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高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元综合测评 新人教版必修3.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元综合测评 新人教版必修3Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars(时间:90分钟满分:110分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat science fiction (story) once told about other worlds far away is now a fact. Astronomers (experts at

2、the science of the universe) prove another solar(of the sun)system like ours with some planets in the constellation Andromeda(仙女座)Geoffrey Marcy is a professor of astronomy and physics at San Francisco State University and says, “What we have found now,for the first time ever, is indeed a fullygrown

3、 systemof planets around the star Upsilon Andromeda. It appears to have three planets,one close in,one at a middle distance,and one farther out. The star is slightly larger than our sun. The planets are huge,like our Jupiter(木星)”Marcys partner in this research,Debra Fischer, describes the solar syst

4、em,“Here are the inner planet that goes around every 46 days, the middle planet that goes around every 242 days, and then the outer planet that goes around every three and a half to four years.”Astronomically, its not far away, 44 light years. The sun of that solar system,Upsilon Andromeda,is so nea

5、r and bright that it can be seen by using no equipment during summer and fall.For twelve years astronomers searched the skies in the belief that if our sun has planets around it, surely others do, too. Geoffrey Marcy says, “And then starting three and a half years ago, we began finding for the first

6、 time planets singly, one planet here around one star.” “When I look up at the stars now at night, I can imagine easily that every one of them has planets around them,” says Debra Fischer.It was a tremble (shaking)in the star that led Marcy to the planets. “The star rocks around due to the gravity o

7、f the planet as a dog owner gets pulled around by a little dog.”Can they support life? We dont know, because present technology is not advanced enough to determine what the planets are made of. That, Marcy says,is astronomys next challenge.1Whats the relation between Andromeda (A), Upsilon Andromeda

8、 system(U)and the mentioned three planets(P)?ABCD答案与解析:B推理判断题。通读全文可知Andromeda是一个星座,像太阳系;Upsilon Andromeda是一颗恒星,像太阳;three planets是它的三个卫星,因此可推出B项正确。2According to Debra Fischer,in the new solar system, _.Athe farther a planet is from the star, the longer it takes to go around the starBthe larger a plan

9、et is,the shorter it takes to go around the starCit takes all the planets around three and a half to four years to go around the starDthe planets move around the star at the same(均匀) speed答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据天文常识及本文所述,任何行星的卫星的运转周期不可能是一致的,越是远离行星,一般运转周期越长。3What led to Marcys discovery of the planets?AThat

10、he found a dog owner was pulled by his dog.BThe tremble of Upsilon Andromeda.CThat any planet has gravity.DThat he believes any star has its planets.答案与解析:B细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知。4We can infer that the scientists are _.Ato find out whether the planets can support lifeBto find means to communicate with the l

11、iving beings on the planetsCto find means to travel to the planetsDsoon to be able to answer the question of whether there is life on these planets答案与解析:A推理判断题。其他几项提到的不是本文重点或没提及。BThe earth is the only planet that scientists think has life. Why does the earth have life while the other planets (行星) do

12、nt? For one thing, the earth is just the right temperature. As the_third_planet from the sun, the earth seems to be just the right distance away. The planets which are closer to the sun are hot that their surfaces bake (烘烤) in the sun. The farthest planets are cold balls.When the earth developed whi

13、ch scientists believe may have happened about 4 billion years ago many gases covered the earth. The gases caused the earth to be hot. But something wonderful happened. The temperature was just right for thick clouds to form. It rained very hard for a very long time. This gave the earth its oceans. W

14、ater made it possible for plants to grow. The plants created oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen is the gas that humans and animals breathe.Only one other planet in the solar system seems to be something like the earth. That planet is Mars (火星). Mars is smaller than the earth, and it is quite a bit coo

15、ler. But it is not too cold for humans. On some days, the temperatures are as low as a winter day in the northern United States. If you wore a special space suit, you could walk around on Mars. You would have to bring your own air to breathe, the air on Mars is too thin to breathe.Mars has the large

16、st volcano (火山) in the solar system. It is sixteen miles high. The highest volcano on the earth is five miles high. The most unexpected (未预测到的) sight on Mars is dried up river beds. Scientists believe that Mars was once much better than it is now. Does this mean there could have been living things o

17、n Mars? Scientists are not sure, but there has been no sign so far.5Which of the following is NOT the reason that the earth has life?A. The earth is just the right temperature.B. The volcanos on earth are lower than those on Mars.C. There is oxygen in the atmosphere of the earth.D. The earth seems t

18、o be just the right distance away from the sun.答案与解析:B细节理解题。文中提到地球是可证实的唯一有生命存在的太阳系行星,其原因包括地球合适的温度、距太阳距离适中和大气里含有氧气等。B项火山与此无关。6The underlined phrase “the third planet” in the first paragraph refers to _.A. the Sun B. the MoonC. the Earth D. the Mars答案与解析:C词义猜测题。根据第一段中内容可知距离太阳第三远的行星指的是地球。7Which of the

19、following about the Mars is NOT true?A. There could have been living things on Mars.B. Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system.C. There is almost no oxygen in the air on Mars.D. Mars is smaller than the earth, and it is quite a bit cooler.答案与解析:A细节理解题。文章最后一段提到火星上有干涸的河床的迹象,但这一点并不能证实火星上存在生命,因

20、为还没有生命迹象,故A项不正确。其他三项都与文章相符。CMany of us are fascinated by time travel. Who wouldnt be enthralled by returning to the past or seeing the future? But time travel seems to be possible only in our imagination or in most cases, in science fiction.Science fiction is a world where impossible things can beco

21、me possible. But science fiction is not entirely fiction since it is based on science theories and principles. I have compiled some of the popular ways by which time travel is made possible in fiction books:Through the wormhole(虫孔) It is a shortcut between points in spacetime. According to Einstein,

22、 an object can pass through this if it can travel at the speed of light with infinite mass. An example of a wormhole is described in Riddle of the Red Bible.Through a black hole A black hole is a vacuum in space where light cannot even escape or pass through. In some scifi movies, like Star Trek, bl

23、ack holes become the means to travel through time.Through time machines In fiction, time machines are complex vehicles that can travel faster than light. A time machine can be a strange vehicle like TARDIS in Doctor Who or a specially modified car like the one used in Back to the Future.Through a pa

24、rallel(平行的) universe Another popular way to travel through time is to be able to slip or slide into a parallel universe where one can go back to a point in time and see a different reality.Though we know time travel may not be possible, it is still an entertaining subject and a heated topic for most

25、 of us.语篇解读本文作者在文中介绍了科幻小说里讲述时间旅行的几种方式。8The underlined word “enthralled” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “_”Athrilled BconfusedCshocked Dupset答案与解析:A词义猜测题。从第一段中的“Many of us are fascinated by time travel”和“returning to the past or seeing the future”可推知,画线词意为“被迷住的,着迷的”,与A项意思最为接近。9The means of

26、 travelling through a black hole is described in _.ADoctor Who BBack to the FutureCStar TrekDRiddle of the Red Bible答案与解析:C细节理解题。从第四段中的“like Star Trek,black holes become the means to travel through time”可知选C。10Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?ATime travel will never

27、 become possible even in the far future.BTime travel through a time machine will be the most common means.CScifi writers have some similar experience as they describe in their fiction.DMany ways of time travel are described in science fiction besides the mentioned fours.答案与解析:D推理判断题。从第二段最后一句中的“some

28、of the popular ways by which time travel is made possible in fiction books”这一信息可知,除了作者在文章中列举的这些方式之外,科幻小说里还介绍了其他方式。所以选D。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Friends are important to children. Research shows that children who have no friends might suffer from difficulties late

29、r in life. _11_ In making friends, children can also learn how to communicate with others and solve problems.In order to help your children make friends, you need to understand the steps children take in building friendships.Be a friend to your children at home. _12_ Children begin to develop the ne

30、cessary ability to go out and meet others through getting along with their parents. Greet the children warmly and let them know you are glad to see them. Children learn a lot from the time their parents spend with them.Teach your children how to solve conflicts (争执). _13_ If you know the children ha

31、ve a conflict, let them work it out on their own. Only step in if it is really necessary. For example, an argument is leading to a fight._14_ Have your children play games that require cooperation. For example, relay races are fun and provide plenty of practice in teamwork._15_ You can encourage you

32、r children to do this by setting an example to them when someone gives you a hand.A. Good friendships start at home.B. Encourage your children to show thanks to others.C. Give children chances to practice working together.D. Friendship provides children with more than just fun.E. Children should be wise when choosing their friends.F. As children grow

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