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1、八下unit10教学设计Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it?单元教材分析 本单元以“Small talk”为话题,学习如何选择话题进行流畅的沟通以及如何成功地与陌生人交流,熟练掌握各类感谢信的写法。Section A重在从听、说、写三方面强化在不同场合下和陌生人聊天的表述,感知反意疑问句结构;Section B则进一步深化了这个主题,在识别、对话、书写等方面提出了更高的要求。由口头的闲聊到正式的格式文体感谢信的书写,引导学生思考如何从和陌生人闲聊到在人际交往中学会了解、关心、感谢他人并增进友谊的方法。 本单元以“Make small talk”为主线,围绕地铁站、聚

2、会等地点展开了一系列语言功能项目。教材内容从基本语言知识到综合语言运用层层递进,听说读写依次展开,以一种循序渐进的学习程序引导学生在做事中有目的地学习语言。单元教学目标:1、语言技能目标a. 能使用目标语言与陌生人在不同场合展开适当的闲谈。 b. 写一段与陌生人的闲谈(小对话)。c. 写一封thank-you note。2、语言知识目标 a. 正确使用反意疑问句提问。如:You are Jims brother, arent you?b. 了解常见的礼貌话题。如:weather, traffic, music, sports, movies, activities.c. 使用目标语言表示赞同或

3、反对。如:Yes, I am. / I hope so. / No, I am not.3、情感态度目标 a. 由于本单元话题贴近学生生活,符合他们的心理,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。 b. 通过有礼貌的闲聊,学会与人进行沟通、交流。 c. 在真实的交际礼仪中学会了解、关心、感谢他人并增进友谊。4、学习策略目标 a. 学生能在具体的情境中区分礼貌话题与不礼貌话题,明确在用中学,交流中学习的想法。 b. 通过合作学习,并大胆的表达,以学习新知识。 c. 兴趣教学策略,其中包括游戏、表演、对话和歌曲。5、文化意识目标在学习中寻找中西方在与人沟通、交流上的差异,培养学生跨文化意

4、识 课时安排5课时第一课时: Section A 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2c第二课时: Section A 3a 3b 4第三课时: Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c第四课时: Section B 3a 3b 3C 4第五课时: Self Check教学计划第一课时Teaching contents(教学内容)Section A 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 2cTeaching aims(教学目标)1正确使用反意疑问句提问。2能使用目标语言与陌生人在不同场合展开适当的闲谈。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:(1)You are Jims br

5、other, arent you?(2)Mrs. Smith lives in Italy, doesnt she?2要求掌握以下词汇:Franklin Lake , noon, by noon, bookstore, alone, elevator, cross, look throughDifficulties(难点)1反意疑问句一般由“助动词+人称代词”构成,用在句末,要求对方确认一些我们不敢肯定的事情,或要求对方表示赞同,含有“这是真的吗?”或“你同意吗?”的意思。2陈述句的动词若是肯定,反意问句的动词要用否定。Teaching steps(教学步骤):1. Warming-up an

6、d lead-in(课堂热身和导入)(1)Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)a. Enjoy the song. (喜洋洋)b. Daily English: How are you, today ? How is the weather ? It s a nice day, isnt it ?What day is it , today? Its Monday , isnt it ? What was the date yesterday ?It was , wasnt it ? etc. Write many tag questions.(2)lea

7、d-in(导入)Talk about the places where we would talk to people we dont know. On a bus, in an elevator, waiting at a train station, cinema. Etc.Do 1a.教学设计说明 初次和英美人接触,最保险的话题就是谈论天气。它可以使人们摆脱尴尬气氛、打破冷场,也不会引起他人误解以及带来不必要的麻烦。通过谈论天气引出人们可以展开闲聊的各种场合。2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Do you think it necessary to talk to a s

8、tranger? It is polite to make a conversation with a stranger. This kind of conversation is called small talk. Look, who is he? La Bi Xiao Xin went to England.Show the picture-At a subway station. T: Now he is waiting for the subway. He meets a foreigner. What does he say? Encourage Ss to give their

9、own opinions.A: Its a nice day, isnt it?B: Yes, it is.A: The train is late, isnt it?B: Yes, it is.A: It looks like rain, doesnt it?B: Yes, it does.Show the next picture-In the subway .A: The subway is crowded, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. Etc.Show the next picture-On the concert .A: You love violin music,

10、 dont you?B: Yes, I do. Etc.A: He plays really well, doesnt he?B: Yes, he does. Etc.教学设计说明 让动画片人物蜡笔小新做活动的主角,呈现他在各个地方的图片,创设真实的情境,营造氛围,调动学生情感,促使他们在愉快中学习。3. Listening and practice Have Ss listen to the tape and do the listening exercises on Page 76 1b. Encourage Ss to give the answers by having a compe

11、tition among them. Do 1b. Conversation 1.Girl 1: Hes really good, isnt he?Girl 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts.Girl 1: Do you have his new CD?Girl 2: Yes, I do.Conversation 2.Girl 3: This line is moving slowly, isnt it?Woman: Yes, it is. Weve been here for 20 minutes already.Girl 3: I hope

12、 the movie is good.Woman: So do I. Do you think its going to rain?Girl 3: I hope not.Woman: Me, too.Conversation 3.Boy: The train is late, isnt it?Man: No, today is Sunday. The trains only run twice an hour on Sunday.Boy : Oh, I didnt know that. I usually take the train on weekdays.Man: Oh, do you t

13、ake the train to school?Boy: Yes, I do.Do 1c.教学设计说明 前面的对话练习为这部分的听力作了铺垫,学生不会觉得听不懂,让学生有成功的喜悦。4Work on 2a and 2b(完成P77 2a2b)T: Now lets listen to the tape, judge whether they are successful or not. Do 2a.Play the recording again. Ask the Ss to put the sentences and questions in order. Do 2b.教学设计说明 把听力放

14、在这个环节,学生容易接受,既巩固了前面的知识,有加强了听力的训练。5Listen and repeat(听音跟读)T: Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. (文字材料见P92)教学设计说明 纠正不正确的语音语调。6. PracticeDo 2c.Show some situations on the screen.Ask Ss to choose one of the situations to make small talk, then act it out. Ask the li

15、steners to say if the small talk is successful.教学设计说明 运用所学的目的语进行表演,综合运用句型对话,在活动中学会合作。7GrammarTag questions. Show many pictures.Its cold in the picture,_? Yes, it is.They are apples, ? Yes, they are.They play football, ? Yes, they do.Jay sings many songs, ? Yes, he does.She was at home, _? No, she wa

16、snt.Li lei fell down, _? Yes, he did.8Exercises (巩固练习)1. You are an actor, _ ?2. He is a good boy, _ ?3. She is going to visit me, _?4. I am Chinese, _? 5. It was fine yesterday, _ ?6. You were studying when I called you last night, _ ?7. It often rains here, _ ? 8. He likes soccer, _? 9. You have a

17、 headache, _? 10. I called you yesterday, _?11. You will go to America, _?12. We have ever been to Shanghai, _ ?13 She can play the piano very well, _?14 He could draw a nice picture at age of 3, _?教学设计说明 达到巩固的目的。9HomeworkOral work:(1) Listen to 1b and 2a, read and recite them. (听读背诵1b和2a中的对话)(2) Go

18、 on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it. (继续和小组成员编对话,并完善对话。)Written work:(1)Copy all the new words.(2)Finish off the workbook.(3)Prepare a conversation with your partner for an action.第二课时Teaching contents(教学内容)Section A 3a 3b 4Teaching aims(教学目标)1使用目标语言表示赞同或反对。2写一段与陌生人的闲谈

19、(小对话)。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:(1)This line is moving slowly, isnt it?(2)You arent an actor, are you?2要求掌握以下词汇:cross、crossing、across、low、slowDifficulties(难点)陈述句的动词若是否定,反意问句的动词要用肯定。Teaching steps(教学步骤):1. RevisionAsk each group to write tag questions on the paper. The more, the better.Let some S

20、s pick one piece of paper each, and have small talk according to the situations written on the paper.教学设计说明 纯粹复习语法既单调有不合新教材理念,但利用竞赛和抽签的形式写反意疑问句和讲话题,可提高学生学习的兴趣,又增加了神秘感,使学生在对话时更有成就。2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Where do you think the conversation may be made?Show the pictures: (1) looking through books in

21、a bookstore.(2) waiting in line to buy a ticket at a cinema(3) waiting for a bus(4) Two people alone in an elevator.(5) waiting to cross a busy street.(6) waiting for a train(7) waiting in line to buy ice cream.(8) waiting for rain stoppingChoose one of the pictures to make small talk.Etc: (1)A: The

22、se books are really great, arent they?1B: Yes, they are. I want to buy some. You like story-books, dont you?A: Yes, I do . And I like science books too.教学设计说明 为闲聊提供了更多的话题。语言的功能在于交际,学生在新的语境中学会交谈,同时加强了听力。3. Pair workPossible opening questions Visiting an exhibition: A: Its a good exhibition, isnt it?

23、I have never seen such a good exhibition .At the beach: A: It is a beautiful beach, isnt it? You have never been here ,have you ?教学设计说明 把所学知识运用于实际生活中,体现了“学以致用”这一理念。4Writing(完成P78 3a)Ask Ss to complete the conversation in Section A 3a. Check the answer.Then get them to read and practice it.Complete t

24、he conversation. Write sentences in the blanks教学设计说明 再次给学生展示如何进行成功的闲聊,使知识在循环往复中得以加强与巩固,并起到承上启下的作用。5Follow up(进一步扩展)(1)Small talks about the hobbies A: You like collecting shells, dont you?B: Yes, I do . I have been collecting them for two years.Small talks about the matches A: The pingpong match is

25、really wonderful, isnt it?B: Yes, it is. Zhang Yining won the match ,didnt she?A: Yes, she did. She did best in the match.(2)Group work P78What are some good small talk topics to use with these people? Make a list. Then role play conversations with these people. A student A farmer An old man A busin

26、essmen教学设计说明 此时知识的适当拓展对学生来说容易接受有不觉得突然。6Exercises (巩固练习)1. You arent an actor, _ _ ? 2. He isnt a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. It doesnt rain here, _ _ ? 5. His sister doesnt have a headache, _ _ ? 6. You didnt call me yesterday, _ _?7. You wont go to U.S.A., _ _?8. There isnt

27、 a boy in our classroom, _ _ ?9. There werent many cars in the street, _ _ ?10. Dont smoke, _ _ ?11. Dont lets do it, _ _ ?教学设计说明 达到巩固的目的。7HomeworkOral work:(1) Listen to 3a, read and recite it. (听读背诵3a中的对话)(2) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it. (继续和小组成员编对话,并完善对话。)

28、Written work:Make a conversation according to (根据) what you have talked about in class using the Tag Question.第三课时Teaching contents(教学内容)Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2cTeaching aims(教学目标)1了解常见的礼貌话题。如:weather, traffic, music, sports, movies, activities.2通过有礼貌的闲聊,学会与人进行沟通、交流。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:(1)

29、Its really exciting, isnt it?(2)You love basketball, dont you?2要求掌握以下词汇:fanDifficulties(难点)1 能在具体的情境中区分礼貌话题与不礼貌话题,能在用中学,学中用。2 反意疑问句的特殊情况。Teaching steps(教学步骤):1. RevisionCheck the homework. Do some sentences about tag question.1. Im an English teacher, _? 2. What beautiful hats , _? 3. Dont be late n

30、ext time,_? 4. Let us help you, _? 5. He never goes there, _?6. We have to sleep here,_? 7. He must be Tom, _? 8. Youd better read it now,_? 9. John has grown a lot, _ ? 10. Everything is ready, _?教学设计说明 此活动达到了复习的目的,又进一步巩固了反意疑问句。2. Work on 1a and 1b Ask Ss to judge whether the questions blow are polite or not. Show many pictur

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