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1、10虚拟语气第十章 虚拟语气1. 语气概说在英语使用过程中,根据说话人所要表达的意图的不同,动词需要使用相应的形式,称为“语气”(Moods)。英语中有三种基本语气, 即:A陈述语气(the Indicative Mood),用于陈述事实。如:Class participation is a matter of showing intellectual curiosity. 课堂参与是求知欲的一种显示。(21 世纪1-1A)The most gifted students do not necessarily perform best in exams. 最有天赋的学生并不一定考得最好。(21

2、 世纪1-1A)B祁使语气(the Imperative Mood),用于提出命令或请求。如:Try to guess the meaning of the word from the way its used. 尽力从词的用法来猜测它的含义。(21 世纪1-2C)Dont let failures do harm. Our errors or humiliations over mistakes are necessary steps in learning. 不要让失败对你造成伤害。我们出错儿或栽面儿是学习过程中的必经步骤。(21 世纪1-3B)C 虚拟语气(the Subjunctive

3、 Mood),用于表示主观愿望或假想。如:What might the earth be like if all dinosaurs came back? 如果恐龙回来,世界将是什么样子?(21 世纪2-7B)2. 一般形式的虚拟语气在使用虚拟语气的句子中,最基本的形式是条件句(the Conditional Clauses)。条件句又分为真实条件句Clauses of Real Condition)和虚拟条件句(Clauses of Unreal Condition)。一个句子是使用真实条件句还是使用虚拟条件句,取决于该假设发生的可能性的大小。如果该假设发生的可能性较大,就使用真实条件句;反

4、之,如果该假设发生的可能性很小,甚至不可能实现,就使用虚拟条件句。使用条件句表达虚拟语气时,谓语结构一般采用陈述语气中前一个时态的谓语结构。2. 1 对过去(包括完成)的事件进行的虚拟,条件句的谓语使用had +done的结构,而主句的谓语使用would, could, might或should +have done的结构。如:If I had been alert to his feelings about the matter I could have prevented the whole unfortunate incident by saying, Lets agree to dis

5、agree about this, and politely directing the conversation to something else. 如果我早些察觉他对此事的看法,整个不愉快的事件本来是可以避免的,只要说一句“我们各自保留意见吧”,然后再礼貌地岔开话题就可以了。(21 世纪1-5B)2. 2 对当前的事件进行的虚拟,条件句的谓语使用did(或were)的结构,而主句的谓语使用would,could,might或should + do(或be)的结构。如:If America issued drinking licenses, those four men - includi

6、ng my father, who died at 54 of liver failure - might be alive. 如果美国颁发饮酒许可证,那4个人-包括我那54岁时死于肝功能衰竭的父亲 -也许都还活着。(21 世纪3-6B)If you could come to my office in California to visit with me today, you would see that one side of the room is occupied by a beautiful old-fashioned soda fountain with nine leather

7、-covered seats. 如果你今天能来加利福尼亚我的办公室作客的话,你就会看到房间的一边放着一台漂亮的老式冷饮机和九个皮革座椅。(21 世纪2-4B)If CO2 and other greenhouse gases vanished tomorrow, the earth would become overnight a frozen, lifeless world like Mars. 如果明天二氧化碳和其它温室气体消失的话,地球会在一夜之间变成像火星一样冰冷的、无生命的世界。(21 世纪2-9C)If I were 21 and wanted to study medicine,

8、 I dont think Id go straight to school. Id get a job as an aid in a hospital first - carrying out bedpans, if necessary - and look and listen. 如果我现在还是21岁而且想学医的话,我想我不会直接入校去学的。我会先在医院做助手-倘有必要,倒便盆也行-去看,去听。(21 世纪3-3C)2.3 对将来的情况进行的虚拟,条件句的谓语使用should (或were to ) + do的形式,而主句的谓语使用would,could,might或should + do

9、(或be)的结构。如:If I were to open a college tomorrow, Boyer sums up. Id tell the students, Youre not going to leave this place without experiencing the core of the learning experience. That way, theyd have a set of values to support their knowledge. “假如我明天办所大学,”博耶总结说,“我会告诉学生:在你们离开这里时,你们绝对不会没有体会到学习经历的核心。这

10、样,他们就有了一套支撑知识的价值观。”(21 世纪1-5B)If you were to take a set of toy blocks and build them upwards, each block resting firmly and squarely on the block below it, you would have an illustration of vertical thinking.如果你拿出一套玩具积木往上搭,每一块都稳稳地、方方正正地落搭在另一块上头,那么你就看到了一个纵向思维的例子。(21世纪4-3B)If that day should come, I w

11、ould give you 1,000 U.S. dollars. 真有那么一天的话, 我给你1千美元。注1:有时虚拟的条件和虚拟的结果不一致,因此要根据具体情况调整谓语结构。如:If I were you, I wouldnt have dared to go there alone. (当前的条件,过去的结果) 如果我是你的话, 就没有胆量一个人到那里去了。You would be feeling much better now if you had taken the medicine yesterday. (过去的条件,当前的结果)你要是昨天把药吃了的话,现在的感觉就会好得多。3 特殊

12、形式的虚拟语气3. 1 通过上下文表达出来的虚拟语气。如:As First Lord of the Admiralty in 1915, he had been deeply involved in a campaign in the Dardanelles that could have shortened the course of a bloody world war. But when the mission failed, with great loss of life, Churchill paid the price, both publicly and privately. H

13、e was removed from the Admiralty and lost his position of political influence. 1915年,作为海军大臣,他深深卷入达达尼尔海峡一次战役,该战役本可以缩短一场血腥的世界大战。但是战役失败了,伤亡惨重,为此丘吉尔从公私两个方面都付出了代价:他被免去了海军部的职务,失去了具有政治影响力的地位。(21 世纪2-1A)I should have paid you a visit, but I got ill as soon as I arrived. 我本该拜访你的,可是我刚到就病倒了。I was away for near

14、ly a year. Otherwise I would have been a help to you. 我离开了将近一年,否则可能帮帮你的。3. 2 用动词或短语表示的虚拟语气Say you were cloned. Would your twin live a shorter life because he or she started out with teenage genes? 比方说你被克隆了。那么你的这个孪生弟弟或妹妹是否会因为从十几岁的基因开始成长而寿命短些呢?(21 世纪1-10A)But suppose you were asked to run to tip of yo

15、ur finger along the edge of the desk and count every tiny scratch? 假定有人要你用手去丈量书桌的边缘并把每个小小的划痕数出来呢?(21 世纪3-3B)Given the disabilities attached to womanhood in 1912, it was only fair that a new standard of gender equality not suddenly be proclaimed just as lifeboat seats were being handed out. 考虑到1912年妇

16、女被视为软弱无能的事实,在安排救生船的座位时突然宣布性别平等的新标准确实不公平。(21 世纪3-2A)Given a couple of lessons, I should be stumbling gracelessly around the golf course and playing badly in no time at all. 只要学上几节课,我很快就能在高尔夫球场上举止笨拙、跌跌撞撞地打上几竿臭球。(21 世纪3-7A)In order to be technologically up-to-date as a writer, I would have to sacrifice

17、 an association that I depend on and treasure. 作为一名作家,为了在技术上与时俱进,我可能不得不牺牲我所依赖和珍惜的伙伴。(21 世纪3-8B)Without stress, life would be dull and unexciting. Stress adds flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life. 没有压力,生活就会单调、沉闷。压力给生活增添情趣、挑战和机会。(21 世纪3-10A)Please remember me to Mr. Wang. I could not have achiev

18、ed this much but for his help. 请代我问王先生好。如果没有他的帮助,我不可能取得这样的成绩。Good weather provided, we could have arrived at Yantai now. 如果天气好,我们现在就该到烟台了。Providing you were the President, what would you do? 假设你是总统,你会怎么办呢?Under more favorable conditions, we could have done better. 要是条件在好一些,我们可能完成得更出色。3. 3 在表示命令、建议、要

19、求、决定、认定等有关的名词性从句中的虚拟语气,谓语结构为should (或should not)+do (或be done),但特别需要注意的是,should 经常省略。归纳起来,这类词汇有:ask(要求), advice(建议), suggest(提议), demand(要求), beg(请求), insist(坚持), decide(决定), request(要求), require(要求), recommend(建议), desire(要求), move(提议), determine(决心), intend(决心), maintain(坚持), order(命令),propose(提议)

20、, resolve (决定), urge(敦促), command(命令), arrange(安排)等。如:They suggested that he should leave for New York at once.It was suggested that he should leave for New York at once.Their suggestion was that he should leave for New York at once.I didnt hear about their suggestion that he should leave for New Yo

21、rk at once.History is now full of ironic examples- the Oxford professor who in 1878 dismissed the electric light as a gimmick; the commissioner of U.S. patents who in 1899 asked that his office be abolished because everything that can be invented has been invented. 令人哭笑不得的例子,在历史上比比皆是-例如那位牛津大学教授,1878

22、年他把电灯当作骗人的把戏而不予接受;还有美国专利局的那位官员,1899年他提出撤消他的办公室,理由是“所有该发明的都已经发明了。” (21 世纪1-8A)To lessen the financial blow, I insisted that the mechanic fix the car with used parts. 为了减轻这次经济上的打击,我坚持让机修工用旧零件修车。(21 世纪3-1B)Some psychologists suggest we begin to change our self-image by mentally picturing ourselves perf

23、orming well at some task. 有些心理学家建议我们从想象自己在某项工作中表现出色着手改变自我意向。(21 世纪1-3B)Most often they list the same qualities they would want for a domestic position, but with the additional requirement that the new manager be fluent enough in English, German and French to cope with faxes and email. 通常他们列出的条件与他们对国

24、内职位所要求的相同,只是再加上这样一条:新经理必须熟练掌握英语、德语和法语,以便处理传真和电子邮件。(21 世纪2-3B)There were no bored silences or demands that I buy a better radio, though. 没有百无聊赖的沉寂,也没人要求我买一台新的收音机。(21 世纪3-1B)It is requested that the luggage be inspected before the passengers board on plane. 旅客登机前一定要接受行李检查。注:insist, suggest, advise 等有时

25、表达“肯定”、“说明”、“提示”的含义,这时不应使用虚拟语气。如:But if the differences in performance are showing up in kindergarten, it suggests something is happening in the family, even before the children get to school. 但是如果成绩上的差异在幼儿园就已经显现,那就说明事情出在家庭,甚至出在孩子们上学之前。(21 世纪2-2A)These stories suggested that young people are almost

26、wholly dependent on new technology. 这些故事说明,年轻人几乎完全依赖于新技术。(21 世纪3-8C)My girlfriends insist that its essential for women to participate actively in the dating process. 我的女友们坚持认为,女人积极参与约会过程至关重要。(21 世纪3-2C)3. 4 虚拟语气在形容词作表语的主语从句中的应用这种用法的主语从句均表达“某人应该做某事”,而通常以评论性质的形容词(advisable, necessary, important, natur

27、al, polite, proper, strange, urgent, desirable等)作表语。如:It is crucial that a broad set of people - not just technologists or those who happen to be in the computer industry - participate in the debate about how this technology should be shaped. 大批人-不仅仅是技术人员和那些碰巧在计算机行业工作的人-应该参与这场关于如何确定这一技术发展方向的辩论,这一点非常

28、重要。(21 世纪1-8A)Given the disabilities attached to womanhood in 1912, it was only fair that a new standard of gender equality not suddenly be proclaimed just as lifeboat seats were being handed out. 考虑到1912年妇女被视为懦弱无能的情况,在安排救生船的座位时,突然宣布一种性别平等的新标准确实有失公允。(21 世纪3-2A)It is perhaps fitting that El Nio -the

29、Christ child- should have a link to the Holy Land, notes scientist Dan Yakir. 以色列一组研究树木年轮和卫星云图的科学家得出结论,厄尔尼诺可能给干旱的中东带来可贵的水汽。“厄尔尼诺-少年基督-应该与圣地有关,这也许很合情理。”科学家丹亚克说。(21 世纪2-9A)3. 5 虚拟语气在wish后的宾语从句中的应用wish后边的宾语从句有三种虚拟形式,取决于愿望发生的时间与wish发生时间的前后关系,而与wish使用何种时态无关。即:a. 愿望的发生与wish同时,则宾语从句的谓语结构采用did (或were)的形式;Al

30、l around me are students scribbling away in their notebooks and I wish I knew what to scribble myself. 我周围的学生都在飞快地做着笔记,我真希望自己也知道该记些什么。 (新标准1-1B)I wish they could sometimes forget about their peer and go to a movie. 我希望他们能够忘掉他们的同学而去看电影。(21 世纪3-4A)b. 愿望发生于wish之前,则宾语从句的谓语结构采用had done (或had been)的形式;I w

31、ish the whole thing had never happened. 真希望一切都没发生过。(21 世纪1-5B) c. 愿望发生于wish之后,则宾语从句的谓语结构采用would do (或would be)的形式。He gives every appearance of wasting time. Besides, hes leaving all the hard work for us! We wish he would get up and do something useful - lean the house, maybe, or mow the lawn. 他看上去完全

32、是在浪费时间,而且,他把所有的累活儿都留给了我们!我们希望他站起来做些有用的事-也许是打扫房子,或者修剪一下草坪。(21 世纪2-7A)3.6 虚拟语气在if only 后的状语从句中的应用if only 引导的条件状语从句中,其谓语结构与wish后的宾语从句一样,也有同样的三种变化,只不过if only表达的愿望比wish更强烈罢了。a. 对于当时的愿望,谓语结构采用did (或were)的形式;But this mutual ill could be easily avoided if only everyone remembered that cheating is a culturally relative matter. 但是这种相互间的苦恼很容易避免,如果每个人都记住作弊是一个与文化有关的问题就好了。(21 世纪2-2C)My hair looks so bad - if

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