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1、幕墙英语交流3框架幕墙DOCLesson ThreeStick Curtain Wall Introduction (技术简介)Stick curtain wall is a kind of curtain wall whose mullions, transoms and panels are processed in factories and then delivered to building site for installation. On site the mullions are erected onto the main structure through brackets,

2、 and then the transoms are installed onto the mullions. The installation of panels is preceded by the completion of frame system.Stick curtain walls are divided into exposed frame curtain wall, hidden frame curtain wall, semi-hidden frame curtain wall.Stick curtain wall eases transportation and has

3、low traffic expense. But its piece by piece installation on site needs relatively long construction period. Conversation (会话)WMike Weber (A multinationals CEO who is asking Mr. Pei to design the office building for his Asia-Pacific region headquarters located in Beijing.)PLeoh Ming Pei ( A world-fam

4、ous architect and the founder of Pei Partnership Architects.)P: Dear Mr. Weber. Welcome to Pei Partnership Architects.W: Thank you Mr. Pei. I am deeply impressed by your design works, esp. Bank of China Tower (HK). The 368-meter tall building was designed by you in 1982. More than 25 years has passe

5、d, and it still has its unique fashion and glory. It has been the landmark of Hong Kong SAR. P: Thanks. Its fashionable appearance can be partly attributed to the application of exposed frame curtain wall. W: What is exposed frame curtain wall?P: As you can see, its character is the exposed frame.W:

6、 I think it will be better if the frame is unexposed. P: There is hidden frame curtain wall whose frames are not exposed. We use silicone sealant for sealing.W: What will the result be if the architect combines the characteristics of exposed frame curtain wall and hidden frame curtain wall?P: Well,

7、it is called semi-hidden frame curtain wall. You know, its panel has two groups of opposite rims. Either of them uses inlay slot holding method, and the other adopts structural sealant.W: How is the panel fixed in the inlay slot?P: 3 ways. 1. Dry installation by the use of gaskets. 2. Wet installati

8、on by the use of sealing sealant. 3 Composite installation by the use of bothWe prefer the 3rd method because it provides better air and water tightness.W: Does inlay slot holding method give more efficient connection than structural sealant joint through the earthquake and under wind load?P: I am a

9、fraid not. The inlay slot holding method strengthens the structure to resist the earthquake. It limits the panels deformation under wind load, and the panel, esp. glass panel has the possibility to be broken.The silicone structural sealant joint softens the structures rigidity to lessen the earthqua

10、kes effect. Under wind load, it is elongated together with the movement of panels.W: I am familiar with many kinds of sealing sealants, such as polysulfide, polyurethane, acrylic ester, butyl, chloroprene, and etc. Can they be used as structural sealant?P: No. Only silicone structural sealant is acc

11、eptable. It enjoys good weathering resistant property because polysiloxane, its main composition, is ultra-violet resistant. W: Although structural sealant is good, the exposed fames still make me believe psychologically that the exposed frame curtain wall is safer than hidden frame curtain wall.P:

12、Many architects think the same, so they add clamping plates on hidden frame curtain wall. They can strengthen, decorate the structure and increase the sense of safety. It is called false semi-hidden frame curtain wall.W: What can be the material for curtain wall panels?P: Many kinds, such as glass,

13、stone, aluminium, enamel coated steel and etc. Among those, glass is the most popular.W: What kinds of glass can be used on curtain wall?P: They are float glass, tempered glass, insulating glass, heat absorbing plate glass, Low-E glass, fire-proof glass, coated glass (i.e. heat-reflective glass), an

14、d etc.W: Which one is adopted on hidden frame glass curtain wall to hide the frames?P: We usually use coated glass, whose unidirectional transmissive property makes the inside frames invisible.W: It uses so many glass panels. When it is broken, it will injure the people.P: We can select safe glass (

15、i.e. laminated glass and tempered glass).W: How safe is the safe glass? Wont it break?P: They will. The tempered glass has 3 of average spontaneous breaking rate, but its blunt edge will not injure people.The broken parts of laminated glass are adhered together, which will not spatter around.W: What

16、s the reason for the spontaneous breaking of tempered glass.P: It is caused by the expansion of the inside nickel sulphide.W: How to solve it?P: We can use Heat Soak Test.W: Whats that?P: It is a kind of method. Tempered glass is heated to 290 and is kept in this temperature for 8 hours, allowing ni

17、ckel sulphide to complete crystalline phase transition. The glass liable to spontaneous breaking will break before the delivery from factories.W: Excuse me.(Mr. Weber let out a sneeze)P: God bless you.W: Thank you. I got a cold during my trip to Beijing last week. Its very cold there. You know, the

18、material of exposed frames has high thermal conductivity. Now I begin to worry about its thermal insulating property of my future building in Beijing. I dont hope that all my colleagues sneeze by cold all day long as I am now.P: They wont. We use engineering plastic on metal windows and thermal brea

19、k extrusion frames to reduce heat conduction. You will be satisfied.W: I hope so. What about its water resistance in summer? Beijing witnesses a lot of rain every year.P: Generally speaking, the water leakage is caused by the following effects. 1. gravity 2. kinetic energy 3.water surface tension 4

20、capillary effect 5 air current 6 pressure difference. We apply cover strip and pressure balance design and etc to solve the problems.W: Pressure balance design? Ive heard of the Rain Screen Principle.Whats their connection?P: Your question is very professional. The Rain Screen Principle is a design

21、principle, which shows the principle of how the water is stopped from leaking into the “ screen” i.e. the outer surface of curtain wall. A pressure balance design depends on this principle.W: It is said that the frames will produce a lot of noise in summer. Why? How to solve it?P: The noise is cause

22、d by the thermal expansion of frames, which can be solved by placing washers between transoms and mullions.W: Can you introduce the installation sequence of curtain wall?P: 1.pre-embedding, surveying and setting out. 2. installing mullions and transoms, 3. precisely adjusting the frames,4. fully wel

23、ding the steels connecting parts,5. making lightning proof and fire proof,6. placing heat insulation mineral wool,7. installing panels,8. fixing clamping plates,9. applying sealant,10.washing panels.W: I would appreciate it very much if you could give me some drawings for my better understanding.L:

24、Its my pleasure. I only have the Chinese version on hand, and I will give you the English one later. W: Thanks. Terminology(专业术语)1. stick curtain wall 框架式幕墙 2. mullion 竖框 3. transom 横框 4. panel 面板 5. building site 工地 6. bracket 转接件7. exposed fame curtain wall 明框幕墙8.hidden fame curtain wall 隐框幕墙9.sem

25、i-hidden fame curtain wall 半隐框幕墙10. on site 在现场 11. construction period 施工期 13. silicone sealant:硅酮密封胶14. gasket 密封胶条15. air and water tightness. 水密、气密16. wind load 风荷载17. silicone structural sealant 硅酮结构密封胶18. rigidity 刚度19. polysulfide sealant聚硫密封胶20. polyurethane sealant 聚氨酯密封胶 21. acrylic ester

26、sealant丙烯酸酯密封胶22. butyl sealant 丁基密封胶23. chloroprene sealant氯丁密封胶 24. polysiloxane 聚硅氧烷25. ultra-violet resistant抗紫外线的 26. clamping plates 压板27. enamel coated steel搪瓷钢板 28. float glass 浮法玻璃29. tempered glass钢化玻璃 30. insulating glass 中空玻璃31. heat absorbing plate glass吸热平板玻璃32. Low-E glass Low-E玻璃 33.

27、 fire-proof glass 防火玻璃34.coated glass镀膜玻璃 35. heat-reflective glass 热反射玻璃36. unidirectional transmissive property单向透像性37. spontaneous breaking rate自爆率38. nickel sulphide 硫化镍39. Heat Soak Test均质处理40. crystalline phase transition 晶相转化41engineering plastic工程塑料42.thermal break extrusion 断热型材43.water lea

28、kage 渗水 44gravity 重力45.kinetic energy 动能 46surface tension 表面张力47capillary effect 毛细作用 48air current 气流49.pressure difference 压差 50.cover strip 盖封条51. pressure balance design压力平衡设计52. Rain Screen Principle雨幕原理53. washer 垫片54. pre-embed预埋件 55. survey and setting out 测量、放线56. full weld满焊 57. lightning

29、 proof and fire proof.防雷、防火58. mineral wool岩棉 Phrases and Expression(短语及习惯用语) is preceded by 在之后 piece by piece installation 逐件安装 Hong Kong SAR 香港特别行政区 be attributed to 将归功于 Excuse me 打喷嚏前的礼貌用语 let out a sneeze 打喷嚏 God bless you 西方人用以表示“祝你健康” I would appreciate it very much if you could 用以表示请求的礼貌用语

30、be familiar with 熟悉(注) Pei Leoh Ming 贝律铭,著名建筑师主 要 作 品:中国银行香港分行和北京总行的办公楼,巴黎卢浮宫,华盛顿特区国家艺术馆。Pei Partnership Architects 贝氏建筑师事务所 Translation (汉语译文)技术简介框架式幕墙是先将横框、竖框及面材在工厂进行加工,然后运到工地现场安装的幕墙结构。在现场先通过转接件将竖框安装在主体结构上,再将横框连接在竖框上。形成幕墙框架体系后,安装固定面板。框架式幕墙可以分为明框幕墙,隐框幕墙和半隐框幕墙框架式幕墙的优点是运输方便并且运费低廉,但是逐个在工地安装要求相对较长的工期。会


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