1、省译和增译省译和增译(E-C,C-E)形合和意合 形合,就是指句子内部的词语之间短语之间或分句之间主要用语言手段(即形式手段)连接起来,从而表达出句子的语法意义和逻辑关系 意合,指句子内部的词语之间短语之间或分句之间主要用非语言手段(即非形式手段)连接,句子的语法意义和逻辑关系通过词语短语和分句的意义即能表达出来。省译 和增译 英译汉省译连词 汉译英增译连词 省译 和增译-连词 英文中的连词(conj.)是连接分句与分句或短语与短语的手段,说明所连接成分之间的逻辑关系。其中,连接并列成分的连词称为“并列连词”( cordinating conjunction)如and 和but;表示其他逻辑关
2、系,如因果让步条件时间目的结果等从属关系的连词称为“从属连词”(subordinating conjunction) 省译 和增译-连词 “并列连词”和“从属连词”都是英语重要的语法手段,体现了英文句子中严密的逻辑性。 汉语中的并列连词,尤其是与英文连词and对应的“和”字并不像英文使用得如此频繁,所以翻译的时候往往省略,特别是连接动词短语或分句的“and”. 而汉语有时候虽然也使用成对的关联词,如“因为所以”“虽然但是”“如果就”等,但很多时候,汉语的分句与分句之间的关系是通过前后意思表现出来,不一定要依赖连词,因此英译汉时英文中的从属连词往往省译,而汉译英时往往要根据分句之间的连贯添加本来
3、没有的连词。省译(E-C) 例1: We went to the opera and saw Carmen. 我们去听歌剧,见到了卡门。省译(E-C) 例2: Annie plays softball, and she plays soccer too. 安妮打垒球,也踢足球。省译(E-C) 英文中的and 如果表示顺承关系,即所联系的两个动作或分句是先后关系,在汉语中一般更要省译。如: 例3 : My friend grew up living in a forest in Europe, and the moon meant a lot to him. 我的朋友在欧洲的一个森林长大,月亮对
4、他来说意义非同一般。省译(E-C) 例4: Late at night, underneath the full moon, everything seemed bathed in a quiet supernatural light, and we could see the stones in the river, and watch the deer and antelope crossing , almost half a kilometer away. 深夜,一轮满月下,一切似乎都沐浴在超自然的静谧月光之中,我们可以看见河里满是石块,远处大约半公里处,还有鹿群和羚羊穿过。省译(E-C
5、) 例 5: He shut himself away and listened to a great deal of loud music. 他把自己关了起来,听了许多声音很大的音乐。省译(E-C) 例6: There I will grow vegetables and read books and walk in the mountains-and perhaps write, but not in anger.I may grow old there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life
6、in coffee spoons. 我会在那里种菜,读书,在山间漫步或许还要写作,但没有愤怒。我可能在那里度过晚年,挽起裤脚,悠闲地喝着咖啡度日。省译(E-C) 从属连词在很多时候也省译 例7: The chestnut husks split wide when open when they came to the ground, revealing the polished brown of the shy fruit. 栗子落在地上,外壳绽裂开来,羞答答地露出亮棕色的果实。省译(E-C) 例8: If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来
7、了,春天还会远吗?省译(E-C) 例9: The air was motionless, but when you opened your mouth there was just a faint chill, like a chill from a glass of iced water before you sip, and now and again a leaf came drifting- from nowhere,from the sky. 一丝风都没有,但张开嘴却可以感到一丝寒意,就像啜饮一杯冰水前先吸到的冷气。偶尔还会有一片叶子飘来不知来自何方,或许来自天上。省译(E-C) 例
8、10: We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin. 我们看到了一只知更鸟,知道春天快要来了。省译(E-C) 例11: It had been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to those who could lose their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in a peacetime fall. 那是个天气晴朗迷人的金色秋天,美好的秋色为那些青年送别。待到战后和平时期,黄叶纷飞
9、的秋天再度来临,当日的青年已经青春不再,有的已经失去了生命。增译 (C-E) 以上是英译汉过程中省译连词的例子,从这些例子中我们可以悟出:英译汉时遇到连词应首先想到省译,因为这是英语和汉语的一个区别,如果省译不通,再适当译出连词。而汉译英则相反,在汉译英时尤其要注意添加连词。增译 (C-E) 例1: 母亲吸烟的孩子,他们的肺发育没有达到应该达到的速度,其发育程度实际上比母亲不吸烟的孩子低7%。 The lungs of the children whose mothers are smokers are not developing as fast as those of the lungs
10、of the children whose mothers are non-smokers and are, in fact, 7% less developed than those of the latter.增译 (C-E) 例2: 今后五年,中国将新增发电装机容量八千万千瓦,新建铁路一万六千公里新增七千万到八千万门局用电话交换机。 In the coming five years, China will increase its power generation capacity by 80 million kilowatts, extend its railway by 16,000
11、 kilometers and increase its telephones lines by 70-80 million.增译 (C-E) 除有时根据英文文法添加and外,汉译英时更多的根据意思表现出来的逻辑关系,添加一些表示条件时间原因让步等的从属连词,如:增译 (C-E) 例3: 大学再来进行这样的“育婴”,岂不是一个没完没了的恶性循环? Isnt it an endless vicious cycle if the university continues this kind of “baby-feeding”?增译 (C-E) 例4: 全公司员工共同努力,有什么任务会完不成呢? I
12、f the entire company makes joint effort, what task cant we fulfill?增译 (C-E) 例5: 居里因车祸去世,居里夫人继续了他的教职,支撑着艰苦的研究工作。 After Mr. Curie was killed in a car accident, Madam Curie took over his teaching and persisted in the hard research.增译 (C-E) 例6: 消费者物价指数持续上涨,政府已经开始采取抑制物价上涨的措施,并开始实施一些惠民政策。 As the CPI (Cons
13、umer Price Index) keeps increasing, the government has taken some measures to curb the rise of the price and implemented some policies to benefit the people.增译 (C-E) 例7: 我多次劝他放弃一些不现实的想法,他对此置若罔闻。 Though I have persuaded him for times to give up some unrealistic ideas, he always turns a deaf ear to wh
14、at I have said. 或: I have persuaded him for times to give up some unrealistic ideas, but he always turns a deaf ear to what I have said.增译 (C-E) 例8 这个制度漏洞太多,已失去了效果。 This system has become ineffective since it has many disadvantages. 或: This system has many disadvantages, so it has lost its effect.增译
15、 (C-E) 例9: 天相当晚了,我们决定在那座庙里过夜。 As it was quite late, we decided to stay in the temple for the night.增译 (C-E) 例10: 他这个人不老实,我不信任他。 Since he is dishonest, I dont trust him. 或 He is dishonest, so I dont trust him.增译 (C-E) 例11: 人不犯我,我不犯人。 We will not attack unless we are attacked.增译 (C-E) 例12: 不知苦中苦,那知甜中甜
16、? If you have never tasted the bitterness of gall, how can you know the sweetness of honey?增译 (C-E) 例13: 问遍千家成行家。 Learn from numerous advisors,and you will become a master. 或: After learning from numerous advisors, you will become a master.增译 (C-E) 例14: 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 If you have sown melons, you will h
17、arvest melons while if you have sown beans, you will harvest beans. 或: You will harvest what you have sown.增译 (C-E) 例15: 上梁不正下梁歪。 If the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant. 或: When those above behave unworthily, those below will do the same.增译 (C-E) 例16: 明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。 One goes
18、into the mountain though he is fully aware that he will be haunted by tigers. 省译 和增译-介词 英译汉省译介词;汉译英增译介词省译 和增译-介词 介词是英语中最活跃的小品词,有的表示名词与名词之间的关系,有的放在动词或形容词后面形成短语,还有的表示地点等。据柯姆(Curme)统计,英语中介词的数量达286个(包括短语介词),其中用的最多的是atbyforfrominofontowith。据说这九个介词的使用占所有介词的92%。必须指出,有的介词有一定的意义,也有的介词放在动词或其他词的后面只是为了文法需要,并没有实
19、际意义。省译 和增译-介词 班德尔(Bander)(1978:51-52)指出:“介词可以被定义为一种连接词,表示名词或名词的替代成分与句子其他成分之间的关系”。 刘宓庆认为:“从英语的发展史上看,英语介词的出现是英语词尾形态变化蜕化的结果。词尾的废弃使介词成了不可或缺的联系词,并在漫长的反战过程中逐渐增强了活力,即连接功能。介词搭配联结力的加强,又使它能表达原来用变格法很难体现的词汇意义。随着历史的发展,词汇意义不断累积,形成了现代英语介词的一词多义。”省译 和增译-介词 在英语中,大部分时间状语和地点状语时由介词加名词构成的。而汉语的时间和地点放在句首时,往往不会出现“在”.所以,英语中很
20、多介词在译成汉语时应该省略,相反,有些汉语句子翻译成英文时要添加介词。 如:省译(E-C) In July 1956,Egypt seized the Suez Canal. 1956年7月,埃及占领了苏伊士运河。 (引出时间状语的in 省略不译) Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所不准吸烟。 (引出地点状语的in不译) In 2004,over half the 124 developing countries for which data are available were spending less than 4.8% of GNP
21、. 2004年,能获得数据的124个发展中国家中有半数以上的国家支出均不足国民生产总值的4.8%。 (引出时间状语的in省译) Similarly, a 2002 survey of 1,000 rural and urban households in five regions of Ethiopia shows that household wealth is the major determinant of whether 8-year-olds are in school. 同样,2002年对埃塞俄比亚五个地区1000个城乡家庭进行的调查表明,家庭财富是决定8岁儿童是否能上学的主要因素
22、。 (其中斜体的in 和 of 省略) 省译(E-C) Change of information,if any,concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book. 本部分内容若有更改,均见本书末附录。增译(C-E) 从上面例子可以看出,英文的许多介词在汉译文中都可以省略,尤其是表示时间和地点的介词。下面看汉语译成英文增译介词的例子: 因此,今后在制定新的经济发展战略时,把可持续发展作为一个突出的重要内容,是大多数发展中过年面临的迫切和艰巨的任务。 Ther
23、efore, it is an urgent and paintaking task for most developing countries to give priority to sustainable development in making new strategies for their economic development. 一位教西洋画欣赏课,姓吕,本人修饰得也很有“西方风度”,整日里西装笔挺,皮鞋锃亮,头发也总是油光闪闪。 One was Mr.Lv, lecturing on Western painting aprreciation. He always dress
24、ed himself up in a Western style, with well-pressed suits, shiny leather shoes and well-oiled hair. 上述两个例子译文中斜体的介词是根据英文的文法添加的,为的是搭配需要,或显示名词与名词之间的关系,如果不增译这样的介词,英文就成了错句。 但是在中国,人口基数太大,医疗费用激增,半个世纪以前形成的老公费医疗制度,近年来已经成了一个不现实的理想。 But in China, due to its large population base and skyrocketing medical expens
25、es, the old public-funded health care system formed half a century ago has become utopian in recent years.增译(C-E) 在计划体制下,国营企事业单位人浮于事。 In the planned economic system, there were more employees than needed in State-owned enterprises and public institutions. 教育部指出,9月1日复课是一项硬性任务,为此教育部等有关部委对灾区学校的受损情况进行全面
26、评估和修缮加固。 The Ministry of Education points out that it is a must to resume classes on September 1 and for this, the Ministry and other revelant ministries will make an overall assessment as well as renovation and reinforcement for the school buildings in the disaster-stricken areas.省译 和增译-代词 英译汉省略代词;
27、汉译英添加代词物主代词ones (某人的) 英语句中的物主代词作定语常与本句的主语相呼应,汉语虽然也有“我的”“你的” “他的”等物主代词,但是使用没有英文那么频繁。正如刘宓庆(1998:450)指出:“在上下文已经交代得很明白的情况下,现代汉语显然是不倾向于多用代词的。汉语重含蓄,忌多用代词,这是一个源远流长的传统问题”物主代词ones (某人的) 他还指出,代词在语流的音韵障碍与汉语的语言(主要是句法)结构形式也很有关系,汉语普通名词前不必带限定词。比如汉语不用说“他把他的手放进他的口袋”,而说“他把手放进口袋”,但英文要表达同样的意思时则一定要表达清楚“谁的手”,“谁的口袋”,意思才明白
28、,句子内部才能连贯,即表达同样的意思时英文应为 “He put his hands into his pockets”(加上了两个his)省译(E-C) 由此可见,英译汉时一般要将物主代词省去,否则就造成汉语句子的赘词现象,而汉译英时在必要的地方要添加物主代词,才能使英文逻辑关系更为明确,更符合英语的文法,可见这是汉语“意合”与英文“形合”的又一差别。例文如下: 1.The girl, feelling shy, covered her face with her hands. 小姑娘由于害羞,用手捂住了脸。 2.He shrugged his shoulders, shook his hea
29、d, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. 他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一言不发。 3.He almost runs his feet off these days. 这几天他差不多把腿都跑断了。 4.Mr Churchill, independent of his wife, was feared by nobody, an easy, guidable man, to be persuaded into anything by his nephew. 离开了太太的约束,丘吉尔先生并不令人害怕。他成了一个容易相处的听话的人,外甥可以劝他做任何事情。省译(E-
30、C) 5. Once they stand up and become masters of their country, the working people can work out wonders. 劳动人民一旦站起来成了国家的主人,就能创造出奇迹。省译(E-C) 上文中分别用了物主代词“her”“his”以此限定名词与前面某个名词的关系,清楚的表达句子中的逻辑关系,这些物主代词在汉译文中均做了省译处理,因为汉语无须这样的代词,从意思就可以判断逻辑关系,如果翻译出来,反而显得累赘。增译 (C-E) 相反,汉译英要根据情况添加这样的物主代词。如: 1.在改变主意之前,必须说明理由。 You
31、 have to give your reasons before you change your mind. 2.孩子写完作业把书放进书包,刷牙洗脸去了。 After doing his homework, the boy put his books in his backpack and then brushed his teeth and washed his face. 3.一些发展中国家实现经济“起飞”,甚至创造了奇迹。 Some developing countries have succeeded in their economic “takeoff” and even works out miracles. 4.为此,中国确定了“
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