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1、导学案九年上Unit2五河县“三为主”课堂九年级英语(上)导学案Unit 2 Colour Comic strips and welcome to the unit学习目标:1. 认识不同颜色的名称以及它们的顺序2. 初步了解would rather结构.预习指导:1. 你能够根据语境猜测P24-25上的 单词吗?2. 预习并能运用would rather-than-组成句子,基本无错误。3. 老师会播放Hobo和Eddie 的对话。然后你们练习表演一下。通过预习,我相信你们已经有了不少的收获,那么来试一试吧.补全句子1Id rather _( 穿 ) blue than green.2Sim

2、ion called to tell me about the colours of the _ ( 彩虹 ).3I think black l_ good on you. I can also say you look good _ black.4Attention. The traffic lights turned y_.5Wed_ sing the song in English than in Chinese.课内探究.同学们,在预习的时候,遇到不懂的问题了吗?我们一起来讨论吧!1Id rather wear blue than pink. 翻译_- Id 应该是_的全称. Woul

3、d rather-than-的意思是_.1)I would rather stay at home than go out .我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去.2)He would rather play football than basketball .他宁愿踢足球也不愿打篮球. 从例题中我们可以看出:Would rather 后跟_ than 后跟_ 如果前后两个动词相同时 than 后的动词可_.练一练.趁热打铁 1),Millie would rather _TV at home than _ to the park.A watch , go B watching, going C watc

4、h , to go D to watch, go2)I would rather _than _ a bus.A to walk, to take B to walk, take C walk , take D walk , to take2.But blue looks good on you . 翻译 :_On 的意思是 :_1)The dress looks nice on her. 这裙子穿在她身上很好看 .2)The girl in blue is Kate . 穿兰色衣服的女孩是凯特 . 有比较、有鉴别:on 与 in 都有_的意思,但 in 后跟_ on后跟_现场演练: 1) 紫

5、色穿在你身上看 ._2) 穿着白衬衫的那个人是我的老师 ._达标检测:翻译句子:1. 白色衣服穿在你身上看上去不错。(1) White _ good _ you. (2) You _ good _white.2. 我刚刚看到了天空中的一道彩虹._ just _ a _ _ _ _3. 你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗?Do you know how many colours _ _ in a rainbow?4. 我宁愿吃面条而不愿吃饺子。I _ _have noodles_ dumplings.5. 你的电脑没什么问题。(1)There is _ _ _ your computer.(2)_ is

6、_ with your computer.(3) There isnt _ _ _ your computer.收获与反思:同学们通过本节课的学习你学到了什么?还有什么疑惑吗?反思一下吧。_Unit 2 Colour Reading学习目标:1、学习运用Skimming(跳读), Scanning(略读)技巧阅读文章。2、充分理解和掌握课文的内容和大意,完成阅读任务。3、用正确的语音、语调流利地朗读课文。预习指导1.请同学们快速阅读课文,你能找到关键的词和句子,结合单词表和课后注释,自己尝试理解一下,把不会的单词做一标记,以便询问老师解决。2.一边阅读,一边学会归类,看看你能不能把文中出现的颜

7、色归类:calm colours:_ warm colours:_energetic colours:_3.老师会放录音给你们听,帮助你们纠正语音和语调. 然后要大声朗读呦。同学们,通过预习,相信你们一定有不少收获吧,试着完成下列内容,你一定会很棒的!根据课文内容判断(“ T” 或“ F”),考查一下你们的阅读理解能力:1. Blue is a calm and peaceful colour.( )2. You should wear green clothes if you are feeling stressed ( )3. Blue can also represent sadness

8、 and purity. ( )4. Orange is one of the warm colours. It represents joy. ( )5. Its good to use yellow stationery when you study for exams. ( ).课内探究.同学们,在预习的时候,遇到不懂的问题了吗?我们一起来讨论吧!快速阅读 Part 3。 讨论并回答下列问题:(1). How do you feel when you see orange?(2). How can orange help and what does it represent?(3). H

9、ow do you feel when you see yellow and what does it represent?快速阅读 Part 4讨论并判断正误(1).Green can make you feel tired or weak.(2).Green can represent growth or envy.快速阅读Part 5讨论并完成下列句子 (1) Red is the colour of _. It represents _ and strong _. (2) It can make it easier for you to take _ or make a _.达标检测:

10、同学们,通过我们集体讨论和阅读相信你们一定对课文有了更深刻的理解,一定会迫不及待的想试一试了吧, 那就露一手吧,千万不要谦虚呦!请独立完成下列短文.Blue is good for the _ and body,and it represents _. White is the colour of _. You should wear white when you feel _ . These colours give you a happy and _ feeling. Orange represents _. It can bring you _ and _ you up. Yellow

11、can remind you a _, _ day. It is also the colour of _. Green can give you _ because it represents _ and _. It is also the colour of _ and the colour of money and _. Red represents _ and it is the colour of _ and _ feeling.读完课文后,相信你对颜色有了很深的了解,下面给你们一个机会,谈一谈你对颜色的感受,写一篇小短文。好好表现你的文彩呦!My favourite colour_

12、收获与反思:同学们通过本节课的学习你学到了什么?课文读的熟练了吗?还有什么不理解的地方?课后可要加油哦!Unit 2 Colour Reading II学习目标1. 继续学习,加深了解颜色所代表的含义。.2. 认识并理解有关情感的词汇。.3. 学会把颜色和性格搭配起来记忆。.预习指导1 进一步阅读、理解短文,搞清楚颜色和心情之间有什么关系?是怎样影响心情的?. 2 .本课中所出现的重点单词,你能记得多少?会用了吗?.3. .看看你能不能用自己的语言简要复述一下短文。同学们,通过我们对课文的进一步理解,相信你有了更多的收获吧, 下面就小试牛刀吧。英汉互译1 影响某人的心情 2 感觉轻松3 给一个

13、愉快和满足的感觉 4 带给你成功5 使你想起你的老朋友 6 做决定有困难7 make us feel sleepy 8 the feeling of harmony 9 feel stressed 10 cheer you up课内探究.同学们,在预习的时候, 请仔细阅读下面的提示,相信会帮助你更好地理解短文内容的。看仔细喽。1.Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for our mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony. 方框的两

14、个短语是_词组,往往放在句子的_做_语 .划线的两个短语的汉语分别是_ _2. Warm colours can give you a happy and satisfied feeling. People living in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feeling.试着理解:这里从 prefer to use 结构中可以看出:prefer to 后接动词的_形式。另外,你能写出prefer 的现在分词形式和过去式、过去分词形式吗?_ _ _请你结合本

15、单元语法部分,尝试着自己总结归纳一下prefer 的用法:_小试牛刀,练一练:他喜欢英语而不喜欢数学吗?_那时那男孩喜欢玩电脑游戏而不喜欢看电视。_3. Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.试着理解:cheer sb. up 的意思是_,那么cheer on 的意思是_4. Yellow is the colour of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm and sunny day. 试着理解:remind sb of 的意思是_. 再来试试下

16、面的练习:This story _ me _ my childhood .These photos _ me _what I saw during my stay in Japan in 2005 .5、You will have no difficulty in making a decision在这里:have difficulty in doing sth 是一个固定短语用法,其意思是:_.e.g :Do you _your homework ? I still _my English grammar .达标检测通过我们的合作探究,相信同学们一定对课文有了很好的了解,让我们来检测一下吧,

17、!用课文中的词完成句子:1) Please call me if you have any problems _(work) out .2) I _blue dress _ the red dress .3) He _ walking _ jogging .4) You look slimmer and healthier than before . Yes, I _(更喜欢)sweet snacks.5) I_ milk _ sugar .6) Eddie _ the blue dress _ the pink dress .Do you _ grapes _bananas ? I _ gr

18、apes _收获与反思:同学们通过本节课的学习你学到了什么?把不理解的地方记下来吧。9A Unit 2 Vocabulary学习目标 1. 学会理解什么是同义词.2. 学习和记忆相关同义词.预习导学1 你能回忆起多少学过单词和词组的反义词?尝试着列举:例如: black/ white 2 .预习PartA, 完成单词拼写,并掌握每组同义词。5 .预习并独立完P30 Part B部分 写出每个轮子上的同义词。通过预习,我相信你们已经有了不少的收获,那么来试一试吧用所给汉语或英语的适当形式拼写单词,每空一词1. Deng Xiao Ping is regarded as our former le

19、ader of _. (智慧)2. Team spirit will make you work in _ with each other. (和谐)3. I dont like challenging myself. I only want to live _. (平静地)4.We have lent him thousands of dollars, but he seems never _. (满足)5. Liu Xiang is the first Asian to c_ the world record in 110-meter hurdle. (创造)课内探究.同学们,在预习的时候

20、,遇到不懂的问题了吗?相信下面的提示会给你帮助的。1. realize vt. 意为“认识到,了解”如:I have realized my mistakes.我认识到自己错误。练一练他并未认识到自己错了_突然他一下意识到发生了什么事_2.unhappiness n.意为“忧愁,苦恼” 其反义词为_;unhappy adj.意为“不高兴的,不愉快的”,其反义词为_。 如:He had a very unhappy childhood.他的童年很不快乐。 I wish you happiness.我祝你幸福。 Her face shows her unhappiness.她的表情显露出她很不开心

21、。达标检测让我们来检测一下吧,!相信你一定会很棒的!你能写出下列词的近义词吗?试一试吧1.wrong _ 2. calm _ 3. affect _4. fast _ 5. clever _ 6. energetic _7. joy _ 8. difficult _ 9. room _10. quality _ 11. know _ 12. sad _13. strong _ 14. hope _ 15. afraid _补充阅读,读一读下面的短文,进一步了解有关颜色的知识:What is colour? Why do some of the things around us look red

22、, some green,others blue? Colour is really made by reflected(反射) light. We see colour because most of the things reflect light. Something is red, for it reflects most of the red light. In the same way, if something is green, it reflects most of the green light. If something reflects all light, it is

23、 white. If it doesnt reflect any light, it is black. Some of the light is reflected and some is taken in and turned into heat. The darker the colour is, the less light is reflected, the more light is taken in. So dark-coloured clothes are warmer in the sun than light-coloured clothes.收获与反思:同学们通过本节课的

24、学习你学到了什么?还有什么疑惑吗?请把它们写下来:9A Unit 2 Grammar A &B学习目标1. 学会用would ratherthan表达喜欢做的事.2. 学会用preferto表达喜欢做的事.预习导学1. 预习并独立完成课本P31 Part A部分的练习。2. 预习并完成课本P32 Part B的练习,用图画里的提示造句。通过预习,我相信你们已经有了不少的收获,那么来试一试吧1. 试比较下列几组句子,体会一下它们之间有何不同。I would rather sing than dance I prefer to go to the park. I prefer red to blu

25、e. I prefer singing to dancing.通过上面的句子,你能得出would rather.than 和 的用法吗?课内探究.同学们,在预习的时候,遇到不懂的问题了吗?我们一起来讨论吧!1Would ratherthan句型的用法在前面我们已经学习了其用法,还记得吗?让我们来回忆一下吧! 结合例句:Would ratherthan意思是_”在使用时,前面和后面都必须用表示_成份,它的否定形式应该在would rather 的后面加_,而不是在would的后面加not.如果would rather 和than 后面的动词一样的,则省去_(前/后)面的:I would rather have the red one than the green one.我宁愿要红的,而不要绿

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