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1、1研究生英语学位课统考真题2007.1 研究生英语学位课统考真题Paper One Part I Listening Comprehension ( 25minutes, 20 points) Section A (1 point each) 1. A He fixed the tape recorder. B Although old, he is still working. C His love for music surprised the two speakers. D He picked up the tape recorder from the garbage can. 2. A

2、 He cant imagine what his friends have got for him. B He always knows what Mary will say. C He is anxious to see Marys reaction to the gift. D He is too busy to wait. 3. A His car broke down. B He is usually late. C He never leaves his house before 9:00 D He might be late because of the bad traffic.

3、 4. A No, because the man will have guests. B No, because the man has seen the movie. C No, because the man will go out. D No, because the man wants to see the movie alone. 5. A She will continue with her diet. B She cant afford expensive food. C She might die any day. D She is overweight. 6. A He s

4、hould be thinking about something more important . B He has enough money for a car. C He spends money like water . D He cant afford a car .7. A People have different tastes B Each of them owns a restaurant C The woman should tell him her own opinion. D Many customers like the restaurant. 8. A She ha

5、s already seen it. B She enjoys the movie C She regrets missing the movie D She doesnt care for the movie 9. A Setting the table. B Polishing silver C Sewing napkins D Putting the food away.Section B ( 1 point each) Mini-Talk One 10. A A residential college B A family house C A university D An offic

6、e block . 11. A It is the same as the old Smith House. B It has become smaller. C It has become larger. D It is the same as it was in the 1840s. 12. A Wing23rd FloorRoom 4 B West-2nd Floor-Room 34 C West Wing 2-3rd Floor-Room 4 D West Wing -2nd Floor-Room 34 Mini-Talk Two 13. A Smoking rooms B A gym

7、nasium C Assembly rooms D Dining rooms. 14. A April 10, 1912 B April 11, 1912 C April 13, 1912 D April14, 1912.15. A There were not enough lifeboats. B The water was cold. C There was too much panic. D People were disorganized. Section C ( 1 point each) The Film-Making Process: Six Steps Step 1(16)

8、_Step 2(17) _Step 3(18) _Step 4(19) _Step 5 (20) _Step 6: Composing the music. Part II. Vocabulary ( 10minutes, 10 points) Section A ( 0.5point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovation, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A investment B

9、 resource C inspiration D stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despite the appalling working conditions. A bewildering B exasperating C dismaying D upsetting. 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting and photography. A all

10、at once B by and by C to some extent D on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about the consequences. A optimistic B anxious C uncertain D scared. 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents wishes. A enhanced B revis

11、ed C alternated D modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A arisen from B contributed to C patched up D participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurors prevailed. A resigned B compro

12、mised C persisted D dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contended that the country should remain chiefly agricultural. A inclined B struggled C argued D competed. 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A on occasion B at p

13、resent C by now D for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifying victims families. A briefly B quickly C accurately D earnestly Section B (0.5point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _in the world. A neighborhoods

14、 B communities C clusters D assemblies 32. Nuclear waste are considered to _ a threat to human health and marine life. A compose B impose C expose D pose 33. Some states in the US have set _ standards concerning math and science. A energetic B vigorous C rigorous D grave 34. This school promised to

15、make classes smaller and offer more individualized _. A presentation B instruction C conviction D obligation 35. Because of _ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other. A incomprehensible B incomparable C inconceivable D incompatible 36. As _China and other emerging

16、export powers, efforts to strengthen anti-corruption activities are gaining momentum. A in the light of B in the event of C in the case of D in the course of 37. According to an Australian research , moderate drinkers _ better thinkers than heavy drinkers or those who never drink. A end up B take up

17、 C put up D turn up 38. Strangely enough, an old man _ me and introduced himself, who turned out to be a friend of my fathers. A stood up to B walked up to C lived up to D added up to 39. Many children often _ why airplanes can fly like birds while we humans cant. A assume B anticipate C assure D wo

18、nder 40. The FDA was created to _the safety of products, review application and grant approvals. A manipulate B adjust C regulate D manage Part III. Cloze Test ( 10minutes, 10 points, 1 point each) Tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives than their shorter co-workers, with ea

19、ch inch adding about US$789 a year in pay, according to a new study. “Height 41 career success,” says Timothy Judge, a University of Florida professor of management, who led the study. “These findings are troubling since, with a few 42 , such as professional basketball, no one could argue that heigh

20、t is something essential required for job 43 ,” Judge points out. Judge analyzed results of four large-scale studies in the US and Britain that followed thousands of people from childhood to adulthood, examining details of their work and personal lives. “If you take this 44 the course of a 30-year c

21、areer, were talking about literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings 45 that a tall person enjoys,” Judge said. Greater height boosted both subjective ratings of work performance- a supervisors 46 of how effective someone is -and 47 measures of performance-such as sales volume. Being tal

22、l may boost self-confidence, improving performance. Other people may also give higher 48 and greater respect to a tall person, giving them an edge in negotiating states, he says. The commanding influence of height may be a remainder of our evolutionary 49 . Maybe from a time when humans lived among

23、animals and size was 50 power and strength used when making “fight or run” decisions. 41. A makes out B works in C takes on D matters for 42. A cases B exceptions C examples D problems 43. A performance B operation C condition D environment 44. A on B with C over D to 45. A deficiency B advantage C

24、loss D necessity 46. A imagination B decision C judge D evaluation 47. A relative B absolute C objective D initiative 48. A state B status C situation D statue 49 A origins B sources C courses D organizations 50. A a time in B a hold on C a work at D a sing of Part IV Reading Comprehension (45minute

25、s, 30 points, 1 point each) Passage One At the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), a student loaded his class notes into a handheld e-mail device and tried to read them during an exam: a classmate turned him in. At the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) students photographed test q

26、uestions with their cellphone cameras and transmitted them to classmates. The University put in place a new examination-supervision system. “If theyd spend as much time studying, theyd all be A students,” says Ron Yatbin, dean of the College of Sciences of UNLV. With a variety of electronic devices,

27、 American students find it easier to cheat. And college officials find themselves in a new game of cat and mouse. They are trying to fight would-be cheats in the exam season by cutting off Internet access from laptops (笔记本电脑), demanding the surrender of cellphones before tests or simply requiring th

28、at exams be taken with pens and paper. “It is annoying. My hand-writing is so bad,” said Ryan Dapremont, 21 who just finished his third year at Pepperdine University in California. He had to take his exams on paper. Dapremont said technology has made cheating easier, but plagiarism (剽窃) in writing p

29、apers was probably the biggest problem. Students can lift other peoples writings off the Internet without attributing them. Still, some students said they thought cheating these days was more a product of the mindset, not the tools at hand. “Some people put too much emphasis on where theyre going to

30、 go in the future, and all theyre thinking about is graduate school and the next step,” said Lindsay Nicholas, a third-year student at UCLA. She added that pressure to succeed “sometimes clouds everything and makes people do things that they shouldnt do.” Some professors said they tried to write exa

31、ms for which it was hard to cheat, posing questions that outside resources would not help answer. Many officials said that they rely on campus honor codes. They said the most important thing was to teach students not to cheat in the first place.51. One student at UCLA was found cheating _ A when he was loading his class notes into a handheld e-mail device. B when he was trying to tell the answers to his classmates. C after the university put in place a new examination-supervision system. D after his classmate reported his cheating to the authority.

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