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1、英语专业八级写作doc英语专业八级写作.doc一简介1.题目构成a.通常用一句或若干句引出写作话题,然后对写作任务进行限定,如提出要回答的问题,说明写作目的,读者对象等。b.提出作文的标题,有时会自拟。c.对文章结构,评分标准或答题方式进行说明。e.g. All of us would agree that in order to be successful in the present-day society, we university students have to possess certain personal qualities that enable us to realize

2、 our aims. What do you think is the most important personal quality of a university student? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic: The Most Important Personal Quality of A University Student In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in t

3、he second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may resu

4、lt in a loss of marks. Write your composition on Answer Sheet Four. 2.体裁说明文和议论文为主,三段式为主。3.话题范围教育,网络,个人品格与成功,个人与整体关系,学生经商,求职面试,理想追求,经济地位与友谊,大学生活等。a.收集相关知识b.收集相关话题的观点c.收集相关话题的论据d.收集相关话题的表达二评分标准1. 思想表达满分10分,极差1-2,较差3-4,一般5-6,良好7-8,优秀9-10思想内容内容切题 1分内容充实 1分观点明确 1分论据支持论点 1分有独到见解 0.5分(额外加)表达效果表达清晰流畅 0.5分有说

5、服力 0.5分篇章组织结构每段有主题句 1分句间衔接自然 1分段间过渡自然 1分第一部分明确提出观点 1分最后一部分自然得出结论 1分段落排列自然合理 0.5分(额外加)2. 语言运用能力8分,极差1-2,较差3,一般4-5,良好6-7,优秀8准确性语法正确 2分句子结构正确 1分 固定搭配正确/习语正确/用词准确 1分丰富性词汇丰富 1分 (关键词用同义词,近义词,反义词替代)句子形式丰富 1分 (长短结合,主被动结合,简单句和复合句结合,最好有虚拟语气,强调结构,修辞句,非谓语动词)得体性/语气恰当 1分语言地道 0.5分 (不要说chinglish,符合英语的思维和表达习惯)流利度完成规

6、定字数 0.5分3写作规范,较差0.5,一般1,良好1.5,优秀2.单词拼写正确 0.5分表达符号正确 0.5分大小写正确 0.5分书写美观/卷面整洁 0.5分常见错误:三写作步骤三步走1.写前a.读懂题目,明确题目的范围和要求 (写得对)b.依据题目的要点,放开思路寻找所有可能有用的想法 (写得多)c.在这些想法当中找出最合适最合用的部分,组织文章的框架 (写得好)2.写中重点解决语言问题,严格按照提纲写!a.关键句和衔接:中心句,主题句,段落之间和句子之间的衔接词和衔接句b.语言丰富程度:词汇和句式不单调,多用近义词或同义词或反义词,句式长短结合,结构丰富。c.文体恰当3.写后重点检查两个

7、问题:a.文章的连贯b.语言的准确与恰当:语法,拼写,标点,文体错误等四结构1.introduction paragraph (引言段)a.第一部分:引言句:吸引读者兴趣b.第二部分:话题句:引出文章话题c.第三部分:中心句:表明写作目的或观点或暗示正文结构。2.body paragraph (论证段、主体段)a.分论点一 (要点一):证据1, 证据2,证据3b.分论点二 (要点二):证据1,证据2, 证据3c.分论点三 (要点三):证据1, 证据2,证据33.concluding paragraph (结尾段)a.总结文章要点 (summary)b.对该话题作最终评论 (final comm

8、ent)以2005年和2002年真题为例:2005Interview is frequently used by employers as a means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against the interview as a selection procedure. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words to state your view. You should su

9、pply an appropriate title for your essay. 2002All of us would agree that in order to be successful in the present-day society, we university students have to possess certain personal qualities that can enable us to realize our aims. What do you think is the most important personal quality of a unive

10、rsity student? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic: The Most Important Personal Quality of A University Student1.引言段的写作方法a.第一部分:吸引读者兴趣(统计数据/设问/引语)方法一:统计数据 (真实可信,可以适当夸大)Every day millions of job-hunters in the world write letters of application, wishing that they would be gi

11、ven a chance of interview. (2005)Nowadays tens of thousands of university students are graduated from their schools and they all want to be successful in this modern world. (2002)方法二:设问(2个以上)Now in our society what do you have to do if you want to find a good job? What lies between you and an ideal

12、job? (下句回答:That is interview. ) 2005Do you know any university graduate who does not want to succeed in the society? What does it take for a university graduate to succeed in the modern society? 2002方法三:用引语“Success comes not only from perspiration and inspiration, but also from satisfactory performa

13、nce in interviews,” commented Dr. Kenly in his book. (这里最好提众所周知的人或介绍下此人以示权威) 2005According to traditional Chinese thoughts, a talent must be excellent at ability and morality. 2002b.第二部分:引出文章话题 (开门见山/收网式/驳论式)方法一:开门见山Nowadays interview is becoming more and more important in recruitment. 2005In the mo

14、dern society, almost all university students look forward to success. 2002方法二:收网式(由一个宽泛,读者认同的事实开始,逐步将读者的注意力引向文章主题)With the development of market economy in China, more and more companies have come into being. When they need to take up more people, employers usually select through interviews. Similar

15、ly, when people need to find a job, they also need to perform well in interviews. Therefore, interview is becoming more and more important in modern society. 2005One feature of the modern society is the more respect given to individual values. When fighting for personal values and success, students need to catch good opportunities, but they also need to possess some essential personal qualities. 2002方法三:驳论式 (先说出一个与本文观点相反但读者可能会同意的观点,然后转折指出这个观点是错误的,同时提出自己的观点,可以短时间给读者以冲击,印象深刻)Many of us may agree that China

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