“发射”的意思,但是及物动词。 含有lift的常见短语还有 (1) lift up 举起,提起;使振奋,使受到鼓舞 (2) lift up ones voice 提高嗓音 (3) give sb.a lift 让某人搭便车 (4) lift down 拿下来 (5)lift from 从.升起 运用:选择填空 (1)When I

16、turned on TV, I happened to see the rocket _. A. launching B. lifting off C. sending up D. putting up 答案:B 根据句意,宾补应该是不及物动词 且动作正在进行。 (2) Can you give _? My car is broken.A. me a lift B. me lift C. lift D. my lift 答案:A give sb. a lift 让某人搭便车 out (计)算出;理解;事情的进展情况;锻炼; 制定 。如: I couldnt work out wh

17、at he said. 我不理解他讲的。I cant work out the problem. 我解决不了这个问题。You are fat, so you must work out regularly. 你太胖了,应该定期锻炼。 拓展:与work 连用的常见动词短语还有(1)work at从事于(跟学科名词) (2)work on 奏效;从事于 (3) work for为.而工作 (4)in work 有工作 (5) out of work 失业 (6) at work在工作 运用 :翻译下列句子 (1)他有工作。 答案 :He is in work./He has a job. (2)

18、他们失业已经有三年了 。 答案: They have been out of work for two years. (3)她在工作。答案:She is at work. (4)事情的结果对我们很不错。 答案 :The things worked out quite well for us . (5)他正在写一本新的小说 答案:He is working on a new novel. 4.let out 释放,;发出(叫声等);泄露(秘密);(把衣服等)加宽 The air in the tire was let out by the naughty boy. 轮胎的气被那个淘气的男孩给放了

19、。 Mom let my shirt out. 我母亲把我的衬衣加宽了。Dont let out the secret. 不要泄露了这个秘密。拓展:与let 连用的常见动词短语还有: (1)let alone 更不用说;不 (2)let go 放开,释放 (3) let sb. do sth.让某人做某事 (4) let sb. down 使某人失望 (5)let through 让通过,放过 (6) let the cat out of the bag.漏底,泄露天机运用:选择填空 He _ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadnt b

20、een home for a couple of weeks. A. let out b. took care C. made sure D. made out(2005年湖南省高考题) 答案: A let out 为“ 泄露”的意思 speed 与 with .speed 拓展: at the speed of或者at speed,意为“以的速度”。而当speed被all, lightning, great等修饰时,介词应用with。 可用一句口诀来帮助记忆:都(all)以闪电般(lightning)大(great)的速度。运用:翻译 (1)我们的车在公路上飞快行驶。 答案: Our

21、 car was running with great speed on the road. (2)The Long March No2 Rocket sent up the satellite into space at the speed of 112 kilometers per second答案: 长征二号火箭以每秒钟112公里的速度将卫星发射到太空。 三.重要句型1The spaceship,called Shengzhou ,was carryingYang Liwei called过去分词作非限制性定语 拓展:过去分词和现在分词短语都可作定语。区别是如果分词短语与前面的逻辑主语是

22、主谓关系用现在分词短语,是动宾关系的用过去分词短语。如:The man, talking with my father there, is a football player. 那的男的是足球运动员,他正在和我父亲在那里讲话。This project,completed in July,brought water to the dry areas.这项工程于七月份完工,它给干旱地区带来了水。 运用:翻译下列句子(1)那本小说非常好,是李雷买的。答案:The novel, bought by Li Lei, is very good. (2)那个人是我们的老师,他站在树前。 答案: The ma

23、n, standing in front of the tree, is our teacher. 2. As Yang Liwei returned into., ready to collect him. ready to collect him为形容词短语作状语。 拓展:形容词或形容词短语作状语,主要是表示主语的性质,状态或特征。如: He came back, cold and hungry. 他回来了,又冷又饿。 She cried, full of happiness. 她哭了,充满了幸福。 运用:翻译下列句子 (1)他躺在那里,一点不能动。 答案: He lay there, u

24、nable to move. (2)那孩子站在那里,充满了恐惧。 答案:The boy stood there, full of fear. 3. Pat was in the bathroom.when she heard a crash. when=at that time suddenly 这时,在那时,表示动作的突然性。如:I was doing my homework when there was a knock on the door.我正在做作业这是有人敲门。 拓展:在下列结构中也是此意: was/were doing sth.when.正在做某事这时. had done sth

25、.when. 刚刚做完某事这时. was/were about to do sth.when.= was/were on the point of doing sth.正要做某事这时. 运用:选择填空 (1)Kate was holidaying with her friends in the open air_ she was bitten on the leg by a snake. A. when B.while C. since D. until答案: A while后要跟延续性动词而bite不是。 when 为“这时”。 (2) I was about to leave _the t

26、elephone rang. A. when B. while C. since D. as 答案: A was/were about to do sth.when. 正要做某事这时太. 而不能. The question is too difficult to answer. 这个问题太难了以至于我回答不了。The box is too heavy for him to carry. 那个箱子对他来说太重了,他搬不动。 拓展: too后接形容词或副词 , to 后接动词 此句型有时可以与enough to do 互换使用。如上一句可改为: The question is

27、difficult enough to answer . tooto结构在以下几种情况下表示肯定: (1) 当too后的形容词是表示心情的形容词,如:glad, pleased, surprised, happy, eager, anxious, thankful 等时,too此时相当于very 或very much。 He was too anxious to leave then.他那时非常急于离开。(2) 如果在 too 前面加上 only, but. all, simply时,这个结构表示肯定。too带有赞赏的感情色彩。如: She will be only too pleased t

28、o help you.她极高兴帮你。(3) too to与 never, not 连用时也表示肯定。如:Its never too late to learn.学习永不为迟。运用: 句型转换He is too young to join the army. he isnt_ _ to join the army. 答案: old; enough 翻译下列句子(1)她非常吃惊地看到安如此生气。答案:She was too surprised to see how angry Ann was.(2)英语并非难学。答案:English is not too difficult to learn. U

29、nit2 Heros (Grammar)一般过去时1) 用法:A) 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。例:1991年6月四级第43题I decided to go to the library as soon as I _.A) finish what I did B) finished what I didC) would finish what I was doing D) finished what I was doing结合四个选项来看,全句的意思是:“我决定一做完手头的工作就去图书馆”。本题首先要判断的是as soon as(一就)引出的时间状语从句中谓语动词的时态。从句中的动作“做

30、完手头的工作”是预计将要发生的动作,而去句的谓语动词用的是过去时(decided)。在这种场合,从句中通常用一般过去时,而不用过去将来时。所以选项A和C不可能是答案。句子指的是“完成正在做的工作”,do要用进行式。因此选项D才是答案。B) 表示过去习惯性动作。特别是由would/ used to do表达的句型,本身表示的就是过去时。例:The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody.(老人过去常常坐在宁静的公园里的一条长椅上,看着其他的人,一坐就是数个小时,什么也不干,也不和任何人交谈。)He used to visit his mother once a week.(他以前总是每周看望一次他的母亲。)C) 有时可代替一般现在时,表达一种婉转、客气、礼貌、商量的语气。例:I wanted to ask you if I could borrow your car?(我想向您借车用一用,可以吗?)Would you mind my sitting here?(您介意我坐在这里吗?)2) 注意事项:A) 注意时间状语的搭配。

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