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1、新视角研究生英语2答案大总结山西医科大版Unit 2VocabularyPart A. Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right form.humdrum mischief stud prelude treacherous primeval frail tyranny frugal foray plunge evoke1. The crown is made out of quality gold, and studded with pearls

2、and precious stones.2. With the summer break looming once again, parents everywhere begin to question how they are going to keep their children out of mischief for the next two months!3. The three years study widened my knowledge about business science. My interest towards business management was ev

3、oked and strongly enhanced.4. We will never again allow ourselves to live under tyranny and without dignity.5. The book tells the story of a sensitive young boy who leaves behind a humdrum life on his fathers farm to fulfill his dream of becoming a star of the skates.6. When the spring is yet to fad

4、e away, the shining greenness brings us a prelude to the summer.7. Being frugal is a way of life that we all need to aspire. Wise people share tips and hints to become a bit more conscious about their spending.8. As people become frail , access to food becomes a problem at all levels, from obtaining

5、 the food, to preparing it, to eating it.9. The rescue team will continue to assist the residents in the flood-struck area, providing the shelter and support necessary to endure the treacherous weather.10. Local forays , scheduled from September to May, are half-day and full-day field trips led by e

6、xperienced members of the club.Part B. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence,making sure that each word is used in the right form.antidote well-assorted domain poignant tangle bunk dismantle gadget semblance mischief1. Mobile gossip restores our sense of connection and communit

7、y, and provides an antidote to the pressures and alienation of modern life. 2. His farm contains 120 acres of valuable land, good buildings, and an orchard of 300 trees, of a well-assorted variety of fruits.3. Public domain refers to the body of creative works that is not protected by intellectual p

8、roperty laws such as copyright, trademark or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. 4. The most poignant memory for her was the day she went back to the town, only to find that the school and the beautiful grounds she remembered had all vanished.5. I wish I cou

9、ld share with you some better news, but somehow I am caught within a tangle of troubles at present. 6. We travel together, bunk together, and eat together. Six whole days gives us a chance to accomplish something real.7. This row of shops previously stood here in this street, but they were dismantle

10、d in the 1970s and then re-erected in the 1980s.8. Thanks to a new gadget_ that records and replicates the worlds odors, people stopping to smell the roses can now take that sweet floral fragrance home with them or even send it to a faraway friend. 9. In his forty-six short years, he had been fighti

11、ng against destiny to achieve some _semblance_ of independence, only to face a lifetime of misfortunes. 10. Living in a neighborhood with such naughty kids, one should always keep an eye out for _mischief_. TranslationPart A Translate the following sentences into English.1. 这一地区的每一角落都将在5年内得到供电, 这是电力

12、部长2年前许下的诺言。Every nook and corner of the region would be provided with electricity in five years. This was the pledge that the minister of electricity had taken two years ago.2. 由于要在不同地区做实地考察工作, 他去年一年搬了4次家,虽然他每次都搬得很不情愿。In order to do field work at different places, he moved four times last year, thou

13、gh each time he did it with an ill grace.3. 在离开这个杂乱无序、毒品充斥的小镇前,他把自己所有值钱的家当都放到一起并按一定的秩序存放了起来。Before leaving this disordered, drug-ridden small town, he gathered together in one place all his valuable possessions and introduced some semblance of order among them.4. 她小时候家境贫寒,没有几件对她来说有意义的东西,所以她拥有过的每一个玩具

14、都能勾起她串串回忆。Her family was poor when she was a child. The things that mattered a great deal to her were very few. Therefore, every toy she had played with could evoke a rush of memories.5. 整整一个小时,警察们在拥挤的楼群里艰难地行进,寻找一位射杀了5人的在逃持枪者。For an hour, policemen threaded their way through the crowded buildings, l

15、ooking for an elusive gunman who had shot five people.6. 对很多人来说,旅行或离家外出一段时日是应对日常单调乏味生活的一个有效手段。For many people, traveling or staying away from home for some time is an effective antidote to the humdrum activities of everyday life.7. 当今妇女比以前享有更加自由、独立的地位,因此她们越来越不愿意屈从于丈夫的专横暴虐。Women today enjoy a freer,

16、more independent position than ever before, and are accordingly less and less willing to submit to the tyranny of their husbands.8. 心绞痛常常是心脏病的前兆,需要特别治疗,主要是药物治疗。Angina pectoris is often a prelude to a heart attack and requires special treatment, primarily with drugs.9. 我们决定挖空这些大圆木,以便更多的人能坐在里面并乘坐他们顺河而

17、下。We decide to hollow out the great logs so that more men could sit inside them and ride in them down the river.10. 这场大火把宫殿里所有东西都毁掉了。没有一件华丽的镶嵌着金银的家具幸存下来。The fire destroyed everything in the palace. Nothing of the magnificent furniture, studded with gold and silver, has survived.Part B Translate the

18、following selected paragraph into Chinese.1. Most of us associate very strongly with the place of our birth or the place we have learned to call home. It can hurt very much not to be able to go there physically in order to feel secure.我们大多数人都把自己同自己的出生地或我们称之为家的地方紧密相联。不能回家以获得安全感是令人痛苦的。2. Other student

19、s are very excited in the beginning only to find, after several weeks, that they are starting to miss what was familiar and wish for a visit with friends and family.别的学生一开始很兴奋,几周后却发现自己开始想念所熟知的事物,并希望见到朋友和家人。3. Homesickness can strike any of us when we have moved to new surroundings and are being call

20、ed upon to meet our needs in a different way and with different people.当我们搬迁到新的环境,需要以不同方式与不同的人交往以满足自己的需要的时候, 我们每个人都会有想家的感觉4. Sometimes it can become a more serious depression if the person cannot begin to meet his/her needs for love and belonging with new people.有时, 如果这个人开始对爱的需要不能得到满足,想融入新群体的愿望又不能实现

21、, 那么想家就可能会导致更严重的忧郁症。5. Often, homesickness is another way of saying we are scared to face the future, or that were doubting our ability to cope.通常, 想家是另一种表明我们害怕面对未来或怀疑自己应对能力的方式。Unit 3VocabularyPart A. Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right pone

22、nt monoculture multiply conserve prime tropical derive uncounted biodiversity endanger legislation captivity1. The passenger pigeon was a _prime_ example of a species that was made extinct by overhunting.2. Climate, soil, water, and air are nonliving _components_ of an ecosystem.3. As a language, En

23、glish is _derived _ from the Anglo-Saxon, a West Germanic variety, although its current vocabulary includes words from many languages.4. Stopping the loss of _biodiversity_ and limiting climate change are the two most important challenges facing our planet.5. A recent report claims that Microsoft pr

24、oducts, with their market dominance, are creating a computing _monoculture_ thats dangerously susceptible to worms and other attacks.6. The December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was reported to have killed more than 225,000 people, and with _uncounted_ others missing or losing their homes.7. With t

25、he invention of blogs, the number of websites that would be interesting to follow each day has _multiplied_ several times over.8. The movie Two Brothers tells the story that two tigers are separated as cubs and taken into _captivity_, only to be reunited years later as enemies.9. In 2000 and again i

26、n 2002, the US congress considered _legislation_ to limit violent content and more tightly regulate the video games industry in America.10. These _conservation_ projects and educational activities have contributed to wildlife habitat improvement, watershed protection, and forest health.Part B Choose

27、 the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.1. The environmental changes might have caused the disappearance of many species by eliminating food sources, or exposing animals to climatic conditions to which they were not adapted. A. extinction B. distinction

28、C. punctuation D. destruction2. The study showed that increasing amounts of bird flu virus were contaminating the birds surroundings without the farmers realizing of it. A. conditions B. climates C. habitats D. ecosystems3. While recently becoming the tenth most crowded city in the USA, San Jose has

29、 also held the title of The Safest Big City in America for the past several years. A. diverse B. popular C. disappointing D. populous4. An internal inquiry has begun into whether soccer players received improper housing benefits under the former coaches.A. examination B. investigation C. invasion D.

30、 invitation5. Its our job to prepare bright, ambitious young people for the opportunities offered by what will continue to be the main sectors for the 21st century. A. principle B. extinguished C. global D. keystone6. The teenager who made a dramatic escape after eight years of confinement in a wind

31、owless cell has agreed to a televised interview this week. A. captivity B. prevention C. preservation D. limitation7. The little group so imperfectly known to us is counterbalanced by multitudes of species, of which there are numberless varieties. A. uncommon B. prime C. uncounted D. rare8. The prot

32、ection of tropical rainforests as public good will require cooperation between all countries in the world. A. institution B. conservation C. precaution D. construction9. Taken before or while drinking, many medications will increase the effects of alcohol on your body. A. expand B. multiply C. enlarge D. extend10.The Chicago History Museum has one of Americas largest collections o

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