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1、高中英语必修5Unit2ReadingTheeconomonyortheenvironment2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit2ReadingTheeconomonyortheenvironmentStep1: Leading-inHave you ever seen a debate or even taken part in a debate? Do you know something about debates?A debate is serious discussion of a subject in which many people take part.Speakers

2、 in a debate will represent opposite views on the subject being discussed.In a debate, one side gets the opportunity to present their points first. The other side follows and presents theirs.Now, lets have a debate, shall we?Some people say that money can solve all problems, but some say knowledge.

3、Which one do you prefer? Money or knowledge? For reference:Could natural disasters devastate Britain?YesNoIf the volcano on La Palma in the Canaries explodes, a 500m high mega-tsunami could engulf low-lying parts of the UKThough some scientists believe it will happen, its unlikely for the next few t

4、housand yearsOne of Britains most severe tornadoes destroyed a church and 600 homes in central London in 1091Most British houses are now built from brick and are much more sturdyIn 1995, a hurricane doubled back from the Caribbean and hit BritainThis UK storm was only the remnants of a hurricane. In

5、 order to retain its strength, a hurricane must remain over warm water of 26.5C or aboveNorth-west Wales is one of the most seismically active places in the whole UK. In 1984, a quake registered 5.4 on the Richter scale. Another could hit any day nowAn earthquake of this magnitude rarely causes seve

6、re damage. Quakes above 5 are exceptional in the UK, and there is no proof that another is due soonStep 2: Fast reading for general ideasGo through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 22. Just focus on and identify the information neede

7、d to answer these questions. Answers1. Mr. Lin Shuiqing represents the environment and Mr. Qian Liwei represents the economy.2. Six times.3. They should have to pay higher taxes.Step 3: Detailed reading for important information1. Lets read the speech a second time and plete Parts C1 and C2 on page

8、24 AnswersC1 1). Lin Shuiqing belongs to the Society for environmental preservation. 2). He starts his speech by talking about the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste. 3). They are being caught by fishing boats before they can lay eggs. 4). He thinks we should teach people a

9、bout environmentally friendly ways of living, 5). Because jobs will be lost. People are more important than fish and trees. 6). We should produce more things from recycled products.7). We need more effective laws to preserve the environment, which still allow the economy to grow. 8). Many people are

10、 willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.C2 Li Shuiqing 6 1 5 3 2 4 Qian Liwei 5 3 1 2 42. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers to the following questions:(1) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Lin Shuiqings speech?A. Industrial waste dest

11、royed many places and killed many places and animals.B. Factories producing poisonous chemicals should close down.C. Fishes died for more than one reasons.D. Polluted atmosphere can make human beings sick.(2) What can be inferred from the speech? A. Though we caught large numbers of fish, they devel

12、op so quickly that well still have enough to eat. B. Its likely that well not have enough to eat if we keep producing people rapidly. C. Lin Shuiqing is for the idea of recycling, while Qian Liwei is against it. D. An economist is often seen as being against the environment.(3) What does the sentenc

13、e “People often think that economic development is bad for the environment, but this does not have to be right.” mean? A. Economic development is good for the environment. B. Economic development is bad for the environment. C. Economic development is not always bad for the environment. D. People are

14、 wrong to think economic development is bad for the environment.Key: BBC3. Now, read the debate a third time and fill in the table with the correct answers.SpeakersPoints they presentReasons they provide to convince youLin Shuiqing(an environmentalist)Industrial wasteMany places have been destroyed.

15、 Many plants and animals have died. Factories produce large amounts of poisonous chemicals, the waste of which goes into the air and makes us sick.water pollutionRivers are full of chemicals which flow into the sea and kill sea creatures.fishingFishing boats catch large numbers of fish without givin

16、g them time to lay eggs.population The worlds population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800. The figure is now approaching 6.5 billion people.productionPeople should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things they make and buy.recyclingIt would be beneficial to e

17、xpand our recycling industry, and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living. We may even create more jobs and help the economy at the same time.Qian Liwei(an economist)factoriesThere are many factories and industries which control the amount of pollution they produce, and are very c

18、areful to spend money repairing any damage they cause. The people running these factories are very concerned about the environment.productionIf we cut back on the amount of things we produce in order to save the environment, then jobs will be lost. People are more important than fish and trees.recyc

19、ling We should produce more things from recycled materials, and less from materials taken directly from the environment.lawsWe need more effective laws to preserve the environment, which still allows the economy to grow. This includes more inspections to control how many trees are cut down and how m

20、any fish boats can catch fish.taxesFactories which pollute the environment should have to pay higher taxes.Step 4: Practice:1. Lets plete Parts D (Refer to the text while pleting part D)AnswersD 1. b 2. f 3. c 4. d 5. h 6. e 7. g 8. a 2. Now , lets read a speech by a student who is interested in env

21、ironmental protection and fill in the blanks with the given words. After that, you will be more familiar with the debate. Finish the exercise by yourselves and well check the answers later together.E 1) environment 2) pollution 3) economy 4) reduce 5) waste 6) recycled 7) industry 8) responsibility

22、9) population 10) EarthStep 5: Post-reading activities1. Now lets role-play the debate. You will be divided into six groups. Three groups should represent Lin Shuiqing and the other three groups should represent Qian Liwei. Each of you reads one or two points in the debate. If possible, you can make

23、 some changes to the debate or add your opinions to the debate. Three minutes later, Ill ask several groups to present your role-plays to the class. Lets see which group wins the debate!2. Lets e to Part F. Work in pairs and then role-play the discussion.3. Lets enjoy a flash A day of a photographer

24、 and have a discussion:Do you think it is possible to achieve a balance between the economy and the environment?How can this be achieved? For reference;1. We could educate people to respect and protect the environment.2. We could urge factories that produce large amounts of waste to build a system t

25、o purify the waste and minimize the damage to the environment.3. We could urge the government to pass stricter laws to protect the environment.4. We could produce strict laws to preserve the environment. 5. We could create a system to deal with the waste and rubbish scientifically.Step 5: Language p

26、oints:Vocabularywordsdebate, awful, poisonous, atmosphere, flow, pollution, lay, figure, approach, production, beneficial, expand, gentleman, obvious, situation, pipe, stable, enemy, effective, willing, responsibility, slightly, taxuseful expressionsin addition (to), wipe out, have effect on, cut ba

27、ck on, large amounts of/a large amount of/ the amount of, be concerned about, the key to, run out (of), pick upsentence patterns1.the way large areas of the world are damaged by industrial waste.2.has grown to more than six times what it was.3.My suggestion is that we should try 4.What if?Step6: Hom

28、eworkParts A1 and A2 on page 98 in Workbook.2019-2020年高中英语必修5Unit2ReadingTheeconomyortheenironment1)ment:noun C or Usomething that you say or write that expresses your opinion:评论,观点。I dont want any ments on/about my new haircut, thank you!He made negative ments to the press.I suppose his criticism w

29、as fair ment (= a reasonable opinion).She was asked about the pay increase but made no ment (= did not give an opinion).verb I or T to make a ment: 评论。My mum always ments on what Im wearing.+ that He mented that the two essays were rather similar.2) voice: V. T to say what you think about a particul

30、ar subject, especially to express a doubt, plaint, etc. ,which you have about it:评论。I have on several occasions voiced my objections to the plan to management.Allow children the space to voice their opinions, enven if they are different from your own.(05湖南)N. Cthe sounds that are made when people sp

31、eak or sing: 嗓音。She has a loud/quiet/soft voice.You could tell from her voice that she wasnt pleased.She lowered her voice to a whisper.Youll have to raise your voice (= speak louder) if you want to be heard at the meeting room. Ive got a cold and I think Im losing my voice (= being unable to speak)

32、.All the students in the classroom read at the top of their voices. C often singular; U (the right to) an expression of opinion: 观点,想法。Unfortunately a strike was the only way to make our voices heard.The mittee represents the voice of the students.Developing countries are demanding a stronger voice (= right to express o

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