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1、外贸英语函电单元测试题外贸英语函电单元测试题UNIT 1Layout of Business Letters and E-mailsIn the following picture, each numbered section represents a part of an English letter in indented form. Can you write beside the number what this part isCan you draw a picture like the one above but showing a letter in blocked formTh

2、e following are different parts that form an English business letter. Please lay them out into a letter in modified indented form:写信人:五龙国际玩具公司(Five Dragons International Toys Company)地址:江苏省扬州市扬子江北路8号邮编:225008收信人:A & A 4Kidz Inc地址:Beursplein 37, 3001 DD Rotterdam, Netherlands事由:Children Toys日期:20-年8月

3、5日写信人姓名:王新 职务:出口部经理(Export Manager)信的内容:We learn your name and address from International Business Daily, and know that you would like to import Chinese toys. We are a toy company with customers from both China and abroad. We not only supply to a number of big chain stores across China, but also rec

4、eive substantial orders from many major global retailers such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Sears.Enclosed is an illustrated catalogue of our products. We are confident that they will be appealing to you. If you are interested in any of them, we would be glad to send you some samples for your considera

5、tion. Your early reply will be appreciated.另外,该信件要交由收信人公司的进口部(Import Department)处理。Find out what is not acceptable in terms of format(格式)from the following letter and make corrections:Network Foods Limited42-44 Sheehan Road Heidelberg West Victoria, 3081Australia ATTN: Mr. Michael FoxTianjin Tanggu

6、Foodstaff Company LimitedChina, Tianjin, Tanggu District, Hubei Road No. 17Subject: Soy SourceDear sirs:We are very glad to hear from you so soon and learn that you are interested in our soy source. Our earliest time of shipment is June of this year. We usually only accept payment by letter of credi

7、t, but considering you are introduced to us by one of our very reliable business partners, we are willing to allow you to pay us by T/T 30% of the total value before the goods are shipped, and the rest paid by T/T after the goods arrive.As to quality, Chinese soy source is always the best. If you th

8、ink this arrangement is acceptable, please let us know as soon as you can.Your Trully.Wang Bin Overseas Marketing ManagerTianjin Tanggu Foodstaff Company Limited 20-/5/12Address the envelope using the name and address provided:写信人:Hangzhou Copying Equipment Co.地址:No. 8 Xihu Longwu Industrial ParkHan

9、gzhou, Zhejiang, China收信人:Berg Manufacturing Corp. 地址:818 Harrison Street, Suite 206Oak Park, Illinois, USA 60304UNIT 2 .Translate the following terms and expressions:A. Into Chinese: in price to ones opinion the contract the contract sb a discount concessionB. Into English:1.弥补差距2.各让一半,互相折衷3.拉锯战4.起

10、草合同5.最低价6.达成一笔好交易 .Correct the inappropriate words or phrases in the following sentences. price is more attractive as compared to that offered by suppliers elsewhere. product that you bought at a lower price is more inferior to the one that we sell at a slightly higher price. is no possibility of ou

11、r offers remaining valid for another three days. to the slack(呆滞)of trade, we have to decline to accepting your offer. establish business relations with you is what we have longed for years. are too pleased to push the sales of your products. price is not so competitive like other sellers. cannot ma

12、ke you an offer, as the goods are in no stock. are confident that the washing machines we offer will prove to be satisfied. no way we can disappoint an important customer like you. .Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following expressions: afford, rock bottom price, in view of, prepare

13、the sales contract, stick to,superior to, with a view to, in ones opinion, bridge the gap, meet each other halfway, we should focus our export to the European market. have shown maximum flexibility(最大的灵活性)in order to _ existing between the two sides. don not know how I can put this business through.

14、 Lets _. I think mutual efforts would bring this transaction to a successful conclusion. that we have agreed on everything, can you _ for us to sign this is a rather small order, we still _ our principle of treating every customer with respect. microwave ovens are _ any other similar products thanks

15、 to our advanced technology. price is beyond what we can _. if you have offered us a _, we still have to decline your offer, because the demand is too weak. the heavy demand for sugar, we advise you to order at once. would like to grant you a 3% discount _ helping you in your sales promotion for tab

16、le cutlery(餐具). .Translate the following sentences into English: 1.为了弥合双方的差距,我们已经修改了部分条款。 2.仅HN41型有货,HN56型无货。 3.我们认为你方至少要购买10吨才能享受到价格优惠。 4.我们可以在其他条件上做些让步,但我们必须坚持我们提出的价格。 5.我们必须维持每公吨人民币5,000元的原价,因为这已经是我们的最低价。 6.因为你是我们的老客户,我们接受你们的还盘:500台空调,每台450美元,黄埔船上交货价。 7.如果你同意上述条件,我们就成交并准备销售合同。 8.我们认为,如果打九五折,我方客户会

17、同意立即订购。 9.我们听说你方推销化妆品很有经验,非常荣幸能与你们做交易,但你们提出的广告费用太高,我们负担不起。 10.我们双方坚持自己的价格都是不明智的。我们能否折衷一下,以便达成协议 .Translate the following letter into English:迳启者: 我方客户已仔细检测了你方六月六日送来的洗碗机(dishwashers)试用机。很高兴通知你方,客户对此很满意,但他们认为你方报价有点高。我方认为,如果你方可以减价5%左右,并且在本月底交货,我们可以劝说我方用户订购200到250台。当然产品与样机必须一致,否则我们有权拒收。付款方式按照以往的惯例。期待你方早

18、日回复。 谨启UNIT 3 .Translate the following terms and expressions:A. Into Chinese: irrevocable letter of credit this endP have confidence that. valid for negotiation in China (cheque) noteD (a draft) on sb by installmentB. Into English:1.定金2.凭即期汇票支付的3.一般支付条件4.汇票提示后5.电汇6.信用卡7.托收8.预付9.信汇10.畅销 .Choose the b

19、est answer to complete each of the following sentences:1. Our usual terms of payment are by irrevocable sight L/C, reaching us one month _ shipment, remaining valid _ negotiation in China _.A. Before, on, to allow transshipment and partial shipmentsB. After, in, and allow transshipment and partial s

20、hipmentsC. Before, for, allowing transshipment and partial shipmentsD. After, with, and allowing transshipment partial shipments letter of credit is to be established through the Bank of China, payable _ draft drawn at 30 days sight.A. with B. by C. for D. to will draw _ you _ 60 days _ USD42, 000 _

21、 your last shipment.A. for, on, for, on B. on, at, for, withC. for, for, for, for D. on, at, for, against suppose the terms of payment _ acceptance _ you, as we usually accept payment _ arrival of goods.A. are, to, on B. is, for, before C. are, for, after D. is, to, on _ catalogues and price list _

22、all the items available for export.A. is, for B. are, for C. have been, for D. /, for by irrevocable L/C is convenient to us. And we shall draw a 30 days bill _ your bank.A. with B. to C. from D. on covering L/C must be confirmed by _.A. the bank to accept us B. a bank acceptable to usC. the bank ac

23、ceptable for us D. a bank acceptable by us method of payment for each transaction _ be agreed upon between the two trading parties at the time of _.A. is to, negotiating the transaction to, placing an order be to, taking delivery of the goods to, negotiating with the bank 9. We are confident that yo

24、u will find _ ready market for the item _ your end.A. /, at B. a, by C. a, at D. some, by two firms plan to _ a joint venture(合资企业)agreement.A. start on B. enter into C. intend for D. engage with .Translate the following sentences into English:1.我们的付款方式一般是不可撤销的凭即期汇票支付的信用证。2.客户来函询问我们是否接受承兑交单付款方式。3.请注

25、意我方信用证凭装运单据支付。4.我们不知你方可否考虑接受我们提出的延期付款的支付方式。5.对于这批购货,我们建议以欧元付款。6.我们相信你们在见票时即照付。7.如你方同意按即期信用证付款,我们即能达成交易。8.销售这些电器你方不会承担风险,你们会在你地为这些产品找到好销路。9.关于第101合同,我们同意采用D/P的付款方式。10.我方已通过渣打银行(the Chartered Bank)向你方开出这笔金额的即期汇票,并指示该行在你方承兑汇票时交出单据。 .Translate the following letter into English:先生:我们欣然奉告可以供应你方6月17日第507号订

26、单所订1,000桶铁钉。现根据我们要求海外客户的付款条件,随函附上见票30天付款的汇票,由你方银行承兑。接到你方银行承兑的汇票后,我们当即安排装运。现该货物由我们替你方保留。你方立即办理此事为荷。此致UNIT 4 .Translate the following terms and expressions:A. Into Chinese: contract order duplicate ones file sbs order above-mentioned goods ones records the least possible delay B. Into English:1.销售确认书

27、2.供某人详阅 3.向某人订某货 4.随后的修改 5.一式三份 6.一式四份 7.一式五份 8.与符合 9.合同条款 10.供某人参考 .Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences: our buyers are interested in your stationery, we intend to _ 10,000 dozen pens.A. book with you B. book for youC. book your order for D. book on you you can raise

28、your price by 3%, we shall _ 10,000 dozen pens.A. book with you B. book for youC. book your order for D. book on you note that the quality of your goods should exactly conform _ that of the sample.A. to B. at C. for D. of 3% discount was granted only _ your order _ USD100,000.A. for condition of, ex

29、ceed B. for condition that, exceedsC. on condition that, exceed D. on condition that, exceeds may rest assured that we will ship the goods _ the least possible delay.A. for B. at C. with D. without take pleasure _ 2,000 dozen womens handbags.A. in booking on you B. in booking with youC. to booking y

30、ou D. to booking please find our sales contract _ duplicate.A. for B. at C. of D. in sign and return one copy to us _ our records.A. for B. at C. by D. with L/C terms should be _ exact conformity _ the stipulations in our S/C.A. in, with B. in, of C. with, in D. with, of book shipping space as early as possible to avoid _ in shipment.A. postpone B. put off C. delay D. delaying.Translate the following sentences into English:1.我们已经接受了你方111号关于

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